def train_bowl(): global config torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True cleanup_mac_hidden_files(config.dataset_path) sample_count = len(os.listdir(config.dataset_path)) idx = list(range(sample_count)) random.seed(1) random.shuffle(idx) split = 0.95 train_idx, val_idx = idx[:int(split * sample_count)], idx[int(split * sample_count):] im_type = BorderImageType if not config.sigmoid else SigmoidBorderImageType im_val_type = PaddedImageType if not config.sigmoid else PaddedSigmoidImageType ds = CachingImageProvider(im_type, paths, fn_mapping) val_ds = CachingImageProvider(im_val_type, paths, fn_mapping) fold = args.fold train(ds, val_ds, fold, train_idx, val_idx, config, num_workers=num_workers, transforms=aug_victor(.97))
def train_roads(): ds = ReadingImageProvider(RawImageType, paths, fn_mapping, image_suffix=image_suffix) folds = get_csv_folds('folds4.csv', ds.im_names) num_workers = 0 if == 'nt' else 2 for fold, (train_idx, val_idx) in enumerate(folds): if args.fold is not None and int(args.fold) != fold: continue train(ds, fold, train_idx, val_idx, config, num_workers=num_workers, transforms=get_flips_colors_augmentation())
def train_stage0(): """ heat up weights for 5 epochs """ ds = ReadingImageProvider(TiffImageType, paths, fn_mapping, image_suffix='RGB') folds = get_folds(ds, 5) num_workers = 0 if == 'nt' else 8 train(ds, folds, config, num_workers=num_workers, transforms=augment_flips_color)
def train_bowl(): torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True im_type = BorderImageType if not config.sigmoid else SigmoidBorderImageType im_val_type = PaddedImageType if not config.sigmoid else PaddedSigmoidImageType ds = CachingImageProvider(im_type, paths, fn_mapping) val_ds = CachingImageProvider(im_val_type, paths, fn_mapping) folds = get_csv_folds(ds, os.path.join(config.dataset_path, 'folds.csv')) for fold, (train_idx, val_idx) in enumerate(folds): if args.fold is not None and int(args.fold) != fold: continue train(ds, val_ds, fold, train_idx, val_idx, config, num_workers=num_workers, transforms=aug_victor(.97))
def train_roads(config, paths, fn_mapping, image_suffix, folds_file_loc, save_path, log_path, num_channels=3): #t0 = time.time() ds = ReadingImageProvider(RawImageType, paths, fn_mapping, image_suffix=image_suffix, num_channels=num_channels) print("len ds:", len(ds)) print("folds_file_loc:", folds_file_loc) print("save_path:", save_path) folds = get_csv_folds(folds_file_loc, ds.im_names) #folds = get_csv_folds('folds4.csv', ds.im_names) num_workers = 0 if == 'nt' else 2 for fold, (train_idx, val_idx) in enumerate(folds): if args.fold is not None and int(args.fold) != fold: continue print("num workers:", num_workers) print("fold:", fold) #print ("(train_idx, val_idx):", (train_idx, val_idx)) print("len(train_idx):", len(train_idx)) print("len(val_idx):", len(val_idx)) if config.num_channels == 3: transforms = get_flips_colors_augmentation() else: # can't do hsv rescaling with multiband imagery, so skip this part transforms = get_flips_shifts_augmentation() train(ds, fold, train_idx, val_idx, config, save_path, log_path, num_workers=num_workers, transforms=transforms)
def train_stage2(sal_map: bool, three=False): """ train with other loss function three = True ===> use only RGB for training """ im_type = TiffDemImageType if sal_map: im_type = SalImageType if three: im_type = TiffImageType ds = ReadingImageProvider(im_type, paths, fn_mapping, image_suffix='RGB') folds = get_folds(ds, 5) num_workers = 0 if == 'nt' else 8 train(ds, folds, config, num_workers=num_workers, transforms=augment_flips_color)
def train_stage1(sal_map: bool, three=False): """ main training stage with dtm/dsm data three = True ===> use only RGB for training updates channels from warm start with only RGB to final number of channels in config.num_channels """ im_type = TiffDemImageType if sal_map: im_type = SalImageType if three: im_type = TiffImageType ds = ReadingImageProvider(im_type, paths, fn_mapping, image_suffix='RGB') folds = get_folds(ds, 5) num_workers = 0 if == 'nt' else 8 train(ds, folds, config, num_workers=num_workers, transforms=augment_flips_color, num_channels_changed=not three)