def pyvis(height): # Load Pyvis network got_net = Network(height="750px", width="100%", bgcolor="#222222", font_color="white") got_net.barnes_hut() got_data = pd.read_csv( "") sources = got_data['Source'] targets = got_data['Target'] weights = got_data['Weight'] edge_data = zip(sources, targets, weights) for e in edge_data: src = e[0] dst = e[1] w = e[2] got_net.add_node(src, src, title=src) got_net.add_node(dst, dst, title=dst) got_net.add_edge(src, dst, value=w) neighbor_map = got_net.get_adj_list() for node in got_net.nodes: node["title"] += " Neighbors:<br>" + "<br>".join( neighbor_map[node["id"]]) node["value"] = len(neighbor_map[node["id"]]) got_net.write_html("gameofthrones.html") return got_net.html, height, "Pyvis Network"
def construct_network(df): g = Network("800px", "100%", bgcolor="#3c4647", font_color="white") for artist in df.artist: g.add_node(artist, label=artist, color="#26d18f") for related in df.related: g.add_node(related, label=related, color="#8965c7") g.add_edges(list(zip(df.artist, df.related))) counts = df.related.value_counts() for node in g.nodes: freq = str(counts.get(node['id'], 1)) # nodes with a value will scale their size # nodes with a title will include a hover tooltip on the node node.update({"value": freq, "title": f"Frequency: {freq}"}) g.inherit_edge_colors("to") for e in g.edges: edge_label = f'{e["from"]} ---> {e["to"]}' e.update({"title": edge_label}) g.barnes_hut(gravity=-17950, central_gravity=4.1, spring_length=220, spring_strength=.140, damping=.66, overlap=1)"spotify_example.html")
def getUniCourseGraph(): """ Get university-course graph. """ results = g.query(""" select distinct ?courseID ?courseName ?instructorFN ?instructorGN ?university where { ?courseID a ccso:Course . ?courseID ccso:csName ?courseName . ?courseID ccso:hasInstructor ?inst . ?inst foaf:familyName ?instructorFN . ?inst foaf:givenName ?instructorGN . ?courseID ccso:offeredBy ?dept . ?dept ccso:belongsTo ?uni . ?uni ccso:legalName ?university . }""") visGraph = Network(height='750px', width='100%') # PyVis-Network, for visualization. nxGraph = nx.Graph() # NetworkX, for analyses for courseID, courseName, instLast, instFirst, uni in results: instName = f"{instFirst} {instLast}" nxGraph.add_node(uni) visGraph.add_node(uni, shape='circle', title=uni, mass=2) nxGraph.add_node(courseID) visGraph.add_node(courseID, shape='box', label=courseName) visGraph.add_edge(uni, courseID) nxGraph.add_edge(uni, courseID) return nxGraph, visGraph
def visualize(networkx_graph, name): if '.html' in name: pyvis_graph = Network(height=800, width=800, notebook=True) for node, node_attrs in networkx_graph.nodes(data=True): pyvis_graph.add_node(node, **node_attrs) # for each edge and its attributes in the networkx graph for source, target, edge_attrs in networkx_graph.edges(data=True): # if value/width not specified directly, and weight is specified, set 'value' to 'weight' if not 'value' in edge_attrs and not 'width' in edge_attrs and 'weight' in edge_attrs: # place at key 'value' the weight of the edge edge_attrs['value'] = edge_attrs['weight'] # add the edge pyvis_graph.add_edge(source, target, **edge_attrs) return'docs/' + name) elif '.svg' in name: # pos = nx.spring_layout(networkx_graph,k=0.25) options = { "node_color": "blue", "node_size": 20, "line_color": "grey", "linewidths": 1, "width": 1, } nx.draw(networkx_graph, **options) plt.savefig(f"docs/{name}")
def getCourseText(): """ Visualize courses and their assigned texts. """ coursesAndTexts = g.query(""" select distinct ?courseName ?textTitle ?authorLast where { ?a a ccso:Course . ?a ccso:csName ?courseName . ?a ccso:hasLM ?t . ?t res:resource ?doc . ?doc dcterms:title ?textTitle . ?doc dcterms:creator ?author . ?author foaf:surname ?authorLast . } limit 50""") for line in coursesAndTexts: print(line) net = Network(height='750px', width='100%') for courseName, textTitle, authorLast in coursesAndTexts: net.add_node(courseName, shape='square', title=str(courseName)) net.add_node(textTitle, shape='circle', label=str(authorLast), title=str(textTitle)) net.add_edge(courseName, textTitle, title="hasLM") net.save_graph('../website/graph-viz.html')
def plot_bacteria_intraction_network(bacteria, node_list, node_size_list, edge_list, color_list, G_name, folder, color_by_tax_level=2, directed_G=True, control_color_and_shape=True): # create the results folder if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder) nodes_colors, nodes_shapes, group_list, tax_to_color_and_shape_map = \ get_nodes_colors_by_bacteria_tax_level(bacteria, G_name, taxnomy_level=color_by_tax_level, folder=folder) bact_short_names = [shorten_single_bact_name(b) for b in bacteria] nodes_with_edges = np.unique(np.array(edge_list).flatten()).tolist() net = Network(height="750px", width="100%", bgcolor="#FFFFFF", font_color="black", directed=directed_G) #net.barnes_hut(gravity=-120000) net.force_atlas_2based() # for the nodes: you can use either only the group option the automatically colors the group in different colors # shaped like dots - no control, or use color and shape to make it you own, in this case group is irrelevant for i, node in enumerate(node_list): if node in nodes_with_edges: if control_color_and_shape: net.add_node(node, label=bact_short_names[i], color=nodes_colors[i], value=node_size_list[i], shape=nodes_shapes[i], group=group_list[i]) else: net.add_node(node, label=bact_short_names[i], value=node_size_list[i], group=group_list[i]) # for the edges, the colors are what you decide and send for i, (u, v) in enumerate(edge_list): net.add_edge(u, v, color=color_list[i]) net.save_graph(os.path.join(folder, G_name + ".html"))
def plotResult(file_in, file_out): got_net = Network(height="100%", width="100%", bgcolor="white", font_color="black") got_net.barnes_hut() got_data = pd.read_csv(file_in) sources = got_data['From'] targets = got_data['To'] weights = got_data['Weight'] x_array = got_data['x'] y_array = got_data['y'] highlight = got_data['Highlight'] edge_data = zip(sources, targets, weights, x_array, y_array, highlight) for e in edge_data: src = e[0] dst = e[1] w = e[2] x_array = e[3] y_array = e[4] h = e[5] v_color_dst = "#ADFF2F" #Green color image_url = 'cat.png' v_shape = 'dot' if (dst in ['central_concentrator'] or h == 1): image_url = 'cat.png' v_shape = 'circle' got_net.add_node(src, shape=v_shape, title=src, x=x_array, y=y_array, color="#ADFF2F") #Green color got_net.add_node(dst, shape=v_shape, title=dst, x=x_array, y=y_array, color=v_color_dst) got_net.add_edge(src, dst, value=h) neighbor_map = got_net.get_adj_list() # add neighbor data to node hover data for node in got_net.nodes: node["title"] += " Neighbors:<br>" + "<br>".join( neighbor_map[node["id"]]) node["value"] = len(neighbor_map[node["id"]]) got_net.set_options( 'var options = { "edges": { "arrows": { "middle": { "enabled": true } }, "color": { "inherit": "false"}, "smooth": false},"physics": {"enabled": true, "forceAtlas2Based":{ "gravitationalConstant": -500, "springLength": 100, "avoidOverlap": 1}, "minVelocity": 0.75, "solver": "forceAtlas2Based"}}' )
def wrapper(jsonGraph, path): g = func(jsonGraph,path) colors = dict(mcolors.BASE_COLORS, **mcolors.CSS4_COLORS) G= Network(height="800px", width="70%", directed=True) data=[] for u,e,v in g[1]: data.append(e) label_encoder = LabelEncoder() integer_encoded = np.array(label_encoder.fit_transform(data), dtype='float') i=0 for src,e,dst in g[1]: src_cname_idx = str(src).count('/') if str(src).count('/') < len(cnames) else (len(cnames) - 1) src_size_idx = str(src).count('/') if str(src).count('/') < len(sizes) else (len(sizes) - 1) dst_cname_idx = str(dst).count('/') if str(dst).count('/') < len(cnames) else (len(cnames) - 1) dst_size_idx = str(dst).count('/') if str(dst).count('/') < len(sizes) else (len(sizes) - 1) G.add_node(src, title=src, physics=True,color=cnames[src_cname_idx], size=sizes[src_size_idx], shape="dot") G.add_node(dst, title=dst, physics=True,color=cnames[dst_cname_idx], size=sizes[dst_size_idx], shape="dot") G.add_edge(src,dst,width=0.5, title=data[i],physics=True) i+=1 G.hrepulsion(node_distance=120, central_gravity=0.0, spring_length=100, spring_strength=0.01, damping=0.09) G.show_buttons(filter_=['physics'])"test.html") # for s,p,o in g[1]: # print((s,p,o)) return g
class show_path: def __init__(self): self.graph = Network(height="750px", width="100%", directed=True) with open('layouts\path_layout.json') as f: self.composite_options = json.load(f) def show_graph(self): dirOutput = "output" if not os.path.exists(dirOutput): os.makedirs("output")"output\path_graph.html") def add_path(self, input, amount): input_edge = zip(input[0:len(input) - 1], input[1:len(input)], amount) for i in input_edge: input = i[0] output = i[1] weight = i[2] self.graph.add_node(input) self.graph.add_node(output) self.graph.add_edge(input, output, value=weight, title=weight) self.graph.options = self.composite_options def show(self): self.show_graph()
def generate_graph(arbre): got_net = Network(height="100%", width="100%", bgcolor="#222222", font_color="white") dico_couleur = {} for streamer in arbre.streamers: got_net.add_node(, value=streamer.poids, shape='image', image=streamer.photo_profil, size=100) dico_couleur[] = streamer.couleur for depart, arrivee in arbre.groupes_migrants: for viewer in arbre.groupes_migrants[depart, arrivee]: got_net.add_node(viewer, value=1, color=dico_couleur[depart]) got_net.add_edge(viewer, depart, color=dico_couleur[depart]) got_net.add_edge(viewer, arrivee, color=dico_couleur[arrivee]) got_net.show_buttons() got_net.set_edge_smooth(smooth_type='dynamic') got_net.force_atlas_2based(gravity=-200, central_gravity=0.01, spring_length=1, spring_strength=0.08, damping=0.4, overlap=0) got_net.save_graph("./graphs_v1/" + 'streamgame_v1_42' + ".html") return
def network_pyvis(self, df): G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df, edge_attr=True) net = Network(height="500px", width="100%", heading='') sources = df['source'] targets = df['target'] weights = df['weight'] edge_data = zip(sources, targets, weights) for e in edge_data: src = e[0] dst = e[1] w = e[2] net.add_node(src, src, title=src) net.add_node(dst, dst, title=dst) net.add_edge(src, dst, value=w) neighbor_map = net.get_adj_list() net.from_nx(G) net.write_html('tweets/temp.html') return net.html
def to_interactive_html(self, destination: str): from import Network # type: ignore G = Network(height='100%', width='100%', directed=True, bgcolor='#000000') G.toggle_stabilization(False) all_nodes: Set[Node] = set() nodes_to_explore: Set[Node] = set([self]) while len(nodes_to_explore) > 0: all_nodes.update(nodes_to_explore) new_nodes_to_explore: Set[Node] = set() for node_to_explore in nodes_to_explore: connected_nodes = node_to_explore.query.through_edge().results connected_nodes = cast(Set[Node], connected_nodes) new_nodes_to_explore.update([ node for node in connected_nodes if node not in all_nodes ]) nodes_to_explore = new_nodes_to_explore for node in all_nodes: G.add_node(node.graph_id, label=str(node)) for node in all_nodes: for out in node.outbound: G.add_edge(node.graph_id, out.destination.graph_id) # links.append((node, out.destination, {'label': out.label}))
def network_visualization(path='./socnetvis.html', alphabet=False): weights = {'best': 4, 'good': 2, 'friend': 1, 'acquaintance': 0.5} net = Network('100%', '100%', bgcolor='#222', font_color='white') net.barnes_hut() for name, node in nodes.items(): for connection_type in node['connections']: for partner in node['connections'][connection_type]: net.add_node(name, name, title=name) net.add_node(partner, partner, title=partner) net.add_edge(name, partner, value=weights[connection_type]) for net_node in net.nodes: node = nodes[net_node['id']] net_node['value'] = len(net.get_adj_list()[net_node['id']]) net_node['title'] += f"<br>{net_node['value']} Connections<br>" if node['notes']: net_node['title'] += f"<i>{node['notes']}</i><br>" for connection_type in node['connections']: if node['connections'][connection_type]: connections = node['connections'][connection_type] net_node['title'] += f"<br>{connection_type.capitalize()} " \ f"({len(connections)})<br>  " net_node['title'] += "<br>  ".join( sorted(connections) if alphabet else connections) + "<br>" if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path))
def graph_print(): dist = loadCompleteDistro() matrix = numpy.zeros((len(dist), len(dist))) i = 0 labels = {} net = Network() k=0 caster = {"nld": "Niderlandzki", "gle": "Irlandzki", "spa": "Hiszpański", "fra": "Francuski", "eng": "Angielski", "slk": "Słowacki", "fin": "Fiński", "est": "Estoński", "lit": "Litewski", "hrv": "Chorwacki", "por": "Portugalski", "swe": "Szwedzki", "ron": "Romański", "dan": "Duński", "slv": "Słoweński", "bul": "Bułgarski", "ita": "Włoski", "ell": "Grecki", "mlt": "Maltański", "lav": "Łotewski", "ces": "Czeski", "pol": "Polski", "deu": "Niemiecki", "hun": "Węgierski"} for lang1 in dist.keys(): print(lang1) net.add_node(k + 1, label=f"{caster[lang1]}") k+=1 xD = [] for lang1 in dist.keys(): labels[i] = lang1 j = 0 for lang2 in dist.keys(): if lang1 != lang2: xD.append([i+1, j+1,round(KullbackLeibnerIteration(dist[lang1].alain(dist[lang2]), dist[lang2].alain(dist[lang1])),2)]) else: pass j += 1 i += 1 #G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(matrix) #H = nx.relabel_nodes(G, labels) #vg = [] #for u in # vg.append(u[2]["weight"]) # xD.sort(key=lambda x: x[2]) xDD = xD[:40] for x in xDD: print(x[2]) net.add_edge(x[0],x[1],value=1.0/x[2], label=str(x[2])) # #Z = copy.deepcopy(H) #for u in # if u[2]["weight"] > median: # H.remove_edge(u[0], u[1]) # #pos = nx.spring_layout(H,k=1, iterations=20) #plt.figure(3, figsize=(10, 10)) #labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(H, 'weight') #nx.draw_networkx(H,pos=pos, with_labels=True,node_size=500) #nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(H, pos, edge_labels=labels) net.save_graph("my_graph.html") net.toggle_physics(True) net.show_buttons(filter_=['nodes', 'edges', 'physics'])'mygraph.html')
class transaction_graph: def __init__(self): self.graph = Network(height="750px", width="100%", directed=True) with open('layouts\\transaction_graph_layout.json') as f: self.options = json.load(f) def show_graph(self): dirOutput = "output" if not os.path.exists(dirOutput): os.makedirs("output")"output\\transaction_gragh.html") def add_transaction(self, input, output, in_time, out_time, amount): input_edge = zip(input, in_time, output, out_time, amount) for i in input_edge: input = i[0] label = i[0] time_in = i[1] output = i[2] time_out = i[3] weight = i[4] self.graph.add_node(input, level=time_in, shape="square") self.graph.add_node(output, level=time_out, shape="square") self.graph.add_edge(input, output, value=weight, title=weight) self.graph.options = self.options
def evaluate_match_based(video_space, estimator, plot=True, thr=0.4): distances, indexes = estimator.kneighbors(video_space, n_neighbors=20) if plot == True: plt.hist(distances[:, 1::].ravel(), bins=100) results, results_distances = filter_results(distances, indexes, thr) net = Network(notebook=True, height='1000px', width='1000px') net.barnes_hut() for i, l in enumerate(labels): net.add_node(str(i), label=str(l)) for i, d in enumerate(results): for j, m in enumerate(d): if j != 0: net.add_edge(str(i), str(m), weight=str(results_distances[i][j])) net.show_buttons(filter_=['physics'])'mygraph.html') return net
def kyoki_word_network(): got_net = Network(height="1000px", width="95%", bgcolor="#FFFFFF", font_color="black", notebook=True) # set the physics layout of the network #got_net.barnes_hut() got_net.force_atlas_2based() got_data = pd.read_csv("kyoki.csv")[:150] sources = got_data['first'] #count targets = got_data['second'] #first weights = got_data['count'] #second edge_data = zip(sources, targets, weights) for e in edge_data: src = e[0] dst = e[1] w = e[2] got_net.add_node(src, src, title=src) got_net.add_node(dst, dst, title=dst) got_net.add_edge(src, dst, value=w) neighbor_map = got_net.get_adj_list() #add neighbor data to node hover data for node in got_net.nodes: node["title"] += " Neighbors:<br>" + "<br>".join( neighbor_map[node["id"]]) node["value"] = len(neighbor_map[node["id"]]) got_net.show_buttons(filter_=['physics']) return got_net
def api_docs_network(): ee = get_enriched_endpoints() endpoints = [e['endpoint'] for e in ee] similarity_matrix = similarity_network([e['document'] for e in ee], weighted=True, enr_endpoints=ee) similarity_threshold = 0.7 colors = get_different_colors(305) added_nodes = [] wordnet_network = nx.Graph() vis_network = Network(height="100%", width="70%") for iy, y in enumerate(similarity_matrix): for ix, x in enumerate(y): if x > similarity_threshold and ix != iy: y_name = endpoints[iy]['path'] x_name = endpoints[ix]['path'] if y_name not in added_nodes: vis_network.add_node(y_name) # vis_network.add_node(y_name, # color="#FF0000" if len(get_services_from_table(y_name)) > 0 else "#DDDDDD") added_nodes.append(y_name) if x_name not in added_nodes: vis_network.add_node(x_name) # vis_network.add_node(x_name, # color="#FF0000" if len(get_services_from_table(y_name)) > 0 else "#DDDDDD") added_nodes.append(x_name) # norm_weight = (x - similarity_threshold) / (1 - similarity_threshold) vis_network.add_edge(y_name, x_name) wordnet_network.add_edge(y_name, x_name, weight=x) nx.write_gexf(wordnet_network, "network_outputs/api_wordnet.gexf") nx.draw_networkx(wordnet_network, node_size=3, with_labels=False) vis_network.show_buttons(filter_=['physics'])"network_outputs/api_wordnet.html")
def createNetwork(in_dic, showNodesPanel_bol, showPhysicsPanel_bol): """Function to take a dic and to build a network from it. Key = pmid, value = [refs]. We can selected whether we want panel to edit nodes or gravity in_dic must have format; [+] pmid_dic = {pmid_int : [[ref1_str, ..., refn_str], title_str]} [+] in_dic :{19102772: [[12764516, 15825143, 15702043], 'Identification of a novel picornavirus related to cosaviruses in a child with acute diarrhea'], 31622334: [[20536486, 17627978], 'Use of personalised risk-based screening schedules to optimise workload and sojourn time in screening programmes for diabetic retinopathy: A retrospective cohort study']}. """ #get the network ready G = Network(height="100%", width="95%", bgcolor="#222222", font_color="white") #G.barnes_hut() # add the reference nodes for i in in_dic: # add a link to the article on pubmed myTitle_str = in_dic[i][1] # addToMyTitle_str = '<a href="{}" target="_blank"> Link:{}'.format(i,i) addToMyTitle_str = '<a href="{}" target="_blank">'.format( i) myTitle_str = addToMyTitle_str + myTitle_str #st.write("i = {} and list of refs = {}, title = {}".format(i, in_dic[i][0], myTitle_str)) # main node G.add_node(str(i), color="#dd4b39", value=1, title=myTitle_str) #, mass = 10)# [1] = title # reference nodes # are there any refs for the node? if len(in_dic[i][0]) != 0: for j in in_dic[i][0]: # [0] = ref nodes #st.write("REF Node j :{}".format(j)) refNode_str = str(j) # add main node #st.write("pmid = <{}>, adding ref node j <<{}>>".format(i, refNode_str)) # add the ref node; no titles to give so we use the pubmed link instead. myTitle = '<a href="{}" target="_blank"> Link:{}'.format( refNode_str, refNode_str) G.add_node(refNode_str, title=myTitle) # draw edge between main node and ref node G.add_edge(str(i), refNode_str, value=1) else: # st.write("pmid = <{}> has no references. :-(".format(i)) pass if showNodesPanel_bol == True: G.show_buttons(filter_=['nodes']) #shown below graph in browser # G.show_buttons(filter_=['physics']) #shown below graph in browser if showPhysicsPanel_bol == True: G.show_buttons(filter_=['physics']) #shown below graph in browser phc.checkDataDir(OUTDATADIR) plotName_str = OUTDATADIR + "pmidPlot.html" # plotName_str = "/tmp/pmidPlot.html" showMyPlot(G, plotName_str) #push out the plot to browser
class NetDisplay: def __init__(self, net, LinGen, name): = net self.LinGen = LinGen self.Grafo = Network(height="600px", width="1000px") = name self.Grafo.toggle_physics(False) self.Grafo.inherit_edge_colors_from(False) def nodesPlot(self): self.CalcNeuronsYpositions() for layer in neurons = layer.ReturnNeurons() y_positions = layer.NeuronYPosition for neuron, y_pos in zip(neurons, y_positions): self.Grafo.add_node( neuron, x=layer.number * 100, y=y_pos * 100) i = 0 for con in self.LinGen: if con.enable: if con.weight >= 0: color = 'blue' else: color = 'red' if con.recurrent: dashes = 'true' else: dashes = 'false' try: self.Grafo.add_edge( con.input, con.output, value=abs(con.weight)) self.Grafo.edges[i].update( {'color': color, 'arrows': 'to', 'arrowStrikethrough': 'false', 'title': 'IN: ' + str(con.innovation_number), 'dashes': dashes, 'shadow': dashes}) i += 1 except: pass self.Grafo.show_buttons() self.Grafo.set_edge_smooth('dynamic') + ".html") def CalcNeuronsYpositions(self): for layer in neuronsYposition = [] size = len(layer.ReturnNeurons()) if size % 2 == 0: for i in range(0, size // 2): neuronsYposition += [i + 0.5, -i - 0.5] else: neuronsYposition = [0] for i in range(1, size // 2 + 1): neuronsYposition += [i, -i] layer.NeuronYPosition = neuronsYposition
def drawRscRscGraph_advanced(self, RscRscMatrix, weight_threshold, directed, encryption): rows, cols = np.where(RscRscMatrix > weight_threshold) weights = list(); for x in range(len(rows)): weights.append(RscRscMatrix[rows[x]][cols[x]]) #got_net = Network(height="750px", width="100%", bgcolor="white", font_color="#3de975", directed=directed) got_net = Network(height="750px", width="100%", bgcolor="white", font_color="black", directed=directed) ##f57b2b # set the physics layout of the network got_net.barnes_hut() edge_data = zip(rows, cols, weights) for e in edge_data: src = self.resourceList[e[0]] # convert ids to labels dst = self.resourceList[e[1]] w = e[2] if(encryption): src = Utilities.AES_ECB_Encrypt(self,src.encode('utf-8')) dst = Utilities.AES_ECB_Encrypt(self,dst.encode('utf-8')) # I have to add some options here, there is no parameter highlight = {'border': "#3de975", 'background': "#41e9df"} #color = {'border': "#000000", 'background': "#123456"} got_net.add_node(src, src, title=src, labelHighlightBold=True, color={'highlight': highlight}) got_net.add_node(dst, dst, title=dst , labelHighlightBold=True, color={'highlight': highlight}) got_net.add_edge(src, dst, value=w, title=w) neighbor_map = got_net.get_adj_list() dict = got_net.get_edges() self.getResourceList() # add neighbor data to node hover data for node in got_net.nodes: counter = 0 if(directed): node["title"] = "<h3>" + node["title"] + " Output Links: </h3>" else: node["title"] = "<h3>" + node["title"] + " Links: </h3>" for neighbor in neighbor_map[node["id"]]: if(counter % 10 == 0): node["title"] += "<br>::: " + neighbor else: node["title"] += " ::: " + neighbor node["value"] = len(neighbor_map[node["id"]]) counter += 1 got_net.show_buttons(filter_=['nodes', 'edges', 'physics']) got_net.show_buttons(filter_=['physics'])"PMSocial.html")
def interactiveGraphExtended(G): # plot interactive graph using pyvis, with degree, no of node labeled, size depends on nodes' degree nt = Network(height="750px", width="100%", bgcolor="#222222", font_color="white") nt.barnes_hut(spring_strength=0.006) for node in G: nt.add_node(node,, title="I am node "+str(node), for edge in G.edges: nt.add_edge(int(edge[0]), int(edge[1]), color='white')"nx.html")
class address_graph: def __init__(self): self.graph = Network(height="750px", width="100%", directed=True) with open('layouts\\cluster_layout.json') as f: self.composite_options = json.load(f) def show_graph(self): dirOutput = "output" if not os.path.exists(dirOutput): os.makedirs("output")"output\\cluster_gragh.html") def add_address_graph(self, input, output, amount): input_edge = zip(input, output, amount) for i in input_edge: input = i[0] output = i[1] weight = i[2] self.graph.add_node(input) self.graph.add_node(output) self.graph.add_edge(input, output, value=weight, title=weight) self.graph.options = self.composite_options def colors(self, n): ret = [] r = int(random.random() * 256) g = int(random.random() * 256) b = int(random.random() * 256) step = 256 / n for i in range(n): r += step g += step b += step r = int(r) % 256 g = int(g) % 256 b = int(b) % 256 ret.append((r, g, b)) return ret def cluster_addresses(self, address, cluster): color_num = max(cluster) print(color_num) colors = self.colors(4) for i in self.graph.nodes: try: idx = address.index(i["id"]) value = cluster[address.index(i["id"])] print(i, " id ", value) print(str(colors[value - 1])) i["color"] = "rgb" + str(colors[value - 1]) except Exception: pass
def dynamic_netShow(gnetdata, filename, node_size=50, node_community='all', html_size=["500px", "1800px"], bgcolor="#222222", font_color="white", **kwarg): """ create a GRN html ------------------------------------------ :param gnetdata: Gnetdata object :param filename: str, save as filename :param node_size: int, default 50. :param node_community: str or list, default all. :param html_size: list, default ["1200px", "1600px"] :param font_color: string, default white :param bgcolor: string, default #222222 :return: None """ assert 'graph' in gnetdata.NetAttrs.keys(), 'graph is empty!' assert 'communities' in gnetdata.NetAttrs.keys(), 'node communities is empty!' node_group = gnetdata.NetAttrs['communities'] graph = gnetdata.NetAttrs['graph'] net = Network(html_size[0], html_size[1], bgcolor=bgcolor, font_color=font_color, **kwarg) edge_data = zip(list(graph.edges), list(graph[x[0]][x[1]]['weight'] for x in graph.edges)) colors = sns.color_palette().as_hex() + sns.color_palette('Paired', 100).as_hex() for e in edge_data: src = e[0][0] dst = e[0][1] w = e[1] if node_community == 'all': src_color = int(node_group[node_group['node'] == src]['group']) dst_color = int(node_group[node_group['node'] == dst]['group']) else: sub_node_group = node_group[] src_color = int(sub_node_group[sub_node_group['node'] == src]['group']) if src in list( sub_node_group.node) else 'grey' dst_color = int(sub_node_group[sub_node_group['node'] == dst]['group']) if dst in list( sub_node_group.node) else 'grey' net.add_node(src, src, title=src, color='grey' if src_color == 'grey' else colors[src_color]) net.add_node(dst, dst, title=dst, color='grey' if dst_color == 'grey' else colors[dst_color]) net.add_edge(src, dst, value=w) neighbor_map = net.get_adj_list() # add neighbor data to node hover data for node in net.nodes: node["title"] += " Neighbors:<br>" + "<br>".join(neighbor_map[node["id"]]) node["value"] = len(neighbor_map[node["id"]]) node['size'] = node_size net.show_buttons(filter_='physics') return None
def show(self, file="state_graph.html", physics=True): from import Network net = Network() for (i, j), weight in self.edges.items(): net.add_node(i) net.add_node(j) net.add_edge(i, j, value=weight) net.toggle_physics(physics)
def generate_graph(arbre): got_net = Network(height="100%", width="100%", bgcolor="#222222", font_color="white") got_net.add_node(, value=(1000 * len(arbre.children)**5), color='#FFFF00') recursive(arbre, got_net, got_net.show_buttons() got_net.save_graph("../data/graphs/" + + ".html")
def main(): net = Network(height=600, width=900) net.barnes_hut() dbName = "pcapDb" if (not os.path.exists(dbName)): conn = sqlite3.connect(dbName) conn.execute( """create table packetdata (src text,dst text,len integer);""") else: conn = sqlite3.connect(dbName) cursor = conn.cursor() header_struct = struct.Struct('!I') sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.bind(("localhost", 9888)) sock.listen(1) q = queue.Queue() reciever, _ = sock.accept() t = threading.Thread(target=display, args=(q, net)) # t.start() while (True): data_len = recvall(reciever, header_struct.size) (data_len, ) = header_struct.unpack(data_len) data = recvall(reciever, data_len) data = pickle.loads(data) # print(data) nodes = set() for i in data: if (i is None): continue src, dst, length = i # print(type(i)) cursor.execute( "insert into packetdata (src,dst,len) values(?,?,?)", (src, dst, length)) nodes.add(src) nodes.add(dst) weights = [] # print("Here") for i in nodes: la = "IP: " + i net.add_node(i, label=i, title=la) for i in data: if (i is None): continue src, dst, weight = i net.add_edge(src, dst, value=weight) net.write_html("index.html") time.sleep(4)
def new_draw(self): """ draw the ARN using the class attributes Args: nothing Returns: a local generated web page """ got_net = Network(height="750px", width="100%", bgcolor="#222222", font_color="white") got_net.heading = "Nucleotids" # set the physics layout of the network got_net.barnes_hut() cp = 0 for nuk in self.list_nucleotide: for tuples in nuk.tup: if tuples.relation in self.grps.keys(): relation_type = self.grps.get(tuples.relation) else: relation_type = 0 relation_type = str(nuk.paired_type) got_net.add_node(tuples.tup[0], label="(" + str(tuples.tup[0]) + ")" + " -> " + str(tuples.tup[1]) + " : " + str(relation_type), group=relation_type) got_net.add_node(tuples.tup[1], label="(" + str(tuples.tup[1]) + ")" + " -> " + str(tuples.tup[0]) + " : " + str(relation_type), group=relation_type) got_net.add_edge(tuples.tup[0], tuples.tup[1]) cp += 1 # got_net.add_node(src, src, title=src) # got_net.add_node(dst, dst, title=dst) # got_net.add_edge(src, dst, value=w) # neighbor_map = got_net.get_adj_list() # add neighbor data to node hover data '''for node in got_net.nodes: node["title"] += " Neighbors:<br>" + \ "<br>".join(neighbor_map[node["id"]]) node["value"] = len(neighbor_map[node["id"]])'''"networkRNA.html")
def Plot_Non_Spatial(Graph, border, center, tag, dt_string, h): net = Network() for n in Graph.nodes(): if n in border[0]: color = "#FF0000" else: color = "#A0CBE2" net.add_node(n, label=n, color=color) print(n) for e in Graph.edges(): net.add_edge(int(e[0]), int(e[1])) net.show_buttons()'img/Border_Plot_'+ tag + '_' + dt_string + '_h=' + str(h) + '.html')
def create_network_kmeans(text, kmeans=[], tfidf=None, key_terms=None, freq_df=[], k_list=[2], n=20): ''' create html files with network graphs, where for each cluster it is stored the most frequent terms ''' if len(kmeans) == 0: if tfidf is None or key_terms is None: #determine tfidf, key_terms tfidf, key_terms = determine_tfidf(text) #determine kmeans for k in k_list: kmeans.append(k_means(tfidf, k)) if len(freq_df) == 0: #determine frequency for each key term freq_df = find_frequent_terms(key_terms, text) for c in range(len(k_list)): #number of clusters k = k_list[c] #clusters lables labels = pd.Series(kmeans[c].labels_.tolist()) #start network G = Network(height="750px", width="100%", font_color="black") for i in labels.unique(): #filter text items within the cluster filter_text = text.loc[labels == i].reset_index(drop=True) #add node with the cluster name, have the size as the number of items G.add_nodes(['Cluster ' + str(i)], value=[len(filter_text)]) #determine frequency of the key within cluster only new_freq_df = find_frequent_terms(key_terms, filter_text) #for the most frequent terms within the cluster for j in range(n): #get term term = new_freq_df['terms'][j] #add node with the term with the respective frequency overall as size G.add_node(str(term), value=freq_df.loc[freq_df['terms'] == term, ] ['count'].tolist()[0]) #add edge between cluster label and term G.add_edge('Cluster ' + str(i), str(term)) #create and html file with network graph'_' + str(k) + "clusters.html")