class TrajectoriesWindow(gui.Window): """ This class creates a Window that will display some Point's contained in a Data object. It will allow to draw and adjust trajectories along 2D axes. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): gui.Window.__init__(self, minsize=(420, 200), **kwargs) self.dim = kwargs.get('dim') = kwargs.get('data') self.pathData = PathData(dim=self.dim) self.callback = kwargs.get('callback', None) self.loadCallback = kwargs.get('loadCallback', None) self.numberOfPoints = kwargs.get('numberOfPoints', 10) self.plotter = None content = tk.Frame(self.root) self._createContent(content) content.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news') content.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) #content.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) def _createContent(self, content): self._createFigureBox(content) self._createTrajectoriesBox(content) def _addLabel(self, parent, text, r, c): label = tk.Label(parent, text=text, font=self.fontBold) label.grid(row=r, column=c, padx=5, pady=5, sticky='ne') return label def _createFigureBox(self, content): frame = tk.LabelFrame(content, text='Figure') frame.columnconfigure(0, minsize=50) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)#, minsize=30) # Create the 'Axes' label self._addLabel(frame, 'Axes', 0, 0) # Create a listbox with x1, x2 ... listbox = tk.Listbox(frame, height=5, selectmode=tk.MULTIPLE, bg='white') for x in range(1, self.dim+1): listbox.insert(tk.END, 'x%d' % x) listbox.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5, pady=5, sticky='nw') self.listbox = listbox # Selection controls self._addLabel(frame, 'Rejection', 1, 0) # Selection label self.selectionVar = tk.StringVar() self.clusterLabel = tk.Label(frame, textvariable=self.selectionVar) self.clusterLabel.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='nw', padx=5, pady=(10, 5)) self._updateSelectionLabel() # --- Expression expressionFrame = tk.Frame(frame) expressionFrame.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='news') tk.Label(expressionFrame, text='Expression').grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='ne') self.expressionVar = tk.StringVar() expressionEntry = tk.Entry(expressionFrame, textvariable=self.expressionVar, width=30, bg='white') expressionEntry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nw') helpText = 'e.g. x1>0 and x1<100 or x3>20' tk.Label(expressionFrame, text=helpText).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='nw') # Buttons buttonFrame = tk.Frame(frame) buttonFrame.grid(row=5, column=1, sticky='sew', pady=(10, 5)) buttonFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) resetBtn = Button(buttonFrame, text='Reset', command=self._onResetClick) resetBtn.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='ne', padx=(5, 0)) updateBtn = Button(buttonFrame, text='Update Plot', imagePath='fa-refresh.png', command=self._onUpdateClick) updateBtn.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ne', padx=5) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='new', padx=5, pady=(10, 5)) def _createTrajectoriesBox(self, content): frame = tk.LabelFrame(content, text='Trajectories') frame.columnconfigure(0, minsize=50) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)#, minsize=30) # Animation name self._addLabel(frame, 'Name', 0, 0) self.animationVar = tk.StringVar() clusterEntry = tk.Entry(frame, textvariable=self.animationVar, width=30, bg='white') clusterEntry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nw', pady=5) buttonsFrame = tk.Frame(frame) buttonsFrame.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='se', padx=5, pady=5) buttonsFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.generateBtn = HotButton(buttonsFrame, text='Generate Animation', state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip='Select trajectory points to generate the animations', imagePath='fa-plus-circle.png', command=self._onCreateClick) self.generateBtn.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5) self.loadBtn = Button(buttonsFrame, text='Load', imagePath='fa-folder-open.png', tooltip='Load a generated animation.',command=self._onLoadClick) self.loadBtn.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=5) self.closeBtn = Button(buttonsFrame, text='Close', imagePath=Icon.ACTION_CLOSE, tooltip='Close window', command=self.close) self.closeBtn.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=(5, 10)) frame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='new', padx=5, pady=(5, 10)) def _onResetClick(self, e=None): """ Clean the expression and the current selection. """ self.expressionVar.set('') self.pathData.clear() for point in point.setState(Point.NORMAL) self._onUpdateClick() self.generateBtn.config(state=tk.DISABLED) def _onCreateClick(self, e=None): if self.callback: self.callback() def _onLoadClick(self, e=None): if self.loadCallback: self.loadCallback() def setPathData(self, data): self.pathData = data def _evalExpression(self): """ Evaluate the input expression and add matching points to the selection. """ value = self.expressionVar.get().strip() if value: for point in if point.eval(value): point.setState(Point.DISCARDED) def setDataIndex(self, indexName, value): """ Set which point data index will be used as X, Y or Z. """ setattr(, indexName, value) setattr(self.pathData, indexName, value) def _onUpdateClick(self, e=None): components = self.listbox.curselection() dim = len(components) if not dim: self.showWarning("Please select some Axis before update plots.") else: modeList = components modeNameList = ['x%d' % (m+1) for m in components] missingList = [] if missingList: return [self.errorMessage("Invalid mode(s) *%s*\n." % (', '.join(missingList)), title="Invalid input")] if self.plotter is None or self.plotter.isClosed(): self.plotter = FlexNmaPlotter( doShow = True #self.plotter.useLastPlot = True else: self.plotter.clear() doShow = False # Actually plot baseList = [basename(n) for n in modeNameList] self.setDataIndex('XIND', modeList[0]) = None if dim == 1: self.plotter.plotArray1D("Histogram for %s" % baseList[0], "Deformation value", "Number of images") else: self.setDataIndex('YIND', modeList[1]) if dim == 2: self._evalExpression() self._updateSelectionLabel() ax = self.plotter.createSubPlot("Click and drag to add points to the Cluster", *baseList) = PointPath(ax,, self.pathData, callback=self._checkNumberOfPoints) elif dim == 3: #del # Remove PointSelector self.setDataIndex('ZIND', modeList[2]) self.plotter.plotArray3D("%s %s %s" % tuple(baseList), *baseList) if doShow: else: self.plotter.draw() def _updateSelectionLabel(self): self.selectionVar.set('%d / %d points' % (, def _checkNumberOfPoints(self): """ Check that if the number of points was selected and add new ones if needed. """ while (self.pathData.getSize() < self.numberOfPoints): self.pathData.splitLongestSegment() self._onUpdateClick() self.generateBtn.config(state=tk.NORMAL) def getAnimationName(self): return self.animationVar.get().strip() def setAnimationName(self, value): self.animationVar.set(value) def _onClosing(self): if self.plotter: self.plotter.close() gui.Window._onClosing(self)
class TrajectoriesWindow(gui.Window): """ This class creates a Window that will display some Point's contained in a Data object. It will allow to draw and adjust trajectories along 2D axes. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): gui.Window.__init__(self, minsize=(420, 200), **kwargs) self.dim = kwargs.get('dim') = kwargs.get('data') self.pathData = PathData(dim=self.dim) self.callback = kwargs.get('callback', None) self.loadCallback = kwargs.get('loadCallback', None) self.numberOfPoints = kwargs.get('numberOfPoints', 10) self.plotter = None content = tk.Frame(self.root) self._createContent(content) content.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news') content.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) #content.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) def _createContent(self, content): self._createFigureBox(content) self._createTrajectoriesBox(content) def _addLabel(self, parent, text, r, c): label = tk.Label(parent, text=text, font=self.fontBold) label.grid(row=r, column=c, padx=5, pady=5, sticky='ne') return label def _createFigureBox(self, content): frame = tk.LabelFrame(content, text='Figure') frame.columnconfigure(0, minsize=50) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)#, minsize=30) # Create the 'Axes' label self._addLabel(frame, 'Axes', 0, 0) # Create a listbox with x1, x2 ... listbox = tk.Listbox(frame, height=5, selectmode=tk.MULTIPLE, bg='white') for x in range(1, self.dim+1): listbox.insert(tk.END, 'x%d' % x) listbox.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5, pady=5, sticky='nw') self.listbox = listbox # Selection controls self._addLabel(frame, 'Rejection', 1, 0) # Selection label self.selectionVar = tk.StringVar() self.clusterLabel = tk.Label(frame, textvariable=self.selectionVar) self.clusterLabel.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='nw', padx=5, pady=(10, 5)) self._updateSelectionLabel() # --- Expression expressionFrame = tk.Frame(frame) expressionFrame.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='news') tk.Label(expressionFrame, text='Expression').grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='ne') self.expressionVar = tk.StringVar() expressionEntry = tk.Entry(expressionFrame, textvariable=self.expressionVar, width=30, bg='white') expressionEntry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nw') helpText = 'e.g. x1>0 and x1<100 or x3>20' tk.Label(expressionFrame, text=helpText).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='nw') # Buttons buttonFrame = tk.Frame(frame) buttonFrame.grid(row=5, column=1, sticky='sew', pady=(10, 5)) buttonFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) resetBtn = Button(buttonFrame, text='Reset', command=self._onResetClick) resetBtn.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='ne', padx=(5, 0)) updateBtn = Button(buttonFrame, text='Update Plot', imagePath='fa-refresh.png', command=self._onUpdateClick) updateBtn.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ne', padx=5) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='new', padx=5, pady=(10, 5)) def _createTrajectoriesBox(self, content): frame = tk.LabelFrame(content, text='Trajectories') frame.columnconfigure(0, minsize=50) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)#, minsize=30) # Animation name self._addLabel(frame, 'Name', 0, 0) self.animationVar = tk.StringVar() clusterEntry = tk.Entry(frame, textvariable=self.animationVar, width=30, bg='white') clusterEntry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nw', pady=5) buttonsFrame = tk.Frame(frame) buttonsFrame.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='se', padx=5, pady=5) buttonsFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.generateBtn = HotButton(buttonsFrame, text='Generate Animation', state=tk.DISABLED, tooltip='Select trajectory points to generate the animations', imagePath='fa-plus-circle.png', command=self._onCreateClick) self.generateBtn.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5) self.loadBtn = Button(buttonsFrame, text='Load', imagePath='fa-folder-open.png', tooltip='Load a generated animation.',command=self._onLoadClick) self.loadBtn.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=5) self.closeBtn = Button(buttonsFrame, text='Close', imagePath=Icon.ACTION_CLOSE, tooltip='Close window', command=self.close) self.closeBtn.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=(5, 10)) frame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='new', padx=5, pady=(5, 10)) def _onResetClick(self, e=None): """ Clean the expression and the current selection. """ self.expressionVar.set('') self.pathData.clear() for point in point.setState(Point.NORMAL) self._onUpdateClick() self.generateBtn.config(state=tk.DISABLED) def _onCreateClick(self, e=None): if self.callback: self.callback() def _onLoadClick(self, e=None): if self.loadCallback: self.loadCallback() def setPathData(self, data): self.pathData = data def _evalExpression(self): """ Evaluate the input expression and add matching points to the selection. """ value = self.expressionVar.get().strip() if value: for point in if point.eval(value): point.setState(Point.DISCARDED) def setDataIndex(self, indexName, value): """ Set which point data index will be used as X, Y or Z. """ setattr(, indexName, value) setattr(self.pathData, indexName, value) def _onUpdateClick(self, e=None): components = self.listbox.curselection() dim = len(components) if not dim: self.showWarning("Please select some Axis before update plots.") else: modeList = components modeNameList = ['x%d' % (m+1) for m in components] missingList = [] if missingList: return [self.errorMessage("Invalid mode(s) *%s*\n." % (', '.join(missingList)), title="Invalid input")] if self.plotter is None or self.plotter.isClosed(): self.plotter = XmippNmaPlotter( doShow = True #self.plotter.useLastPlot = True else: self.plotter.clear() doShow = False # Actually plot baseList = [basename(n) for n in modeNameList] self.setDataIndex('XIND', modeList[0]) = None if dim == 1: self.plotter.plotArray1D("Histogram for %s" % baseList[0], "Deformation value", "Number of images") else: self.setDataIndex('YIND', modeList[1]) if dim == 2: self._evalExpression() self._updateSelectionLabel() ax = self.plotter.createSubPlot("Click and drag to add points to the Cluster", *baseList) = PointPath(ax,, self.pathData, callback=self._checkNumberOfPoints) elif dim == 3: #del # Remove PointSelector self.setDataIndex('ZIND', modeList[2]) self.plotter.plotArray3D("%s %s %s" % tuple(baseList), *baseList) if doShow: else: self.plotter.draw() def _updateSelectionLabel(self): self.selectionVar.set('%d / %d points' % (, def _checkNumberOfPoints(self): """ Check that if the number of points was selected and add new ones if needed. """ while (self.pathData.getSize() < self.numberOfPoints): self.pathData.splitLongestSegment() self._onUpdateClick() self.generateBtn.config(state=tk.NORMAL) def getAnimationName(self): return self.animationVar.get().strip() def setAnimationName(self, value): self.animationVar.set(value) def _onClosing(self): if self.plotter: self.plotter.close() gui.Window._onClosing(self)
class ClusteringWindow(gui.Window): """ This class creates a Window that will display some Point's contained in a Data object. It will allow to launch 1D, 2D and 3D plots by selecting any combination of the x1, x2...xn from the Point dimension. Points can be selected by either Click and Drag in the Scatter plot or.. by creating an Expression. Finally, there is a button 'Create Cluster' that will call a callback fuction to take care of it. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): gui.Window.__init__(self, minsize=(420, 200), **kwargs) self.dim = kwargs.get('dim') = kwargs.get('data') self.callback = kwargs.get('callback', None) self.plotter = None content = tk.Frame(self.root) self._createContent(content) content.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news') content.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) #content.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) def _createContent(self, content): self._createFigureBox(content) self._createClusteringBox(content) self._updateSelectionLabel() def _addLabel(self, parent, text, r, c): label = tk.Label(parent, text=text, font=self.fontBold) label.grid(row=r, column=c, padx=5, pady=5, sticky='ne') return label def _createFigureBox(self, content): frame = tk.LabelFrame(content, text='Figure') frame.columnconfigure(0, minsize=50) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) #, minsize=30) # Create the 'Axes' label self._addLabel(frame, 'Axes', 0, 0) # Create a listbox with x1, x2 ... listbox = tk.Listbox(frame, height=5, selectmode=tk.MULTIPLE, bg='white') for x in range(1, self.dim + 1): listbox.insert(tk.END, 'x%d' % x) listbox.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5, pady=5, sticky='nw') self.listbox = listbox # Selection controls self._addLabel(frame, 'Selection', 1, 0) # Selection label self.selectionVar = tk.StringVar() self.clusterLabel = tk.Label(frame, textvariable=self.selectionVar) self.clusterLabel.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='nw', padx=5, pady=(10, 5)) # --- Expression expressionFrame = tk.Frame(frame) expressionFrame.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='news') tk.Label(expressionFrame, text='Expression').grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='ne') self.expressionVar = tk.StringVar() expressionEntry = tk.Entry(expressionFrame, textvariable=self.expressionVar, width=30, bg='white') expressionEntry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nw') helpText = 'e.g. x1>0 and x1<100 or x3>20' tk.Label(expressionFrame, text=helpText).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='nw') # Buttons buttonFrame = tk.Frame(frame) buttonFrame.grid(row=5, column=1, sticky='sew', pady=(10, 5)) buttonFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) resetBtn = Button(buttonFrame, text='Reset', command=self._onResetClick) resetBtn.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='ne', padx=(5, 0)) updateBtn = Button(buttonFrame, text='Update Plot', imagePath='fa-refresh.png', command=self._onUpdateClick) updateBtn.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ne', padx=5) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='new', padx=5, pady=(10, 5)) def _createClusteringBox(self, content): frame = tk.LabelFrame(content, text='Cluster') frame.columnconfigure(0, minsize=50) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) #, minsize=30) # Cluster line self._addLabel(frame, 'Cluster name', 0, 0) self.clusterVar = tk.StringVar() clusterEntry = tk.Entry(frame, textvariable=self.clusterVar, width=30, bg='white') clusterEntry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nw', pady=5) buttonsFrame = tk.Frame(frame, bg='green') buttonsFrame.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='se', padx=5, pady=5) buttonsFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.createBtn = HotButton( buttonsFrame, text='Create Cluster', tooltip="Select some points to create the cluster", imagePath='fa-plus-circle.png', command=self._onCreateClick) self.createBtn.grid(row=0, column=1) frame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='new', padx=5, pady=(5, 10)) def _onResetClick(self, e=None): """ Clean the expression and the current selection. """ self.expressionVar.set('') for point in point.setState(Point.NORMAL) self._onUpdateClick() def _onCreateClick(self, e=None): if self.callback: self.callback() def _evalExpression(self): """ Evaluate the input expression and add matching points to the selection. """ value = self.expressionVar.get().strip() if value: for point in if point.eval(value): point.setState(Point.SELECTED) def _onUpdateClick(self, e=None): components = self.listbox.curselection() dim = len(components) if not dim: self.showWarning("Please select some Axis before update plots.") else: modeList = components modeNameList = ['x%d' % (m + 1) for m in components] missingList = [] if missingList: return [ self.errorMessage("Invalid mode(s) *%s*\n." % (', '.join(missingList)), title="Invalid input") ] if self.plotter is None or self.plotter.isClosed(): self.plotter = FlexNmaPlotter( doShow = True else: self.plotter.clear() doShow = False # Actually plot baseList = [basename(n) for n in modeNameList] = modeList[0] if dim == 1: self.plotter.plotArray1D("Histogram for %s" % baseList[0], "Deformation value", "Number of images") else: = modeList[1] if dim == 2: self._evalExpression() self._updateSelectionLabel() ax = self.plotter.createSubPlot( "Click and drag to add points to the Cluster", *baseList) = PointSelector( ax,, callback=self._updateSelectionLabel) elif dim == 3: del # Remove PointSelector = modeList[2] self.plotter.plotArray3D("%s %s %s" % tuple(baseList), *baseList) if doShow: else: self.plotter.draw() def _updateSelectionLabel(self): selected = self.selectionVar.set('%d / %d points' % (selected, if selected: self.createBtn.config(state=tk.NORMAL) else: self.createBtn.config(state=tk.DISABLED) def getClusterName(self): return self.clusterVar.get().strip() def _onClosing(self): if self.plotter: self.plotter.close() gui.Window._onClosing(self)
class ClusteringWindow(gui.Window): """ This class creates a Window that will display some Point's contained in a Data object. It will allow to launch 1D, 2D and 3D plots by selecting any combination of the x1, x2...xn from the Point dimension. Points can be selected by either Click and Drag in the Scatter plot or.. by creating an Expression. Finally, there is a button 'Create Cluster' that will call a callback fuction to take care of it. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): gui.Window.__init__(self, minsize=(420, 200), **kwargs) self.dim = kwargs.get('dim') = kwargs.get('data') self.callback = kwargs.get('callback', None) self.plotter = None content = tk.Frame(self.root) self._createContent(content) content.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news') content.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) #content.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) def _createContent(self, content): self._createFigureBox(content) self._createClusteringBox(content) self._updateSelectionLabel() def _addLabel(self, parent, text, r, c): label = tk.Label(parent, text=text, font=self.fontBold) label.grid(row=r, column=c, padx=5, pady=5, sticky='ne') return label def _createFigureBox(self, content): frame = tk.LabelFrame(content, text='Figure') frame.columnconfigure(0, minsize=50) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)#, minsize=30) # Create the 'Axes' label self._addLabel(frame, 'Axes', 0, 0) # Create a listbox with x1, x2 ... listbox = tk.Listbox(frame, height=5, selectmode=tk.MULTIPLE, bg='white') for x in range(1, self.dim+1): listbox.insert(tk.END, 'x%d' % x) listbox.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5, pady=5, sticky='nw') self.listbox = listbox # Selection controls self._addLabel(frame, 'Selection', 1, 0) # Selection label self.selectionVar = tk.StringVar() self.clusterLabel = tk.Label(frame, textvariable=self.selectionVar) self.clusterLabel.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='nw', padx=5, pady=(10, 5)) # --- Expression expressionFrame = tk.Frame(frame) expressionFrame.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='news') tk.Label(expressionFrame, text='Expression').grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='ne') self.expressionVar = tk.StringVar() expressionEntry = tk.Entry(expressionFrame, textvariable=self.expressionVar, width=30, bg='white') expressionEntry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nw') helpText = 'e.g. x1>0 and x1<100 or x3>20' tk.Label(expressionFrame, text=helpText).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='nw') # Buttons buttonFrame = tk.Frame(frame) buttonFrame.grid(row=5, column=1, sticky='sew', pady=(10, 5)) buttonFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) resetBtn = Button(buttonFrame, text='Reset', command=self._onResetClick) resetBtn.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='ne', padx=(5, 0)) updateBtn = Button(buttonFrame, text='Update Plot', imagePath='fa-refresh.png', command=self._onUpdateClick) updateBtn.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ne', padx=5) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='new', padx=5, pady=(10, 5)) def _createClusteringBox(self, content): frame = tk.LabelFrame(content, text='Cluster') frame.columnconfigure(0, minsize=50) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)#, minsize=30) # Cluster line self._addLabel(frame, 'Cluster name', 0, 0) self.clusterVar = tk.StringVar() clusterEntry = tk.Entry(frame, textvariable=self.clusterVar, width=30, bg='white') clusterEntry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nw', pady=5) buttonsFrame = tk.Frame(frame, bg='green') buttonsFrame.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='se', padx=5, pady=5) buttonsFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.createBtn = HotButton(buttonsFrame, text='Create Cluster', tooltip="Select some points to create the cluster", imagePath='fa-plus-circle.png', command=self._onCreateClick) self.createBtn.grid(row=0, column=1) frame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='new', padx=5, pady=(5, 10)) def _onResetClick(self, e=None): """ Clean the expression and the current selection. """ self.expressionVar.set('') for point in point.setState(Point.NORMAL) self._onUpdateClick() def _onCreateClick(self, e=None): if self.callback: self.callback() def _evalExpression(self): """ Evaluate the input expression and add matching points to the selection. """ value = self.expressionVar.get().strip() if value: for point in if point.eval(value): point.setState(Point.SELECTED) def _onUpdateClick(self, e=None): components = self.listbox.curselection() dim = len(components) if not dim: self.showWarning("Please select some Axis before update plots.") else: modeList = components modeNameList = ['x%d' % (m+1) for m in components] missingList = [] if missingList: return [self.errorMessage("Invalid mode(s) *%s*\n." % (', '.join(missingList)), title="Invalid input")] if self.plotter is None or self.plotter.isClosed(): self.plotter = XmippNmaPlotter( doShow = True else: self.plotter.clear() doShow = False # Actually plot baseList = [basename(n) for n in modeNameList] = modeList[0] if dim == 1: self.plotter.plotArray1D("Histogram for %s" % baseList[0], "Deformation value", "Number of images") else: = modeList[1] if dim == 2: self._evalExpression() self._updateSelectionLabel() ax = self.plotter.createSubPlot("Click and drag to add points to the Cluster", *baseList) = PointSelector(ax,, callback=self._updateSelectionLabel) elif dim == 3: del # Remove PointSelector = modeList[2] self.plotter.plotArray3D("%s %s %s" % tuple(baseList), *baseList) if doShow: else: self.plotter.draw() def _updateSelectionLabel(self): selected = self.selectionVar.set('%d / %d points' % (selected, if selected: self.createBtn.config(state=tk.NORMAL) else: self.createBtn.config(state=tk.DISABLED) def getClusterName(self): return self.clusterVar.get().strip() def _onClosing(self): if self.plotter: self.plotter.close() gui.Window._onClosing(self)