def _set_connections(self): """ Setup db connections """ ip_sql = ( 'SELECT node_address FROM v_catalog.nodes ' 'ORDER BY node_name LIMIT 1' ) self._source_con = get_connection( dsn=self._source_dsn, user=self._kwargs.get('source_user'), password=self._kwargs.get('source_pwd'), reconnect=self._kwargs.get('source_reconnect', True), ) self._source = self._source_con.cursor() self._source_ip = self._source.execute(ip_sql).fetchone()[0] self._target_con = get_connection( dsn=self._target_dsn, user=self._kwargs.get('target_user'), password=self._kwargs.get('target_pwd'), reconnect=self._kwargs.get('target_reconnect', True) ) self._target = self._target_con.cursor() self._target_ip = self._target.execute(ip_sql).fetchone()[0]
def get_last_imported_batch_source_path(cls, odbc_kwargs): """ Return the last imported batch source-path. :param odbc_kwargs: A ``dict`` containing the ODBC connection keyword arguments. E.g.:: { 'dsn': 'TestDSN', } .. seealso:: :return: A ``str`` representing the last imported batch source-path. """ connection = get_connection(**odbc_kwargs) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT batch_source_path FROM {batch_history_table} ' 'WHERE batch_source_name = ? AND batch_source_type_name = ? ' 'ORDER BY batch_import_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1'.format( batch_history_table=cls.batch_history_table ), cls.batch_source_name, cls.batch_source_type_name ) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: return row[0] return None
def main(): settings = config.SQL_CONFIG connection = get_connection(dsn = 'VerticaDSN', unicode_results='True') cursor = connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute('select year(CURRENT_DATE - 2), month(CURRENT_DATE - 2), day(CURRENT_DATE - 2 )') rows = cursor.fetchall() month = '{0:4d}{1:02d}'.format(rows[0].year, rows[0].month); day = '{0:4d}{1:02d}{2:02d}'.format(rows[0].year, rows[0].month, rows[0].day) BASEDIR = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(sys.path[0]), 'report') folder = os.path.join(BASEDIR, month) filename = os.path.join(BASEDIR, month, day) + '.xls' if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder) wb = xlwt.Workbook() for setting in settings: print str( + ''' Pull data for "%s" ... ''' % setting['name'] cursor.execute(setting['sql']) #print setting['sql'] AddSheet(wb, setting['name'], cursor, setting['row'], setting['col']) except Exception as ex: print str( + ''' Pull data for "%s" failed''' % setting['name'] print Exception, ":", ex finally: connection.close()
def generateReport(adID, startDate, endDate, macFormat, queryID = 'tmp'): connection = get_connection(dsn = 'VerticaDSN', unicode_results='True') cursor = connection.cursor() try: BASEDIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'tmp_report') folder = BASEDIR filename = os.path.join(BASEDIR, queryID) + '.xls' if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder) wb = xlwt.Workbook() print str( + ''' Pull data for offer "%s" ... ''' % adID sql = ''' select distinct to_char(a.time + interval '8:00') as clicktime, b.mac_address from (select udid, time from analytics.actions where offer_id = '%s' and time between date('%s') - interval '8:00' and date('%s') + interval '16:00') a join analytics.connects_bi b on a.udid = b.udid where b.mac_address != 'NULL' and between date('%s') - interval '15' and '%s' order by 1 asc''' % (adID, startDate, endDate, startDate, endDate) #print sql cursor.execute(sql) #cursor.execute('''select '12123' as clicktime, 'abc12' as mac_addr''') AddSheet(wb, 'mac_addr', cursor, macFormat, 0, 0) except Exception as ex: print str( + ''' Failed to pull data for offer "%s" ... ''' % adID print Exception, ":", ex finally: connection.close()
def get_batch_source_path_exists(cls, batch_source_path, odbc_kwargs={}): """ Check if the batch source-path exists in the database. :param batch_source_path: The batch source-path (``str``). :param odbc_kwargs: A ``dict`` containing the ODBC connection keyword arguments. E.g.:: { 'dsn': 'TestDSN', } .. seealso:: :return: ``True`` if it already exists, else ``False``. """ connection = get_connection(**odbc_kwargs) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT batch_source_path FROM {batch_history_table} ' 'WHERE batch_source_name = ? AND batch_source_type_name = ? AND ' 'batch_source_path = ? LIMIT 1'.format( batch_history_table=cls.batch_history_table), cls.batch_source_name, cls.batch_source_type_name, batch_source_path) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: return True return False
def get_batch_source_path_exists(cls, batch_source_path, odbc_kwargs={}): """ Check if the batch source-path exists in the database. :param batch_source_path: The batch source-path (``str``). :param odbc_kwargs: A ``dict`` containing the ODBC connection keyword arguments. E.g.:: { 'dsn': 'TestDSN', } .. seealso:: :return: ``True`` if it already exists, else ``False``. """ connection = get_connection(**odbc_kwargs) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute( "SELECT batch_source_path FROM {batch_history_table} " "WHERE batch_source_name = ? AND batch_source_type_name = ? AND " "batch_source_path = ? LIMIT 1".format(batch_history_table=cls.batch_history_table), cls.batch_source_name, cls.batch_source_type_name, batch_source_path, ) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: return True return False
def __init__( self, table_name, odbc_kwargs={}, truncate_table=False, reconnect=True, analyze_constraints=True, column_list=[], copy_options={}, connection=None, multi_batch=False): if connection and odbc_kwargs: raise ValueError("May only specify one of " "[connection, odbc_kwargs]") self._odbc_kwargs = odbc_kwargs self._table_name = table_name self._column_list = column_list self._analyze_constraints = analyze_constraints self.copy_options_dict.update(copy_options) self._batch_initialized = False self._multi_batch = multi_batch self._total_count = 0 self._batch_count = 0 self._in_batch = False if not connection: # make sure we are not logging any passwords :) odbc_kwargs_copy = copy.deepcopy(odbc_kwargs) if 'password' in odbc_kwargs_copy: odbc_kwargs_copy['password'] = '******' logger.debug( 'Initializing VerticaBatch with odbc_kwargs={0}, ' 'table_name={1}, ' 'column_list={2}'.format( odbc_kwargs_copy, table_name, column_list)) self._connection = get_connection( reconnect=reconnect, **self._odbc_kwargs) else: self._connection = connection self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() # truncate table, if needed if truncate_table: self._truncate_table()
def __init__( self, table_name, odbc_kwargs={}, truncate_table=False, reconnect=True, analyze_constraints=True, column_list=[], copy_options={}, connection=None, multi_batch=False, ): if connection and odbc_kwargs: raise ValueError("May only specify one of " "[connection, odbc_kwargs]") self._odbc_kwargs = odbc_kwargs self._table_name = table_name self._column_list = column_list self._analyze_constraints = analyze_constraints self.copy_options_dict.update(copy_options) self._batch_initialized = False self._multi_batch = multi_batch self._total_count = 0 self._batch_count = 0 self._in_batch = False if not connection: # make sure we are not logging any passwords :) odbc_kwargs_copy = copy.deepcopy(odbc_kwargs) if "password" in odbc_kwargs_copy: odbc_kwargs_copy["password"] = "******" logger.debug( "Initializing VerticaBatch with odbc_kwargs={0}, " "table_name={1}, " "column_list={2}".format(odbc_kwargs_copy, table_name, column_list) ) self._connection = get_connection(reconnect=reconnect, **self._odbc_kwargs) else: self._connection = connection self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() # truncate table, if needed if truncate_table: self._truncate_table()
def test_get_connection(self, pyodbc, get_random_node_address): """ Test :py:func:`.get_connection`. """ pyodbc.connect.side_effect = ['connection1', 'connection2'] connection = get_connection(dsn='TestDSN', foo='bar', bar='foo') self.assertEqual([ call(dsn='TestDSN', foo='bar', bar='foo'), call( dsn='TestDSN', servername=get_random_node_address.return_value, foo='bar', bar='foo', ), ], pyodbc.connect.call_args_list) get_random_node_address.assert_called_once_with('connection1') self.assertEqual('connection2', connection)
def __init__( self, table_name, odbc_kwargs={}, truncate_table=False, reconnect=True, analyze_constraints=True, column_list=[], copy_options={}): # make sure we are not logging any passwords :) odbc_kwargs_copy = copy.deepcopy(odbc_kwargs) if 'password' in odbc_kwargs_copy: odbc_kwargs_copy['password'] = '******' logger.debug( 'Initializing VerticaBatch with odbc_kwargs={0}, table_name={1}, ' 'column_list={2}'.format( odbc_kwargs_copy, table_name, column_list)) self._odbc_kwargs = odbc_kwargs self._table_name = table_name self._column_list = column_list self._analyze_constraints = analyze_constraints self.copy_options_dict.update(copy_options) self._total_count = 0 self._batch_count = 0 self._in_batch = False # setup db connection self._connection = get_connection( reconnect=reconnect, **self._odbc_kwargs) self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() # truncate table, if needed if truncate_table: self._truncate_table()
def __init__(self, table_name, odbc_kwargs={}, truncate_table=False, reconnect=True, analyze_constraints=True, column_list=[], copy_options={}): # make sure we are not logging any passwords :) odbc_kwargs_copy = copy.deepcopy(odbc_kwargs) if 'password' in odbc_kwargs_copy: odbc_kwargs_copy['password'] = '******' logger.debug( 'Initializing VerticaBatch with odbc_kwargs={0}, table_name={1}, ' 'column_list={2}'.format(odbc_kwargs_copy, table_name, column_list)) self._odbc_kwargs = odbc_kwargs self._table_name = table_name self._column_list = column_list self._analyze_constraints = analyze_constraints self.copy_options_dict.update(copy_options) self._total_count = 0 self._batch_count = 0 self._in_batch = False # setup db connection self._connection = get_connection(reconnect=reconnect, **self._odbc_kwargs) self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() # truncate table, if needed if truncate_table: self._truncate_table()