コード例 #1
 def tovtk(self, N, filename):
     """Dump probes to VTK file."""
     is_root = comm.Get_rank() == 0
     z = self.array(N=N)
     if is_root:
         d = self.dims
         d = (d[0], d[1], d[2]) if len(d) > 2 else (d[0], d[1], 1)
         grid = pyvtk.StructuredGrid(d, self.create_dense_grid())
         v = pyvtk.VtkData(grid, "Probe data. Evaluations = {}".format(self.probes.number_of_evaluations()))
         if self.probes.value_size() == 1:
             v.point_data.append(pyvtk.Scalars(z, name="Scalar", lookup_table='default'))
         elif self.probes.value_size() == 3:
             v.point_data.append(pyvtk.Vectors(z, name="Vector"))
         elif self.probes.value_size() == 9: # StatisticsProbes
             if N == 0:
                 num_evals = self.probes.number_of_evaluations()
                 v.point_data.append(pyvtk.Vectors(z[:, :3]/num_evals, name="UMEAN"))
                 rs = ["uu", "vv", "ww", "uv", "uw", "vw"]
                 for i in range(3, 9):
                     v.point_data.append(pyvtk.Scalars(z[:, i]/num_evals, name=rs[i-3], lookup_table='default'))
             else: # Just dump latest snapshot
                 v.point_data.append(pyvtk.Vectors(z[:, :3], name="U"))
             raise TypeError("Only vector or scalar data supported for VTK")
コード例 #2
def omf2vtk(input_omf_file,
    Convert a given input_omf_file into a VTK file in ascii or binary format
    Magnetisation (direction and magnitude) values are stored as cell values

    data = MagnetisationData(input_omf_file)

    grid = (np.linspace(data.xmin * 1e9, data.xmax * 1e9, data.nx + 1),
            np.linspace(data.ymin * 1e9, data.ymax * 1e9, data.ny + 1),
            np.linspace(data.zmin * 1e9, data.zmax * 1e9, data.nz + 1))

    structure = pyvtk.RectilinearGrid(* grid)
    vtk_data = pyvtk.VtkData(structure, "")

    # Save the magnetisation

    # Save Ms as scalar field
    vtk_data.cell_data.append(pyvtk.Scalars(data.field_norm, "Ms"))

    # Save to VTK file with specified output filename
    vtk_data.tofile(output_vtk_file, output_format)
コード例 #3
ファイル: visual.py プロジェクト: anyint/nmag-src
def _vtk_addPointdata(vtk, data, name):
    """vtk is a vtk object (from pyvtk) to which the data will be appended.
    data is a list of lists. The inner lists contain the data, the outer lists the sites.
    Example: data = [[0.1],[0.2],[0.3],....] is scalar data
    data = [[0.1,1],[0.2,0.5],[0.3,0.4],....] is 2d vector data

    name is the name of the data (used in vtk file to label the field)"""

    log.debug("Adding dof %s to vtk object" % name)

    if type(data[0]) in [types.FloatType, types.IntType]:
        #raw data in scalar data set, convert float a into [a]:
        data = map(lambda a: [a], data)

    #print "In vtk_addPointdata. What is the structure of data?"
    #from IPython.Shell import IPShellEmbed
    #ipshell = IPShellEmbed()

    if len(data[0]) == 1:
            pyvtk.Scalars(data, name=name, lookup_table='default'))
    elif len(data[0]) in [2, 3]:
        if len(data[0]) == 2:
            #make 3d
            data = map(lambda a: a + [0.], data)
        vtk.point_data.append(pyvtk.Vectors(data, name=name))
        raise NfemValueError, "Can only deal with scalar or vector data"
    return vtk
コード例 #4
ファイル: membrane.py プロジェクト: avasyukov/FEM_membrane
    def dump_vtk_grid(self, path: str):
        point_coords = np.zeros([self.n_nodes, 3])
        point_coords += self.a.reshape([self.n_nodes, 3])
        point_coords[:, 0] += self.x_0
        point_coords[:, 1] += self.y_0
        point_velocities = self.a_t.reshape([self.n_nodes, 3])
        pd = pvtk.PointData(pvtk.Vectors(point_velocities, name='Velocity'))
        pd.append(pvtk.Scalars(point_coords[:, 2], name='z'))

        triangles = []
        sigmas = []

        for elem in self.elements:
        cd = []
        names = [
            'sigma_xx', 'sigma_yy', 'sigma_zz', 'tau_xy', 'tau_yz', 'tau_xz'
        sigmas = np.array(sigmas)
        for i in range(6):
            cd.append(pvtk.Scalars(sigmas[:, i], name=names[i]))

        usg = pvtk.UnstructuredGrid(point_coords, triangle=triangles)
        vtk = pvtk.VtkData(usg, pd)
        for e in cd:
        vtk.tofile(path, 'binary')
コード例 #5
    def exportVtk(self, filename):
        """Export results to VTK"""

        print("Exporting results to %s." % filename)

        # --- Skapa punkter och polygon definitioner från vårt nät

        points = self.outputData.coords.tolist()

        # --- Tänk på att topologin i VTK är 0-baserad varför vi måste minskar **edof** med 1.

        #polygons = (self.outputData.edof-1).tolist()

        # --- För spänningsproblemet användas, se också nästa stycke:

        polygons = (self.outputData.topo - 1).tolist()

        # --- Resultat från beräkningen skapas i separata objekt. Punkter i vtk.PointData och
        # --- elementdata i vtk.CellData. Nedan anger vi både vektor data och skalärvärden för elementen.
        # --- Tänk på att vektorerna måste ha 3 komponenter, så lägg till detta i beräkningsdelen.

        #pointData = vtk.PointData(vtk.Scalars(self.outputData.a.tolist(), name="Nodal Properties"))
        #ellData = vtk.CellData(vtk.Scalars(self.outputData.vonMises, name="Von Mises"), vtk.Vectors(self.outputData.flow, "flow"))

        # --- För spänningsproblemet blir det istället (ingen pointData)

        cellData = vtk.CellData(
            vtk.Scalars(self.outputData.vonMises, name="mises"),
            vtk.Vectors(self.outputData.stresses1, "principal stress 1"),
            vtk.Vectors(self.outputData.stresses2, "principal stress 2"))

        # --- Skapa strukturen för elementnätet.

        structure = vtk.PolyData(points=points, polygons=polygons)

        # --- Lagra allting i en vtk.VtkData instans

        # vtkData = vtk.VtkData(structure, pointData, cellData)

        # --- För spänningsfallet

        vtkData = vtk.VtkData(structure, cellData)

        # --- Spara allt till filen

        vtkData.tofile(filename, "ascii")
コード例 #6
def test_vtk_writer_speed():
    Comparison of C backend with the old pyvtk interface

    For this we use a 200 x 200 x 1 mesh and convert the OMF file into a VTK
    file using both the C library and the PyVTK library. We run the same
    conversion for each method during 20 times and print a mean.


    # C backend ---------------------------------------------------------------
    _file = glob.glob('./vtk_writer_omfs/isolated_sk_Cnv_n_200-Oxs*.omf')[0]
    data = op.MagnetisationData(_file)
    output_vtk_file = 'vtk_writer_omfs/isolated_sk_Cnv_n_200.vtk'

    C_timings = []
    for i in range(20):
        start = timeit.default_timer()

                                           data.grid[1], data.grid[2],
                                           data.field_norm, data.nx, data.ny,
                                           data.nz, output_vtk_file)

        end = timeit.default_timer()
        C_timings.append(end - start)
    print('C writer (best of 20): ', np.mean(np.array(C_timings)))

    # PyVTK -------------------------------------------------------------------
    output_vtk_file = 'vtk_writer_omfs/isolated_sk_Cnv_n_200_pyvtk.vtk'

    pyvtk_timings = []
    for i in range(20):
        start = timeit.default_timer()

        structure = pyvtk.RectilinearGrid(*data.grid)
        vtk_data = pyvtk.VtkData(structure, "")

        # Save the magnetisation
        vtk_data.cell_data.append(pyvtk.Vectors(data.field, "m"))

        # Save Ms as scalar field
        vtk_data.cell_data.append(pyvtk.Scalars(data.field_norm, "Ms"))

        # Save to VTK file with specified output filename
        vtk_data.tofile(output_vtk_file, 'binary')

        end = timeit.default_timer()
        pyvtk_timings.append(end - start)
    print('PyVTK writer (best of 20): ', np.mean(np.array(pyvtk_timings)))
コード例 #7
    def _convert_field_vec_full(self, fld):
        Convert the given scalar or vector fields from the
        openPMD format to a VTK container.

        fld: str
            Scalar and vector fields to be converted
            ex. : 'E', 'B', 'J', 'rho'
            converts all available components provided by OpenPMDTimeSeries

        vec: vtk.Vectors
            VTK vector containter
        # Select the tools for the given geometry
        if self.geom=='3dcartesian':
            comps = self.ts.fields_metadata[fld]['axis_labels']
            get_field = self._get_opmd_field_3d
            make_mesh = self._make_vtk_mesh_3d
            get_origin = self._get_origin_3d
        elif self.geom=='thetaMode':
            comps = ['x', 'y', 'z']
            get_field = self._get_opmd_field_circ
            make_mesh = self._make_vtk_mesh_circ
            get_origin = self._get_origin_circ

        flds = []
        origins = []
        for comp in comps:
            fld_data, self.info = get_field(fld, comp=comp)

        for i in range(len(origins)-1):
            if not np.allclose(origins[i+1], origins[i]):

        if staggered:
            print("Warning: components of {:}-field seem staggered"\
                  "and option CommonMesh=True is used")

        flds = np.array(flds).T
        vecs = vtk.Vectors(flds, name=fld)

        return vecs
コード例 #8
ファイル: field.py プロジェクト: gamdow/discretisedfield
    def _writevtk(self, filename):
        grid = [
            pmini + np.linspace(0, li, ni + 1)
            for pmini, li, ni in zip(self.mesh.pmin, self.mesh.l, self.mesh.n)

        structure = pyvtk.RectilinearGrid(*grid)
        vtkdata = pyvtk.VtkData(structure)

        vectors = [self.__call__(i) for i in self.mesh.coordinates]
        vtkdata.cell_data.append(pyvtk.Vectors(vectors, self.name))
        for i, component in enumerate(dfu.axesdict.keys()):
            name = "{}_{}".format(self.name, component)
                pyvtk.Scalars(list(zip(*vectors))[i], name))

コード例 #9
ファイル: opmd2VTK.py プロジェクト: RemiLehe/opmd2VTK
    def _convert_field(self, comp, iteration):
        Convert the given scalar or vector fields from the
        openPMD format to a VTK container.

        comp: str
            Scalar and vector fields to be converted
            ex. : 'E', 'B', 'J', 'rho'
            converts all available components provided by OpenPMDTimeSeries

        iteration: int
            iteration number to treat (default 0)
        # Choose the get_field and make_grid finctions for the given geometry
        if self.geom == '3dcartesian':
            get_field = self._get_opmd_field_3d
            make_mesh = self._make_vtk_mesh_3d

        # Converting the vector field
        if self.ts.fields_metadata[comp]['type'] == 'vector':
            coords = self.ts.fields_metadata[comp]['axis_labels']
            flds = []

            for coord in coords:
                self.fld, self.info = get_field(comp, iteration, coord=coord)

            return vtk.Vectors(np.array(flds).T, name=comp)

        # Converting the scalar field
        elif self.ts.fields_metadata[comp]['type'] == 'scalar':
            self.fld, self.info = get_field(comp, iteration)
            return vtk.Scalars(self.fld.astype(np.float32).T.ravel(),
            return None
    def loadVecToVTK(self, name, ndofs=1):
        from petsc4py import PETSc
        length = np.array(self._size).prod()
        print 'loading', self._file_prefix + name
        vec = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(length * ndofs)
        viewer = PETSc.Viewer().createBinary(self._file_prefix + name,

        if self._size[2] == 1:
            length = 2 * length
            npvec = vec[...].reshape((self._size_r + (ndofs, )))[:]
            npvec = np.repeat(npvec, 2, axis=0)
            npvec = npvec.reshape((length, ndofs))
            npvec = vec[...].reshape((length, ndofs))[:]

        # scale
        if name.startswith('u'):
            npvec = npvec * self._scalefactor
            print np.where(np.abs(npvec) / np.abs(npvec).mean() > 1e2)[0]
            npvec = np.where(
                np.abs(npvec) / np.abs(npvec).mean() > 1e2, 0., npvec)

        if ndofs == 1:
            data = pyvtk.Scalars(npvec,
                                 self._prefix.strip('_') + ' ' + name[:-7],
            data = pyvtk.Vectors([tuple(npvec[i, :]) for i in range(length)],
                                 self._prefix.strip('_') + ' ' + name[:-7])
        del viewer
        del vec
        return data
コード例 #11
ファイル: visual.py プロジェクト: anyint/nmag-src
def _vtk_createVtkData(meshpoints,
                       header="Data header (unused)"):
    #If data is list of float, convert into list of lists, each list containing one float
    if type(data[0]) in [types.FloatType, types.IntType]:
        #raw data in scalar data set, convert float a into [a]:
        data = map(lambda a: [a], data)

    #Due to inflexibility in pyvtk, we need to distinguish 4 different cases for
    #2d-meshes with scalar data
    #2d-meshes with vector data
    #3d-meshes with scalar data
    #3d-meshes with vector data

    #Here we go:
    if len(meshpoints[0]) == 2:
        log.debug("Mesh seems 2d")
        #make 3d for pyvtk
        meshpoints = map(lambda pos: pos + [0.], meshpoints)
        if len(data[0]) == 1:
            log.debug("Data seems 1d (scalar)")
            log.debug("Creating vtk data structure with dof '%s'" % name)
            vtk = pyvtk.VtkData(
                pyvtk.UnstructuredGrid(meshpoints, triangle=meshsimplices),
                    pyvtk.Scalars(data, name=name, lookup_table='default')),
        elif len(data[0]) in [2, 3]:
            if len(data[0]) == 2:
                log.debug("Data seems 2d (vector)")
                #make 3d for pyvtk
                data = map(lambda a: a + [0.], data)
                log.debug("Data seems 3d (vector)")
            log.debug("Creating vtk data structure with dof '%s'" % name)
            vtk = pyvtk.VtkData(
                pyvtk.UnstructuredGrid(meshpoints, triangle=meshsimplices),
                pyvtk.PointData(pyvtk.Vectors(data, name=name)), header)
            raise NfemValueError, "Can only deal with scalar or vector data"

    elif len(meshpoints[0]) == 3:
        log.debug("Mesh seems 3d")
        if len(data[0]) == 1:
            log.debug("Data seems 1d (scalar)")
            log.debug("Creating vtk data structure with dof '%s'" % name)
            vtk = pyvtk.VtkData(
                pyvtk.UnstructuredGrid(meshpoints, tetra=meshsimplices),
                    pyvtk.Scalars(data, name=name, lookup_table='default')),
        elif len(data[0]) in [2, 3]:
            if len(data[0]) == 2:
                log.debug("Data seems 2d (vector)")
                #make 3d for pyvtk
                data = map(lambda a: a + [0.], data)
                log.debug("Data seems 3d (vector)")
            log.debug("Creating vtk data structure with dof '%s'" % name)
            vtk = pyvtk.VtkData(
                pyvtk.UnstructuredGrid(meshpoints, tetra=meshsimplices),
                pyvtk.PointData(pyvtk.Vectors(data, name=name)), header)
            raise NfemValueError, "Can only deal with scalar or vector data"

    elif len(meshpoints[0]) == 1:
        log.debug("Mesh seems 1d")
        #make 3d for pyvtk
        meshpoints = map(lambda pos: pos + [0., 0.], meshpoints)
        if len(data[0]) == 1:
            log.debug("Data seems 1d (scalar)")
            log.debug("Creating vtk data structure with dof '%s'" % name)
            vtk = pyvtk.VtkData(
                pyvtk.UnstructuredGrid(meshpoints, line=meshsimplices),
                    pyvtk.Scalars(data, name=name, lookup_table='default')),
        elif len(data[0]) in [2, 3]:
            if len(data[0]) == 2:
                log.debug("Data seems 2d (vector)")
                #make 3d for pyvtk
                data = map(lambda a: a + [0.], data)
                log.debug("Data seems 3d (vector)")
            log.debug("Creating vtk data structure with dof '%s'" % name)
            vtk = pyvtk.VtkData(
                pyvtk.UnstructuredGrid(meshpoints, line=meshsimplices),
                pyvtk.PointData(pyvtk.Vectors(data, name=name)), header)
            raise NfemValueError, "Can only deal with scalar or vector data"

        NfemValueError, "Mesh seems to be %d dimensional. Can only do 1, 2 or 3." % len(

    return vtk
コード例 #12
 def save_vector(self, v, name="my_field", step=0):
     self.vtk_data.cell_data.append(pyvtk.Vectors(v, name))
コード例 #13
def ovf2vtk_main():
    start_time = time.time()

    banner_doc = 70 * "-" + \
        "\novf2vtk --- converting ovf files to vtk files" + "\n" + \
        "Hans Fangohr, Richard Boardman, University of Southampton\n"""\
        + 70 * "-"

    # extracts command line arguments
    # If any of the arguments given appear in the command line, a list of...
    # ...these args and corresponding values (if any) is returned -> ('args').
    # Any arguments that dont dont match the given ones are retuned in a...
    # ...separate list -> ('params')
    # Note (fangohr 30/12/2006 20:52): the use of getopt is historic,
    args, params = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'Vvhbta:', [
        "verbose", "help", "add=", "binary", "text", "ascii",
        "surface-effects", "version", "datascale=", "posscale="

    # default value
    surfaceEffects = False
    datascale = 0.0  # 0.0 has special meaning -- see help text
    posscale = 0.0  # 0.0 has special meaning -- see help text

    # provide data from getopt.getopt (args) in form of dictionary
    options = {}
    for item in args:
        if item[1] == '':
            options[item[0]] = None
            options[item[0]] = item[1]
    keys = options.keys()

    # set system responses to arguments given
    if "--surface-effects" in keys:
        surfaceEffects = True

    if "--posscale" in keys:
        posscale = float(options["--posscale"])

    if "--datascale" in keys:
        datascale = float(options["--datascale"])

    if "-v" in keys or "--verbose" in keys:
        print("running in verbose mode")
        debug = True
        debug = False

    if "-h" in keys or "--help" in keys:

    if "-V" in keys or "--version" in keys:
        print("This is version {:s}.".format(version))

    if len(params) == 0:
        print("ERROR: An input file (and an output file need to be "
        infile = params[0]

    if len(params) == 1:
        print("ERROR: An input file AND an output file need to be specified.")
        print("specify output file")
        outfile = params[1]

    # okay: it seems the essential parameters are given.
    # Let's check for others:


    if debug:
        print("infile = {}".format(infile))
        print("outfile = {}".format(outfile))
        print("args = {}".format(args))
        print("options = {}".format(options))
        print("datascale = {}".format(datascale))
        print("posscale = {}".format(posscale))

    # read data from infile
    vf = omf.read_structured_omf_file(infile, debug)

    # compute magnitude for all cells
    Ms = ana.magnitude(vf)

    # Compute number of cells with non-zero Ms (rpb01r)
    Ms_num_of_nonzeros = Numeric.sum(Numeric.not_equal(Ms, 0.0))
    print("({:5.2f}% of {:d} cells filled)".format(
        100.0 * Ms_num_of_nonzeros / len(Ms), len(Ms)))

    # scale magnetisation data as required:
    if datascale == 0.0:
        scale = max(Ms)
        print("Will scale data down by {:f}".format(scale))
        scale = datascale
    # normalise vectorfield by scale
    vf = Numeric.divide(vf, scale)

    # read metadata in data file
    ovf_run = omf.analyze(infile)
    datatitle = ovf_run["Title:"] + "/{:g}".format(scale)

    # need x, y and z vectors for vtk format
    # taking actual spacings for dx, dy and dz results generally in
    # poor visualisation results (in particular for thin films, one
    # would like to have some magnification in z-direction).  Also:vtk
    # is not happy with positions on the 10e-9 scale, so one better
    # scales this to something closer to unity.

    # extract dimensions from file
    dimensions = (int(ovf_run["xnodes:"]), int(ovf_run["ynodes:"]),

    # scale data by given factor
    if posscale != 0.0:

        # find range between max and min values of components
        xrange = abs(float(ovf_run["xmax:"]) - float(ovf_run["xmin:"]))
        yrange = abs(float(ovf_run["ymax:"]) - float(ovf_run["ymin:"]))
        zrange = abs(float(ovf_run["zmax:"]) - float(ovf_run["zmin:"]))

        # define no. of x,y,z nodes
        xnodes = float(ovf_run["xnodes:"])
        ynodes = float(ovf_run["ynodes:"])
        znodes = float(ovf_run["znodes:"])

        # define stepsizes
        xstepsize = float(ovf_run["xstepsize:"])
        ystepsize = float(ovf_run["ystepsize:"])
        zstepsize = float(ovf_run["zstepsize:"])

        # define bases
        xbase = float(ovf_run["xbase:"])
        ybase = float(ovf_run["ybase:"])
        zbase = float(ovf_run["zbase:"])

        # find dx, dy, dz in SI units:
        dx = xrange / xnodes
        dy = yrange / ynodes
        dz = zrange / znodes

        # find scale factor that OOMMF uses for xstepsize and xnodes,
        # etc. (Don't know how to get this directly.)
        xscale = dx * xstepsize
        yscale = dy * ystepsize
        zscale = dz * zstepsize

        # extract x, y and z positions from ovf file.
        xbasevector = [None] * dimensions[0]  # create empty vector
        for i in range(dimensions[0]):
            # data is stored for 'centre' of each cuboid, therefore (i+0.5)
            xbasevector[i] = xbase + (i + 0.5) * xstepsize * xscale

        ybasevector = [None] * dimensions[1]
        for i in range(dimensions[1]):
            ybasevector[i] = ybase + (i + 0.5) * ystepsize * yscale

        zbasevector = [None] * dimensions[2]
        for i in range(dimensions[2]):
            zbasevector[i] = zbase + (i + 0.5) * zstepsize * zscale

        # finally, convert list to numeric (need to have this consistent)
        xbasevector = Numeric.array(xbasevector) / float(posscale)
        ybasevector = Numeric.array(ybasevector) / float(posscale)
        zbasevector = Numeric.array(zbasevector) / float(posscale)

        # posscale == 0.0
        # this generally looks better:
        xbasevector = Numeric.arange(dimensions[0])
        ybasevector = Numeric.arange(dimensions[1])
        zbasevector = Numeric.arange(dimensions[2])

    # write ascii or binary vtk-file (default is binary)
    vtk_data = 'binary'

    if '--ascii' in keys or '-t' in keys or '--text' in keys:
        vtk_data = 'ascii'
        if debug:
            print("switching to ascii vtk-data")

    if '--binary' in keys or '-b' in keys:
        vtk_data = 'binary'
        if debug:
            print("switching to binary vtk-data")

    # and now open vtk-file
    vtkfilecomment = "Output from ovf2vtk (version {:s}), {:s}, infile={:s}. "\
        .format(version, time.asctime(), infile)
    vtkfilecomment += "Calling command line was '{:s}' executed in '{:s}'"\
        .format(" ".join(sys.argv), os.getcwd())

    # define inputs
    RecGrid = pyvtk.RectilinearGrid(xbasevector.tolist(), ybasevector.tolist(),

    PData = pyvtk.PointData(pyvtk.Vectors(vf.tolist(), datatitle))

    # define vtk file.
    vtk = pyvtk.VtkData(RecGrid, vtkfilecomment, PData, format=vtk_data)

    # now compute all the additional data such as angles, etc

    # check whether we should do all
    keys = map(lambda x: x[1], args)
    if "all" in keys:
        args = []
        for add_arg in add_features:
            args.append(("--add", add_arg))

    # when ovf2vtk was re-written using Numeric, I had to group
    # certain operations to make them fast. Now some switches are
    # unneccessary. (fangohr 25/08/2003 01:35)
    # To avoid executing the
    # same code again, we remember what we have computed already:

    done_angles = 0
    done_comp = 0

    for arg in args:
        if arg[0] == "-a" or arg[0] == "--add":
            print("working on {}".format(arg))

            data = []
            lookup_table = 'default'

            # compute observables that need more than one field value
            # i.e. div, rot
            if arg[1][0:6] == "divrot":  # rotation = vorticity, curl

                (div, rot, rotx, roty, rotz, rotmag) = \
                    ana.divergence_and_curl(vf, surfaceEffects, ovf_run)
                # change order of observables for upcoming loop
                observables = (rotx, roty, rotz, rotmag, rot, div)

                comments = [
                    "curl, x-comp", "curl, y-comp", "curl, z-comp",
                    "curl, magnitude", "curl", "divergence"

                # append data to vtk file
                for obs, comment in zip(observables, comments):
                    # for rotx, roty, rotz, rotmag, div
                    if comment != "curl":
                            pyvtk.Scalars(obs.tolist(), comment, lookup_table))
                    # for rot
                            pyvtk.Vectors(obs.tolist(), comment))

            # components
            elif arg[1] in ["Mx", "My", "Mz", "Ms"]:
                if done_comp == 0:
                    done_comp = 1
                    comments = "x-component", "y-component", "z-component"

                    for data, comment in zip(ana.components(vf), comments):
                            pyvtk.Scalars(data.tolist(), comment,

                    # magnitude of magnitisation
                    Mmag = ana.magnitude(vf)
                        pyvtk.Scalars(Mmag.tolist(), "Magnitude",

            elif arg[1] in ["xy", "xz", "yz"]:
                if done_angles == 0:
                    done_angles = 1
                    # in-plane angles
                    comments = ("xy in-plane angle", "yz in-plane angle",
                                "xz in-plane angle")
                    for data, comment in zip(ana.plane_angles(vf), comments):
                            pyvtk.Scalars(data.tolist(), comment,

                print("only xy, xz, Mx, My, Mz, divergence, Ms, or 'all' \
allowed after -a or --add")
                print("Current choice is {}".format(arg))

    # eventually, write the file
    print("saving file ({:s})".format(outfile))
    vtk.tofile(outfile, format=vtk_data)

    print("finished conversion (execution time {:5.3s} seconds)".format(
        str(time.time() - start_time)))
コード例 #14
ファイル: surface2vtk.py プロジェクト: syzeng-duduxi/AxiSEM3D
            fmat_last = fmat
            eleTag_last = etag
        wdotf = np.tensordot(weights[istation], fmat, ([0], [1]))
        exparray = 2. * np.exp(np.arange(0, nu_p_1) * 1j * azims[istation])
        exparray[0] = 1.
        spz = wdotf.dot(exparray).real
        if args.norm:
            disp_norm[istation] = np.linalg.norm(spz)
            disp[istation, 0] = spz[0] * np.cos(dist) - spz[2] * np.sin(dist)
            disp[istation, 1] = spz[1]
            disp[istation, 2] = spz[0] * np.sin(dist) + spz[2] * np.cos(dist)
    if args.norm:
        vtk = pyvtk.VtkData(
            pyvtk.PointData(pyvtk.Scalars(disp_norm, name='disp_norm')),
            'surface animation')
        vtk = pyvtk.VtkData(
            vtk_points, pyvtk.PointData(pyvtk.Vectors(disp, name='disp_RTZ')),
            'surface animation')
    vtk.tofile(args.out_vtk + '/surface_vtk.' + str(it) + '.vtk', 'binary')
    if args.verbose:
        elapsed = time.clock() - clock0s
        print('    Done with snapshot t = %f s; tstep = %d / %d, rank = %d, elapsed = %f' \
            % (var_time[istep], it + 1, len(steps), mpi_rank, elapsed))

if args.verbose and mpi_rank == 0:
    elapsed = time.clock() - clock0
    print('Generating snapshots done, ' + '%f sec elapsed.' % (elapsed))
コード例 #15
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jun  7 14:58:44 2017

@author: Jonas Lindemann

import numpy as np
import pyvtk as vtk

print("Reading from uvw.dat...")
xyzuvw = np.loadtxt('uvw.dat', skiprows=2)

print("Converting to points and vectors")
points = xyzuvw[:, 0:3].tolist()
vectors = xyzuvw[:, 3:].tolist()

pointdata = vtk.PointData(vtk.Vectors(vectors, name="vec1"),
                          vtk.Vectors(vectors, name="vec2"))
data = vtk.VtkData(vtk.StructuredGrid([96, 65, 48], points), pointdata)
data.tofile('uvw', 'ascii')
コード例 #16
ファイル: Field.py プロジェクト: nitramkaroh/mupif
    def field2VTKData (self,name=None,lookupTable=None):
        Creates VTK representation of the receiver. Useful for visualization. Requires pyvtk module.

        :param str name: human-readable name of the field
        :param pyvtk.LookupTable lookupTable: color lookup table
        :return: Instance of pyvtk
        :rtype: pyvtk
        import pyvtk

        if name is None:
        if lookupTable and not isinstance(lookupTable,pyvtk.LookupTable):
            log.info('ignoring lookupTable which is not a pyvtk.LookupTable instance.')
        if lookupTable is None:
            #Scalars use different name than 'coolwarm'. Then Paraview uses its own color mapping instead of taking 'coolwarm' from *.vtk file. This prevents setting Paraview's color mapping.
        # see http://cens.ioc.ee/cgi-bin/cvsweb/python/pyvtk/examples/example1.py?rev=1.3 for an example
        vectorsKw=dict(name=name) # vectors don't have a lookup_table

        if (self.fieldType == FieldType.FT_vertexBased):
            if (self.getValueType() == ValueType.Scalar):
                return pyvtk.VtkData(self.mesh.getVTKRepresentation(), pyvtk.PointData(pyvtk.Scalars([val[0] for val in self.value],**scalarsKw),lookupTable), 'Unstructured Grid Example')
            elif (self.getValueType() == ValueType.Vector):
                return pyvtk.VtkData(self.mesh.getVTKRepresentation(), pyvtk.PointData(pyvtk.Vectors(self.value,**vectorsKw),lookupTable), 'Unstructured Grid Example')
            elif (self.getValueType() == ValueType.Tensor):
                return pyvtk.VtkData(self.mesh.getVTKRepresentation(), pyvtk.PointData(pyvtk.Tensors(self.getMartixForTensor(self.value),**vectorsKw),lookupTable),'Unstructured Grid Example')
            if (self.getValueType() == ValueType.Scalar):
                return pyvtk.VtkData(self.mesh.getVTKRepresentation(), pyvtk.CellData(pyvtk.Scalars([val[0] for val in self.value],**scalarsKw),lookupTable), 'Unstructured Grid Example')
            elif (self.getValueType() == ValueType.Vector):
                return pyvtk.VtkData(self.mesh.getVTKRepresentation(), pyvtk.CellData(pyvtk.Vectors(self.value,**vectorsKw),lookupTable), 'Unstructured Grid Example')
            elif (self.getValueType() == ValueType.Tensor):
                return pyvtk.VtkData(self.mesh.getVTKRepresentation(), pyvtk.CellData(pyvtk.Tensors(self.getMartixForTensor(self.value),**vectorsKw),lookupTable),'Unstructured Grid Example')
コード例 #17
def citcom2vtk(t):
    print "Timestep:", t

    benchmarkstr = ""
    #Assign create_bottom and create_surface to bottom and surface
    #to make them valid in methods namespace
    bottom = create_bottom
    surface = create_surface

    ordered_points = []  #reset Sequences for points
    ordered_temperature = []
    ordered_velocity = []
    ordered_visc = []

    #Surface and Bottom Points
    #Initialize empty sequences
    surf_vec = []
    botm_vec = []
    surf_topo = []
    surf_hflux = []
    botm_topo = []
    botm_hflux = []

    surf_points = []
    botm_points = []

    for capnr in xrange(nproc_surf):
        ###Benchmark Point 1 Start##
        #start = datetime.now()
        print "Processing cap", capnr + 1, "of", nproc_surf
        cap = f.root._f_getChild("cap%02d" % capnr)

        #Information from hdf
        #This information needs to be read only once

        hdf_coords = cap.coord[:]
        hdf_velocity = cap.velocity[t]
        hdf_temperature = cap.temperature[t]
        hdf_viscosity = cap.viscosity[t]

        ###Benchmark Point 1 Stop##
        #delta = datetime.now() - start
        #benchmarkstr += "%.5lf," % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)

        ###Benchmark Point 2 Start##
        #start = datetime.now()

        #Create Iterator to change data representation
        nx_redu_iter = reduce_iter(nx, nx_redu)
        ny_redu_iter = reduce_iter(ny, ny_redu)
        nz_redu_iter = reduce_iter(nz, nz_redu)
        #vtk_i = vtk_iter(el_nx_redu,el_ny_redu,el_nz_redu)

        # read citcom data - zxy (z fastest)
        for j in xrange(el_ny_redu):
            j_redu = ny_redu_iter.next()
            nx_redu_iter = reduce_iter(nx, nx_redu)
            for i in xrange(el_nx_redu):
                i_redu = nx_redu_iter.next()
                nz_redu_iter = reduce_iter(nz, nz_redu)
                for k in xrange(el_nz_redu):
                    k_redu = nz_redu_iter.next()

                    colat, lon, r = map(float, hdf_coords[i_redu, j_redu,
                    x_coord, y_coord, z_coord = RTF2XYZ(colat, lon, r)
                    ordered_points.append((x_coord, y_coord, z_coord))

                        float(hdf_temperature[i_redu, j_redu, k_redu]))
                        float(hdf_viscosity[i_redu, j_redu, k_redu]))

                    vel_colat, vel_lon, vel_r = map(
                        float, hdf_velocity[i_redu, j_redu, k_redu])
                    x_velo, y_velo, z_velo = velocity2cart(
                        vel_colat, vel_lon, vel_r, colat, lon, r)

                    ordered_velocity.append((x_velo, y_velo, z_velo))

        ##Delete Objects for GC
        del hdf_coords
        del hdf_velocity
        del hdf_temperature
        del hdf_viscosity

        ###Benchmark Point 2 Stop##
        #delta = datetime.now() - start
        #benchmarkstr += "%.5lf," % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)

        ###Benchmark Point 3 Start##
        #start = datetime.now()

        #Bottom Information from hdf
        if bottom == True:
                hdf_bottom_coord = cap.botm.coord[:]
                hdf_bottom_heatflux = cap.botm.heatflux[t]
                hdf_bottom_topography = cap.botm.topography[t]
                hdf_bottom_velocity = cap.botm.velocity[t]
                print "\tCould not find bottom information in file.\n \
                       Set create bottom to false"

                bottom = False
        #Surface Information from hdf
        if surface == True:
                hdf_surface_coord = cap.surf.coord[:]
                hdf_surface_heatflux = cap.surf.heatflux[t]
                hdf_surface_topography = cap.surf.topography[t]
                hdf_surface_velocity = cap.surf.velocity[t]
                print "\tCould not find surface information in file.\n \
                       Set create surface to false"

                surface = False

        ###Benchmark Point 3 Stop##
        #delta = datetime.now() - start
        #benchmarkstr += "%.5lf," % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)

        ###Benchmark Point 4 Start##
        #start = datetime.now()

        #Compute surface/bottom topography mean
        if create_topo:
            surf_mean = 0.0
            botm_mean = 0.0

            if surface:
                for i in xrange(nx):
                    surf_mean += numpy.mean(hdf_surface_topography[i])
                surf_mean = surf_mean / ny

            if bottom:
                for i in xrange(nx):
                    botm_mean += numpy.mean(hdf_bottom_topography[i])
                botm_mean = botm_mean / nx

        ###Benchmark Point 4 Stop##
        #delta = datetime.now() - start
        #benchmarkstr += "%.5lf," % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)

        ###Benchmark Point 5 Start##
        #start = datetime.now()

        #Read Surface and Bottom Data
        if bottom == True or surface == True:
            for i in xrange(nx):
                for j in xrange(ny):

                    if bottom == True:
                        #Bottom Coordinates
                        if create_topo == True:
                            colat, lon = hdf_bottom_coord[i, j]
                            x, y, z = RTF2XYZ(
                                colat, lon, radius_inner + float(
                                    (hdf_bottom_topography[i, j] - botm_mean) *
                                    (10**21) / (6371000**2 / 10**(-6)) /
                                    (3300 * 10) / 1000))
                            botm_points.append((x, y, z))
                            colat, lon = hdf_bottom_coord[i, j]
                            x, y, z = RTF2XYZ(colat, lon, radius_inner)
                            botm_points.append((x, y, z))

                        #Bottom Heatflux
                        botm_hflux.append(float(hdf_bottom_heatflux[i, j]))

                        #Bottom Velocity
                        vel_colat, vel_lon = map(float, hdf_bottom_velocity[i,
                        x, y, z = velocity2cart(vel_colat, vel_lon,
                                                radius_inner, colat, lon,
                        botm_vec.append((x, y, z))

                    if surface == True:
                        #Surface Information
                        if create_topo == True:
                            colat, lon = hdf_surface_coord[i, j]
                            #637100 = Earth radius, 33000 = ?
                            x, y, z = RTF2XYZ(
                                colat, lon, radius_outer + float(
                                    (hdf_surface_topography[i, j] - surf_mean)
                                    * (10**21) / (6371000**2 / 10**(-6)) /
                                    (3300 * 10) / 1000))
                            surf_points.append((x, y, z))
                            colat, lon = hdf_surface_coord[i, j]
                            x, y, z = RTF2XYZ(colat, lon, radius_outer)
                            surf_points.append((x, y, z))

                        #Surface Heatflux
                        surf_hflux.append(float(hdf_surface_heatflux[i, j]))

                        #Surface Velocity
                        vel_colat, vel_lon = map(float,
                                                 hdf_surface_velocity[i, j])
                        x, y, z = velocity2cart(vel_colat, vel_lon,
                                                radius_outer, colat, lon,
                        surf_vec.append((x, y, z))

        #del variables for GC
        if bottom == True:
            del hdf_bottom_coord
            del hdf_bottom_heatflux
            del hdf_bottom_velocity
        if surface == True:
            del hdf_surface_coord
            del hdf_surface_heatflux
            del hdf_surface_velocity

        ###Benchmark Point 5 Stop##
        #delta = datetime.now() - start
        #benchmarkstr += "%.5lf," % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)

        ###Benchmark Point 6 Start##
        #start = datetime.now()

#Create Connectivity info
        if counter == 0:
            #For 3d Data
            i = 1  #Counts X Direction
            j = 1  #Counts Y Direction
            k = 1  #Counts Z Direction

            for n in xrange((el_nx_redu * el_ny_redu * el_nz_redu) -
                            (el_nz_redu * el_nx_redu)):
                if (i % el_nz_redu) == 0:  #X-Values!!!
                    j += 1  #Count Y-Values

                if (j % el_nx_redu) == 0:
                    k += 1  #Count Z-Values

                if i % el_nz_redu != 0 and j % el_nx_redu != 0:  #Check if Box can be created
                    #Get Vertnumbers
                    n0 = n + (capnr * (el_nx_redu * el_ny_redu * el_nz_redu))
                    n1 = n0 + el_nz_redu
                    n2 = n1 + el_nz_redu * el_nx_redu
                    n3 = n0 + el_nz_redu * el_nx_redu
                    n4 = n0 + 1
                    n5 = n4 + el_nz_redu
                    n6 = n5 + el_nz_redu * el_nx_redu
                    n7 = n4 + el_nz_redu * el_nx_redu

                    #Created Polygon Box
                    polygons3d.append([n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6,
                                       n7])  #Hexahedron VTK Representation

                i += 1

            if bottom == True or surface == True:
                #Connectivity for 2d-Data
                i = 1
                for n in xrange((nx) * (ny) - ny):
                    if i % ny != 0:
                        n0 = n + (capnr * ((nx) * (ny)))
                        n1 = n0 + 1
                        n2 = n0 + ny
                        n3 = n2 + 1
                        polygons2d.append([n0, n1, n2, n3])
                    i += 1

        ###Benchmark Point 6 Stop##
        #delta = datetime.now() - start
        #benchmarkstr += "%.5lf\n" % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)
    #print benchmarkstr

#Write Data to VTK

#benchmarkstr = "\n\nIO:\n"
###Benchmark Point 7 Start##
#start = datetime.now()

    print 'Writing data to vtk...'
    #Surface Points
    if surface == True:
        struct_coords = pyvtk.UnstructuredGrid(surf_points, pixel=polygons2d)
        #topo_scal = pyvtk.Scalars(surf_topo,'Surface Topography', lookup_table='default')
        hflux_scal = pyvtk.Scalars(surf_hflux,
                                   'Surface Heatflux',
        vel_vec = pyvtk.Vectors(surf_vec, 'Surface Velocity Vectors')
        tempdata = pyvtk.PointData(hflux_scal, vel_vec)
        data = pyvtk.VtkData(
            struct_coords, tempdata,
            'CitcomS Output %s Timestep %s' % ('surface info', t))
        if create_ascii:
            data.tofile(vtk_path + (vtkfile % ('surface', t)), )
            data.tofile(vtk_path + (vtkfile % ('surface', t)), 'binary')
        print "Written Surface information to file"

    ###Benchmark Point 7 Stop##
    #delta = datetime.now() - start
    #benchmarkstr += "%.5lf," % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)

    ###Benchmark Point 8 Start##
    #start = datetime.now()

    if bottom == True:
        #Bottom Points
        struct_coords = pyvtk.UnstructuredGrid(botm_points, pixel=polygons2d)
        #topo_scal = pyvtk.Scalars(botm_topo,'Bottom Topography','default')
        hflux_scal = pyvtk.Scalars(botm_hflux, 'Bottom Heatflux', 'default')
        vel_vec = pyvtk.Vectors(botm_vec, 'Bottom Velocity Vectors')
        tempdata = pyvtk.PointData(hflux_scal, vel_vec)
        data = pyvtk.VtkData(
            struct_coords, tempdata,
            'CitcomS Output %s Timestep %s' % ('Bottom info', t))
        if create_ascii:
            data.tofile(vtk_path + (vtkfile % ('bottom', t)))
            data.tofile(vtk_path + (vtkfile % ('bottom', t)), 'binary')
        print "Written Bottom information to file"

    ###Benchmark Point 8 Stop##
    #delta = datetime.now() - start
    #benchmarkstr += "%.5lf," % (delta.seconds + float(delta.microseconds)/1e6)

    ###Benchmark Point 9 Start##
    #start = datetime.now()

    #General Data
    struct_coords = pyvtk.UnstructuredGrid(ordered_points,
    vel_vec = pyvtk.Vectors(ordered_velocity, 'Velocity Vectors')
    temp_scal = pyvtk.Scalars(ordered_temperature, 'Temperature Scalars',
    visc_scal = pyvtk.Scalars(ordered_visc, 'Viscosity Scalars', 'default')
    tempdata = pyvtk.PointData(temp_scal, visc_scal, vel_vec)
    data = pyvtk.VtkData(
        struct_coords, tempdata,
        'CitcomS Output %s Timestep:%d NX:%d NY:%d NZ:%d Radius_Inner:%f' %
        (path, t, el_nx_redu, el_ny_redu, el_nz_redu, radius_inner))
    if create_ascii:
        data.tofile(vtk_path + (vtkfile % ('general', t)))
        data.tofile(vtk_path + (vtkfile % ('general', t)), 'binary')
    print "Written general data to file"
コード例 #18
ファイル: cloud.py プロジェクト: viviaxenov/compu_math
import os

f, jac = lorenz_attractor(10., 28., 8. / 3)
T = 40.
tau = 1e-2
ipf = 4
n_steps = int(T / tau)
n_particles = 10000
deviation = 0.01
start_point = np.array([0., 0., 0.])
starts = np.random.normal(start_point, deviation, (n_particles, 3))
r_0 = np.linalg.norm(starts - start_point, axis=1, ord=2)

cloud = [RK45Solver(f, x_0, 0., T, n_steps) for x_0 in starts]

for particle in cloud:

dirpath = 'vtk/000_10k/'
if not os.path.exists(dirpath):

for i in range(0, n_steps + 1, ipf):
    points = [p.x[:, i] for p in cloud]
    velocities = [f(i, x) for x in points]
    vtk = pyvtk.VtkData(
        pyvtk.PointData(pyvtk.Vectors(velocities, name='Velocity'),
                        pyvtk.Scalars(r_0, name='r_0')))
    vtk.tofile(dirpath + f'f{i}')
コード例 #19
ファイル: pyvtk.py プロジェクト: hightower8083/opmd2VTK
    def write_fields_vtk(self,
        Convert the given list of scalar and vector fields from the
        openPMD format to a VTK container, and write it to the disk.

        flds: list or None
            List of scalar and vector fields to be converted. If None, it
            converts all available components provided by OpenPMDTimeSeries

        iteration: int
            iteration number to treat (default 0)

        format: str
            format for the VTK file, either 'ascii' or 'binary'

        zmin_fixed: float or None
            When treating the simulation data for the animation, in
            some cases (e.g. with moving window) it is useful to
            fix the origin of the visualization domain. If float number
            is given it will be use as z-origin of the visualization domain

        Nth: int, optional
            Number of nodes of the theta-axis of a cylindric grid in case
            of thetaMode geometry. Note: for high the Nth>>10 the convertion
            may become rather slow.

        CommonMesh: bool
            If True, the same mesh will be used and fields will be converted
            to the scalar and vector types. If False, each component will be
            saved as a separate file with its own grid.

        sample: tuple of 2 or 3 integers or None
            If not None, the field arrays will be reduced by skipping
            elements, i.e. for 3D geometry field F is replaced by
        # Check available fields if comps is not defined
        if flds is None:
            flds = self.ts.avail_fields

        # Register constant parameters
        self.iteration = iteration
        self.zmin_fixed = zmin_fixed
        self.CommonMesh = CommonMesh
        self.Nth = Nth

        if sample is None:
            self.sample = (1, 1, 1)
            self.sample = sample

        # Set grid to None, in order to recomupte it
        self.grid = None

        # Make a numer string for the file to write
        istr = str(self.iteration)
        while len(istr) < 7:
            istr = '0' + istr

        if self.CommonMesh:

            # get and store fields Scalars and Vectors
            vtk_container = []
            for fld in flds:
                field_type = self.ts.fields_metadata[fld]['type']
                if field_type == 'vector':
                    fdata, fname = self._get_field_vec_full(fld)
                    print(fdata.shape, fname)
                    vecs = vtk.Vectors(fdata, name=fname)
                elif field_type == 'scalar':
                    fdata, fname = self._get_field_scl(fld)
                    scl = vtk.Scalars(fdata, name=fname)

            # write VTK file
            vtk.VtkData(self.grid, vtk.PointData(*vtk_container))\
                .tofile(self.path+'vtk_fields_'+istr, format=format)
            for fld in flds:
                field_type = self.ts.fields_metadata[fld]['type']
                if field_type == 'vector':
                    comps = ['x', 'y', 'z']
                    for comp in comps:
                        fld_full = fld + comp
                        file_name = self.path+'vtk_fields_{}_{}'\
                           .format(fld_full, istr)
                        fdata, fname = self._get_field_vec_comp(fld, comp)
                        scl = vtk.Scalars(fdata, name=fname)
                        vtk.VtkData(self.grid, vtk.PointData(scl))\
                           .tofile(file_name, format=format)

                elif field_type == 'scalar':
                    file_name = self.path+'vtk_fields_{}_{}'\
                       .format(fld, istr)
                    fdata, fname = self._get_field_vec_comp(fld, comp)
                    scl = vtk.Scalars(fdata, name=fname)
                    vtk.VtkData(self.grid, vtk.PointData(scl))\
                       .tofile(file_name, format=format)
コード例 #20
def ovf2vtk_main():
    start_time = time.time()
    banner_doc = 70*"-"+\
    "\novf2vtk --- converting ovf files to vtk files"+"\n"+\
    "Hans Fangohr, Richard Boardman, University of Southampton\n"""+70*"-"

    #extract command line arguments
    additions,params = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], 'Vvhbta:', ["verbose","help","add=","binary","text","ascii","surface-effects","version","datascale=","posscale="] )

    #Note (fangohr 30/12/2006 20:52): the use of getopt is historic,
    #and so is the use of the name 'additions'. 

    #default value
    surfaceEffects = False
    datascale = 0.0 #0.0 has special meaning -- see help text
    posscale = 0.0  #0.0 has special meaning -- see help text

    #provide data from getopt.getopt (additions) in form of hash table
    options = {}
    for item in additions:
        if item[1]=='':
            options[item[0]] = None
            options[item[0]] = item[1]
    keys = options.keys()
    if "--surface-effects" in keys:
        surfaceEffects = True

    if "--posscale" in keys:
        posscale = float(options["--posscale"])

    if "--datascale" in keys:
        datascale = float(options["--datascale"])

    if "-v" in keys or "--verbose" in keys:
        print "running in verbose mode"
        debug = True
        debug = False

    if "-h" in keys or "--help" in keys:
        print __doc__

    if "-V" in keys or "--version" in keys:
        print "This is version %s." % ovf2vtk.__version__

    if len( params ) == 0:
        print __doc__
        print "ERROR: An input file (and an output file need to be specified)."
        infile = params[0]

    if len( params ) == 1:
        print __doc__
        print "ERROR: An input file AND an output file need to be specified."
        print "specify output file"
        outfile = params[1]

    # okay: it seems the essential parameters are given. Let's check for others:

    print banner_doc

    if debug:
        print "infile  = ", infile
        print "outfile = ",outfile
        print "additions= ",additions
        print "options = ",options
        print "datascale=",datascale
        print "posscale=",posscale

    #read data from infile
    vf = read_structured_omf_file( infile, debug )

    #compute magnitude for all cells 
    Ms = magnitude( vf )
    # Compute number of cells with non-zero Ms (rpb01r) 
    Ms_num_of_nonzeros = Numeric.sum( Numeric.not_equal( Ms, 0.0 ) ) 
    print "(%5.2f%% of %d cells filled)" % (100.0*Ms_num_of_nonzeros/len(Ms), len(Ms))

    #read metadata in data file 
    ovf_run  = analyze( infile  )

    #scale magnetisation data as required:
    if datascale == 0.0:
        scale = max( Ms )
        print "Will scale data down by %f" % scale
        scale = datascale
    vf = Numeric.divide( vf, scale )

    datatitle = ovf_run["Title:"]+"/%g" % (scale)

    #need x, y and z vectors for vtk format

    #taking actual spacings for dx, dy and dz results generally in
    #poor visualisation results (in particular for thin films, one
    #would like to have some magnification in z-direction).  Also:vtk
    #is not happy with positions on the 10e-9 scale, so one better
    #scales this to something closer to unity.

    #extract dimensions from file
    dimensions = ( int( ovf_run["xnodes:"] ), \
                   int( ovf_run["ynodes:"] ), \
                   int( ovf_run["znodes:"] ))

    if posscale != 0.0:  #scale data by given factor

        #find dx, dy, dz in SI units:
        Lx = abs(float(ovf_run["xmax:"])-float(ovf_run["xmin:"]))
        Ly = abs(float(ovf_run["ymax:"])-float(ovf_run["ymin:"]))
        Lz = abs(float(ovf_run["zmax:"])-float(ovf_run["zmin:"]))

        dx = Lx / float( ovf_run["xnodes:"] )
        dy = Ly / float( ovf_run["ynodes:"] )
        dz = Lz / float( ovf_run["znodes:"] )

        #find scale factor that OOMMF uses for xstepsize and xnodes,
        #etc. (Don't know how to get this directly.)
        xscale = Lx / (float( ovf_run["xnodes:"])*float(ovf_run["xstepsize:"]))
        yscale = Ly / (float( ovf_run["ynodes:"])*float(ovf_run["ystepsize:"]))
        zscale = Lz / (float( ovf_run["znodes:"])*float(ovf_run["zstepsize:"]))

        #extract x, y and z positions from ovf file.
        xbasevector = [None] * dimensions[0] #create empty vector
        for i in range( dimensions[0] ):
            #data is stored for 'centre' of each cuboid, therefore (i+0.5)
            xbasevector[i] = float( ovf_run["xbase:"] ) +\
                             (i+0.5) *float( ovf_run["xstepsize:"] )*xscale

        ybasevector = [None]* dimensions[1]
        for i in range( dimensions[1] ):
            ybasevector[i] = float( ovf_run["ybase:"] ) + (i+0.5) *float( ovf_run["ystepsize:"] )*yscale

        zbasevector = [None]* dimensions[2]
        for i in range( dimensions[2] ):
            zbasevector[i] = float( ovf_run["zbase:"] ) + (i+0.5) *float( ovf_run["zstepsize:"] )*zscale

        #finally, convert list to numerix (need to have this consistent)
        xbasevector = Numeric.array(xbasevector)/float(posscale)
        ybasevector = Numeric.array(ybasevector)/float(posscale)
        zbasevector = Numeric.array(zbasevector)/float(posscale)
    else: #posscale == 0.0
        #this generally looks better:
        xbasevector = Numeric.arange( dimensions[0] )
        ybasevector = Numeric.arange( dimensions[1] )
        zbasevector = Numeric.arange( dimensions[2] )

    # write ascii or binary vtk-file (default is binary)
    vtk_data = 'binary'
    if '--ascii' in keys or '-t' in keys or '--text' in keys:
        vtk_data = 'ascii'
        if debug:
            print "switching to ascii vtk-data"
    if '--binary' in keys or '-b' in keys:
        vtk_data = 'binary'
        if debug:
            print "switching to binary vtk-data"

    #and now open vtk-file
    vtkfilecomment =  "Output from ovf2vtk (version %s), %s, infile=%s. " % (ovf2vtk.__version__,\
    vtkfilecomment += "Calling command line was '%s' executed in '%s'" % (" ".join(sys.argv),\

    vtk = pyvtk.VtkData(    pyvtk.RectilinearGrid(xbasevector.tolist(),ybasevector.tolist(),zbasevector.tolist()),
                            pyvtk.PointData(pyvtk.Vectors( vf.tolist(), datatitle ) ),

    # now compute all the additional data such as angles, etc

    # check whether we should do all
    keys = map(lambda x:x[1], additions)
    if "all" in keys:
        additions = []
        for add in add_features:

    # when ovf2vtk was re-written using Numeric, I had to group
    # certain operations to make them fast. Now some switches are
    # unneccessary. (fangohr 25/08/2003 01:35)
    # To avoid executing the
    # same code again, we remember what we have computed already:
    done_angles = 0
    done_comp   = 0

    for add in additions:
        if add[0]=="-a" or add[0]=="--add":
            print "working on",add


            #compute observables that need more than one field value, i.e. div, rot
            if add[1][0:6] == "divrot":  #rotation = vorticity, curl
                (div, rot, rotx, roty, rotz, rotmag) = divergence_and_curl( vf, surfaceEffects, ovf_run )
                comment = "curl, x-comp" 
                vtk.point_data.append( pyvtk.Scalars( rotx.tolist() , comment , lookup_table='default') )
                Comment = "curl, y-comp" 
                vtk.point_data.append( pyvtk.Scalars( roty.tolist() , comment , lookup_table='default') )
                comment = "curl, z-comp" 
                vtk.point_data.append( pyvtk.Scalars( rotz.tolist() , comment , lookup_table='default') )
                comment = "curl, magnitude" 
                vtk.point_data.append( pyvtk.Scalars( rotmag.tolist(), comment , lookup_table='default') )
                comment = "curl" 
                vtk.point_data.append( pyvtk.Vectors( rot.tolist() , comment ) )

                comment = "divergence"
                vtk.point_data.append( pyvtk.Scalars( div.tolist() , comment , lookup_table='default') )

                done_div_rot = True
            elif add[1] in ["Mx","My","Mz","Ms"]:                # components
                if not done_comp:
                    done_comp = 1
                    comments = "x-component", "y-component", "z-component"

                    for data, comment in zip( components( vf ), comments):
                        vtk.point_data.append( pyvtk.Scalars( data.tolist(), comment,lookup_table='default' ) )
                    # magnitude of magnitisation
                    Mmag = magnitude( vf )
                    vtk.point_data.append( pyvtk.Scalars(Mmag.tolist(), "Magnitude",lookup_table='default' ) )

            elif add[1] in ["xy","xz","yz"]:
                if not done_angles:
                    done_angles = 1

                    # in-plane angles
                    comments = "xy in-plane angle", "yz in-plane angle", "xz in-plane angle"

                    for data, comment in zip( plane_angles( vf ), comments):
                        vtk.point_data.append( pyvtk.Scalars( data.tolist(), comment, lookup_table='default' )  )

                print "only xy, xz, Mx, My, Mz, divergence, Ms, or 'all' allowed after -a or --add"
                print "Current choice is",add
                print __doc__

    #eventually, write the file
    print "saving file (%s)" % (outfile)

    print "finished conversion (execution time %5.3s seconds)" % (time.time()-start_time)
コード例 #21
def write_vtk(iproc):
    if args.nproc == 1:
        nc_surf_local = Dataset(args.in_surface_nc, 'r', format='NETCDF4')
        iproc = 0
        # copy netcdf file for parallel access
        tempnc = args.out_vtk + '/surface_temp.nc' + str(iproc)
        shutil.copy(args.in_surface_nc, tempnc)
        nc_surf_local = Dataset(tempnc, 'r', format='NETCDF4')

    # write vtk
    if args.verbose and iproc == 0:
        clock0 = time.clock()
        print('Generating snapshot...')
    for it, istep in enumerate(steps):
        if it % args.nproc != iproc:
        if args.min_step is not None:
            if it < args.min_step:
        if args.max_step is not None:
            if it > args.max_step:
        if args.norm:
            disp_norm = np.zeros(nstation)
            disp = np.zeros((nstation, 3))
        eleTag_last = -1
        fourier_last = None
        for istation, dist in enumerate(dists):
            if eleTags[istation] == eleTag_last:
                fourier = fourier_last
                fourier_r = nc_surf_local.variables['edge_' +
                                                    str(eleTags[istation]) +
                                                    'r'][istep, :]
                fourier_i = nc_surf_local.variables['edge_' +
                                                    str(eleTags[istation]) +
                                                    'i'][istep, :]
                fourier = fourier_r[:] + fourier_i[:] * 1j
                fourier_last = fourier
                eleTag_last = eleTags[istation]
            nu_p_1 = int(len(fourier) / nPntEdge / 3)
            wdotf = np.zeros((3, nu_p_1), dtype=fourier.dtype)
            for idim in np.arange(0, 3):
                start = idim * nPntEdge * nu_p_1
                end = idim * nPntEdge * nu_p_1 + nPntEdge * nu_p_1
                fmat = fourier[start:end].reshape(nPntEdge, nu_p_1)
                wdotf[idim] = weights[istation].dot(fmat)
            exparray = 2. * np.exp(np.arange(0, nu_p_1) * 1j * azims[istation])
            exparray[0] = 1.
            spz = wdotf.dot(exparray).real
            if args.norm:
                disp_norm[istation] = np.linalg.norm(spz)
                     0] = spz[0] * np.cos(dist) - spz[2] * np.sin(dist)
                disp[istation, 1] = spz[1]
                     2] = spz[0] * np.sin(dist) + spz[2] * np.cos(dist)
        if args.norm:
            vtk = pyvtk.VtkData(
                pyvtk.PointData(pyvtk.Scalars(disp_norm, name='disp_norm')),
                'surface animation')
            vtk = pyvtk.VtkData(
                pyvtk.PointData(pyvtk.Vectors(disp, name='disp_RTZ')),
                'surface animation')
        vtk.tofile(args.out_vtk + '/surface_vtk.' + str(it) + '.vtk', 'binary')
        if args.verbose:
            print('    Done with snapshot t = %f s; tstep = %d / %d; iproc = %d' \
                % (var_time[istep], it + 1, len(steps), iproc))
    # close

    # remove temp nc
    if args.nproc > 1:

    if args.verbose and iproc == 0:
        elapsed = time.clock() - clock0
        print('Generating snapshots done, ' + '%f sec elapsed.' % (elapsed))
コード例 #22
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: bagustris/calfem-python
def export_vtk_stress(filename,
    Export mesh and results for a 2D stress problem.
        filename            Filename of vtk-file
        coords              Element coordinates (np.array)
        topo                Element topology (not dof topology). mesh.topo. (np.array)
        a                   Element displacements 2-dof (np.array)
        el_scalar           Scalar values for each element (list)
        el_vec1             Vector value for each element (list)
        el_vec2             Vector value for each element (list)

    points = coords.tolist()
    polygons = (topo - 1).tolist()

    displ = []

    point_data = None
    scalars = None
    vectors1 = None
    vectors2 = None
    cell_data = None

    if a is not None:
        for i in range(0, len(a), 2):
            displ.append([np.asscalar(a[i]), np.asscalar(a[i + 1]), 0.0])

        point_data = vtk.PointData(vtk.Vectors(displ, name="displacements"))

    if el_scalar is not None:
        scalars = vtk.Scalars(el_scalar, name="scalar")
    if el_vec1 is not None:
        vectors1 = vtk.Vectors(el_vec1, name="principal1")
    if el_vec2 is not None:
        vectors2 = vtk.Vectors(el_vec2, name="principal2")

    if el_scalar is not None and el_vec1 is None and el_vec2 is None:
        cell_data = vtk.CellData(scalars)
    if el_scalar is not None and el_vec1 is None and el_vec2 is not None:
        cell_data = vtk.CellData(scalars, vectors2)
    if el_scalar is not None and el_vec1 is not None and el_vec2 is None:
        cell_data = vtk.CellData(scalars, vectors1)
    if el_scalar is not None and el_vec1 is not None and el_vec2 is None:
        cell_data = vtk.CellData(scalars, vectors1, vectors2)
    if el_scalar is None and el_vec1 is None and el_vec2 is not None:
        cell_data = vtk.CellData(vectors2)
    if el_scalar is None and el_vec1 is not None and el_vec2 is None:
        cell_data = vtk.CellData(vectors1)
    if el_scalar is None and el_vec1 is not None and el_vec2 is None:
        cell_data = vtk.CellData(vectors1, vectors2)

    structure = vtk.PolyData(points=points, polygons=polygons)

    if cell_data is not None and point_data is not None:
        vtk_data = vtk.VtkData(structure, cell_data, point_data)
    if cell_data is None and point_data is not None:
        vtk_data = vtk.VtkData(structure, point_data)
    if cell_data is None and point_data is None:
        vtk_data = vtk.VtkData(structure)

    vtk_data.tofile("exm6.vtk", "ascii")
コード例 #23
def make_vector(array, name=None):
    return pyvtk.Vectors(array, name)