コード例 #1
mySessionSettings.sessionTimeoutSec = 100.0
# simply mention 'sessionSettings = ...' to use these settings as a **kwarg:
myClient.read( [address0, address1], sessionSettings = mySessionSettings ) 

# e.g. set some special service settings for a specific read() call:
myReadSettings = ReadSettings()
myReadSettings.callTimeoutSec = 0.5
myReadSettings.maxAgeSec      = 1.0
# simply mention 'serviceSettings = ...' to use these settings as a **kwarg:
myClient.read( [address0, address1], serviceSettings = myReadSettings ) 
# or combine them:
myClient.read( [address0, address1], serviceSettings = myReadSettings, sessionSettings = mySessionSettings ) 

# e.g. set some special subscription settings for a specific createMonitoredData() call:
mySubscriptionSettings = SubscriptionSettings()
mySubscriptionSettings.publishingIntervalSec = 2.0
mySubscriptionSettings.priority = 20
myClient.createMonitoredData( [address0, address1], subscriptionSettings = mySubscriptionSettings )

# Both the SessionSettings and SubscriptionSettings have a special 'unique' attribute, which 
# can be True or False.
# By default it is False, which tells the PyUAF Client that it may re-use a session (or subscription)
# if there exists one with the same SessionSettings (or SubscriptionSettings).
# However, if you set the unique attribute to True, then the PyUAF Client will ignore any existing
# sessions (or subscriptions) and create a new unique one.
# This is useful, e.g. if your HMI (Human Machine Interface) has several tabs, then you can create
# a subscription for each tab (to hold all monitored items for that specific tab). Using the
# setPublishingMode() service, you can then temporarily enable the subscription for a visible
# tab, and temporarily disable the subscription for a hidden one. Like this: 
# tab 1:  
tab1SubscriptionSettings = SubscriptionSettings()
コード例 #2
# define the namespace URI and server URI of the UaServerCPP demo server
demoServerUri = "urn:UnifiedAutomation:UaServerCpp"
demoNamespaceUri = "http://www.unifiedautomation.com/DemoServer/"

# define the ClientSettings:
settings = ClientSettings()
settings.applicationName = "MyClient"

# create the client
myClient = Client(settings)

# 1) optionally: configure the subscription
# ------------------------------------------
subSettings = SubscriptionSettings()
subSettings.publishingIntervalSec = 1.0
subSettings.maxKeepAliveCount = 5

# Explanation:
# - The subscription will send at most one bunch of changed data samples per second, due to the
#   publishing interval of 1 second.
# - If the sampled data does not change, then the server does not have to send notifications to
#   the client. However, when the sampled data does not change for 5 seconds in a row
#   (5 seconds = maxKeepAliveCount * publishingIntervalSec), then the server
#   will send a KeepAlive notification to the client, as a kind of "heartbeat".

# 2) configure the monitored items
# --------------------------------
target0 = CreateMonitoredDataRequestTarget()
target0.address = Address(
    NodeId("Demo.Dynamic.Scalar.Float", demoNamespaceUri), demoServerUri)
コード例 #3
demoServerUri = "urn:UnifiedAutomation:UaServerCpp"
demoNamespaceUri = "http://www.unifiedautomation.com/DemoServer/"

# define the ClientSettings:
settings = ClientSettings()
settings.applicationName = "MyClient"

# create the client
myClient = Client(settings)

# 1) optionally: configure the subscription
# ------------------------------------------
subSettings = SubscriptionSettings()
subSettings.publishingIntervalSec = 1.0 
subSettings.maxKeepAliveCount = 5
# Explanation:
# - The subscription will send at most one bunch of changed data samples per second, due to the 
#   publishing interval of 1 second.
# - If the sampled data does not change, then the server does not have to send notifications to 
#   the client. However, when the sampled data does not change for 5 seconds in a row 
#   (5 seconds = maxKeepAliveCount * publishingIntervalSec), then the server 
#   will send a KeepAlive notification to the client, as a kind of "heartbeat".

# 2) configure the monitored items
# --------------------------------
target0 = CreateMonitoredDataRequestTarget()
target0.address = Address( NodeId("Demo.Dynamic.Scalar.Float", demoNamespaceUri), demoServerUri )
コード例 #4
myClient.read([address0, address1], sessionSettings=mySessionSettings)

# e.g. set some special service settings for a specific read() call:
myReadSettings = ReadSettings()
myReadSettings.callTimeoutSec = 0.5
myReadSettings.maxAgeSec = 1.0
# simply mention 'serviceSettings = ...' to use these settings as a **kwarg:
myClient.read([address0, address1], serviceSettings=myReadSettings)
# or combine them:
myClient.read([address0, address1],

# e.g. set some special subscription settings for a specific createMonitoredData() call:
mySubscriptionSettings = SubscriptionSettings()
mySubscriptionSettings.publishingIntervalSec = 2.0
mySubscriptionSettings.priority = 20
myClient.createMonitoredData([address0, address1],

# Both the SessionSettings and SubscriptionSettings have a special 'unique' attribute, which
# can be True or False.
# By default it is False, which tells the PyUAF Client that it may re-use a session (or subscription)
# if there exists one with the same SessionSettings (or SubscriptionSettings).
# However, if you set the unique attribute to True, then the PyUAF Client will ignore any existing
# sessions (or subscriptions) and create a new unique one.
# This is useful, e.g. if your HMI (Human Machine Interface) has several tabs, then you can create
# a subscription for each tab (to hold all monitored items for that specific tab). Using the
# setPublishingMode() service, you can then temporarily enable the subscription for a visible
# tab, and temporarily disable the subscription for a hidden one. Like this:
# tab 1: