コード例 #1
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: EdwinvO/pyutillib
 def test_div(self):
     self.assertEqual(mu.div(0,0), 0)
     self.assertEqual(mu.div(0,1), 0)
     self.assertEqual(mu.div(1,0), float('inf'))
     self.assertEqual(mu.div(2,1), 2.)
     self.assertEqual(mu.div(2,1.25), 1.6)
     self.assertEqual(mu.div(2,0.5), 4.)
     self.assertEqual(mu.div(0.5,0.25), 2.)
     self.assertEqual(mu.div(0.2, 0.1), 2.)
コード例 #2
ファイル: params_rank.py プロジェクト: pgwthf/TSB
 def get_list(self, stock_list, date, **kwargs):
     ranked_stocklist = []
     for stock in stock_list:
         quality = div(stock.price.channel.angle(self.lb)[date],
         vsl = stock.price.channel.stoploss(self.lb, date)
         vsl_p = 100 * (1 - vsl / stock.price.close[date])
         valid = (quality > self.thq) and (vsl_p < self.ths)
         ranked_stocklist.append((stock, quality, valid))
     ranked_stocklist.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
     return ranked_stocklist
コード例 #3
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: pgwthf/TSB
 def quality(self, lookback):
     Return a DatedList with the channel quality for <lookback> days.
     if lookback not in self._data:
     if 'quality' not in self._data[lookback]:
         data = [div(a, w) for a, w in zip(self.angle(lookback).as_list(), 
         self._data[lookback]['quality'] = DatedList(data, 
     return self._data[lookback]['quality']
コード例 #4
ファイル: single.py プロジェクト: pgwthf/TSB
def drawdown(dd_list):
    Returns the highest drawdown in dd_list.
    max_dd = 1
    high = 0
    for value in dd_list:
        if value > high:
            high = value
            dd = div(value, high)
            if dd is not None and dd < max_dd:
                max_dd = dd
    return 100. * (1 - max_dd)
コード例 #5
ファイル: params_rank.py プロジェクト: pgwthf/TSB
    def get_list(self, stock_list, date, **kwargs):
        ranked_stocklist = []
        for stock in stock_list:
#            value = div(stock.price.channel.angle(self.lb)[date] *
#                    stock.price.channel.bottom(self.lb)[date],
#                    stock.price.channel.width(self.lb)[date] *
#                    stock.price.close[date])
            value = div(stock.price.channel.angle(self.lb)[date],
                    ) * (1 - stock.price.channel.rc(self.lb)[date])
            valid = getattr(operator, self.op)(value, self.thq)
            ranked_stocklist.append((stock, value, valid))
                reverse=(self.op == 'gt'))
        return ranked_stocklist
コード例 #6
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: pgwthf/TSB
    def calc_results(self):
        Returns a dict with:
        * max_dd: The maximum drawdown over a 1 year period.
        * min_dd_ratio: The lowest ratio of gain/max_dd in any one year period.
        * min_month: The lowest gain in any calender month (or highest loss)
        * max_month: The highest gain in any calender month (or lowest loss)
        * neg_month: the average number of negative months per year
        * sum_neg_months: the annualised sum of the losses during those months
        * ann_gain: annualised profit in %
        * min_year: The lowest gain in any 1 year period
        * max_year: The highest gain in any 1 year period
        year = 252 # avg no of trading days in a year
        data = {'max_dd':0, 'min_dd_ratio': 999.99}
        year_gains = self.total.roc(year)[year-1:]
        if len(year_gains):
            data['min_year'] = min(year_gains)
            data['max_year'] = max(year_gains)
            data['min_year'] = 0
            data['max_year'] = 0

        year_drawdowns = self.total.drawdown(year)
        for year_dd, year_gain in zip(year_drawdowns, year_gains)[year-1:]:
            dd_ratio = div(year_gain, year_dd) # in %/%
            data['max_dd'] = max(data['max_dd'], year_dd)
            if dd_ratio is not None:
                data['min_dd_ratio'] = min(data['min_dd_ratio'], dd_ratio)

        total_gain = max(0, self.total[-1] / self.total[0])
        dt = self.total.dates[-1] - self.total.dates[0]
        data['ann_profit'] = 100 * (total_gain ** (365./dt.days) - 1)

        months = self.get('month')
        data['min_month'] = min([x['period_gain'] for x in months])
        data['max_month'] = max([x['period_gain'] for x in months])
        neg_months = [x['period_gain'] for x in months if x['period_gain'] < 0]
        data['n_neg_month'] = 12. * len(neg_months) / len(months)
        data['sum_neg_mths'] = 12. * sum(neg_months) / len(months)

        # sanitise results:
        data['max_dd'] = min (data['max_dd'], 99)
        for key in ('ann_profit', 'sum_neg_mths', 'min_year', 'max_year',
                'min_month', 'max_month', 'min_dd_ratio'):
            data[key] = min(max(data[key], -999), 999)
        return data
コード例 #7
ファイル: TMP.py プロジェクト: pgwthf/TSB
def tmp_translate():
    Use (rewrite) this to translate columns
    import datetime
    from system.models import System
    from pyutillib.math_utils import div
    from django.db import transaction
    systems = System.objects.all()
    with transaction.commit_on_success():
        for sys in systems:
            tp = float(sys.expectancy) * sys.n_total
            dt = datetime.date(2012, 6, 30) - datetime.date(2008, 1, 1)
            sys.profit_pa = tp * 365./dt.days
            sys.true_avg_loss = float(sys.avg_loss) * (1 - float(sys.reliability)/100.)
            sys.profit_ratio = div(float(sys.profit_pa), float(sys.true_avg_loss))
            if sys.profit_ratio > 99.99: sys.profit_ratio = 99.99
コード例 #8
ファイル: params_rank.py プロジェクト: pgwthf/TSB
 def _get_rank(self, angle, width):
     value = div(angle, width)
     valid = getattr(operator, self.op)(value, self.thq)
     return value, valid
コード例 #9
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: pgwthf/TSB
    def calc_performance(self, startdate, enddate, max_pos):
        Return a dict with standard performance parameters from [trades].

        NOTE: if the open positions in the positions need to be part of the 
        performance data, call the <Trades.extend> method with the argument
        <Positions.close> before this one.
        self.data = {'max_pos': max_pos, 'max_win': 0, 'max_loss': 0, 
                     'max_n_loss': 0, 'max_n_win': 0}
        n_win = n_loss = total_win = total_loss = total_days = 0
        consec_win = consec_loss = 0
        profits = []
        cum_gains = []
        prevgain = 1
        for trade in self.trades:
            # if trade.is_entrysignal: continue
            total_days += trade.n_days()
            gain = trade.gain() # gain is a fraction: 1.0 means 0 profit
            new_gain = prevgain * gain
            prevgain = new_gain
            profit = 100 * (gain - 1.)
            if profit > 0:
                n_win += 1
                total_win += profit
                self.data['max_win'] = max(self.data['max_win'], profit)
                consec_loss = 0
                consec_win += 1
                n_loss += 1
                total_loss -= profit
                self.data['max_loss'] = max(self.data['max_loss'], -profit)
                consec_loss += 1
                consec_win = 0
            self.data['max_n_loss'] = max(consec_loss, self.data['max_n_loss'])
            self.data['max_n_win'] = max(consec_win, self.data['max_n_win'])
        self.data['avg_win'] = div(total_win, n_win)
        self.data['avg_loss'] = div(total_loss, n_loss)
        n_total = n_win + n_loss
        self.data['reliability'] = 100. * div(n_win, n_total)
        self.data['profit_factor'] = div(total_win, total_loss)
        total_profit = total_win - total_loss
        self.data['expectancy'] = div(total_profit, n_total)
        variance = ((x - self.data['expectancy'])**2 for x in profits)
        self.data['std_dev'] = div(sum(variance), n_total) ** 0.5
        self.data['sqn'] = div(self.data['expectancy'], self.data['std_dev'])
        if self.data['sqn'] is not None: 
            self.data['sqn'] *= (n_total ** 0.5 if n_total < 100 else 10.)
        self.data['days_p_trade'] = div(total_days, n_total)
        self.data['exp_p_day'] = div(self.data['expectancy'], 
        n_years = (enddate - startdate).days / 365.
        self.data['profit_pa'] = div(total_profit, n_years * max_pos)
        self.data['true_avg_loss'] = div(total_loss, n_total)
        self.data['trades_pa'] = int(n_total / n_years + 0.499999)
        self.data['profit_ratio'] = div(self.data['profit_pa'], 
                        self.data['true_avg_loss'] * self.data['trades_pa'])

        for key in self.data:
            if isinstance(self.data[key], float): 
                self.data[key] = min (self.data[key], 999.99)
                self.data[key] = max (self.data[key], -999.99)