コード例 #1
ファイル: line_plot.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def __init__(self, scene):
        Initialisation of LinePlot class

        @param scene: the scene with which to associate the LinePlot
        @type scene: Scene object
        debugMsg("Called LinePlot.__init__()")
        Plot.__init__(self, scene)

        self.renderer = scene.renderer

        self.title = None
        self.xlabel = None
        self.ylabel = None
        self.zlabel = None

        self.linestyle = 'lines'   # pyvisi-defined linestyle
        self._linestyle = None  # renderer-specific linestyle

        # is the LinePlot data offset (vertically) from each other?
        self.offset = False

        # now add the object to the scene
コード例 #2
ファイル: scene.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def save(self, fname, format):
        Save the scene to a file

        Possible formats are:
            - JPEG
            - Postscript
            - PNG
            - PBM

        @param fname: Name of output file
        @type fname: string

        @param format: Graphics format of output file
        @type format: Image object or string
        debugMsg("Called Scene.save()")
        self.renderer.runString("# Scene.save()")

        # if the format is passed in as a string or object, react
        # appropriately
        import types
        if type(format) is types.StringType:
            fmt = format.lower()
            fmt = format.format

        # set the output format
        if fmt == "ps":
                    "_gnuplot('set terminal postscript color')")
        elif fmt == "png":
            evalString = "_gnuplot('set terminal png size %d,%d')" % \
                    (self.xSize, self.ySize)
        elif fmt == "pbm":
                    "_gnuplot('set terminal pbm color')")
            # set the size of the output
            # have to scale properly to do this
            xScale = float(self.xSize)/640.0
            yScale = float(self.ySize)/480.0
            evalString = "_gnuplot('set size %f,%f')" % \
                    (xScale, yScale)
        elif fmt == "jpeg" or fmt == "jpg":
            evalString = "_gnuplot('set terminal jpeg size %d,%d')" % \
                    (self.xSize, self.ySize)
            raise ValueError, "Unknown graphics format.  I got: %s" % fmt

        # set the output filename
        evalString = "_gnuplot('set output \"%s\"')" % fname

        # now render the whole shebang (again)

コード例 #3
ファイル: renderer.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def __init__(self):
        Initialisation of Renderer() class
        debugMsg("Called Renderer.__init__()")

        # initialise some attributes
        self.renderWindowWidth = 640
        self.renderWindowHeight = 480

        # what is the name of my renderer?
        self.name = _rendererName

        # initialise the evalstack
        self._evalStack = ""

        # the namespace to run the exec code
        self.renderDict = {}

        # keep the initial setup of the module for later reuse
        self._initStack = ""

        # initialise the renderer module
        self.addToInitStack("# Renderer.__init__()")
        self.addToInitStack("import Gnuplot")
        # Gnuplot package needs Numeric package
        self.addToInitStack("from Numeric import *")

        # need to add a check here to see if the Numeric module has been
        # imported, and if not, throw an error. 

        self.addToInitStack("_gnuplot = Gnuplot.Gnuplot()")
コード例 #4
ファイル: surface_plot.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def __init__(self, scene):
        Initialisation of SurfacePlot class

        @param scene: the scene with which to associate the SurfacePlot
        @type scene: Scene object
        debugMsg("Called SurfacePlot.__init__()")
        Plot.__init__(self, scene)

        # grab the renderer
        self.renderer = scene.renderer

        # set up some of the attributes
        self.title = None
        self.xlabel = None
        self.ylabel = None
        self.zlabel = None

        # to show contours of the surface on the bottom of the axes, set
        # this variable to True
        self.contours = False

        # now add the object to the scene
コード例 #5
ファイル: camera.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
 def getElevation(self):
     Gets the elevation angle (in degrees) of the Camera
     debugMsg("Called Camera.getElevation()")
     return self.elevation
コード例 #6
ファイル: plane.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def render(self):
        Perform Plane object specific (pre)rendering tasks
        debugMsg("Called Plane.mapImageToPlane()")

コード例 #7
ファイル: contour_plot.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def render(self):
        Does ContourPlot object specific rendering stuff
        debugMsg("Called ContourPlot.render()")

        self.renderer.runString("# ContourPlot.render()")
        self.renderer.runString("_gnuplot('set contour base')")
        self.renderer.runString("_gnuplot('set view 0, 0, 1, 1')")
        self.renderer.runString("_gnuplot('set nosurface')") # gnuplot 3.7

         # if a title is set, put it here
        if self.title is not None:
            evalString = "_gnuplot.title(\'%s\')" % self.title

        # if an xlabel is set, add it
        if self.xlabel is not None:
            evalString = "_gnuplot.xlabel(\'%s\')" % self.xlabel

        # if a ylabel is set, add it
        if self.ylabel is not None:
            evalString = "_gnuplot.ylabel(\'%s\')" % self.ylabel

        self.renderer.runString("_gnuplot('set pm3d')")

        # set up the evalString to use for plotting
        evalString = "_gnuplot.splot(_data)"

コード例 #8
ファイル: camera.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def getAzimuth(self):
        Get the azimuthal angle (in degrees) of the Camera
        debugMsg("Called Camera.getAzimuth()")

        return self.azimuth
コード例 #9
ファイル: image.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def render(self):
        Does JpegImage object specific (pre)rendering stuff
        debugMsg("Called JpegImage.render()")

コード例 #10
ファイル: camera.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def __init__(self, scene):
        Initialisation of the Camera object

        @param scene: The Scene object to add the Camera object to
        debugMsg("Called Camera.__init__()")

        # default x,y,z positions of Camera (specific to vtk)
        self.xPos = 0.0
        self.yPos = 0.0
        self.zPos = 3.0

        # default x,y,z positions of the Camers's focal point (specific to vtk)
        self.xFocalPoint = 0.0
        self.yFocalPoint = 0.0
        self.zFocalPoint = 0.0

        # default elevation and azimuth
        # these need to be set to the matlab defaults
        self.elevation = 30
        self.azimuth = 30

        # keep a reference to the renderer so we can send stuff to it
        self.renderer = scene.renderer

        # initialise the position of the Camera
        self.setPosition(self.xPos, self.yPos, self.zPos)
        self.setFocalPoint(self.xFocalPoint, self.yFocalPoint, self.zFocalPoint)
コード例 #11
ファイル: line_plot.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def render(self):
        Does LinePlot object specific rendering stuff
        debugMsg("Called LinePlot.render()")

        self.renderer.runString("# LinePlot.render()")

        # if a title is set, put it here
        if self.title is not None:
            evalString = "_gnuplot.title(\'%s\')" % self.title

        # if an xlabel is set, add it
        if self.xlabel is not None:
            evalString = "_gnuplot.xlabel(\'%s\')" % self.xlabel

        # if a ylabel is set, add it
        if self.ylabel is not None:
            evalString = "_gnuplot.ylabel(\'%s\')" % self.ylabel

        # set up the evalString to use for plotting
        evalString = "_gnuplot.plot("
        for i in range(self.renderer.numDataObjects-1):
            evalString += "_data%d, " % i
        evalString += "_data%d)" % (self.renderer.numDataObjects-1,)

コード例 #12
ファイル: text.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
 def __init__(self):
     Initialisation of the Text object
     debugMsg("Called Text.__init__()")
     self.font = "Times"
コード例 #13
ファイル: line_plot.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def getLineStyle(self):
        Gets the current linestyle of the LinePlot

        @return: the linestyle as a string
        debugMsg("Called LinePlot.getLineStyle()")

        return self.linestyle
コード例 #14
ファイル: camera.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def getPosition(self):
        Get the position of Camera within Scene

        Returns the position in a tuple of form (xPos, yPos, zPos)
        debugMsg("Called Camera.getPosition()")

        return (self.xPos, self.yPos, self.zPos)
コード例 #15
ファイル: image.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def load(self, fname):
        Loads image data from file.

        @param fname: The filename from which to load image data
        @type fname: string
        debugMsg("Called Image.load()")
コード例 #16
ファイル: camera.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def getFocalPoint(self):
        Get the position of the focal point of the Camera

        Returns the position of the focal point in a tuple of form 
        (xPos, yPos, zPos)
        debugMsg("Called Camera.getFocalPoint()")

        return (self.xFocalPoint, self.yFocalPoint, self.zFocalPoint)
コード例 #17
ファイル: plane.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def mapImageToPlane(self, image):
        Maps an Image object onto a Plane object
        debugMsg("Called Plane.mapImageToPlane()")

        if image is None:
            raise ValueError, "You must specify an image object"
コード例 #18
ファイル: plane.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def __init__(self, scene):
        Initialisation of the Plane object
        debugMsg("Called Plane.__init__()")

        self.renderer = scene.renderer

        if scene is None:
            raise ValueError, "You must specify a scene object"
コード例 #19
ファイル: camera.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def setAzimuth(self, azimuth):
        Set the azimuthal angle (in degrees) of the Camera

        @param azimuth: The azimuthal angle (in degrees) of the Camera
        debugMsg("Called Camera.setAzimuth()")

        self.azimuth = azimuth

コード例 #20
ファイル: camera.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def setElevation(self, elevation):
        Set the elevation angle (in degrees) of the Camera

        @param elevation: The elevation angle (in degrees) of the Camera
        debugMsg("Called Camera.setElevation()")

        self.elevation = elevation

コード例 #21
ファイル: image.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def __init__(self, scene=None):
        Initialises the Image class object
        @param scene: The Scene object to add to
        @type scene: Scene object
        debugMsg("Called Image.__init__()")

        if scene is not None:
            self.renderer = scene.renderer
コード例 #22
ファイル: scene.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def __init__(self):
        The init function
        debugMsg("Called Scene.__init__()")

        self.renderer = Renderer()
        self.objectList = []

        self.xSize = 640
        self.ySize = 480
コード例 #23
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def setTitle(self, title):
        Set the plot title

        @param title: the string holding the title to the plot
        @type title: string
        debugMsg("Called Plot.setTitle()")

        self.title = title

コード例 #24
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def setYLabel(self, label):
        Set the label of the y-axis

        @param label: the string holding the label of the y-axis
        @type label: string
        debugMsg("Called Plot.setYLabel()")

        self.ylabel = label

コード例 #25
ファイル: scene.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def place(self, obj):
        Place an object within a scene

        @param obj: The object to place within the scene
        @type obj: object
        debugMsg("Called Scene.place()")

        if obj is None:
            raise ValueError, "You must specify an object to add"

コード例 #26
ファイル: contour_plot.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def setData(self, *dataList, **options):
        Sets the data to the Plot

        @param dataList: list of data objects to plot
        @type dataList: tuple
        @param options: dictionary of extra options
        @type options: dict
        debugMsg("Called ContourPlot.setData()")

        self.renderer.runString("# ContourPlot.setData()")

        # this is a really dodgy way to get the data into the renderer
        # I really have to find a better, more elegant way to do this

        # for the moment, make sure that there are three arrays
        if len(dataList) != 3:
            raise ValueError, "Must have three arrays as input (at present)"

        # do some sanity checks on the data
        xData = dataList[0]
        yData = dataList[1]
        zData = dataList[2]

        if len(xData.shape) != 1:
            raise ValueError, "x data array is not of correct shape: %s" % \

        if len(yData.shape) != 1:
            raise ValueError, "y data array is not of correct shape: %s" % \

        if len(zData.shape) != 2:
            raise ValueError, "z data array is not of correct shape: %s" % \

        ## the x data
        self.renderer.renderDict['_x'] = copy.deepcopy(xData)

        ## the y data
        self.renderer.renderDict['_y'] = copy.deepcopy(yData)

        ## the z data
        self.renderer.renderDict['_z'] = copy.deepcopy(zData)

                "_data = Gnuplot.GridData(_z, _x, _y, binary=1)")

コード例 #27
ファイル: line_plot.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def setLineStyle(self, linestyle):
        Sets the linestyle of the LinePlot

        Linestyles may be either a word in the Gnuplot style, or a symbol 
        shortcut in the Matlab style.  Some of the options do not have a
        Matlab equivalent but do have a Gnuplot equivalent, or vice versa.

        What this method does, is take the linestyles possible as defined by
        PyVisi, and then does some conversion as best it can to get the
        relevant output from (in this case) gnuplot.
        Possible linestyles are:
            1. lines ('-')
            2. points ('o')
            3. linespoints ('-o')
            4. dots ('.')
            5. dotted (':')
            6. dashes ('--')
            7. dotdashes ('-.')

        @param linestyle: the style to use for the lines
        @type linestyle: string
        debugMsg("Called LinePlot.setLineStyle()")

        # now implement the gnuplot-specific way to do this
        if linestyle == 'lines' or linestyle == '-':
            self._linestyle = 'lines'
        elif linestyle == 'points' or linestyle == 'o':
            self._linestyle = 'points'
        elif linestyle == 'linespoints' or linestyle == '-o':
            self._linestyle = 'linespoints'
        elif linestyle == 'dots' or linestyle == '.':
            self._linestyle = 'dots'
        elif linestyle == 'dotted' or linestyle == ':':
            print "linestyle = %s" % linestyle
            raise NotImplementedError, \
                    "Sorry, haven't implemented this style yet."
        elif linestyle == 'dashes' or linestyle == '--':
            print "linestyle = %s" % linestyle
            raise NotImplementedError, \
                    "Sorry, haven't implemented this style yet."
        elif linestyle == 'dotdashes' or linestyle == '-.':
            print "linestyle = %s" % linestyle
            raise NotImplementedError, \
                    "Sorry, haven't implemented this style yet."
            raise ValueError, "Unknown linestyle!  I got \'%s\'" % linestyle

コード例 #28
ファイル: surface_plot.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def setData(self, *dataList, **options):
        Sets the data to the given plot object.

        @param dataList: list of data objects to plot
        @type dataList: tuple

        @param options: dictionary of extra options
        @type options: dict
        debugMsg("Called setData() in SurfacePlot()")

        self.renderer.runString("# SurfacePlot.setData()")

        # for the moment, make sure that there are three arrays
        if len(dataList) != 3:
            raise ValueError, "Must have three arrays as input (at present)"

        # do some sanity checks on the data
        xData = dataList[0]
        yData = dataList[1]
        zData = dataList[2]

        if len(xData.shape) != 1:
            raise ValueError, "x data array is not of the correct shape: %s"\
                    % xData.shape

        if len(yData.shape) != 1:
            raise ValueError, "y data array is not of the correct shape: %s"\
                    % yData.shape

        if len(zData.shape) != 2:
            raise ValueError, "z data array is not of the correct shape: %s"\
                    % zData.shape

        # share around the data
        ## the x data
        self.renderer.renderDict['_x'] = copy.deepcopy(xData)

        ## the y data
        self.renderer.renderDict['_y'] = copy.deepcopy(yData)

        ## the z data
        self.renderer.renderDict['_z'] = copy.deepcopy(zData)

                "_data = Gnuplot.GridData(_z, _x, _y, binary=1)")

コード例 #29
ファイル: surface_plot.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def render(self):
        Does SurfacePlot object specific rendering stuff
        debugMsg("Called SurfacePlot.render()")

        self.renderer.runString("# SurfacePlot.render()")
        self.renderer.runString("_gnuplot('set surface')")

        # if a title is set, put it here
        if self.title is not None:
            evalString = "_gnuplot.title(\'%s\')" % self.title

        # if an xlabel is set, add it
        if self.xlabel is not None:
            evalString = "_gnuplot.xlabel(\'%s\')" % self.xlabel

        # if a ylabel is set add it
        if self.ylabel is not None:
            evalString = "_gnuplot.ylabel(\'%s\')" % self.ylabel

        # if a zlabel is set add it
        if self.zlabel is not None:
            evalString = "_gnuplot('set zlabel \\'%s\\'')" % self.zlabel

        # dunno if need this - could be just for gnuplot3
        evalString = "_gnuplot('set style data lines')"

        # makes sure that hidden lines are removed
        evalString = "_gnuplot('set hidden3d')"

        # if contours is true, set the relevant option
        if self.contours:
            evalString = "_gnuplot('set contour base')"

        self.renderer.runString("_gnuplot('set pm3d')")

        # set up the evalString to use for plotting
        evalString = "_gnuplot.splot(_data)"

コード例 #30
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: paultcochrane/pyvisi
    def setData(self, *dataList, **options):
        Set data to Plot

        @param dataList: the data to set to the plot
        @type dataList: tuple

        @param options: dictionary of extra options
        @type options: dict
        debugMsg("Called Plot.setData()")

        if dataList is None:
            raise ValueError, "You must specify a data list"