def reset(self, deterministic_input=False, deterministic_pair=None): if deterministic_input: pairs = deterministic_pair else: pairs = random.choice(self.train_data) src_plain = pairs[0] src_id = self.encoder.input_ids[src_plain][0] target_id = self.encoder.input_ids[src_plain][1] input_length = len(src_id) target_length = len(target_id) encoder_hidden = self.encoder.initHidden() encoder_outputs = torch.zeros(self.env_max_step, self.encoder.hidden_size, device=device) src_id = torch.tensor(src_id).to(device) for ei in range(input_length): encoder_output, encoder_hidden = self.encoder(src_id[ei],encoder_hidden) encoder_outputs[ei] += encoder_output[0, 0] encoder_padded = torch.zeros(1, self.env_max_step, self.decoder.hidden_size) encoder_padded[:,:len(encoder_outputs),:] = encoder_outputs decoder_hidden = encoder_hidden obs = [None]*5 obs[0] = src_plain obs[1] = ptu.to_numpy(encoder_padded.detach()) # detach here so grad won't propgate to env obs[2] = ptu.to_numpy(decoder_hidden.detach()) # detach here so grad won't propgate to env obs[3] = np.array([SOS_token]) obs[4] = 0 return obs
def step(self, observation, action): # observation is [src plain, encoder padded, decoder hidden, curr_input, curr_index] # action is the action distribution done = False target_id = self.input_ids[observation[0]][1] curr_index = observation[4] prev_hidden = torch.from_numpy(observation[2]) encoder_padded = torch.from_numpy(observation[1]) action_cur = torch.tensor([[action[0]]]).to(self.device) prev_hidden = decoded_result = self.decoder(action_cur, prev_hidden, encoder_padded) next_hidden = ptu.to_numpy(decoded_result[1].detach()) # the reward can't be too small, otherwise no signal # the reward can't be too large, otherwise will only learn little to be satisified # a reward of x means that 1 correct prediction will be killed by x incorrect predictions if (action == target_id[curr_index]): reward = 10 #5/(((abs(l)**3)+1e-5) + 0.05) else: reward = -1 # assert len(target_id) == len(observation[0]), observation[0] if curr_index + 1 == len(target_id): done = True next_observation = [] else: next_observation = [ observation[0], observation[1], next_hidden, action, observation[4] + 1 ] return next_observation, reward, done
def step(self, observation, action): # observation is [src plain, encoder padded, decoder hidden, curr_input, curr_index] # action is the action distribution if(type(action)==list): ac, q = action[0], action[1] else: ac, q = action, [1] done = False src_id = self.input_ids[observation[0]][0] target_id = self.input_ids[observation[0]][1] curr_index = observation[4] prev_hidden = torch.from_numpy(observation[2]) encoder_padded = torch.from_numpy(observation[1]) action_cur = torch.tensor([[ac[0]]]).to(self.device) prev_hidden = decoded_result = self.decoder(action_cur, prev_hidden, encoder_padded) next_hidden = ptu.to_numpy(decoded_result[1].detach()) # the reward can't be too small, otherwise no signal # the reward can't be too large, otherwise will only learn little to be satisified # a reward of x means that 1 correct prediction will be killed by x incorrect predictions """if (ac == target_id[curr_index]): q_sum = sum(q) q_max = max(q) # the more unsure you are the more i encourage you for making that decision if (src_id[curr_index] != target_id[curr_index]): # this is a true edit-->boost low confidence reward = 10*len(q)/(q_max/q_sum) else: # this is correctly not editting, recognizing that is hard! boost! reward = 20*len(q)/(q_max/q_sum) #5/(((abs(l)**3)+1e-5) + 0.05) #if(type(action)==list): # print("correct:",str(q_max*100/q_sum)) else: q_sum = sum(q) q_max = max(q) # the more sure you are the more i discourage you for making that decision if (src_id[curr_index] != target_id[curr_index]): # this should be editted but yielded wrong edits reward = -10*(q_max/q_sum) else: # this should not be editted yet you did, severe punishment reward = -50 # to punish the fact that we made way too many edits when unnecessary #if(type(action)==list): # print("wrong:",str(q_max*100/q_sum)) #print(self.lang.index2word[target_id[curr_index]], self.lang.index2word[src_id[curr_index]])""" if (action == target_id[curr_index]): reward = 10 #5/(((abs(l)**3)+1e-5) + 0.05) else: reward = -1 # assert len(target_id) == len(observation[0]), observation[0] if curr_index + 1 == len(target_id): done = True next_observation = [] else: next_observation = [observation[0], observation[1], next_hidden, ac, observation[4]+1] return next_observation, reward, done
def estimate_advantage(self, obs, q_values): baselines_unnormalized = ptu.to_numpy( baselines = baselines_unnormalized * np.std(q_values) + np.mean(q_values) advantages = q_values - baselines #advantages = q_values.copy() return advantages
def get_action(self, ob): ob = np.array(ob, dtype=object).reshape(-1,5) action_distribution, prob = self.get_action_distribution(ob) batch_size = len(ob) next_pos_to_predict = ob[:,4].tolist() src = ob[:,0].tolist() next_id_in_src = [self.lang.word2index[src[i][next_pos_to_predict[i]]] for i in range(batch_size)] easily_confused = [self.lang.correct_confused[id] for id in next_id_in_src] #action = action_distribution.sample() # don't bother with rsample #taking the most probable action in its respective confusion set prob_of_interest = [(easily_confused[i], prob[i,easily_confused[i]].squeeze()) for i in range(batch_size)] action = torch.tensor([[prob_of_interest[i][0][torch.argmax(prob_of_interest[i][1])]] for i in range(batch_size)]) return ptu.to_numpy(action)
def qa_values(self, obs): qa_values = self.q_net(obs) return ptu.to_numpy(qa_values)