コード例 #1
ファイル: log_learn.py プロジェクト: gauenk/cl_gen
def get_train_log_info(cfg, model, denoised, loss, dyn_noisy, dyn_clean, sims,
                       masks, aligned, flow, flow_gt):

    # -- init info --
    info = {}
    nframes, nimages, ncolor, h, w = dyn_clean.shape
    ref_t = nframes // 2

    # -- image psnrs --
    image_psnrs = images_to_psnrs(denoised, dyn_clean[ref_t])
    info['image_psnrs'] = image_psnrs

    # -- sim images psnrs
    nimages = sims.shape[1]
    nsims = sims.shape[0] - 1
    clean = repeat(dyn_clean[ref_t], 'b c h w -> s b c h w', s=nsims)
    ref_clean = rearrange(clean, 's b c h w -> (s b) c h w')
    sims = rearrange(sims[1:], 's b c h w -> (s b) c h w')
    sim_psnrs = images_to_psnrs(ref_clean, sims)
    sim_psnrs = rearrange(sim_psnrs, '(t b) -> t b', b=nimages)
    info['sim_psnrs'] = sim_psnrs

    # -- aligned image psnrs --
    T, B, C, H, W = dyn_noisy.shape
    isize = edict({'h': H, 'w': W})
    clean = repeat(dyn_clean[ref_t], 'b c h w -> t b c h w', t=nframes)
    ref_clean = rearrange(clean, 't b c h w -> (t b) c h w')
    if not (flow is None):
        aligned_clean = align_from_flow(dyn_clean,
        aligned_clean = aligned_clean.to(dyn_clean.device, non_blocking=True)
        aligned_rs = rearrange(aligned_clean, 't b c h w -> (t b) c h w')
        aligned_psnrs = images_to_psnrs(ref_clean, aligned_rs)
        aligned_psnrs = rearrange(aligned_psnrs, '(t b) -> t b', t=nframes)
        info['aligned_psnrs'] = aligned_psnrs
        info['aligned_psnrs'] = np.zeros(1)

    # -- epe errors --
    if not (flow is None):
        info['epe'] = compute_epe(flow, flow_gt)
        info['epe'] = np.zeros(1)

    # -- nnf acc --
    if not (flow is None):
        info['nnf_acc'] = compute_pair_flow_acc(flow, flow_gt)
        info['nnf_acc'] = np.zeros(1)

    return info
コード例 #2
def fill_results(cfg, image, clean, burst, model, idx):

    results = {}
    # -- fill in old result params --
    T = burst.shape[0]
    rep = repeat(image, 'c h w -> tile c h w', tile=T)
    psnr_clean = float(np.mean(images_to_psnrs(rep, clean)))
    results['psnr_clean'] = psnr_clean

    results['params_norm_mean'] = -1
    results['trace_norm'] = -1
    results['mse'] = -1
    results['psnr_rec'] = -1
    results['mse'] = -1
    results['psnr_burst'] = -1
    results['psnr_intra_input'] = -1
    results['psnr_bc_v1'] = -1
    results['psnr_noisy'] = -1
    score_fxn_names = [
        'lgsubset_v_ref', 'lgsubset', 'ave', 'lgsubset_v_indices',
    for name in score_fxn_names:
        results[f"fu_{name}"] = 0.
    for name in score_fxn_names:
        results[name] = 0.
    return results
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_multiscale.py プロジェクト: gauenk/cl_gen
def align_psnr(aligned, isize):
    isize = [isize[k] for k in isize.keys()]
    nframes = len(aligned)
    ref = nframes // 2
    psnrs = 0
    aligned = tvF.center_crop(aligned, isize)
    for t in range(nframes):
        if t == ref: continue
        psnrs += np.mean(images_to_psnrs(aligned[t], aligned[ref])).item()
    psnrs /= (nframes - 1)
    return psnrs
コード例 #4
def compute_aligned_psnr(aligned_a, aligned_b, csize):
    nframes = aligned_a.shape[0]
    crop_a = tvF.center_crop(aligned_a, (csize.h, csize.w))
    crop_b = tvF.center_crop(aligned_b, (csize.h, csize.w))
    psnrs = []
    for t in range(nframes):
        batch_a = crop_a[t]
        batch_b = crop_b[t]
        psnr = images_to_psnrs(batch_a, batch_b)
    psnrs = np.stack(psnrs, axis=0)
    return psnrs
コード例 #5
def compute_recs_psnrs(recs, clean):
    B, T = recs.shape[0], recs.shape[2]
    S = recs.shape[1] * recs.shape[2]
    recs = rearrange(recs, 'b tm1 t c h w -> b (tm1 t) c h w')
    clean = repeat(clean, 'b c h w -> b tile c h w', tile=S)
    psnrs = []
    for b in range(B):
        psnrs_b = torch.FloatTensor(images_to_psnrs(recs[b] + 0.5, clean[b]))
    psnrs = torch.stack(psnrs, dim=0)
    psnrs = rearrange(psnrs, 'b (tm1 t) -> b tm1 t', b=B, t=T)
    return psnrs
コード例 #6
def compute_similar_psnr(cfg,

    # -- construct similar image --
    query = edict()
    query.pix = noisy_img[[q_index]]
    print(noisy_img.shape, noisy_img[[q_index]].shape,
    query.ftr = ftr_img[[q_index]]
    query.shape = query.pix.shape

    database = edict()
    database.pix = noisy_img[[db_index]]
    database.ftr = ftr_img[[db_index]]
    database.shape = database.pix.shape

    clean_db = edict()
    clean_db.pix = clean[[db_index]]
    clean_db.ftr = clean_db.pix
    clean_db.shape = clean_db.pix.shape

    sim_outputs = compute_similar_bursts_analysis(

    # -- compute psnr --
    ref = clean[0]
    clean_sims = sim_outputs[1][0, :, 0]
    if crop:
        ref = tvF.crop(ref, 10, 10, 48, 48)
        clean_sims = tvF.crop(clean_sims, 10, 10, 48, 48)
    psnrs_np = images_to_psnrs(ref.cpu(), clean_sims.cpu())
    return psnrs_np, clean_sims
コード例 #7
ファイル: cog.py プロジェクト: gauenk/cl_gen
 def compute_consistency_mat(self, recs, cmpr):
     B = recs.shape[0]
     Tm1, T = recs.shape[1:3]
     c1, c2 = cmpr.shape[1:3]
     simmat = torch.zeros(B, Tm1, c1, T, c2)
     for b in range(B):
         for m_i in range(Tm1):
             for m_j in range(c1):
                 for l in range(T):
                     for k in range(c2):
                         #simmat[m_i,m_j,l,k] = 1000*F.mse_loss(recs[m_i,l],recs[m_j,k]).item()
                         psnrs = images_to_psnrs(recs[b, m_i, l],
                                                 cmpr[b, m_j, k])
                         simmat[b, m_i, m_j, l, k] = np.mean(psnrs)
     return simmat
コード例 #8
ファイル: log_learn.py プロジェクト: gauenk/cl_gen
def get_test_log_info(cfg, model, denoised, loss, dyn_noisy, dyn_clean):

    # -- init info --
    info = {}
    nframes, nimages, ncolor, h, w = dyn_clean.shape
    ref_t = nframes // 2

    # -- image psnrs --
    image_psnrs = images_to_psnrs(denoised, dyn_clean[ref_t])
    info['image_psnrs'] = image_psnrs

    # -- empty for square matrix later --
    info['aligned_psnrs'] = []
    info['sim_psnrs'] = []
    info['epe'] = []
    info['nnf_acc'] = []

    return info
コード例 #9
ファイル: abi_global_search.py プロジェクト: gauenk/cl_gen
def best_global_image_arrangement_psnr(ref, frames):

    # -- crop images --
    NH2, C, H, W = frames.shape
    NH = int(np.sqrt(NH2))
    top, left = 0, 0  #NH//2,NH//2
    crop_ref = tvF.crop(ref, top, left, H, W)
    crop_frames = tvF.crop(frames, top, left, H, W)

    # -- compute score --
    scores = torch.FloatTensor(images_to_psnrs(crop_ref, crop_frames))
    # scores = F.mse_loss( crop_ref, crop_frames, reduction='none').reshape(NH2,-1)
    # scores = torch.mean(scores,dim=1)

    # -- find best --
    best_index = torch.argmax(scores)
    best_score = scores[best_index]

    return best_score, best_index
コード例 #10
ファイル: eval_score.py プロジェクト: gauenk/cl_gen
def alignment_optimizer(cfg,score_fxn,blocks,clean,block_search_space,scores_path):

    # -- vectorize search since single patch --
    R,B,T,N,C,PS1,PS2 = blocks.shape
    REF_N = get_ref_block_index(int(np.sqrt(N)))
    assert (R == 1) and (B == 1), "single pixel's block and single sample please."
    expanded = blocks[:,:,np.arange(T),block_search_space]
    E = expanded.shape[2]

    # -- evaluate block --
    scores = score_fxn(cfg,expanded)
    scores = scores[0,0]
    best_index = torch.argmin(scores).item()
    best_score = torch.min(scores).item()
    assert E >= best_index, "No score can be greater than best index."

    # -- select the best block --
    best_block = block_search_space[best_index]
    best_block_str = ''.join([str(i) for i in best_block.cpu().numpy()])

    # -- construct image and compute the associated psnr --
    ref = repeat(clean[0,0,T//2,REF_N],'c h w -> tile c h w',tile=T)
    aligned = clean[0,0,np.arange(T),best_block]
    psnr = images_to_psnrs(ref,aligned)
    # -- save scores to numpy array --

    # -- compute results --
    results = {'scores':scores_path,
    return results
コード例 #11
ファイル: explore_fast_unet.py プロジェクト: gauenk/cl_gen
def test(cfg, image, clean, burst, model, idx):

    # i3 = len(image.shape) == 3
    # c3 = len(clean.shape) == 3
    # b3 = len(burst.shape) == 3
    # assert (i3 == c3) and (i3 == b3), "All three dims same"
    # if i3 and c3 and b3:

    T = burst.shape[0]
    # -- create results --
    results = {}

    # -- repeat along axis --
    rep = repeat(image, 'c h w -> tile c h w', tile=T)

    # -- reconstruct a clean image --
    rec = model(burst) + 0.5

    # -- parameters --
    params = torch.cat([param.view(-1) for param in model.parameters()])
    params_norm_mean = float(torch.norm(params).item())
    results['params_norm_mean'] = params_norm_mean

    # -- parameters --
    # named_params = dict(model.named_parameters())
    # print(named_params.keys())
    # filters = named_params['conv1.single_conv.0.weight']
    # print(filters.shape)
    # # params = torch.cat([param.view(-1) for param in model.parameters()])
    # # params_norm_mean = float(torch.norm(params).item())
    # results['params_filter_diff'] = params_filter_diff

    # -- size of params for each sample's activations path --
    trace_norm = activation_trace(model, burst, 'norm')
    results['trace_norm'] = trace_norm

    # -- save --
    if idx == 49 or idx == 40 or idx == 60:
        save_image(rec, f"fast_unet_rec_{idx}.png", normalize=True)

    # -- compute results --
    loss = F.mse_loss(rec, rep)
    psnr = float(np.mean(images_to_psnrs(image, rec[T // 2])))
    results['mse'] = loss.item()
    results['psnr_rec'] = psnr

    psnr = float(np.mean(images_to_psnrs(rec, rep)))
    results['psnr_burst'] = psnr

    # -- intra and input --
    intra_input = 0
    for t in range(T):
        intra_input += F.mse_loss(rec[t], rec[T // 2]).item()
        intra_input += F.mse_loss(rec[t], burst[T // 2]).item()
    results['psnr_intra_input'] = intra_input

    # -- this n2n training creates a barycenter for center image  --
    bc_loss = 0
    for t in range(T):
        bc_loss += F.mse_loss(burst[t], rec[T // 2]).item()
    results['psnr_bc_v1'] = bc_loss

    # -- compute psnr of clean and noisy frames --
    psnr_noisy = float(np.mean(images_to_psnrs(rep, burst + 0.5)))
    results['psnr_noisy'] = psnr_noisy
    psnr_clean = float(np.mean(images_to_psnrs(rep, clean)))
    results['psnr_clean'] = psnr_clean

    # -- compute scores --
    score_fxn_names = [
        'lgsubset_v_ref', 'lgsubset', 'ave', 'lgsubset_v_indices',
    wrapped_l = []
    for name in score_fxn_names:
        score_fxn = get_score_function(name)
        wrapped_score = score_function_wrapper(score_fxn)
        if name == "gaussian_ot":
            score, scores_t = wrapped_score(cfg, rec - rep)
            score, scores_t = wrapped_score(cfg, rec)
        results[f"fnet_{name}"] = score.item()
        for t in range(T):
            results[f"fnet_{name}_{t}f"] = scores_t[t].item()

    # -- on raw pixels too --
    for name in score_fxn_names:
        if name == "gaussian_ot": continue
        score_fxn = get_score_function(name)
        wrapped_score = score_function_wrapper(score_fxn)
        score, scores_t = wrapped_score(cfg, burst)
        results[name] = score.item()
        for t in range(T):
            results[f"{name}_{t}f"] = scores_t[t].item()

    # print("Test Loss",loss.item())
    # print("Test PSNR: %2.3e" % np.mean(images_to_psnrs(rec+0.5,rep)))
    tv_utils.save_image(rec, "fast_unet_rec.png", normalize=True)
    tv_utils.save_image(burst, "fast_unet_burst.png", normalize=True)
    return results
コード例 #12
ファイル: explore_fast_unet.py プロジェクト: gauenk/cl_gen
def single_image_unet(cfg, queue, full_image, device):
    full_image = full_image.to(device)
    image = tvF.crop(full_image, 128, 128, 32, 32)
    T = 5

    # -- poisson noise --
    noise_type = "pn"
    cfg.noise_type = noise_type
    cfg.noise_params['pn']['alpha'] = 40.0
    cfg.noise_params['pn']['readout'] = 0.0
    cfg.noise_params.ntype = cfg.noise_type
    noise_xform = get_noise_transform(cfg.noise_params, use_to_tensor=False)

    clean = torch.stack([image for i in range(T)], dim=0)
    noisy = noise_xform(clean)
    save_image(clean, "clean.png", normalize=True)
    m_clean, m_noisy = clean.clone(), noisy.clone()
    for i in range(T // 2):
        image_mis = tvF.crop(full_image, 128 + 1, 128, 32, 32)
        m_clean[i] = image_mis
        m_noisy[i] = noise_xform(m_clean[i])

    noise_level = 50. / 255.

    # -- model all --
    print("-- All Aligned --")
    model = UNet_small(3)  # UNet_n2n(1)
    cfg.init_lr = 1e-4
    optim = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),
                             betas=(0.9, 0.99))
    train(cfg, image, clean, noisy, model, optim)
    results = test(cfg, image, clean, noisy, model, 0)
    rec = model(noisy) + 0.5
    save_image(rec, "rec_all.png", normalize=True)
    print("Single Image Unet:")
    print(images_to_psnrs(clean, rec))
    print(images_to_psnrs(rec - 0.5, noisy))
    print(images_to_psnrs(rec[[0]], rec[[1]]))
    print(images_to_psnrs(rec[[0]], rec[[2]]))
    print(images_to_psnrs(rec[[1]], rec[[2]]))

    og_clean, og_noisy = clean.clone(), noisy.clone()
    clean[0] = image_mis
    noisy[0] = noise_xform(clean[[0]])[0]

    # -- model all --
    print("-- All Misligned --")
    model = UNet_small(3)  # UNet_n2n(1)
    cfg.init_lr = 1e-4
    optim = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),
                             betas=(0.9, 0.99))
    train(cfg, image, clean, noisy, model, optim)
    results = test(cfg, image, clean, noisy, model, 0)
    rec = model(noisy) + 0.5
    save_image(rec, "rec_all.png", normalize=True)
    print("Single Image Unet:")
    print(images_to_psnrs(clean, rec))
    print(images_to_psnrs(rec - 0.5, noisy))
    print(images_to_psnrs(rec[[0]], rec[[1]]))
    print(images_to_psnrs(rec[[0]], rec[[2]]))
    print(images_to_psnrs(rec[[1]], rec[[2]]))

    for j in range(3):
        # -- data --
        noisy1 = torch.stack([noisy[0], noisy[1]], dim=0)
        clean1 = torch.stack([clean[0], clean[1]], dim=0)

        noisy2 = torch.stack([noisy[1], noisy[2]], dim=0)
        clean2 = torch.stack([clean[1], clean[2]], dim=0)

        noisy3 = torch.stack([og_noisy[0], noisy[1]], dim=0)
        clean3 = torch.stack([og_clean[0], clean[1]], dim=0)

        # -- model 1 --
        model = UNet_small(3)  # UNet_n2n(1)
        cfg.init_lr = 1e-4
        optim = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),
                                 betas=(0.9, 0.99))
        train(cfg, image, clean1, noisy1, model, optim)
        results = test(cfg, image, clean1, noisy1, model, 0)
        rec = model(noisy1) + 0.5
        xrec = model(noisy2) + 0.5
        save_image(rec, "rec1.png", normalize=True)
        print("[misaligned] Single Image Unet:", images_to_psnrs(clean1, rec),
              images_to_psnrs(clean2, xrec),
              images_to_psnrs(rec - 0.5, noisy1),
              images_to_psnrs(xrec - 0.5, noisy2),
              images_to_psnrs(rec[[0]], rec[[1]]),
              images_to_psnrs(xrec[[0]], xrec[[1]]),
              images_to_psnrs(xrec[[0]], rec[[1]]),
              images_to_psnrs(xrec[[1]], rec[[0]]))

        # -- model 2 --
        model = UNet_small(3)  # UNet_n2n(1)
        cfg.init_lr = 1e-4
        optim = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),
                                 betas=(0.9, 0.99))
        train(cfg, image, clean2, noisy2, model, optim)
        results = test(cfg, image, clean2, noisy2, model, 0)
        rec = model(noisy2) + 0.5
        xrec = model(noisy1) + 0.5
        save_image(rec, "rec2.png", normalize=True)
        print("[aligned] Single Image Unet:", images_to_psnrs(clean2, rec),
              images_to_psnrs(clean1, xrec),
              images_to_psnrs(rec - 0.5, noisy2),
              images_to_psnrs(xrec - 0.5, noisy1),
              images_to_psnrs(rec[[0]], rec[[1]]),
              images_to_psnrs(xrec[[0]], xrec[[1]]),
              images_to_psnrs(xrec[[0]], rec[[1]]),
              images_to_psnrs(xrec[[1]], rec[[0]]))

        # -- model 3 --
        model = UNet_small(3)  # UNet_n2n(1)
        cfg.init_lr = 1e-4
        optim = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),
                                 betas=(0.9, 0.99))
        train(cfg, image, clean3, noisy3, model, optim)
        results = test(cfg, image, clean3, noisy3, model, 0)
        rec = model(noisy3) + 0.5
        rec_2 = model(noisy2) + 0.5
        rec_1 = model(noisy1) + 0.5
        save_image(rec, "rec1.png", normalize=True)
        print("[aligned (v3)] Single Image Unet:")
        print("clean-rec", images_to_psnrs(clean3, rec))
        print("clean1-rec1", images_to_psnrs(clean1, rec_1))
        print("clean2-rec2", images_to_psnrs(clean2, rec_2))
        print("rec-noisy3", images_to_psnrs(rec - 0.5, noisy3))
        print("rec1-noisy1", images_to_psnrs(rec_1 - 0.5, noisy1))
        print("rec2-noisy2", images_to_psnrs(rec_2 - 0.5, noisy2))
        print("[v3]: rec0-rec1", images_to_psnrs(rec[[0]], rec[[1]]))
        print("[v1]: rec0-rec1", images_to_psnrs(rec_1[[0]], rec_1[[1]]))
        print("[v2]: rec0-rec1", images_to_psnrs(rec_2[[0]], rec_2[[1]]))
        print("[v1-v2](a):", images_to_psnrs(rec_1[[1]], rec_2[[1]]))
        print("[v1-v2](b):", images_to_psnrs(rec_1[[1]], rec_2[[0]]))
        print("[v1-v2](c):", images_to_psnrs(rec_1[[0]], rec_2[[1]]))
        print("[v1-v2](d):", images_to_psnrs(rec_1[[0]], rec_2[[0]]))
        print("-" * 20)
        print("[v2-v3](a):", images_to_psnrs(rec_2[[1]], rec[[1]]))
        print("[v2-v3](b):", images_to_psnrs(rec_2[[1]], rec[[0]]))
        print("[v2-v3](c):", images_to_psnrs(rec_2[[0]], rec[[1]]))
        print("[v2-v3](d):", images_to_psnrs(rec_2[[0]], rec[[0]]))
        print("-" * 20)
        print("[v1-v3](a):", images_to_psnrs(rec_1[[1]], rec[[1]]))
        print("[v1-v3](b):", images_to_psnrs(rec_1[[1]], rec[[0]]))
        print("[v1-v3](c):", images_to_psnrs(rec_1[[0]], rec[[1]]))
        print("[v1-v3](d):", images_to_psnrs(rec_1[[0]], rec[[0]]))
        print("-" * 20)
        print("rec0-rec1", images_to_psnrs(rec[[0]], rec[[1]]))
コード例 #13
def test_sim_search_attn_v2(cfg, clean, model):

    # -- init --
    N, B, C, H, W = clean.shape
    ps = cfg.byol_patchsize

    # -- unfold clean image --
    patches = model.patch_helper.prepare_burst_patches(clean)
    patches = patches.cuda(non_blocking=True)
    # R,N,B,L,C,H,W = patches.shape

    # -- start loop --
    psnrs = {}
    noisy_grid = create_noise_level_grid(cfg)
    for noise_params in noisy_grid:

        # -- setup noise xform --
        cfg.noise_type = noise_params.ntype
        cfg.noise_params.ntype = cfg.noise_type
        cfg.noise_params[cfg.noise_type] = noise_params
        noise_func = get_noise_transform(cfg.noise_params, use_to_tensor=False)

        # -- apply noise --
        noisy_patches = noise_func(
            patches)  # shape = (r n b nh_size^2 c ps_B ps_B)

        # -- create noisy img --
        f_mid = cfg.byol_nh_size**2 // 2
        p_mid = cfg.byol_patchsize // 2
        noisy_img = noisy_patches[:, :, :, f_mid, :, p_mid, p_mid]
        noisy_img = rearrange(noisy_img,
                              '(h w) n b c -> n b c h w',

        ftr_img = get_feature_image(cfg, noisy_patches, model, "attn")

        print("[ftr_img.shape]", ftr_img.shape)
        # print("[emd] PSNR: ",np.mean(images_to_psnrs(embeddings_0,embeddings_1)))
        # print("[ftr] PSNR: ",np.mean(images_to_psnrs(ftr_img_0,ftr_img_1)))

        # -- construct similar image --
        query = edict()
        query.pix = noisy_img[[0]]
        query.ftr = ftr_img[[0]]
        query.shape = query.pix.shape

        database = edict()
        database.pix = noisy_img[[1]]
        database.ftr = ftr_img[[1]]
        database.shape = database.pix.shape

        clean_db = edict()
        clean_db.pix = clean[[1]]
        clean_db.ftr = clean_db.pix
        clean_db.shape = clean_db.pix.shape

        sim_outputs = compute_similar_bursts_analysis(

        # -- compute psnr --
        ref = clean[0]
        clean_sims = sim_outputs[1][0, :, 0]
        psnrs_np = images_to_psnrs(ref.cpu(), clean_sims.cpu())
        psnrs[noise_params.name] = edict()
        psnrs[noise_params.name].psnrs = psnrs_np
        psnrs[noise_params.name].ave = np.mean(psnrs_np)
        psnrs[noise_params.name].std = np.std(psnrs_np)
        psnrs[noise_params.name].min = np.min(psnrs_np)
        psnrs[noise_params.name].max = np.max(psnrs_np)
        # print(noise_params.name,psnrs[noise_params.name])

    return psnrs
コード例 #14
def checkout_haar():
    cfg = None
    std = 50.
    alpha = 20.
    # filter_name = "bior1.3"
    filter_name = "haar"

    image = pywt.data.camera()
    noisy = npr.normal(image, scale=std)
    noisy = npr.poisson(alpha * image / 255.) / alpha * 255.

    haar_image = pywt.dwt2(np.copy(noisy), filter_name)[0]
    sratio = haar_image.shape[-1] / image.shape[-1]

    image_shrink = cv2.resize(image,
    noisy_shrink = cv2.resize(noisy,

    # haar_image -= haar_image.min()
    haar_image /= 2.

    print(image.min(), image.max(), image.mean())
    print(haar_image.min(), haar_image.max(), haar_image.mean())

    # -- plot result --
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(3 * 4, 4))
    images = [haar_image, noisy_shrink, image_shrink]
    nmlz_const = [haar_image.max(), 255., 255.]
    titles = ["Haar Image", "Noisy", "Original Image"]
    shift_x, shift_y = 1, 1

    for idx, ax in enumerate(axes):
        nmlz_img = images[idx] / 255.  #nmlz_const[idx]
        ref_img = image_shrink / 255.

        # diff = nmlz_img[shift_y:,shift_x:] - ref_img[:-shift_y,:-shift_x]
        # diff = nmlz_img[:-shift_y,:-shift_x:] - ref_img[shift_y:,shift_x:]
        diff = nmlz_img  # - ref_img

        ax_image = 255. * diff
        ax_title = titles[idx]
        ax.set_title(ax_title, fontsize=20)
    plt.savefig("./tmp.png", dpi=300)

    haar_image = haar_image / 255.
    noisy_shrink = noisy_shrink / 255.
    image_shrink = image_shrink / 255.

    haar_psnrs = images_to_psnrs(haar_image, image_shrink)
    noisy_psnrs = images_to_psnrs(noisy_shrink, image_shrink)
    print(haar_psnrs, noisy_psnrs, sratio, haar_image.shape, image.shape)
コード例 #15
def main():

    # -- init experiment --

    cfg = edict()
    cfg.gpuid = 1
    cfg.noise_params = edict()
    cfg.noise_params.g = edict()
    # data = load_dataset(cfg)
    torch.manual_seed(143)  #131 = 80% vs 20%

    # -- pick our noise --

    # -- gaussian noise --
    # cfg.noise_type = 'g'
    # cfg.noise_params['g']['mean'] = 0.
    # cfg.noise_params['g']['stddev'] = 125.
    # cfg.noise_params.ntype = cfg.noise_type

    # -- poisson noise --
    cfg.noise_type = "pn"
    cfg.noise_params['pn'] = edict()
    cfg.noise_params['pn']['alpha'] = 1.0
    cfg.noise_params['pn']['std'] = 0.0
    cfg.noise_params.ntype = cfg.noise_type

    # -- low-light noise --
    # cfg.noise_type = "qis"
    # cfg.noise_params['qis'] = edict()
    # cfg.noise_params['qis']['alpha'] = 4.0
    # cfg.noise_params['qis']['readout'] = 0.0
    # cfg.noise_params['qis']['nbits'] = 3
    # cfg.noise_params['qis']['use_adc'] = True
    # cfg.noise_params.ntype = cfg.noise_type

    # -- setup the dynamics --

    cfg.nframes = 5
    cfg.frame_size = 350
    cfg.nblocks = 5
    T = cfg.nframes

    cfg.dynamic = edict()
    cfg.dynamic.frames = cfg.nframes
    cfg.dynamic.bool = True
    cfg.dynamic.ppf = 1
    cfg.dynamic.mode = "global"
    cfg.dynamic.random_eraser = False
    cfg.dynamic.frame_size = cfg.frame_size
    cfg.dynamic.total_pixels = cfg.dynamic.ppf * (cfg.nframes - 1)

    # -- setup noise and dynamics --
    noise_xform = get_noise_transform(cfg.noise_params, noise_only=True)

    def null(image):
        return image

    dynamics_xform = get_dynamic_transform(cfg.dynamic, null)

    # -- sample data --
    image_path = "./data/512-512-grayscale-image-Cameraman.png"
    image = Image.open(image_path).convert("RGB")
    image = image.crop((0, 0, cfg.frame_size, cfg.frame_size))
    clean, res, raw, flow = dynamics_xform(image)
    clean = clean[:, None]
    burst = noise_xform(clean + 0.5)
    flow = flow[None, :]
    reference = repeat(clean[[T // 2]], '1 b c h w -> t b c h w', t=T)

    # -- our method --
    ref_frame = T // 2
    nblocks = cfg.nblocks
    method = "simple"
    noise_info = cfg.noise_params
    scores, aligned_simp, dacc_simp = lpas_search(burst, ref_frame, nblocks,
                                                  flow, method, clean,

    # -- split search --
    ref_frame = T // 2
    nblocks = cfg.nblocks
    method = "split"
    noise_info = cfg.noise_params
    scores, aligned_split, dacc_split = lpas_search(burst, ref_frame, nblocks,
                                                    flow, method, clean,

    # -- quantitative comparison --
    crop_size = 256
    image1, image2 = cc(aligned_simp, crop_size), cc(reference, crop_size)
    psnrs = images_to_psnrs(image1, image2)
    print("Aligned Simple Method: ", psnrs, dacc_simp.item())
    image1, image2 = cc(aligned_split, crop_size), cc(reference, crop_size)
    psnrs = images_to_psnrs(image1, image2)
    print("Aligned Split Method: ", psnrs, dacc_split.item())

    # -- compute noise 2 sim --
    # T,K = cfg.nframes,cfg.nframes
    # patchsize = 31
    # query = burst[[T//2]]
    # database = torch.cat([burst[:T//2],burst[T//2+1:]])
    # clean_db = clean
    # sim_outputs = compute_similar_bursts_analysis(cfg,query,database,clean_db,K,-1.,
    #                                               patchsize=patchsize,shuffle_k=False,
    #                                               kindex=None,only_middle=False,
    #                                               search_method="l2",db_level="burst")
    # sims,csims,wsims,b_dist,b_indx = sim_outputs

    # -- display images --
    print_tensor_stats("aligned", aligned_simp)

    # print(csims.shape)
    save_image(burst, "lpas_demo_burst.png", [-0.5, 0.5])
    save_image(clean, "lpas_demo_clean.png")

    save_image(aligned_simp, "lpas_demo_aligned_simp.png")
    save_image(aligned_split, "lpas_demo_aligned_split.png")
    save_image(cc(aligned_simp, crop_size), "lpas_demo_aligned_simp_ccrop.png")
    save_image(cc(aligned_split, crop_size),

    delta_full_simp = aligned_simp - aligned_simp[T // 2]
    delta_full_split = aligned_split - aligned_split[T // 2]
    save_image(delta_full_simp, "lpas_demo_aligned_full_delta_simp.png",
               [-0.5, 0.5])
    save_image(delta_full_split, "lpas_demo_aligned_full_delta_split.png",
               [-0.5, 0.5])

    delta_cc_simp = cc(delta_full_simp, crop_size)
    delta_cc_split = cc(delta_full_split, crop_size)
    save_image(delta_full_simp, "lpas_demo_aligned_cc_delta_simp.png")
    save_image(delta_full_split, "lpas_demo_aligned_cc_delta_split.png")

    top = 75
    size = 64
    simp = tvF.crop(aligned_simp, top, 200, size, size)
    split = tvF.crop(aligned_split, top, 200, size, size)
    print_tensor_stats("delta", simp)
    save_image(simp, "lpas_demo_aligned_simp_inspect.png")
    save_image(split, "lpas_demo_aligned_split_inspect.png")

    delta_simp = simp - simp[T // 2]
    delta_split = split - split[T // 2]
    print_tensor_stats("delta", delta_simp)
    save_image(delta_simp, "lpas_demo_aligned_simp_inspect_delta.png",
               [-1, 1.])
    save_image(delta_split, "lpas_demo_aligned_split_inspect_delta.png",
               [-1, 1.])
コード例 #16
ファイル: check_abp_search.py プロジェクト: gauenk/cl_gen
def test_abp_search_exhaustive_global_dynamics(noisy,

    # -- init vars --
    R, B, N = noisy.shape[:3]
    FMAX = np.finfo(np.float).max
    REF_NH = get_ref_nh(NH)
    print(f"REF_NH: {REF_NH}")
    BI = burst_indices.shape[0]
    ref_patch = noisy[:, :, [N // 2], [REF_NH], :, :, :]

    # -- create clean testing image --
    H = int(np.sqrt(clean.shape[0]))
    clean_img = rearrange(clean[..., N // 2, REF_NH, :, PS // 2, PS // 2],
                          '(h w) b c -> b c h w',
    clean_img = repeat(clean_img, 'b c h w -> tile b c h w', tile=N)

    # -- create search grids --
    if nh_grids is None: nh_grids = create_nh_grids(BI, NH)
    n_grids = create_n_grids(BI)
    print(f"NH_GRIDS {len(nh_grids)} | N_GRIDS {len(n_grids)}")

    # -- randomly initialize grids --
    # np.random.shuffle(nh_grids)
    # np.random.shuffle(n_grids)

    # -- init loop vars --
    psnrs = np.zeros((len(nh_grids), BI))
    scores = np.zeros(len(nh_grids))
    scores_old = np.zeros(len(nh_grids))
    best_score, best_select = FMAX, None

    # -- remove boundary --
    aug_burst_indices = insert_n_middle(burst_indices, N)
    aug_burst_indices = torch.LongTensor(aug_burst_indices)
    subR = torch.arange(H * H // 3 * 2) + NH * H
    search = noisy[subR]
    ref_patch = ref_patch[subR]

    # -- coordinate descent --
    for nh_index, nh_grid in enumerate(nh_grids):
        # -- compute score --
        grid_patches = search[:, :, burst_indices, nh_grid, :, :, :]
        grid_patches = torch.cat([ref_patch, grid_patches], dim=2)
        score, score_old, count = 0, 0, 0
        for (nset0, nset1) in n_grids[:100]:
            denoised0 = torch.mean(grid_patches[:, :, nset0], dim=2)
            denoised1 = torch.mean(grid_patches[:, :, nset1], dim=2)
            score_old += F.mse_loss(denoised0, denoised1).item()

            # -- neurips 2019 --
            rep0 = repeat(denoised0,
                          'r b c p1 p2 -> r b tile c p1 p2',
            rep01 = repeat(denoised0,
                           'r b c p1 p2 -> r b tile c p1 p2',
            res0 = grid_patches[:, :, nset0] - rep0

            rep1 = repeat(denoised1,
                          'r b c p1 p2 -> r b tile c p1 p2',
            rep10 = repeat(denoised1,
                           'r b c p1 p2 -> r b tile c p1 p2',
            res1 = grid_patches[:, :, nset1] - rep1

            n0, n1 = len(nset0), len(nset1)
            xterms0, xterms1 = np.mgrid[:n0, :n1]
            xterms0, xterms1 = xterms0.ravel(), xterms1.ravel()
            # print(xterms0.shape,xterms1.shape,res0.shape,xterms0.max(),xterms1.max())
            score += F.mse_loss(res0[:, :, xterms0], res1[:, :,

            # xterms01 = res0 + rep10
            # xterms10 = res1 + rep01

            # score += F.mse_loss(xterms01,xterms10).item()
            # score += F.mse_loss(xterms01,grid_patches[:,:,nset0]).item()
            # score += F.mse_loss(xterms10,grid_patches[:,:,nset1]).item()

            count += 1
        score /= count

        # -- store best score --
        if score < best_score:
            best_score = score
            best_select = nh_grid

        # -- add score to results --
        scores[nh_index] = score
        scores_old[nh_index] = score_old

        # -- compute and store psnrs --
        pgrid = insert_nh_middle(nh_grid, NH, BI)[None, ]
        bgrid = aug_burst_indices
        nh_grid = nh_grid[None, ]
        rec_img = aligned_burst_image_from_indices_global_dynamics(
            clean, burst_indices, nh_grid)  #bgrid,pgrid)
        nh_psnrs = images_to_psnrs(rec_img, clean_img[burst_indices])
        psnrs[nh_index, :] = nh_psnrs

    score_idx = np.argmin(scores)
    print(f"Best Score [{scores[score_idx]}] PSNRS @ [{score_idx}]:",

    psnr_idx = np.argmax(np.mean(psnrs, 1))
    print(f"Best PSNR @ [{psnr_idx}]", psnrs[psnr_idx])
    # print(scores[score_idx] - scores[psnr_idx])

    old_score_idx = np.argmin(scores_old)
        f"Best OLD Score [{scores_old[old_score_idx]}] PSNRS @ [{old_score_idx}]:",
    print(f"Current Score @ OLD Score [{scores[old_score_idx]}]")
        f"[Old score idx v.s. Current score idx v.s. Best PSNR] {old_score_idx} v.s. {score_idx} v.s. {psnr_idx}"

    #  Recording Score Info

    # -- save score info --
    scores /= np.sum(scores)
    score_fn = f"scores_{NH}_{N}_{len(nh_grids)}_{len(n_grids)}"
    txt_fn = Path(f"output/abps/{score_fn}.txt")
    np.savetxt(txt_fn, scores)

    # -- plot score --
    plot_fn = Path(f"output/abps/{score_fn}.png")
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
    ax.plot(np.arange(scores.shape[0]), scores, '-+')
    ax.axvline(x=psnr_idx, color="r")
    ax.axvline(x=score_idx, color="k")
    plt.savefig(plot_fn, dpi=300)

    #  Recording PSNR Info

    # -- save score info --
    psnr_fn = f"psnrs_{NH}_{N}_{len(nh_grids)}_{len(n_grids)}"
    txt_fn = Path(f"output/abps/{psnr_fn}.txt")
    np.savetxt(txt_fn, psnrs)

    # -- plot psnr --
    plot_fn = Path(f"output/abps/{psnr_fn}.png")
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
    ax.plot(np.arange(psnrs.shape[0]), psnrs, '-+')
    ax.axvline(x=psnr_idx, color="r")
    ax.axvline(x=score_idx, color="k")
    plt.savefig(plot_fn, dpi=300)

    print(f"Wrote {score_fn} and {psnr_fn}")

    if K == -1:
        return best_score, best_select
        search_indices_topK = np.argsort(scores)[:K]
        scores_topK = scores[search_indices_topK]
        nh_grids_topK = nh_grids[search_indices_topK]
        return scores_topK, nh_grids_topK
コード例 #17
def test_sim_search_pix_v2(cfg, clean, model):

    # -- init --
    N, B, C, H, W = clean.shape
    cleanBN = rearrange(clean, 'n b c h w -> (b n) c h w')
    clean_pil = [
        tvT.ToPILImage()(cleanBN[i] + 0.5).convert("RGB") for i in range(B * N)
    ps = cfg.byol_patchsize
    unfold = nn.Unfold(ps, 1, 0, 1)

    # -- start loop --
    psnrs = {}
    noisy_grid = create_noise_level_grid(cfg)
    for noise_params in noisy_grid:

        # -- get noisy images --
        cfg.noise_type = noise_params.ntype
        cfg.noise_params.ntype = cfg.noise_type
        cfg.noise_params[cfg.noise_type] = noise_params
        noise_func = get_noise_transform(cfg.noise_params)
        noisyBN = torch.stack([noise_func(clean_pil[i]) for i in range(B * N)],
        noisy = rearrange(noisyBN, '(b n) c h w -> n b c h w', b=B)

        # -- construct similar image --
        query = edict()
        query.pix = noisy[[0]]
        query.ftr = noisy[[0]]
        query.shape = query.pix.shape

        database = edict()
        database.pix = noisy[[1]]
        database.ftr = noisy[[1]]
        database.shape = database.pix.shape

        clean_db = edict()
        clean_db.pix = clean[[1]]
        clean_db.ftr = clean_db.pix
        clean_db.shape = clean_db.pix.shape

        sim_outputs = compute_similar_bursts_analysis(

        # -- compute psnr --
        ref = clean[0]
        clean_sims = sim_outputs[1][0, :, 0]
        psnrs_np = images_to_psnrs(ref.cpu(), clean_sims.cpu())
        psnrs[noise_params.name] = edict()
        psnrs[noise_params.name].psnrs = psnrs_np
        psnrs[noise_params.name].ave = np.mean(psnrs_np)
        psnrs[noise_params.name].std = np.std(psnrs_np)
        psnrs[noise_params.name].min = np.min(psnrs_np)
        psnrs[noise_params.name].max = np.max(psnrs_np)
        # print(noise_params.name,psnrs[noise_params.name])

    return psnrs