def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() settings.otb_path = '/data/tracking_datasets/otb_sequences' settings.nfs_path = '/data/tracking_datasets/nfs' settings.uav_path = '/data/tracking_datasets/ECCV16_Dataset_UAV123' settings.tpl_path = '/data/tracking_datasets/tpc128' settings.vot_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '' settings.results_path = '/home/lichao/projects/pytracking_lichao/pytracking/tracking_results' settings.network_path = '/home/lichao/projects/pytracking_lichao/train_ws/checkpoints/ltr/seq_tracking' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.got10k_path = '' settings.lasot_path = '' settings.network_path = '/disk/xuxiang/FCOT/models/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '' settings.otb_path = '' settings.packed_results_path = '/disk/xuxiang/FCOT/pytracking/tracking_results/' settings.results_path = '/disk/xuxiang/FCOT/pytracking/tracking_results/' # Where to store tracking results settings.trackingnet_path = '' settings.uav_path = '' settings.vot_path = '/nas/datasets/VOT/vot2018/' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.davis_dir = '' settings.got10k_path = '/home/cx/toolkit/got10k/datasets/' settings.got_packed_results_path = '/home/cx/TransT/pytracking/tracking_results/got_packed_results/' settings.got_reports_path = '' settings.lasot_path = '/home/cx/cx3/LaSOTBenchmark' settings.network_path = '/home/cx/detr-tracking/pytracking/networks/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '/home/cx/cx2/Downloads/nfs' settings.otb_path = '/home/cx/cx2/OTB100' settings.result_plot_path = '/home/cx/TransT/pytracking/result_plots/' settings.results_path = '/home/cx/TransT/pytracking/tracking_results' # Where to store tracking results settings.segmentation_path = '/home/cx/TransT/pytracking/segmentation_results/' settings.tn_packed_results_path = '' settings.tpl_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '' settings.uav_path = '/home/cx/cx2/Downloads/UAV123/UAV123_fix/Dataset_UAV123/UAV123' settings.vot_path = '/home/cx/cx3/VOT2018' settings.youtubevos_dir = '' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.got10k_path = '' settings.lasot_path = '' settings.network_path = osp.join(ROOT_DIR, 'pytracking/networks') # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '' settings.otb_path = '' settings.tpl_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '' settings.uav_path = '' settings.vot_path = '' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.got10k_path = '' settings.lasot_path = '' settings.network_path = '/home/yan/Data2/DeT-models/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '' settings.otb_path = '' settings.results_path = '/home/yan/Data2/DAL/results/' # Where to store tracking results settings.tpl_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '' settings.uav_path = '' settings.vot_path = '' settings.votd_path = '/home/yans/Datasets/CDTB' settings.depthtrack_path = '/home/yan/Data2/ICCV2021-RGBD-DepthTrack/sequences/' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.got10k_path = '' settings.lasot_path = '/media/zj/4T/Dataset/LaSOT/dataset/images' settings.network_path = '/home/zj/Downloads/pytracking-master/pytracking/networks/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '' settings.otb_path = '/media/zj/4T/Dataset/OTB-100/' settings.results_path = '/home/zj/tracking/metricNet/MetricNet-git/pytracking_MetricNet/pytracking/tracking_results/' # Where to store tracking results settings.tpl_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '/media/zj/4T/Dataset/TrackingNet' settings.uav_path = '/media/zj/4T/Dataset/UAV123/Dataset_UAV123/UAV123' settings.vot_path = '/media/zj/4T/Dataset/VOT/VOT18' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.nfl_dir = '/media/data_cifs/projects/prj_tracking/nfl/' settings.davis_dir = '' settings.got10k_path = '/media/data_cifs/projects/prj_tracking/pytorch_hGRU/datasets/got10k/' settings.got_packed_results_path = '/media/data_cifs/projects/prj_tracking/pytorch_hGRU/TransT/got_results_packed' settings.got_reports_path = '/media/data_cifs/projects/prj_tracking/pytorch_hGRU/TransT/got_results' settings.lasot_path = '/dev/tracking/lasot/LaSOTBenchmark' # settings.lasot_path = '/media/data/tracking/lasot_extended/LaSOT_extension_subset' settings.network_path = '/media/data_cifs/projects/prj_tracking/pytorch_hGRU/TransT/pytracking/networks/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '' settings.otb_path = '' settings.result_plot_path = '/media/data_cifs/projects/prj_tracking/pytorch_hGRU/TransT/pytracking/result_plots/' settings.results_path = '/media/data_cifs/projects/prj_tracking/pytorch_hGRU/TransT/pytracking/tracking_results/' # Where to store tracking results settings.segmentation_path = '/media/data_cifs/projects/prj_tracking/pytorch_hGRU/TransT/pytracking/segmentation_results/' settings.tn_packed_results_path = '' settings.tpl_path = '' # settings.trackingnet_path = '/home/dlinsley/tracking/trackingnet/TrackingNet/' settings.trackingnet_path = '../datasets/TrackingNetTest' # '/home/dlinsley/tracking/trackingnet/TrackingNet' settings.uav_path = '' settings.vot_path = '' settings.youtubevos_dir = '' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.got10k_path = '' settings.lasot_path = '' settings.network_path = '/home/owl/PycharmProjects/pytracking-master/pytracking/networks/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '' settings.otb_path = '' settings.results_path = '/home/owl/PycharmProjects/pytracking-master/pytracking/tracking_results/' # Where to store tracking results settings.tpl_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '' settings.uav_path = '' settings.vot_path = '/home/owl/PycharmProjects/SiamFC++/video_analyst-master_mod/datasets/VOT/vot2018/VOT2018' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.got10k_path = '' settings.lasot_path = '' settings.network_path = base_path + 'pytracking/networks/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '' settings.otb_path = '/home/daikenan/dataset/OTB' settings.results_path = base_path + 'pytracking/' # Where to store tracking results settings.tpl_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '' settings.uav_path = '' settings.vot_path = '' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.got10k_path = '/media/wcz/datasets/yang/benchmarks/Got10k/' settings.lasot_path = '/media/wcz/datasets/yang/benchmarks/Lasot/LaSOTTest/' settings.mobiface_path = '' settings.network_path = '/home/wcz/Yang/LEAST/pytracking/networks/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '/media/wcz/datasets/yang/benchmarks/NFS/' settings.otb_path = '/media/wcz/datasets/yang/benchmarks/OTB100/' settings.results_path = '/home/wcz/Yang/LEAST/pytracking/tracking_results/' # Where to store tracking results settings.tpl_path = '/media/wcz/datasets/yang/benchmarks/TCL128/' settings.trackingnet_path = '/media/wcz/datasets/yang/benchmarks/TrackingNet/' settings.uav_path = '/media/wcz/datasets/yang/benchmarks/UAV123/' settings.vot16_path = '/media/wcz/datasets/yang/benchmarks/VOT2016/' settings.vot18_path = '/media/wcz/datasets/yang/benchmarks/VOT2018/' settings.vot19_path = '/media/wcz/datasets/yang/benchmarks/VOT2019/' settings.vot_path = '' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.davis_dir = '/gdrive/My Drive/DAVIS/' settings.got10k_path = '/gdrive/My Drive' settings.got_packed_results_path = '/gdrive/My Drive' settings.got_reports_path = '/gdrive/My Drive' settings.lasot_path = '/gdrive/My Drive' settings.network_path = '/gdrive/My Drive/pytracking/pytracking/networks/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '/gdrive/My Drive' settings.otb_path = '/gdrive/My Drive' settings.result_plot_path = '/gdrive/My Drive/pytracking/pytracking/result_plots/' settings.results_path = '/gdrive/My Drive/tracking_results/' # Where to store tracking results settings.segmentation_path = '/gdrive/My Drive/pytracking/pytracking/segmentation_results/' settings.tn_packed_results_path = '/gdrive/My Drive' settings.tpl_path = '/gdrive/My Drive' settings.trackingnet_path = '/gdrive/My Drive' settings.uav_path = '/gdrive/My Drive' settings.vot_path = '/gdrive/My Drive' settings.youtubevos_dir = '/gdrive/My Drive' settings.mot_dir = '/gdrive/My Drive' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.davis_dir = '' settings.got10k_path = '' settings.got_packed_results_path = '' settings.got_reports_path = '' settings.lasot_path = '' settings.network_path = '/media/dkn/Data2/LTMU_research/PrDiMP_MU/pytracking/networks/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '' settings.otb_path = '' settings.result_plot_path = '/media/dkn/Data2/LTMU_research/PrDiMP_MU/pytracking/result_plots/' settings.results_path = '/media/dkn/Data2/LTMU_research/PrDiMP_MU/pytracking/tracking_results/' # Where to store tracking results settings.segmentation_path = '/media/dkn/Data2/LTMU_research/PrDiMP_MU/pytracking/segmentation_results/' settings.tn_packed_results_path = '' settings.tpl_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '' settings.uav_path = '' settings.vot_path = '' settings.youtubevos_dir = '' return settings
def parameters(): params = TrackerParams() # These are usually set from outside params.debug = 0 # Debug level params.visualization = False # Do visualization # Use GPU or not (IoUNet requires this to be True) params.use_gpu = True # Feature specific parameters deep_params = TrackerParams() # Patch sampling parameters params.max_image_sample_size = (18*16)**2 # Maximum image sample size params.min_image_sample_size = (18*16)**2 # Minimum image sample size params.search_area_scale = 5 # Scale relative to target size params.feature_size_odd = False # Good to use False for even-sized kernels and vice versa # Optimization parameters params.CG_iter = 5 # The number of Conjugate Gradient iterations in each update after the first frame params.init_CG_iter = 60 # The total number of Conjugate Gradient iterations used in the first frame params.init_GN_iter = 6 # The number of Gauss-Newton iterations used in the first frame (only if the projection matrix is updated) params.post_init_CG_iter = 0 # CG iterations to run after GN params.fletcher_reeves = False # Use the Fletcher-Reeves (true) or Polak-Ribiere (false) formula in the Conjugate Gradient params.standard_alpha = True # Use the standard formula for computing the step length in Conjugate Gradient params.CG_forgetting_rate = None # Forgetting rate of the last conjugate direction # Learning parameters for each feature type deep_params.learning_rate = 0.01 # Learning rate deep_params.init_samples_minimum_weight = 0.25 # Minimum weight of initial samples in memory deep_params.output_sigma_factor = 1/4 # Standard deviation of Gaussian label relative to target size # Training parameters params.sample_memory_size = 250 # Memory size params.train_skipping = 10 # How often to run training (every n-th frame) # Online model parameters deep_params.kernel_size = (4,4) # Kernel size of filter deep_params.compressed_dim = 64 # Dimension output of projection matrix deep_params.filter_reg = 1e-1 # Filter regularization factor deep_params.projection_reg = 1e-4 # Projection regularization factor # Windowing params.feature_window = False # Perform windowing of features params.window_output = False # Perform windowing of output scores # Detection parameters params.scale_factors = torch.ones(1) # What scales to use for localization (only one scale if IoUNet is used) params.score_upsample_factor = 1 # How much Fourier upsampling to use # Init data augmentation parameters params.augmentation = { 'fliplr': True, # 'rotate': [5, -5, 10, -10, 20, -20, 30, -30, 45,-45, -60, 60], 'blur': [(2, 0.2), (0.2, 2), (3,1), (1, 3), (2, 2)], 'relativeshift': [(0.6, 0.6), (-0.6, 0.6), (0.6, -0.6), (-0.6,-0.6)], 'dropout': (7, 0.2) } params.augmentation_expansion_factor = 2 # How much to expand sample when doing augmentation params.random_shift_factor = 1/3 # How much random shift to do on each augmented sample deep_params.use_augmentation = True # Whether to use augmentation for this feature # Factorized convolution parameters # params.use_projection_matrix = True # Use projection matrix, i.e. use the factorized convolution formulation params.update_projection_matrix = True # Whether the projection matrix should be optimized or not params.proj_init_method = 'randn' # Method for initializing the projection matrix params.filter_init_method = 'randn' # Method for initializing the spatial filter params.projection_activation = 'none' # Activation function after projection ('none', 'relu', 'elu' or 'mlu') params.response_activation = ('mlu', 0.05) # Activation function on the output scores ('none', 'relu', 'elu' or 'mlu') # Advanced localization parameters params.advanced_localization = True # Use this or not params.target_not_found_threshold = 0.25 # Absolute score threshold to detect target missing params.distractor_threshold = 0.8 # Relative threshold to find distractors params.hard_negative_threshold = 0.5 # Relative threshold to find hard negative samples params.target_neighborhood_scale = 2.2 # Target neighborhood to remove params.dispalcement_scale = 0.8 # Dispacement to consider for distractors params.hard_negative_learning_rate = 0.02 # Learning rate if hard negative detected params.hard_negative_CG_iter = 5 # Number of optimization iterations to use if hard negative detected params.update_scale_when_uncertain = True # Update scale or not if distractor is close # IoUNet parameters params.use_iou_net = True # Use IoU net or not params.iounet_augmentation = False # Use the augmented samples to compute the modulation vector params.iounet_k = 3 # Top-k average to estimate final box params.num_init_random_boxes = 9 # Num extra random boxes in addition to the classifier prediction params.box_jitter_pos = 0.1 # How much to jitter the translation for random boxes params.box_jitter_sz = 0.5 # How much to jitter the scale for random boxes params.maximal_aspect_ratio = 6 # Limit on the aspect ratio params.box_refinement_iter = 5 # Number of iterations for refining the boxes params.box_refinement_step_length = 1 # Gradient step length in the bounding box refinement params.box_refinement_step_decay = 1 # Multiplicative step length decay (1 means no decay) envs = EnvSettings() # Setup the feature extractor (which includes the IoUNet) deep_fparams = FeatureParams(feature_params=[deep_params])
def local_env_settings(): pytracking_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) print(pytracking_path) settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.got10k_path = '' settings.lasot_path = '' settings.network_path = pytracking_path+'/networks/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '' settings.otb_path = '' settings.results_path = '' # Where to store tracking results settings.tpl_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '' settings.uav_path = '' settings.vot_path = '' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.davis_dir = "" settings.got10k_path = "" settings.got_packed_results_path = "" settings.got_reports_path = "" settings.lasot_path = "" settings.network_path = "weights/pytracking" # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = "" settings.otb_path = "" settings.result_plot_path = "" settings.results_path = "" # Where to store tracking results settings.segmentation_path = "" settings.tn_packed_results_path = "" settings.tpl_path = "" settings.trackingnet_path = "" settings.uav_path = "" settings.vot_path = "" settings.youtubevos_dir = "" return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. data_root = '/home/sgn/Data1/yan/' settings.davis_dir = '' settings.got10k_path = '' settings.got_packed_results_path = '' settings.got_reports_path = '' settings.lasot_path = '' settings.network_path = data_root + 'pytracking-models/checkpoints/ltr/dimp50_DepthInputs/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '' settings.otb_path = '' settings.result_plot_path = data_root + 'pytracking-models/result_plots/' settings.results_path = data_root + 'pytracking-models/tracking_results/' # Where to store tracking results settings.segmentation_path = '' settings.scoremap_path = '' settings.tn_packed_results_path = '' settings.tpl_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '' settings.uav_path = '' settings.vot_path = '' settings.cdtb_path = data_root + 'Datasets/CDTB/' settings.cdtb_st_path = data_root + 'Datasets/CDTB-ST/' settings.youtubevos_dir = '' settings.depthtrack_path = data_root + 'Datasets/DeTrack-v1/test/' settings.depthtrack_st_path = data_root + 'Datasets/DepthTrack-v1-ST/test/' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.got10k_path = '' settings.lasot_path = '' settings.mobiface_path = '' settings.network_path = '/media/dkn/Data21/LTMU_research/D3S_MU/pytracking/networks/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '' settings.otb_path = '' settings.results_path = '/media/dkn/Data21/LTMU_research/D3S_MU/pytracking/tracking_results/' # Where to store tracking results settings.tpl_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '' settings.uav_path = '' settings.vot16_path = '' settings.vot18_path = '' settings.vot_path = '' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.got10k_path = '/home/jaffe/Titanspace/datasets/dataset/GOT-10k' settings.lasot_path = '/home/jaffe/Titanspace/datasets/dataset/LaSOT/LaSOTBenchmark' settings.mobiface_path = '' settings.network_path = '/home/jaffe/PycharmProjects/d3s_me/pytracking/networks' # Where tracking networks are stored. # settings.network_path ='/home/jaffe/PycharmProjects/d3s_me/NoSet3_lr103_PreMask_Segm_GAN/checkpoints/ltr/segmRA_GAN/segmRA_GAN' settings.nfs_path = '' settings.otb_path = '/home/jaffe/Titanspace/datasets/dataset/testdataset/dataset/OTB100' settings.results_path = '/home/jaffe/PycharmProjects/d3s_me/pytracking/tracking_results' # Where to store tracking results settings.tpl_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '/home/jaffe/Titanspace/datasets/dataset/TrackingNet' settings.uav_path = '' settings.vot16_path = '' settings.vot18_path = '/home/jaffe/dataset/VOT/vot2019/VOT2019' settings.vot_path = '/home/jaffe/dataset/VOT/vot2018/VOT2018' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.got10k_path = '' settings.lasot_path = '' settings.network_path = './pytracking/networks/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '' settings.otb_path = '' settings.results_path = './pytracking/tracking_results/' # Where to store tracking results settings.tpl_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '' settings.uav_path = '' settings.vot_path = '' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.davis_dir = '' settings.got10k_path = '' settings.got_packed_results_path = '' settings.got_reports_path = '' settings.lasot_path = '' settings.network_path = '/home/alphabin/Desktop/AlphaRefine_submit/pytracking/networks/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '' settings.otb_path = '' settings.result_plot_path = '/home/alphabin/Desktop/AlphaRefine_submit/pytracking/result_plots/' settings.results_path = '/home/alphabin/Desktop/AlphaRefine_submit/pytracking/tracking_results/' # Where to store tracking results settings.segmentation_path = '/home/alphabin/Desktop/AlphaRefine_submit/pytracking/segmentation_results/' settings.tn_packed_results_path = '' settings.tpl_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '' settings.uav_path = '' settings.vot_path = '' settings.youtubevos_dir = '' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.davis_dir = '' settings.got10k_path = '' settings.got_packed_results_path = '' settings.got_reports_path = '' settings.lasot_path = '' settings.network_path = '/media/choi/hard2/2020/code_lab1/tracking/atom/pytracking/networks/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '' settings.otb_path = '' settings.result_plot_path = '/media/choi/hard2/2020/code_lab1/tracking/atom/pytracking/result_plots/' settings.results_path = '/media/choi/hard2/2020/code_lab1/tracking/atom/pytracking/tracking_results/' # Where to store tracking results settings.segmentation_path = '/media/choi/hard2/2020/code_lab1/tracking/atom/pytracking/segmentation_results/' settings.tn_packed_results_path = '' settings.tpl_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '' settings.uav_path = '' # settings.vot_path = '' settings.vot_path = '/media/choi/hard2/2020/code_lab1/tracking/LT_VOT2020/sequences/' settings.youtubevos_dir = '' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.davis_dir = '' settings.got10k_path = '' settings.got_packed_results_path = '' settings.got_reports_path = '' settings.lasot_path = '' settings.network_path = '' settings.nfs_path = '' settings.otb_path = '' settings.result_plot_path = '' settings.results_path = '' settings.segmentation_path = '' settings.tn_packed_results_path = '' settings.tpl_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '' settings.uav_path = '' settings.vot_path = '' settings.youtubevos_dir = '' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.got10k_path = '' settings.lasot_path = '' settings.network_path = '/home/tangjiuqi097/vot/pytracking/pytracking/networks/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '' settings.otb_path = '' settings.results_path = '/home/tangjiuqi097/vot/pytracking/pytracking/tracking_results/' # Where to store tracking results settings.tpl_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '' settings.uav_path = '' settings.vot_path = '' settings.otb_path = '/home/tangjiuqi097/data/OTB/data' settings.vot_path = '/home/tangjiuqi097/data/vot2019/vot_short/sequences' settings.vot_path = '/home/tangjiuqi097/data/vot2019/VOT2018ST/sequences' settings.vot_path = '/home/tangjiuqi097/data/vot2019/vot_long/sequences' settings.vot_path = '/home/tangjiuqi097/data/vot2019/vot_rgbd/sequences' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.got10k_path = '/data/zhenglinyu/benchmarks/got10k/' settings.lasot_path = '' settings.network_path = '/home/zhenglinyu2/DCFST/pytracking/networks/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '/data/zhenglinyu/benchmarks/nfs30/' settings.otb_path = '/data/zhenglinyu/benchmarks/otb100/' settings.results_path = '/home/zhenglinyu2/DCFST/pytracking/tracking_results/' # Where to store tracking results settings.tpl_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '/data/zhenglinyu/benchmarks/trackingnet/' settings.uav_path = '' settings.vot18_path = '/data/zhenglinyu/benchmarks/vot18/' settings.vot19_path = '/data/zhenglinyu/benchmarks/vot19/' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.got10k_path = '' settings.lasot_path = '' settings.mobiface_path = '' settings.network_path = '/home/qian2/qian2_old/pytracking/pytracking/networks/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '' settings.otb_path = '' settings.ptb_path = '/home/qian2/qian2_old/Princeton_RGBD/ValidationSet' #ValidationSet' settings.results_path = '/home/qian2/qian2_old/pytracking/pytracking/tracking_results/' # Where to store tracking results settings.tpl_path = '' settings.trackingnet_path = '' settings.uav_path = '' settings.vot_path = '/home/qian2/qian2_old/VOT2018' settings.laval_6d_path = '/home/qian2/qian2_old/laval_6d/fulldata/' return settings
def local_env_settings(): settings = EnvSettings() # Set your local paths here. settings.davis_dir = '' settings.got10k_path = '/run/media/hasan/B709-D3C0/Hasan/got10k' settings.got_packed_results_path = '' settings.got_reports_path = '' settings.lasot_path = '/run/media/hasan/B709-D3C0/Hasan/LaSOTBenchmark' # settings.network_path = '/run/media/mlcv/DATA/pytracking/pytracking/networks/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.network_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..') + '/networks/' # Where tracking networks are stored. settings.nfs_path = '/run/media/hasan/B709-D3C0/Hasan/toolkit/data/NfSDataset' settings.otb_path = '/run/media/hasan/B709-D3C0/Hasan/toolkit/data/OTB' settings.result_plot_path = '/run/media/hasan/B709-D3C0/Hasan/pytracking/pytracking/result_plots/' settings.results_path = '/run/media/hasan/B709-D3C0/Hasan/pytrackingRanking/pytracking/tracking_results/' # Where to store tracking results settings.segmentation_path = '/run/media/hasan/B709-D3C0/Hasan/pytracking/pytracking/segmentation_results/' settings.tn_packed_results_path = '' settings.tpl_path = '/run/media/hasan/B709-D3C0/Hasan/toolkit/data/Temple-color-128' settings.trackingnet_path = '/run/media/hasan/B709-D3C0/Hasan/TrackingNet-devkit/TrackingNet' settings.uav_path = '/run/media/hasan/B709-D3C0/Hasan/toolkit/data/UAV123' settings.vot_path = '/run/media/hasan/B709-D3C0/Hasan/pytracking/pytracking/vot-workspace/sequences' settings.youtubevos_dir = '' return settings