def gen_lat(path): clk = vast.Ioport(vast.Input('en')) q = vast.Ioport(vast.Output('Q')) d = vast.Ioport(vast.Input('D')) r = vast.Ioport(vast.Input('rst')) ports = vast.Portlist([clk, q, d, r]) q_reg = vast.Identifier('reg Q = 0;') sens = [] sens.append(vast.Sens(vast.Identifier('en'), type='level')) sens.append(vast.Sens(vast.Identifier('rst'), type='level')) sens.append(vast.Sens(vast.Identifier('D'), type='level')) senslist = vast.SensList(sens) assign_q = vast.NonblockingSubstitution(vast.Lvalue(vast.Identifier('Q')), vast.Rvalue(vast.Identifier('D'))) blocks = [] blocks.append( vast.IfStatement( vast.Identifier('rst'), vast.Identifier('Q <= 0;'), vast.IfStatement(vast.Identifier('en'), assign_q, None), None)) statement = vast.Block(blocks) always = vast.Always(senslist, statement) items = [] items.append(q_reg) items.append(always) ast = vast.ModuleDef("lat", None, ports, items) write_verilog(ast, 'lat.v', path)
def test(): params = vast.Paramlist([]) clk = vast.Ioport(vast.Input('CLK')) rst = vast.Ioport(vast.Input('RST')) width = vast.Width(vast.IntConst('7'), vast.IntConst('0')) led = vast.Ioport(vast.Output('led', width=width), vast.Reg('led', width=width)) ports = vast.Portlist((clk, rst, led)) items = [ vast.EmbeddedCode(""" // Embedded code reg [31:0] count; always @(posedge CLK) begin if(RST) begin count <= 0; led <= 0; end else begin if(count == 1024 - 1) begin count <= 0; led <= led + 1; end else begin count <= count + 1; end end end """) ] ast = vast.ModuleDef("top", params, ports, items) codegen = ASTCodeGenerator() rslt = codegen.visit(ast) print(rslt) assert (expected == rslt)
def visit_Output(self, node): name = width = self.make_width(node) dims = self.make_dims(node) signed = node.signed first = vast.Output(name, width, signed, dims) second = vast.Reg(name, width, signed, dims) if self.module.is_reg(name) else None return vast.Ioport(first, second)
def test(): datawid = vast.Parameter( 'DATAWID', vast.Rvalue(vast.IntConst('32')) ) params = vast.Paramlist( [datawid] ) clk = vast.Ioport( vast.Input('CLK') ) rst = vast.Ioport( vast.Input('RST') ) width = vast.Width( vast.IntConst('7'), vast.IntConst('0') ) led = vast.Ioport( vast.Output('led', width=width) ) ports = vast.Portlist( [clk, rst, led] ) width = vast.Width( vast.Minus(vast.Identifier('DATAWID'), vast.IntConst('1')), vast.IntConst('0') ) count = vast.Reg('count', width=width) assign = vast.Assign( vast.Lvalue(vast.Identifier('led')), vast.Rvalue( vast.Partselect( vast.Identifier('count'), # count vast.Minus(vast.Identifier('DATAWID'), vast.IntConst('1')), # [DATAWID-1: vast.Minus(vast.Identifier('DATAWID'), vast.IntConst('8'))))) # :DATAWID-8] sens = vast.Sens(vast.Identifier('CLK'), type='posedge') senslist = vast.SensList([ sens ]) assign_count_true = vast.NonblockingSubstitution( vast.Lvalue(vast.Identifier('count')), vast.Rvalue(vast.IntConst('0'))) if0_true = vast.Block([ assign_count_true ]) # (count + 1) * 2 count_plus_1 = vast.Plus(vast.Identifier('count'), vast.IntConst('1')) cp1_times_2 = vast.Times(count_plus_1, vast.IntConst('2')) cp1t2_plus_1 = vast.Plus(cp1_times_2, vast.IntConst('1')) assign_count_false = vast.NonblockingSubstitution( vast.Lvalue(vast.Identifier('count')), vast.Rvalue(cp1t2_plus_1)) if0_false = vast.Block([ assign_count_false ]) if0 = vast.IfStatement(vast.Identifier('RST'), if0_true, if0_false) statement = vast.Block([ if0 ]) always = vast.Always(senslist, statement) items = [] items.append(count) items.append(assign) items.append(always) ast = vast.ModuleDef("top", params, ports, items) codegen = ASTCodeGenerator() rslt = codegen.visit(ast) print(rslt) assert(expected == rslt)
def visit_Output(self, node): name = width = (None if node.width is None else self.make_width_msb_lsb(node.width_msb, node.width_lsb) if node.width_msb is not None and node.width_lsb is not None else self.make_width(node.width)) signed = node.signed first = vast.Output(name, width, signed) second = vast.Reg(name, width, signed) if self.module.is_reg(name) else None return vast.Ioport(first, second)
def test(): params = vast.Paramlist(()) clk = vast.Ioport(vast.Input('CLK')) rst = vast.Ioport(vast.Input('RST')) width = vast.Width(vast.IntConst('7'), vast.IntConst('0')) led = vast.Ioport(vast.Output('led', width=width)) ports = vast.Portlist((clk, rst, led)) items = (vast.Assign(vast.Identifier('led'), vast.IntConst('8')), ) ast = vast.ModuleDef("top", params, ports, items) codegen = ASTCodeGenerator() rslt = codegen.visit(ast) print(rslt) assert (expected == rslt)
def gen_dff(path): clk = vast.Ioport(vast.Input('clk')) q = vast.Ioport(vast.Output('Q')) d = vast.Ioport(vast.Input('D')) ports = vast.Portlist([clk, q, d]) q_reg = vast.Identifier('reg Q = 0;') sens = vast.Sens(vast.Identifier('clk'), type='posedge') senslist = vast.SensList([sens]) assign_q = vast.NonblockingSubstitution(vast.Lvalue(vast.Identifier('Q')), vast.Rvalue(vast.Identifier('D'))) statement = vast.Block([assign_q]) always = vast.Always(senslist, statement) items = [] items.append(q_reg) items.append(always) ast = vast.ModuleDef("dff", None, ports, items) write_verilog(ast, 'dff.v', path)
def createFaultyOutputFile(preparedModules, faultModuleFile): # This file creates the faulty output file # If this code is used as reference for pyverilog, be very cautious about # the exact use of it and a good debugger is very useful # Todo I still have struggle with the fault module injection, so if vectors # appear or similar things it could become diffcult -> it fails print("Start creating faulty verilog file!") # Contains all the verilog components of this module portMembers = [] itemMembersPortInput = [] itemMembersPortInputVector = [] itemMembersPortOutput = [] itemMembersPortOutputVector = [] itemMembersWire = [] itemMembersWireVector = [] itemMembersFaultModule = [] itemMembersGate = [] itemMembers = [] emptyList = [] # The following code create transforms all the modifies parts into # pyverilog understandable code for element in range(0, preparedModules.getModuleListLength()): if 'topmodule' in preparedModules.moduleList[element].type[1]: if verbose: print("Found Topmodule!") outputName = preparedModules.moduleList[element].type[0] # Handling the Ports for port in range(0, preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports.__len__()): if "Input" in preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports[port][0]: # print("Input") if 'singular' in preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports[port][3]: itemMembersPortInput.append(vast.Input(name=preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports[port][2], width=None, signed=False)) portMembers.append(vast.Port(name=preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports[port][2], type=None, width=None)) elif 'vector' in preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports[port][3]: # For initialization prepVector = getPreparedVector(preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports[port][2]) width = vast.Width(msb=vast.IntConst(prepVector[1]), lsb=vast.IntConst(prepVector[2])) itemMembersPortInputVector.append(vast.Decl([vast.Input(name=prepVector[0], width=width)])) # For port definition portMembers.append(vast.Port(name=prepVector[0], type=None, width=None)) else: print("createFaultyOutputFile - topmodule - ports: Unknown port type found!") elif "Output" in preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports[port][0]: # print("Output") if 'singular' in preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports[port][3]: portMembers.append(vast.Port(name=preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports[port][2], type=None, width=None)) itemMembersPortOutput.append(vast.Output(name=preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports[port][2], width=None, signed=False)) elif 'vector' in preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports[port][3]: # For initialization prepVector = getPreparedVector(preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports[port][2]) width = vast.Width(msb=vast.IntConst(prepVector[1]), lsb=vast.IntConst(prepVector[2])) itemMembersPortOutputVector.append(vast.Decl([vast.Output(name=prepVector[0], width=width)])) # For port definition portMembers.append(vast.Port(name=prepVector[0], type=None, width=None)) else: print("createFaultyOutputFile - topmodule - ports: Unknown port type found!") else: print("createFaultyOutputFile - topmodule - ports: Unknown port found!") sys.exit(8) # Handling the wires for wire in range(0, preparedModules.moduleList[element].wires.__len__()): if 'singular' in preparedModules.moduleList[element].wires[wire][1]: wire = vast.Wire(name=preparedModules.moduleList[element].wires[wire][0]) itemMembersWire.append(wire) # TODO this is kind of dangerous, because it seems that there is pointer, wirearray, wire and the use is always similar elif 'vector' in preparedModules.moduleList[element].wires[wire][1]: prepVector = getPreparedVector(preparedModules.moduleList[element].wires[wire][0]) # length = vast.Length(msb=vast.IntConst(prepVector[1]), lsb=vast.IntConst(prepVector[2])) # wireArray = vast.WireArray(name=prepVector[0], length=length, width=None) # WireArray can also consume width but this seems distinct from the IO ports not to be used for the vector width width = vast.Width(msb=vast.IntConst(prepVector[1]), lsb=vast.IntConst(prepVector[2])) wire = vast.Wire(name=prepVector[0], width=width) itemMembersWireVector.append(vast.Decl(list=[wire])) else: print("createFaultyOutputFile - topmodule - wires: Unknown wire found!") sys.exit(8) # Relevant for the Gates elif 'gate' in preparedModules.moduleList[element].type[1]: moduleName = preparedModules.moduleList[element].name moduleType = preparedModules.moduleList[element].type[0] modulePortList = [] # Port Handling for port in range(0, preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports.__len__()): if 'singular' in preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports[port][3]: argName = vast.Identifier(name=preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports[port][2]) portArg = vast.PortArg(argname=argName, portname=preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports[port][1]) modulePortList.append(portArg) elif 'pointer' in preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports[port][3]: prepPointer = getPreparedPointer(preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports[port][2]) argName = vast.Pointer(var=vast.Identifier(prepPointer[0]), ptr=vast.IntConst(prepPointer[1])) portArg = vast.PortArg(argname=argName, portname=preparedModules.moduleList[element].ports[port][1]) modulePortList.append(portArg) else: print("createFaultyOutputFile - gates - ports: Unknown port type found!") sys.exit(9) # Instance Handling moduleInstance = vast.Instance(module=moduleType, name=moduleName, portlist=modulePortList, parameterlist=emptyList, array=None) moduleInstanceList = vast.InstanceList(module=moduleType, instances=[moduleInstance], parameterlist=emptyList) itemMembersGate.append(moduleInstanceList) else: print("createFaultyOutputFile: Error unknown module-type appeared") sys.exit(7) # Adding the fault modules # Getting the name from the faultModule File, which is an argument of this script print( "Attention, only the name of the faultModule-file is used, anything else is hardcoded in the script (amount of IOs and so on)") print( "We expect, that you use Questa/Modelsim for simulation, so it makes no difference, if the fault module is a Verilog or Systemverilog file") print( "The inputs of the topmodule won't be connected to fault modules, the necessity of the function needs to be evaluated") faultModuleName = (((faultModuleFile.split('/'))[-1]).split('.'))[0] print('Faultmodule name: %s' % faultModuleName) global MAKE_PORTS_FAULTY if MAKE_PORTS_FAULTY: print("The function to involve the ports of the top module has to be evaluated and if necessary implemented!") # Implementing Fault Modules - this is hardcoded, must be modified if a different kind of fault modules is used # TODO a code block which handles the inport outport so that there is a clean cut between the ports and the wires # Additional values for the module parameters moduleID = ("MODULEID", "") faultParametersByScript = False prob_c2f = ("PROB_C2F", "32'd42949672") prob_f2c = ("PROB_F2C", "32'd3865470565") seed = ("SEED", "32'd1234") random.seed(a=None, version=2) randomSeed = True for i in range(0, preparedModules.moduleList[0].wires.__len__()): # Wire Preperation if 'singular' in preparedModules.moduleList[0].wires[i][1]: wireName = preparedModules.moduleList[0].wires[i][0] if "_a" == wireName[(len(wireName) - 2):]: faultPortList = [] # Module wirePair = ( preparedModules.moduleList[0].wires[i][0], preparedModules.moduleList[0].wires[i + 1][0]) moduleName = wirePair[0][:(len(wirePair[0]) - 2)] + '_faulty' # Clock argName = vast.Identifier(name='faultClock') portArg = vast.PortArg(argname=argName, portname='CLK') faultPortList.append(portArg) # Inport argName = vast.Identifier(name=wirePair[0]) portArg = vast.PortArg(argname=argName, portname='in') faultPortList.append(portArg) # Outport argName = vast.Identifier(name=wirePair[1]) portArg = vast.PortArg(argname=argName, portname='out') faultPortList.append(portArg) # Parameter Handling - If we want to add certain parameters to the file, these lines need to be modified parameterList = [] moduleID = (moduleID[0], wirePair[0][:(len(wirePair[0]) - 2)]) parameterList.append(vast.ParamArg(argname=vast.StringConst(moduleID[1]), paramname=moduleID[0])) # Condition query if the testbench shall set the parameters (so no global defines are used if faultParametersByScript: parameterList.append(vast.ParamArg(argname=vast.IntConst(prob_c2f[1]), paramname=prob_c2f[0])) parameterList.append(vast.ParamArg(argname=vast.IntConst(prob_f2c[1]), paramname=prob_f2c[0])) # Randomizing seed if randomSeed: seed = ("SEED", "32'd" + str(random.randint(a=1, b=10000))) parameterList.append(vast.ParamArg(argname=vast.IntConst(seed[1]), paramname=seed[0])) # Instance Handling moduleInstance = vast.Instance(module=faultModuleName, name=moduleName, portlist=faultPortList, parameterlist=emptyList, array=None) moduleInstanceList = vast.InstanceList(module=faultModuleName, instances=[moduleInstance], parameterlist=parameterList) itemMembersFaultModule.append(moduleInstanceList) # FaultModule initialization elif 'vector' in preparedModules.moduleList[0].wires[i][1]: # Preparing the vector prepVector = getPreparedVector(preparedModules.moduleList[0].wires[i][0]) wireName_a = prepVector[0] vectorMSB = prepVector[1] vectorLSB = prepVector[2] # print(preparedModules.moduleList[0].wires[i][0]) if "_a" == wireName_a[(len(wireName_a) - 2):]: # Must be after if else it would possible take a wrong wire wireName_b = getPreparedVector(preparedModules.moduleList[0].wires[i + 1][0])[0] for j in range(int(vectorLSB), int(vectorMSB) + 1): # +1 that the last bit is also included faultPortList = [] # Module wirePair = (wireName_a , wireName_b) moduleName = wirePair[0][:(len(wireName_a[0]) - 2)] + str(j) + 'b_faulty' # Clock argName = vast.Identifier(name='faultClock') portArg = vast.PortArg(argname=argName, portname='CLK') faultPortList.append(portArg) # Inport argName = vast.Pointer(var=vast.Identifier(wireName_a), ptr=vast.IntConst(j)) portArg = vast.PortArg(argname=argName, portname='in') faultPortList.append(portArg) # Outport argName = vast.Pointer(var=vast.Identifier(wireName_b), ptr=vast.IntConst(j)) portArg = vast.PortArg(argname=argName, portname='out') faultPortList.append(portArg) # Parameter Handling - If we want to add certain parameters to the file, these lines need to be modified parameterList = [] moduleID = (moduleID[0], wirePair[0][:(len(wirePair[0]) - 2)] + '_' + str(j)) parameterList.append(vast.ParamArg(argname=vast.StringConst(moduleID[1]), paramname=moduleID[0])) # Condition query if the testbench shall set the parameters (so no global defines are used) if faultParametersByScript: parameterList.append(vast.ParamArg(argname=vast.IntConst(prob_c2f[1]), paramname=prob_c2f[0])) parameterList.append(vast.ParamArg(argname=vast.IntConst(prob_f2c[1]), paramname=prob_f2c[0])) # Randomizing seed if randomSeed: seed = ("SEED", "32'd" + str(random.randint(a=1, b=10000))) parameterList.append(vast.ParamArg(argname=vast.IntConst(seed[1]), paramname=seed[0])) # Instance Handling moduleInstance = vast.Instance(module=faultModuleName, name=moduleName, portlist=faultPortList, parameterlist=emptyList, array=None) moduleInstanceList = vast.InstanceList(module=faultModuleName, instances=[moduleInstance], parameterlist=parameterList) itemMembersFaultModule.append(moduleInstanceList) # FaultModule initialization else: print("Implement fault modules: Error appeared during instantiation in wire section!") sys.exit(9) # Last preperations steps # Ports itemMembers.extend(itemMembersPortInputVector) # itemMembers.extend(itemMembersPortInput) # In this way for every signal is a new line used itemMembers.append(vast.Decl(list=itemMembersPortInput)) # In this way it is more "bulk" like itemMembers.extend(itemMembersPortOutputVector) # itemMembers.extend(itemMembersPortOutput) itemMembers.append(vast.Decl(list=itemMembersPortOutput)) # Wires itemMembers.extend(itemMembersWireVector) #itemMembers.extend(itemMembersWire) itemMembers.append(vast.Decl(list=itemMembersWire)) # Module Declaration itemMembers.extend(itemMembersGate) itemMembers.extend(itemMembersFaultModule) # Wire Arrays # Actual code generation portList = vast.Portlist(portMembers) ast = vast.ModuleDef(name=outputName, paramlist=None, portlist=portList, items=itemMembers) codegen = ASTCodeGenerator() result = codegen.visit(ast) if(verbose): print(result) # Writing to the code to output file outputFile = open((outputName + ".v"), 'w') outputFile.write(result) outputFile.close() print("Finished writing process!") return 0
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import sys import os sys.path.insert( 0, os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))))) import pyverilog.vparser.ast as vast from pyverilog.ast_code_generator.codegen import ASTCodeGenerator params = vast.Paramlist(()) clk = vast.Ioport(vast.Input('CLK')) rst = vast.Ioport(vast.Input('RST')) width = vast.Width(vast.IntConst('7'), vast.IntConst('0')) led = vast.Ioport(vast.Output('led', width=width)) ports = vast.Portlist((clk, rst, led)) items = (vast.Assign(vast.Identifier('led'), vast.IntConst('8')), ) ast = vast.ModuleDef("top", params, ports, items) codegen = ASTCodeGenerator() rslt = codegen.visit(ast) print(rslt)
def lower_fsm(fsm: FSM): assert fsm.start_state == 0, "Starting state is not 0" zero = vast.IntConst(0) all_registers = [ Register("a", 8), Register("b", 8), Register("tmp", 8), Register("_cond", 1), ] register_defs = [ vast.Reg(, vast.Width(vast.IntConst(reg.width - 1), zero) if reg.width - 1 != 0 else None) for reg in all_registers ] ports = vast.Portlist([ vast.Ioport(vast.Input('clk')), # XXX(rachit): AST can't represent `output reg done` # so assign to a local register and use a wire. vast.Ioport(vast.Output('done')), ]) done_state = max(fsm.actions.keys()) + 1 done_reg = vast.Reg('done_out') hook_up_done = vast.Assign( vast.Lvalue(vast.Identifier('done')), vast.Rvalue(vast.Identifier('done_out')), ) # Register to store the FSM state. fsm_reg_size = int(math.ceil(math.log2(done_state))) + 1 fsm_reg = vast.Reg(name="fsm_reg", width=vast.Width(vast.IntConst(fsm_reg_size - 1), zero)) # Define all the registers. reg_decl = register_defs + [fsm_reg] # Define the initial process inits = vast.Initial( vast.Block([ vast.BlockingSubstitution( vast.Lvalue(vast.Identifier(, vast.Rvalue(vast.IntConst(0)), ) for reg in reg_decl ])) # Default case, assigns to the done register. done = vast.IntConst(done_state) default_case = vast.Case(cond=None, statement=vast.Block([ vast.NonblockingSubstitution( vast.Lvalue(vast.Identifier(, vast.Rvalue(vast.Identifier(, ) for reg in reg_decl ] + [ vast.NonblockingSubstitution( vast.Lvalue(vast.Identifier('done_out')), vast.Rvalue(vast.IntConst(1))) ])) # Generate Case conditions for each transition. cases = [ vast.Case([vast.IntConst(cond_val)], lower_action(fsm_reg, done, action)) for (cond_val, action) in fsm.actions.items() ] case_statement = vast.CaseStatement(comp=vast.Identifier(, caselist=cases + [default_case]) always_ff = vast.Always( vast.SensList([vast.Sens(vast.Identifier('clk'), 'posedge')]), vast.Block([case_statement])) return vast.ModuleDef(name="main", paramlist=vast.Paramlist([]), portlist=ports, items=reg_decl + [done_reg, hook_up_done, inits, always_ff])