コード例 #1
ファイル: shortest_path.py プロジェクト: ekrell/pyvisgraph
def astar(graph, origin, destination, add_to_visgraph):
    A* search algorithm, using Euclidean distance heuristic
    Note that this is a modified version of an
    A* implementation by Amit Patel.
    frontier = priority_dict()
    frontier[origin] = 0
    cameFrom = {}
    costSoFar = {}
    cameFrom[origin] = None
    costSoFar[origin] = 0

    while len(frontier) > 0:
        current = frontier.pop_smallest()
        if current == destination:

        edges = graph[current]
        if add_to_visgraph != None and len(add_to_visgraph[current]) > 0:
            edges = add_to_visgraph[current] | graph[current]
        for e in edges:
            w = e.get_adjacent(current)
            new_cost = costSoFar[current] + edge_distance(current, w)
            if w not in costSoFar or new_cost < costSoFar[w]:
                costSoFar[w] = new_cost
                priority = new_cost + edge_distance(w, destination)
                frontier[w] = priority
                cameFrom[w] = current

    return (frontier, cameFrom)
コード例 #2
def dijkstra(graph, origin, destination, add_to_visgraph):
    D = {}
    P = {}
    Q = priority_dict()
    Q[origin] = 0
    for v in Q:
        # if v not in graph.convex_edges: continue
        D[v] = Q[v]
        if v == destination: break

        edges = graph[v]
        if add_to_visgraph != None and len(add_to_visgraph[v]) > 0:
            graph_edges = graph[v]
            new_edges = set([])
            for edge in graph_edges:
                if edge.p1 in graph.convex_edges and edge.p2 in graph.convex_edges:
            edges = add_to_visgraph[v] | new_edges
        for e in edges:
            w = e.get_adjacent(v)
            elength = D[v] + edge_distance(v, w)
            if w in D:
                if elength < D[w]:
                    raise ValueError
            elif w not in Q or elength < Q[w]:
                Q[w] = elength
                P[w] = v
    return (D, P)
コード例 #3
def dijkstra(graph, origin, destination=None):
    D = {}
    P = {}
    Q = priority_dict()
    Q[origin] = 0

    for v in Q:
        D[v] = Q[v]
        if v == destination: break

        for e in graph[v]:
            w = e.get_adjacent(v)
            elength = D[v] + edge_distance(v, w)
            if w in D:
                if elength < D[w]:
                    raise ValueError
            elif w not in Q or elength < Q[w]:
                Q[w] = elength
                P[w] = v
    return (D, P)
コード例 #4
def a_star_single(graph, origin, destination, add_to_visgraph, occupied, heuristic=lambda x, y: 0):
    frontier = heapdict()
    g_score = {}
    P = {}

    frontier[origin] = 0
    g_score[origin] = 0

    timestep = 0
    while frontier:
        v, _ = frontier.popitem()

        if timestep >= len(occupied):

        if v in occupied[timestep]:

        # record expanded nodes
        timestep += 1

        # if found result, return
        if v == destination:
            return P

        # else expand
        edges = graph[v]
        if add_to_visgraph != None and len(add_to_visgraph[v]) > 0:
            edges = add_to_visgraph[v] | graph[v]
        for e in edges:
            w = e.get_adjacent(v)
            new_score = g_score[v] + edge_distance(v, w)
            if w not in g_score or new_score < g_score[w]:
                g_score[w] = new_score
                frontier[w] = (new_score + heuristic(w, destination), w)
                P[w] = v

    return None
コード例 #5
def dijkstra(graph, origin, destination, add_to_visgraph):
    D = {}
    P = {}
    Q = priority_dict()
    Q[origin] = 0

    for v in Q:
        D[v] = Q[v]
        if v == destination: break

        edges = graph[v]
        if add_to_visgraph != None and len(add_to_visgraph[v]) > 0:
            edges = add_to_visgraph[v] | graph[v]
        for e in edges:
            w = e.get_adjacent(v)
            elength = D[v] + edge_distance(v, w)
            if w in D:
                if elength < D[w]:
                    raise ValueError
            elif w not in Q or elength < Q[w]:
                Q[w] = elength
                P[w] = v
    return (D, P)
コード例 #6
def dijkstra(graph, origin, destination, add_to_visgraph):
    D = {}
    P = {}
    Q = priority_dict()
    Q[origin] = 0

    for v in Q:
        D[v] = Q[v]
        if v == destination: break

        edges = graph[v]
        if add_to_visgraph != None and len(add_to_visgraph[v]) > 0:
            edges = add_to_visgraph[v] | graph[v]
        for e in edges:
            w = e.get_adjacent(v)
            elength = D[v] + edge_distance(v, w)
            if w in D:
                if elength < D[w]:
                    raise ValueError
            elif w not in Q or elength < Q[w]:
                Q[w] = elength
                P[w] = v
    return (D, P)
コード例 #7
 def test_closest_point_length(self):
     pid = self.g.point_in_polygon(self.point_d)
     cp = self.g.closest_point(self.point_d, pid, length=0.5)
     ip = intersect_point(self.point_d, cp, Edge(self.point_a, self.point_b))
     assert edge_distance(ip, cp) == 0.5
コード例 #8
def a_star_multi(graph, agents, add_to_visgraph, heuristic=lambda x, y: 0):

    frontiers = {}
    g_scores = {}
    Ps = {}
    locations = {}
    accum_dists = {}

    for (origin, destination) in agents:
        frontiers[origin] = heapdict()
        g_scores[origin] = {}
        Ps[origin] = {}
        Ps[origin][origin] = origin
        locations[origin] = origin

        frontiers[origin][origin] = 0
        g_scores[origin][origin] = 0
        accum_dists[origin] = 0

    # Each timestep of A*
    agents_copy = list(agents)
    while len(agents_copy) > 0:
        occupied = set()

        # comment this out for sort agents via f score
        agents_copy.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: accum_dists[x[0]] + edge_distance(x[1], locations[x[0]]))

        # or comment this out for shuffle randomly

        for (origin, destination) in agents_copy:

            frontier = frontiers[origin]
            v = None
            while frontier:
                v, _ = frontier.popitem()
                if v not in occupied:

            # if no paths, remove agent from agents
            if v is None:
                Ps[origin] = None
                agents_copy.remove((origin, destination))

            locations[origin] = v
            P = Ps[origin]
            accum_dists[origin] += edge_distance(v, P[v])

            # if found result, remove agent from agents
            if v == destination:
                agents_copy.remove((origin, destination))

            # else expand
            edges = graph[v]
            if add_to_visgraph != None and len(add_to_visgraph[v]) > 0:
                edges = add_to_visgraph[v] | graph[v]

            g_score = g_scores[origin]

            for e in edges:
                w = e.get_adjacent(v)
                new_score = g_score[v] + edge_distance(v, w)
                if w not in g_score or new_score < g_score[w]:
                    g_score[w] = new_score

                    h = heuristic(w, destination)

                    # comment this block out for look_ahead heuristics:
                    nbs = neighbors(w, add_to_visgraph[w] | graph[w])
                    if destination not in nbs:
                        turn = False
                        for x in nbs:
                            if destination in neighbors(x, add_to_visgraph[x] | graph[x]):
                                turn = True
                        if turn:
                            h *= 1.4
                            h *= 2

                    frontier[w] = (new_score + h, w)
                    P[w] = v

    return Ps
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_pvg.py プロジェクト: yonghee93/pyvisgraph
 def test_closest_point_length(self):
     pid = self.g.point_in_polygon(self.point_d)
     cp = self.g.closest_point(self.point_d, pid, length=0.5)
     ip = intersect_point(self.point_d, cp, Edge(self.point_a,
     assert edge_distance(ip, cp) == 0.5