コード例 #1
class ProteinDomain(Brick):
    _default_color = cmyk.Purple
    _offset = (0, -0.5)
    _path = path(
        moveto(0, 0),
        lineto(1, 0),
        lineto(1, 1),
        lineto(0, 1),
        lineto(0, 0),
        moveto(1.4, 0),
        lineto(2.4, 0),
        lineto(2.4, 1),
        lineto(1.4, 1),
        lineto(1.4, 0),
        moveto(2.8, 0),
        lineto(4, 0),
        lineto(4, -0.5),
        lineto(4+sqrt(3), 0.5),
        lineto(4, 1.5),
        lineto(4, 1),
        lineto(2.8, 1),
        lineto(2.8, 0),
コード例 #2
ファイル: pentatonic.py プロジェクト: aellwein/pentatonic
 def _fret(self, x, y):
     p = path.path(
         path.moveto(x, y),
         path.lineto(x, y+5*self.fret_height),
         path.moveto(x+self.fret_width, y),
         path.lineto(x+self.fret_width, y+5*self.fret_height),
     for i in range(0, 6):
         p.append(path.moveto(x, y+i*self.fret_height))
         p.append(path.lineto(x+self.fret_width, y+i*self.fret_height))
     return p
コード例 #3
def write(size, color):
    size = size * 0.3
    cwrite = canvas.canvas()
    p = path.path(path.moveto(-0.2, 0.8), path.lineto(0.2, 0.8),
                  path.lineto(0.2, 0), path.lineto(0, -0.2),
                  path.lineto(-0.2, 0), path.lineto(-0.2, 0.8),
                  path.closepath(), path.moveto(0, 0.8), path.lineto(0, 0.05),
                  path.moveto(-0.2, 0), path.arcn(-0.1, 0, 0.1, 180, 20),
                  path.arcn(0.1, 0, 0.1, 160, 0))
        p, [color,
            trafo.scale(size).rotated(-30).translated(0, -0.4 * size)])
    return cwrite
コード例 #4
ファイル: binary.py プロジェクト: iblech/eidprog
def makebinaries(number, y0):
    size = 0.4
    dist = 0.1
    for n in range(32):
        c.stroke(path.rect(n * size + (n / 8) * dist, y0, size, size))
        c.text((n + 0.5) * size + (n / 8) * dist, y0 + 0.07,
               r"\sffamily %i" % ((number >> 31 - n) & 1),

    if number >> 31:
        c.text(32.2 * size + 5 * dist, y0 + 0.07,
               r"\sffamily = -%i" % ((number ^ 0xffffffff) + 1))
        c.text(32.2 * size + 5 * dist, y0 + 0.07, r"\sffamily = %i" % number)

    p = path.path(path.moveto(0.2 * size, size + 0.03),
                  path.lineto(0.2 * size, size + 0.07),
                  path.lineto(3.8 * size, size + 0.07),
                  path.lineto(3.8 * size, size + 0.03))
    for n in range(4):
        c.stroke(p, [trafo.translate(n * (8 * size + dist), y0)])
        c.text(n * (8 * size + dist) + 2 * size, size + 0.14 + y0,
               r"\sffamily %X" % ((number >> ((3 - n) * 8 + 4)) & 15),
        c.stroke(p, [trafo.translate(n * (8 * size + dist) + 4 * size, y0)])
        c.text(n * (8 * size + dist) + 6 * size, size + 0.14 + y0,
               r"\sffamily %X" % ((number >>
                                   ((3 - n) * 8)) & 15), [text.halign.center])
コード例 #5
def event_to_path(event, chart, do_check=True, xoffset=0.0, yoffset=0.0) :
    '''accepts an array of points representing an event, converts this
       event to a path'''
    x, y = to_chart_coord(event[0], chart)
    p = path.path(path.moveto(x,y))
    for e in event[1:] :
        old_x = x
        old_y = y
        x, y = to_chart_coord(e, chart)
        if (do_check == False or 
            (fabs(old_x - x) < chart.width/2.0  and
             fabs(old_y - y) < chart.height/2.0)) :  
            p.append(path.lineto(x+xoffset, y+yoffset))
        else :
            p.append(path.moveto(x+xoffset, y+yoffset))
    return p
コード例 #6
ファイル: binary.py プロジェクト: gertingold/eidprog
def makebinaries(number, y0):
    size = 0.4
    dist = 0.1
    for n in range(32):
        c.stroke(path.rect(n*size+(n/8)*dist, y0, size, size))
        c.text((n+0.5)*size+(n/8)*dist, y0+0.07,
               r"\sffamily %i" % ((number >> 31-n) & 1),

    if number >> 31:
        c.text(32.2*size+5*dist, y0+0.07,
               r"\sffamily = -%i" % ((number ^ 0xffffffff)+1))
        c.text(32.2*size+5*dist, y0+0.07, r"\sffamily = %i" % number)

    p = path.path(path.moveto(0.2*size, size+0.03),
                  path.lineto(0.2*size, size+0.07),
                  path.lineto(3.8*size, size+0.07),
                  path.lineto(3.8*size, size+0.03))
    for n in range(4):
        c.stroke(p, [trafo.translate(n*(8*size+dist), y0)])
        c.text(n*(8*size+dist)+2*size, size+0.14+y0,
               r"\sffamily %X" % ((number >> ((3-n)*8+4)) & 15),
        c.stroke(p, [trafo.translate(n*(8*size+dist)+4*size, y0)])
        c.text(n*(8*size+dist)+6*size, size+0.14+y0,
               r"\sffamily %X" % ((number >> ((3-n)*8)) & 15),
コード例 #7
ファイル: features.py プロジェクト: dollodart/dev-cs
 def place(self, x, y):
     x0, y0 = self.coords[0]
     paths = [path.moveto(x + x0, y + y0)]
     for point in self.coords[1:]:
         paths.append(path.lineto(x + point[0], y + point[1]))
     return (path.path(*paths), self.color, self.stroke_color)
コード例 #8
ファイル: pen.py プロジェクト: Jasonh90/Invaders
 def drawCircle(self, r, steps=20):
     Draws a circle of radius r centered on the pen.
     The center of the circle is the current pen coordinates. When done, the position 
     of the pen will remain unchanged
     :param r: radius of the circle
     :type r:  ``int`` or ``float``
     from pyx import path
     import math
     assert (type(r) in [int, float]), "%s is not a valid number" % repr(r)
     for s in range(steps):
         a = (math.pi * 2 * s) / float(steps)
         x = math.cos(a) * r + self._x
         y = math.sin(a) * r + self._y
         if s == 0:
             self._pather.append(path.moveto(x, y))
             self._pather.append(path.lineto(x, y))
     x = r + self._x
     y = self._y
     self._pather.append(path.lineto(x, y))
     self._dirty = True
コード例 #9
    def signature(self, deg_max=6, padded=False, has_border=False):
        """ For a visualization of glyphs, lay out in a 2D grid PNG file. """
        sig = canvas.canvas([trafo.rotate(90), trafo.mirror(0)])
        scale = 1.5
        if padded or has_border:
            sig_margin = 0.2
            x = (deg_max + 1) * scale + (1.5 * sig_margin)
            border_path = path.path(path.moveto(0, 0), path.lineto(0, x),
                                    path.lineto(x, x), path.lineto(x, 0),
            if padded:
                border_color = color.cmyk.White
            if has_border:
                border_color = color.cmyk.Gray
            sig.stroke(border_path, [
                trafo.translate(-sig_margin * 2, -sig_margin * 2),

        for index in self.glist:
            if len(index) > 2:
                c = degree_glyph(index[0], index[1], index[2],
                                 (self.mincount, self.maxcount))
                c = degree_glyph(index[0], index[1], 1,
                                 (self.mincount, self.maxcount))
                       [trafo.translate(index[0] * scale, (index[1]) * scale)
                        ])  # text writing requires full latex
        return sig
コード例 #10
ファイル: turtle.py プロジェクト: Jasonh90/Invaders
    def forward(self, distance):
        Moves the turtle forward by the given amount.
        This method draws a line if drawmode is True.
        :param distance: distance to move in pixels
        :type distance:  ``int`` or ``float``
        import math
        from pyx import path
        assert (type(distance)
                in [int, float]), "%s is not a valid number" % repr(distance)

        # Compute where we are going to
        dx = math.cos(self.radangle) * distance
        dy = math.sin(self.radangle) * distance

        self._x += dx
        self._y += dy

        if (self._isdown):
            self._pather.append(path.lineto(self.x, self.y))
            self._pather.append(path.moveto(self.x, self.y))
        self._dirty = True
コード例 #11
def corner(nx, ny, z, facecolor, edgecolor, trans, xdir, ydir):
    if xdir:
        p = path.path(path.moveto(*projector(nx, z, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx - 1, z, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx - 1, z + 1, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z + 1, ny)), path.closepath())
        c.fill(p, [facecolor, color.transparency(trans)])
    if ydir:
        p = path.path(path.moveto(*projector(nx, z, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z, ny + 1)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z + 1, ny + 1)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z + 1, ny)), path.closepath())
        c.fill(p, [facecolor, color.transparency(trans)])
    x0, y0 = projector(nx, z, ny)
    x1, y1 = projector(nx, z + 1, ny)
    c.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1), [edgecolor])
コード例 #12
ファイル: tqft.py プロジェクト: punkdit/fibonacci
def braid(n, i, t, inverse=False):

    if not isinstance(t, list):
        t = [t]

    t = t + [style.linewidth.Thick, red, style.linecap.round]

    N = 10

    if i is None:
        items = range(n)
        assert 0<=i<i+1<n
        items = range(i)+range(i+2, n)
    for k in items:
        c.stroke(path.line(0.5*k, 0., 0.5*k, 1.), t)

    if i is None:

    pts0 = []
    for j in range(N):
        theta = pi*j/(N-1)
        x = 0.5 * 0.5 * (cos(theta)-1.) + 0.5*(i+1)
        y = 1.*j/(N-1)
        pts0.append((x, y))

    pts1 = []
    for j in range(N):
        theta = pi*j/(N-1)
        x = 0.5 * 0.5 * (1.-cos(theta)) + 0.5*i
        y = 1.*j/(N-1)
        pts1.append((x, y))

    if inverse:
        pts0, pts1 = pts1, pts0

    pts = [path.moveto(*pts0[0])] + [path.lineto(*p) for p in pts0[1:]]
    wiggle = path.path(*pts)
    c.stroke(wiggle, [deformer.smoothed(2.0)]+t)

    c.fill(path.circle(0.5*(i+0.5), 0.5, 0.15), t+[white])

    pts = [path.moveto(*pts1[0])] + [path.lineto(*p) for p in pts1[1:]]
    wiggle = path.path(*pts)
    c.stroke(wiggle, [deformer.smoothed(2.0)]+t)
コード例 #13
ファイル: refactoring.py プロジェクト: punkdit/fibonacci
def dopath(ps, extra=[], fill=[], closepath=True, smooth=0.3):
    ps = [path.moveto(*ps[0])]+[path.lineto(*p) for p in ps[1:]]
    if closepath:
    p = path.path(*ps)
    if fill:
        c.fill(p, [deformer.smoothed(smooth)]+extra+fill)
    c.stroke(p, [deformer.smoothed(smooth)]+extra)
コード例 #14
class Promoter(Brick):
    _default_color = cmyk.ForestGreen
    _offset = (0, -0.5)
    _path = path(moveto(0, 0), lineto(1, 0), lineto(1, 0.75), lineto(3, 0.75),
                 lineto(3, 0.25), lineto(3 + sqrt(3) * 0.75, 1.125),
                 lineto(3, 2.0), lineto(3, 1.5), lineto(1, 1.5),
                 curveto(0.5, 1.5, 0.125, 1.5, 0, 1), lineto(0, 0),
コード例 #15
ファイル: decode.py プロジェクト: punkdit/fibonacci
def dopath(ps, extra=[], fill=False, closepath=True):
    ps = [path.moveto(*ps[0])]+[path.lineto(*p) for p in ps[1:]]
    if closepath:
    p = path.path(*ps)
    if fill:
        c.fill(p, [deformer.smoothed(0.3)]+extra+[color.rgb.white])
    c.stroke(p, [deformer.smoothed(0.3)]+extra)
コード例 #16
def server(r, servercolor=color.rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.8)):
    c = canvas.canvas()
    c.fill(path.circle(0, 0, r), [servercolor, trafo.scale(1, 0.5)])
    h = 2 * r
    p = path.path(path.moveto(-r, 0), path.lineto(-r, -h),
                  path.arc(0, -h, r, 180, 0), path.lineto(r, 0),
                  path.arcn(0, 0, r, 0, 180), path.closepath())
    c.fill(p, [servercolor, trafo.scale(1, 0.5).translated(0, -0.08 * r)])
    return c
コード例 #17
def client(clientcolor=color.rgb(0.8, 0.5, 0.5)):
    c = canvas.canvas()
    r = 0.3
    c.fill(path.circle(0, 0, r), [clientcolor])
    r = 0.5
    p = path.path(path.moveto(-r, 0), path.curveto(-r, r, r, r, r, 0),
    c.fill(p, [clientcolor, trafo.translate(0, -1.3 * r)])
    return c
コード例 #18
def corner(nx, ny, z, facecolor, edgecolor, trans, xdir, ydir):
    if xdir:
        p = path.path(path.moveto(*projector(nx, z, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx-1, z, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx-1, z+1, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z+1, ny)),
        c.fill(p, [facecolor, color.transparency(trans)])
    if ydir:
        p = path.path(path.moveto(*projector(nx, z, ny)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z, ny+1)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z+1, ny+1)),
                      path.lineto(*projector(nx, z+1, ny)),
        c.fill(p, [facecolor, color.transparency(trans)])
    x0, y0 = projector(nx, z, ny)
    x1, y1 = projector(nx, z+1, ny)
    c.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1), [edgecolor])
コード例 #19
def polygonal_path(Z, loop=True):
  pa = path.path( path.moveto(Z[0].real, Z[0].imag),
                     [ ( unit.topt(z.real), unit.topt(z.imag) ) 
                       for z in Z[1:] ] ))
  if loop:

  return pa
コード例 #20
def read(size, color):
    size = size * 0.25
    cread = canvas.canvas()
    cread.fill(path.circle(0, 0, 0.35), [color, trafo.scale(size)])
    p = path.path(path.moveto(0.8, 0),
                  path.curveto(0.2, 0.5, -0.2, 0.5, -0.8, 0),
                  path.curveto(-0.2, -0.5, 0.2, -0.5, 0.8, 0),
    cread.stroke(p, [color, style.linewidth.thick, trafo.scale(size)])
    return cread
コード例 #21
ファイル: turtle.py プロジェクト: Jasonh90/Invaders
 def clear(self):
     Deletes the turtle's drawings from the window.
     This method does not move the turtle or alter its attributes.
     from pyx import path
     self._pather = path.path(path.moveto(self.x, self.y))
     self._dirty = False
コード例 #22
ファイル: turtle.py プロジェクト: Jasonh90/Invaders
 def flush(self):
     Writes the current turtle path and color to the window.
     PyX drawing only supports one color per path.  Therefore, this must be called
     every time the turtle changes color.
     from pyx import path
     self._window.stroke(self._pather, self.color)
     self._pather = path.path(path.moveto(self.x, self.y))
     self._dirty = False
コード例 #23
ファイル: visualize.py プロジェクト: alirezakhm/ProAlign
def draw_pie(c, radius, start, end):
    pie = path.path(path.moveto(0, 0), path.arc(0, 0, radius, start, end),

    hue = (start + end) / (360 * 2)
    color = pyx.color.hsb(hue, 0.8, 0.8)

         pyx.color.rgb(1, 1, 1),
コード例 #24
ファイル: tqft.py プロジェクト: punkdit/fibonacci
def mkpath(x, y, radius=1.):

    pts = []
    pts.append((x+0.07*radius, y+0.05*radius))
    pts.append((x+0.5*radius, y+0.3*radius))
    pts.append((x+0.5*radius, y-0.3*radius))
    pts.append((x+0.07*radius, y-0.05*radius))

    pts = [path.moveto(*pts[0])] + [path.lineto(*p) for p in pts[1:]]

    pts = path.path(*pts)
    return pts
コード例 #25
def spiral(radius, angle, n, dphi=5):
    phif = angle + n * 360
    npts = abs(phif) // dphi
    if abs(phif) >= 360:
        dr = 0.1 * abs(phif) / 360
        dr = 0
    p = path.path(path.moveto(radius - 0.5 * dr, 0))
    for nphi in range(1, npts + 1):
        phi = radians(phif * nphi / npts)
        r = radius - 0.5 * dr + dr * nphi / npts
        p.append(path.lineto(r * cos(phi), r * sin(phi)))
    return p
コード例 #26
def file(c, size=1, xoff=0, yoff=0, attrs=[], title=''):
    w = 3
    h = 2.1
    fold = 0.6
    outline = path.path(path.moveto(0, 0), path.lineto(w, 0),
                        path.lineto(w, h - fold), path.lineto(w - fold, h),
                        path.lineto(0, h), path.closepath())
    foldpath = path.path(path.moveto(w - fold, h),
                         path.lineto(w - fold, h - fold),
                         path.lineto(w, h - fold))
    c1 = canvas.canvas()
    c1.stroke(outline, attrs)
    d = deformer.smoothed(0.2)
    c1.stroke(d.deform(foldpath), attrs)
    c1.stroke(path.rect(0.1 * w, 0.3 * h, 0.6 * w, 0.1 * h))
    c1.stroke(path.rect(0.1 * w, 0.45 * h, 0.6 * w, 0.1 * h))
    c1.stroke(path.rect(0.1 * w, 0.6 * h, 0.6 * w, 0.1 * h))
    c1.stroke(path.rect(0.1 * w, 0.75 * h, 0.6 * w, 0.1 * h))
    c1.text(0.1, 0.1, r'\sffamily ' + title, [trafo.scale(0.7)])
    myattrs = [trafo.translate(xoff, yoff), trafo.scale(size)]
    c.insert(c1, myattrs)
コード例 #27
ファイル: hexagon.py プロジェクト: punkdit/fibonacci
def tetra(x, y, count=None, subcount=None, rev=1, back=True, front=True, reflect=False):

    if back:
        circle(x, y, r, shade)

    rr = 1.0*r
    if subcount is not None:
        ps = []
        for i in range(3):
            theta1 = rev*2*(i+subcount)*pi/3
            if i==0:
                # start of curve
                x1, y1 = x+rr*sin(theta1), y+rr*cos(theta1)
                ps.append((x1, y1))
            if i==1:
                x1, y1 = x+0.7*r*sin(theta1), y+0.7*r*cos(theta1)
                ps.append((x1, y1))
                x1, y1 = x+0.4*r*sin(theta1), y+0.4*r*cos(theta1)
                ps.append((x1, y1))
            if i==2:
                # end of curve
                x1, y1 = x+1.0*rr*sin(theta1), y+1.0*rr*cos(theta1)
                ps.append((x1, y1))

    if front:
        for theta1 in [0., 2*pi/3, 4*pi/3]:
            x1, y1 = x+0.5*r*sin(theta1), y+0.5*r*cos(theta1)
            circle(x1, y1, r0, white)

    if count is not None:

        assert 0<=count<=2
        s = 0.86*r
        r1 = 2.4*r0
        extra = []
        #c.text(x, y, count)
        if reflect:
            #count = [0, 1, 2][count]
            extra.append(trafo.scale(x=x, y=y, sx=-1, sy=1))
        extra += [trafo.rotate(-count*120, x=x, y=y)]
        t = Turtle(x1, y1-r1, -pi/2).right(pi, r1).fwd(s).right(pi, r1).fwd(s)
コード例 #28
ファイル: braid.py プロジェクト: punkdit/surface2015
def dopath(ps, extra=[], fill=[], closepath=False, smooth=0.0):
    if not ps:
        print "dopath: empty"
    ps = [path.moveto(*ps[0])]+[path.lineto(*p) for p in ps[1:]]
    if closepath:
    p = path.path(*ps)
    extra = list(extra)
    if smooth:
    if fill:
        c.fill(p, extra+fill)
    c.stroke(p, extra)
コード例 #29
 def draw(self):
     p = path.path(path.moveto(*self.corners[0]),
     fillcolor = color.hsb(2/3*(1-(self.counter-1)/(self.nsquares-1)), 0.2, 1)
     self.c.stroke(p, [deco.filled([fillcolor])])
     x, y = 0.5*(self.corners[0]+self.corners[2])
     s = int(np.sum(np.abs(self.corners[1]-self.corners[0])))
     self.c.text(x, y, str(s),
                 [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle,
                  text.size(min(s, 5))])
     self.counter = self.counter+1
コード例 #30
ファイル: braid.py プロジェクト: punkdit/thesis2015
def mkpath(x, y, radius=1.):

    pts = [
        ((x+0.05*radius, y+0.04*radius)),
        ((x+0.5*radius, y+0.20*radius)),
        ((x+0.5*radius, y-0.20*radius)),
        ((x+0.07*radius, y-0.05*radius)),

    pts = [(xx+0.8*yy, yy) for (xx, yy) in pts]

    pts = [path.moveto(*pts[0])] + [path.lineto(*p) for p in pts[1:]]

    pts = path.path(*pts)
    return pts
コード例 #31
def filesymbol(size, symbolcolor):
    wd = size
    ht = size * 1.414
    knick = 0.25 * wd
    p = path.path(path.moveto(0.5 * wd - knick, 0.5 * ht),
                  path.lineto(0.5 * wd, 0.5 * ht - knick),
                  path.lineto(0.5 * wd, -0.5 * ht),
                  path.lineto(-0.5 * wd, -0.5 * ht),
                  path.lineto(-0.5 * wd, 0.5 * ht),
                  path.lineto(0.5 * wd - knick, 0.5 * ht),
                  path.lineto(0.5 * wd - knick, 0.5 * ht - knick),
                  path.lineto(0.5 * wd, 0.5 * ht - knick))
    cf = canvas.canvas()
    cf.stroke(p, [symbolcolor, style.linewidth.Thick, style.linejoin.round])
    return cf
コード例 #32
ファイル: almanac_moon.py プロジェクト: Star-Bit/PySkyAlmanac
def waning_moon(X, r, cx, cy) :
    '''draws a waning moon figure, used for moonrise.'''
    p = path.path(path.moveto(cx, cy+r))
    p.append(path.arc(cx, cy, r, 90, -90))
    if X>0.5 :
        R = R_of_S(X-0.5)*r
        theta = asin(r/R)*180/PI
        moon_arc_p = path.arc(cx-sqrt(R*R-r*r), cy, R, -theta, theta)
    else :
        R = R_of_S(0.5-X)*r
        theta = asin(r/R)*180/PI
        moon_arc_p = path.arc(cx+sqrt(R*R-r*r), cy, R, 180-theta, 180+theta)
        p = path.path.reversed(p)
    return p
コード例 #33
def frontplane(z, nxmax, mymax, facecolor, edgecolor, trans):
    p = path.path(path.moveto(*projector(0, z, 0)),
                  path.lineto(*projector(nxmax, z, 0)),
                  path.lineto(*projector(nxmax, z, nymax)),
                  path.lineto(*projector(0, z, nymax)), path.closepath())
    c.fill(p, [facecolor, color.transparency(trans)])
    c.stroke(p, [edgecolor])
    for nx in range(1, nxmax):
        x0, y0 = projector(nx, z, 0)
        x1, y1 = projector(nx, z, nymax)
        c.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1), [edgecolor])
    for ny in range(1, nymax):
        x0, y0 = projector(0, z, ny)
        x1, y1 = projector(nxmax, z, ny)
        c.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1), [edgecolor])
コード例 #34
 def draw(self):
     p = path.path(path.moveto(*self.corners[0]),
                   path.lineto(*self.corners[3]), path.closepath())
     fillcolor = color.hsb(
         2 / 3 * (1 - (self.counter - 1) / (self.nsquares - 1)), 0.2, 1)
     self.c.stroke(p, [deco.filled([fillcolor])])
     x, y = 0.5 * (self.corners[0] + self.corners[2])
     s = int(np.sum(np.abs(self.corners[1] - self.corners[0])))
         x, y, str(s),
         [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle,
          text.size(min(s, 5))])
     self.counter = self.counter + 1
コード例 #35
ファイル: visualize.py プロジェクト: alirezakhm/ProAlign
def test_pie(radius, start, end):
    c = canvas.canvas()
    container = path.rect(-(radius + 1), -(radius + 1), 2 * (radius + 1),
                          2 * (radius + 1))

    c.stroke(container, [style.linewidth(0.001), color.rgb.red])

    pie = path.path(path.moveto(0, 0), path.arc(0, 0, radius, start, end),

    c.stroke(pie, [
        pyx.color.rgb(1, 1, 1),
コード例 #36
def frontplane(z, nxmax, mymax, facecolor, edgecolor, trans):
    p = path.path(path.moveto(*projector(0, z, 0)),
                  path.lineto(*projector(nxmax, z, 0)),
                  path.lineto(*projector(nxmax, z, nymax)),
                  path.lineto(*projector(0, z, nymax)),
    c.fill(p, [facecolor, color.transparency(trans)])
    c.stroke(p, [edgecolor])
    for nx in range(1, nxmax):
        x0, y0 = projector(nx, z, 0)
        x1, y1 = projector(nx, z, nymax)
        c.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1), [edgecolor])
    for ny in range(1, nymax):
        x0, y0 = projector(0, z, ny)
        x1, y1 = projector(nxmax, z, ny)
        c.stroke(path.line(x0, y0, x1, y1), [edgecolor])
コード例 #37
ファイル: tqft.py プロジェクト: punkdit/fibonacci
def wiggle(x0, y0, radius, wiggle=0.3, n=1):
    items = []
#    theta = 0.
    theta = 2*pi
    while theta > 0:
        r = radius + wiggle*random()
        p = [x0+r*sin(theta), y0+r*cos(theta)]
        theta -= 0.3*pi*random()
    #print items
    items = [path.moveto(*items[0])] + [path.lineto(*p) for p in items[1:]]\
        + [path.lineto(*items[0])] 
    items = path.path(*items)

    return items
コード例 #38
    def plot(self, canvas, shape="s"):
        """Plot this direction on a pyx canvas.

        The direction will be transformed onto a Lambert equal-area 
        projection and plotted as a square, circle, or triangle
        (shape parameter: s, c, or t).
        (x, y) = self.project()
        if shape == "s":
            canvas.stroke(path.rect(x - 0.1, y - 0.1, 0.2, 0.2))
        elif shape == "t":
            s = 0.15
            canvas.stroke(path.path(path.moveto(x, y + s),
                                    path.rlineto(-0.866 * s, -1.5 * s),
                                    path.rlineto(2 * .866 * s, 0),
        elif shape == "c":
            canvas.stroke(path.circle(x, y, 0.1))
コード例 #39
ファイル: turtle.py プロジェクト: Jasonh90/Invaders
    def __init__(self,
                 position=(0, 0),
        Creates a new turtle to draw on the given screen.
        :param screen: window object that turtle will draw on.
        :type screen:  :class:`Window`
        :param position: initial turtle position (origin is screen center)
        :type position:  2D ``tuple``
        :param color: initial turtle color (default red)
        :type color: see ``color``
        :param heading: initial turtle directions (default 180)
        :type heading:  ``int`` or ``float``
        :param speed: initial turtle speed (default 0)
        :type speed:  ``int`` 0..10
        from .window import Window, is_valid_color, to_valid_color
        from pyx import path
        assert type(
            screen) == Window, "$s is not a Window object" % repr(screen)
        assert (is_valid_color(color)
                ), "%s is not a valid color input" % repr(color)

        self._window = screen
        self._heading = heading
        self._isdown = True
        self._speed = speed
        self._visible = True
        self._dirty = False

        self._color = to_valid_color(color)

        self._x = position[0]
        self._y = position[1]
        self._pather = path.path(path.moveto(self.x, self.y))
コード例 #40
ファイル: turtle.py プロジェクト: Jasonh90/Invaders
 def move(self, x, y):
     Moves the turtle to given position without drawing.
     This method does not draw, regardless of the drawmode.
     :param x: new x position for turtle
     :type x:  ``int`` or ``float``
     :param y: new y position for turtle
     :type y:  ``int`` or ``float``
     from pyx import path
     assert (type(x) in [int, float]), "%s is not a valid number" % repr(x)
     assert (type(y) in [int, float]), "%s is not a valid number" % repr(y)
     self._x = x
     self._y = y
     self._pather.append(path.moveto(x, y))
     self._dirty = True
コード例 #41
ファイル: pen.py プロジェクト: Jasonh90/Invaders
 def move(self, x, y):
     Moves the pen to given position without drawing.
     If the ``fill`` attribute is currently True, this method will complete the fill 
     before moving to the new region. The space between the original position and (x,y) 
     will not be connected.
     :param x: new x position for turtle
     :type x:  ``int`` or ``float``
     :param y: new y position for turtle
     :type y:  ``int`` or ``float``
     from pyx import path
     assert (type(x) in [int, float]), "%s is not a valid number" % repr(x)
     assert (type(y) in [int, float]), "%s is not a valid number" % repr(y)
     self._x = x
     self._y = y
     self._pather.append(path.moveto(x, y))
     self._dirty = True
コード例 #42
def interpolated_path(Z, shape=1.0, loop=True):
  shape /= 6.0

  I = range(0, len(Z)-2)
  if loop:
    I += [-1]

  segments = [ ( Z[i] + (Z[i+1]-Z[i-1])*shape,
                 Z[i+1] - (Z[i+2]-Z[i])*shape,
                 Z[i+1] )  
               for i in I ]
  pa = path.path( path.moveto(Z[0].real, Z[0].imag),
                    [ (unit.topt(W[0].real), unit.topt(W[0].imag),
                       unit.topt(W[1].real), unit.topt(W[1].imag),
                       unit.topt(W[2].real), unit.topt(W[2].imag) ) 
                      for W in segments ]))
  if loop:

  return pa
コード例 #43
ファイル: adaptive_sampling.py プロジェクト: piotr65/eagle-py
    def pyx_plotter(self):
        from pyx import canvas, path, color

        st = Stats(self.points)

        if self.plot_range == AUTO:
            xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin = st.bbox_auto(self.points)
            xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin = st.bbox()
        wd, ht = xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin

        sx = self.default_width / wd
        sy = self.aspect_ratio * self.default_width / ht
        #print 'WD:', wd, 'HT:', ht, sx, sy

        clip = canvas.clip(path.rect(sx * xmin, sy * ymin, sx * wd, sy * ht))

        c = canvas.canvas([clip])
        #c.stroke(path.rect(sx*xmin, sy*ymin, sx*wd, sy*ht))

        pth = path.path()
        first_point = True

        for p in self.points:
            if first_point:
                pth.append(path.moveto(sx * p.x, sy * p.y))
                first_point = False
                pth.append(path.lineto(sx * p.x, sy * p.y))


        for p in self.points:
            if st.is_extreme_outlier(p):
                c.fill(path.circle(sx * p.x, sy * p.y, 0.03), [color.rgb.red])
                c.fill(path.circle(sx * p.x, sy * p.y, 0.03))
        return c
コード例 #44
    def pyx_plotter(self):
        from pyx import canvas, path, color

        st = Stats(self.points)

        if self.plot_range == AUTO:
            xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin = st.bbox_auto(self.points)
            xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin = st.bbox()
        wd, ht = xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin

        sx = self.default_width / wd
        sy = self.aspect_ratio * self.default_width / ht
        #print 'WD:', wd, 'HT:', ht, sx, sy

        clip = canvas.clip(path.rect(sx * xmin, sy * ymin, sx * wd, sy * ht))

        c = canvas.canvas([clip])
        #c.stroke(path.rect(sx*xmin, sy*ymin, sx*wd, sy*ht))

        pth = path.path()
        first_point = True

        for p in self.points:
            if first_point:
                pth.append(path.moveto(sx * p.x, sy * p.y))
                first_point = False
                pth.append(path.lineto(sx * p.x, sy * p.y))


        for p in self.points:
            if st.is_extreme_outlier(p):
                c.fill(path.circle(sx * p.x, sy * p.y, 0.03), [color.rgb.red])
                c.fill(path.circle(sx * p.x, sy * p.y, 0.03))
        return c
コード例 #45
def make_arc(a, b, return_midpt=False):
    det = 4 * (a.real * b.imag - a.imag * b.real)
    if abs(det) < 0.0001:
        if not return_midpt:
            return make_line(a, b)
            return (make_line(a,
                              b), (0.5 * (a[0] + b[0]), 0.5 * (a[1] + b[1])))
        # theta = 0.5 * acos( a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] )
        # r = tan(theta)
        # p = path.path( path.moveto(a[0], a[1]) )
        # p.append( path.arct(0.0,0.0,b[0], b[1], r))

        center, r = arc_center_rad(a, b)
        A2 = a - center
        B2 = b - center
        r = abs(A2)
        dot_prod = (A2.real * B2.real + A2.imag * B2.imag)
        theta = 0.5 * acos(dot_prod / (abs(A2) * abs(B2)))
        direction = (0.5 * (a + b) - center)
        direction = (1.0 / abs(direction)) * direction
        tangent_point = center + (abs(A2) / cos(theta)) * direction

        p = path.path(path.moveto(a.real, a.imag))
            path.arct(tangent_point.real, tangent_point.imag, b.real, b.imag,

        # p = path.path( path.moveto(a[0], a[1]) )
        # p.append( path.lineto(center.real, center.imag) )
        # p.append( path.lineto(b[0], b[1]) )
        if not return_midpt:
            return p
            midpt = center + r * direction
            return (p, midpt)
コード例 #46
projector = graph.graphxyz.central(60, -50, 25).point

c = canvas.canvas()
nxmax = 7
nymax = 5
trans = 0.4
edgecolors = (color.rgb(0, 0, 0.8),
              color.rgb(0, 0.6, 0),
              color.rgb(0.8, 0, 0))
w = 0.3
facecolors = (color.rgb(w, w, 1),
              color.rgb(w, 1, w),
              color.rgb(1, w, w))
for nplane, (edgecolor, facecolor) in enumerate(zip(edgecolors, facecolors)):
    zoff = 1.04*(2-nplane)
    frontplane(zoff+1, nxmax, nymax, facecolor, edgecolor, trans)
    for nx in range(nxmax, -1, -1):
        for ny in range(nymax+1):
            corner(nx, ny, zoff, facecolor, edgecolor, trans,
                   nx != 0, ny != nymax)
    frontplane(zoff, nxmax, nymax, facecolor, edgecolor, trans)
    x0, y0 = projector(nxmax, zoff+1, nymax)
    x1, y1 = projector(0, zoff+1, nymax)
    x2, y2 = projector(0, zoff+1, 0)
    p = path.path(path.moveto(x0, y0), path.lineto(x1, y1),
                  path.lineto(x2, y2))
    c.stroke(p, [edgecolor])
コード例 #47
ファイル: utf8_2.py プロジェクト: gertingold/eidprog
codepointbinary = [(codepoint & 2**n)/2**n for n in range(bits)]

size = 0.4
x0 = 0
y0 = 3
dy = 0.07
c.fill(path.rect(x0, y0, 5*size, size),
       [color.grey(0.5), deco.stroked([color.grey(0.5)])])
c.stroke(path.rect(x0+5*size, y0, 5*size, size))
c.stroke(path.rect(x0+10*size, y0, 6*size, size))
for n in range(len(codepointbinary)):
    c.text(x0+(n+0.5)*size, y0+dy, r"\sffamily %i" % codepointbinary[n],

p = path.path(path.moveto(0.2*size, size+0.03),
              path.lineto(0.2*size, size+0.07),
              path.lineto(3.8*size, size+0.07),
              path.lineto(3.8*size, size+0.03))
for n in range(bits//4):
    c.stroke(p, [trafo.translate(4*n*size, y0)])
    c.text((4*n+2)*size, size+0.14+y0, r"\sffamily %X" %
           (codepoint >> (bits//4-n-1)*4 & 0x0f),

utf8code = 0xC080 \
           + (((codepoint >> 6) & 0x1f) << 8) \
           + (codepoint & 0x3f)
utf8codebinary = [(utf8code & 2**n)/2**n for n in range(bits)]
コード例 #48
from pyx import canvas, color, path, text, unit

unit.set(xscale=1.6, wscale=1.2)

c = canvas.canvas()
side = 4
lightcolor = color.hsb(0.65, 0.2, 1)
darkcolor = color.hsb(0.65, 1, 1)
c.fill(path.path(path.moveto(0, 0),
                 path.lineto(side, 0),
                 path.arc(0, 0, side, 0, 90),
                 path.closepath()), [lightcolor])
c.stroke(path.path(path.arc(0, 0, side, 0, 90)), [darkcolor])
c.stroke(path.rect(0, 0, side, side))
ticklen = 0.15
for tick in (0, 1):
    dist = tick*side
    c.stroke(path.line(dist, 0, dist, -ticklen))
    c.text(dist, -1.5*ticklen, str(tick), [text.halign.center, text.valign.top])
    c.stroke(path.line(0, dist, -ticklen, dist))
    c.text(-1.5*ticklen, dist, str(tick), [text.halign.right, text.valign.middle])
c.text(0.4*side, 0.4*side, r'\huge$\nicefrac{\pi}{4}$',
       [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle, darkcolor])
コード例 #49
ファイル: almanac_moon.py プロジェクト: Star-Bit/PySkyAlmanac
def last_quarter_moon(r, cx, cy) :
    p = path.path(path.moveto(cx, cy))
    p.append(path.arc(cx, cy, r, 90, -90))
    return p
コード例 #50
for nr, elem in enumerate((ex1color, ex2color, ex3color)):
    preamble = preamble+r'\definecolor{{ex{}color}}{{rgb}}{{{}, {}, {}}}'.format(
                  nr+1, elem.r, elem.g, elem.b)

c = canvas.canvas()
for n in range(5):
    framebox(n+1, ncols-n-1, ex1color)
for nx in (0, 2, 5):
    framebox(nx, 0, ex2color, nh=3, reducedsize=True)
for n in (0, 2, 5):
    framebox(2, (ncols-n-1), ex3color)

for nx in range(ncols+1):
    p = path.path(path.moveto(nx*boxsize, 0),
                  path.lineto(nx*boxsize, ncols*boxsize),
                  path.rlineto(reducedboxsize*cos(angle), reducedboxsize*sin(angle)))
for ny in range(nrows+1):
    p = path.path(path.moveto(0, ny*boxsize),
                  path.lineto(nrows*boxsize, ny*boxsize),
                  path.rlineto(reducedboxsize*cos(angle), reducedboxsize*sin(angle)))
p = path.path(path.moveto(ncols*boxsize+reducedboxsize*cos(angle),
              path.rlineto(0, ncols*boxsize),
              path.rlineto(-nrows*boxsize, 0),
              path.rlineto(-reducedboxsize*cos(angle), -reducedboxsize*sin(angle)))
コード例 #51
ファイル: skyalmanac.py プロジェクト: Star-Bit/PySkyAlmanac
    for sb in setting_bodies :


c = canvas.canvas()

# prepare the limits of the chart and a clippath
ulx, uly = to_chart_coord(sun_set[0], chart)
urx, ury = to_chart_coord(sun_rise[0], chart)
top_line = path.path(path.moveto(ulx, uly),
                     path.lineto(urx, ury))

llx, lly = to_chart_coord(sun_set[-1], chart)
lrx, lry = to_chart_coord(sun_rise[-1], chart)
bot_line = path.path(path.moveto(llx, lly),
                     path.lineto(lrx, lry))

rev_sun_set = sun_set[:]
clippath = event_to_path(rev_sun_set[:] + sun_rise[:], chart, do_check=False)

clc = canvas.canvas([canvas.clip(clippath)]) # clipped canvas for paths, text and moon
bclc = canvas.canvas([canvas.clip(clippath)]) # clipped canvas for the background and the dots
コード例 #52
ファイル: ieee754_64.py プロジェクト: gertingold/eidprog
from pyx import canvas, path, style, text, unit


b = 0.8

c = canvas.canvas()
offset = 0
c.stroke(path.rect(offset, 0, b, b))
c.stroke(path.path(path.moveto(offset+0.1*b, -0.1),
                   path.lineto(offset+0.1*b, -1.2),
                   path.lineto(offset+0.3*b, -1.2)), [style.linewidth.thin])
c.text(offset+0.2*b, -1.1, r"\sffamily Vorzeichen")
c.text(0.5*b, 1.1*b, r"\sffamily 1 Bit", [text.halign.center])
c.text(0.5*b, 0.5*b, r"\sffamily S", [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle])
offset = 1.2*b
c.stroke(path.path(path.moveto(offset+0.5*b, b),
                   path.lineto(offset, b),
                   path.lineto(offset, 0),
                   path.lineto(offset+0.5*b, 0)))
c.stroke(path.path(path.moveto(offset+0.1*b, -0.1),
                   path.lineto(offset+0.1*b, -0.7),
                   path.lineto(offset+0.3*b, -0.7)), [style.linewidth.thin])
c.text(offset+0.2*b, -0.6, r"\sffamily Exponent")
offset = offset+0.5*b
c.stroke(path.line(offset, 0, offset+b, 0), [style.linestyle.dotted])
c.stroke(path.line(offset, b, offset+b, b), [style.linestyle.dotted])
c.text(offset+0.5*b, 1.1*b, r"\sffamily 11 Bits", [text.halign.center])
c.text(offset+0.5*b, 0.5*b, r"\sffamily E",
       [text.halign.center, text.valign.middle])
コード例 #53
c.fill(p, [color.grey(0.5), trafo.translate(0.05, -0.05)])

c1 = canvas.canvas([canvas.clip(p)])
c1.fill(p, [color.grey(0.9)])

r = 1
brown1 = color.rgb(148 / 255, 77 / 255, 48 / 255)
brown2 = color.rgb(193 / 255, 91 / 255, 49 / 255)
red1 = color.rgb(200 / 255, 0, 0)
red2 = color.rgb(220 / 255, 0.5, 0.5)
flame = color.rgb(248 / 255, 212 / 255, 27 / 255)
c2 = canvas.canvas()
c2.insert(ellipse(r, 0.5, brown1))
c2.fill(path.rect(-r, 0, 2 * r, 0.5 * r), [brown1])
c2.insert(ellipse(r, 0.5, brown2), [trafo.translate(0, 0.5 * r)])
c2.insert(ellipse(0.2 * r, 0.5, red1), [trafo.translate(0, 0.5 * r)])
c2.fill(path.rect(-0.2 * r, 0.5 * r, 0.4 * r, r), [red1])
c2.insert(ellipse(0.2 * r, 0.5, red2), [trafo.translate(0, 1.5 * r)])
c2.stroke(path.line(0, 1.5 * r, 0, 1.5 * r + 0.2), [style.linewidth.Thick])
c2a = canvas.canvas()
    path.path(path.moveto(0, 0), path.curveto(-0.1, -0.2, -0.3, -0.6, 0, -0.6),
              path.curveto(0.3, -0.6, 0, -0.3, 0, 0), path.closepath()),
c2.insert(c2a, [trafo.translate(0, 1.65 * r + 0.6)])

c.insert(c2, [trafo.translate(1.75, 1.3)])
c.insert(c2, [trafo.translate(4.7, 1.3)])
c.writeGSfile(device="png16m", resolution=300)
コード例 #54
x0 = 0
y0 = 3
dy = 0.07
c.fill(path.rect(x0, y0, 8 * size, size),
       [markercolor, deco.stroked([markercolor])])
c.stroke(path.rect(x0 + 8 * size, y0, 4 * size, size),
c.stroke(path.rect(x0 + 12 * size, y0, 6 * size, size),
c.stroke(path.rect(x0 + 18 * size, y0, 6 * size, size),
for n in range(len(codepointbinary)):
    c.text(x0 + (n + 0.5) * size, y0 + dy,
           r"\sffamily %i" % codepointbinary[n], [text.halign.center])

p = path.path(path.moveto(0.2 * size, size + 0.03),
              path.lineto(0.2 * size, size + 0.07),
              path.lineto(3.8 * size, size + 0.07),
              path.lineto(3.8 * size, size + 0.03))
for n in range(bits // 4):
    c.stroke(p, [trafo.translate(4 * n * size, y0)])
    c.text((4 * n + 2) * size, size + 0.14 + y0,
           r"\sffamily %X" % (codepoint >> (bits // 4 - n - 1) * 4 & 0x0f),

utf8code = 0xE08080 \
           + (((codepoint >> 12) & 0x0f) << 16) \
           + (((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3f) << 8) \
           + (codepoint & 0x3f)
utf8codebinary = [(utf8code & 2**n) / 2**n for n in range(bits)]
コード例 #55
def plot_memory(data, width, height):
    plot_width = width - 4.0
    plot_height = height - 0.8
    left_width = plot_width * 0.6
    right_width = plot_width * 0.2
    prob = data['HiFive-Probability']['3']
    norm = data['HiCNorm']['3']
    prob_min = prob - right_width * 2.2e4 / left_width * 0.7
    prob_max = prob + right_width * 2.2e4 / left_width * 0.3
    norm_min = norm - right_width * 2.2e4 / left_width * 0.6
    norm_max = norm + right_width * 2.2e4 / left_width * 0.4
    c1 = canvas.canvas()
    g1 = graph.graphxy(width=left_width, height=plot_height,
                      x=graph.axis.lin(painter=painter, texter=graph.axis.texter.exponential(mantissaexp=r"{{%s}e%s}", nomantissaexp=r"{e%s}"), min=0, max=2.2e4),
                      x2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=1),
                      y2=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1))
    c1.insert(g1, [trafo.translate(0, 0)])
    g2 = graph.graphxy(width=right_width, height=plot_height,
                      y=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1),
                      x=graph.axis.lin(painter=painter, texter=graph.axis.texter.exponential(mantissaexp=r"{{%s}e%s}", nomantissaexp=r"{e%s}"), min=prob_min, max=prob_max),
                      x2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=1),
                      y2=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1))
    c1.insert(g2, [trafo.translate(left_width, 0)])
    g3 = graph.graphxy(width=right_width, height=plot_height,
                      y=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1),
                      x=graph.axis.lin(painter=painter, texter=graph.axis.texter.exponential(mantissaexp=r"{{%s}e%s}", nomantissaexp=r"{e%s}"), parter=graph.axis.parter.linear(tickdists=[5000]), min=norm_min, max=norm_max),
                      x2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=1),
                      y2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=1))
    c1.insert(g3, [trafo.translate(left_width + right_width, 0)])
    split = canvas.canvas()
    split.fill(path.path(path.moveto(-0.15, -0.2), path.lineto(0.05, 0.2), path.lineto(.15, 0.2),
               path.lineto(-0.05, -0.2), path.closepath()), [color.cmyk.White])
    split.stroke(path.line(-0.15, -0.2, 0.05, 0.2))
    split.stroke(path.line(-0.05, -0.2, 0.15, 0.2))
    c1.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width, 0)])
    c1.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width, plot_height)])
    c1.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width + right_width, 0)])
    c1.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width + right_width, plot_height)])
    methods = ['HiCLib', 'HiCPipe', 'HiCNorm', 'HiFive-Probability', 'HiFive-Binning', 'HiFive-Express',
               'HiFive-ExpressKR', 'HiFive-ExpressKR w/distance']
    hstep = plot_height / len(methods)
    substep = hstep / 6.0
    scale = left_width / 2.2e4
    for i, meth in enumerate(methods[::-1]):
        for j in range(5):
            if str(j) not in data[meth]:
            if meth not in ['HiCNorm', 'HiFive-Probability'] or j != 3:
                c1.fill(path.rect(0, hstep * i + (4.5 - j) * substep, data[meth][str(j)] * scale, substep),
            elif meth == 'HiCNorm':
                c1.fill(path.rect(0, hstep * i + (4.5 - j) * substep, left_width + right_width * 1.7, substep),
                c1.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width, hstep * i + (5 - j) * substep)])
                c1.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width + right_width, hstep * i + (5 - j) * substep)])
                c1.fill(path.rect(0, hstep * i + (4.5 - j) * substep, left_width + right_width * 0.6, substep),
                c1.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width, hstep * i + (5 - j) * substep)])
    c = canvas.canvas()
    c.insert(c1, [trafo.translate(4.0, 0.8)])
    for i, meth in enumerate(methods):
        c.text(3.9, height - plot_height / len(methods) * (i + 0.5), meth,
               [text.halign.right, text.valign.middle, text.size(-2)])
    c.text(4.0 + plot_width / 2, 0, "Maximum RAM usage (resident set size, Mbytes)",
           [text.halign.center, text.valign.bottom, text.size(-2)])
    return c
コード例 #56
ファイル: time_comparison.py プロジェクト: bxlab/HiFive_Paper
def plot_bargraph(data, width, height):
    methods = ['HiCLib', 'HiCPipe', 'HiCNorm', 'HiFive-Probability', 'HiFive-Binning', 'HiFive-Express',
               'HiFive-ExpressKR', 'HiFive-ExpressKR w/distance']
    ho = 4.0
    left_width = (width - ho) * 0.45
    mid_width1 = (width - ho) * 0.3
    mid_width2 = (width - ho) * 0.125
    right_width = (width - ho) * 0.125
    bar_height = height / len(methods) - 0.1
    data_totals = {}
    ranges = numpy.zeros((4, 2), dtype=numpy.float32)
    for meth in data:
        data_totals[meth] = find_total(data[meth])
        if meth == 'HiCPipe':
            ranges[1, 1] = data_totals[meth]
        elif meth == 'HiCNorm':
            ranges[2, 1] = data_totals[meth]
        elif meth == 'HiFive-Probability':
            ranges[3, 1] = data_totals[meth]
            ranges[0, 1] = max(ranges[0, 1], data_totals[meth])
    ranges /= 60.0
    ranges[0, 1] = 28.0
    ranges[1, 0] = ranges[1, 1] - ranges[0, 1] / 0.45 * 0.3 * 0.9
    ranges[1, 1] = ranges[1, 1] + ranges[0, 1] / 0.45 * 0.3 * 0.1
    ranges[2, 0] = ranges[2, 1] - ranges[0, 1] / 0.45 * 0.125 * 0.5
    ranges[2, 1] = ranges[2, 1] + ranges[0, 1] / 0.45 * 0.125 * 0.5
    ranges[3, 0] = ranges[3, 1] - ranges[0, 1] / 0.45 * 0.125 * 0.5
    ranges[3, 1] = ranges[3, 1] + ranges[0, 1] / 0.45 * 0.125 * 0.5
    c = canvas.canvas()
    g1 = graph.graphxy(width=left_width, height=height,
                       x=graph.axis.lin(painter=painter, min=0, max=ranges[0, 1]),
                       x2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=ranges[0, 1]),
                       y=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=1),
                       y2=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1))
    g2 = graph.graphxy(width=mid_width1, height=height,
                       x=graph.axis.lin(painter=painter, min=ranges[1, 0], max=ranges[1, 1]),
                       x2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=ranges[1, 0], max=ranges[1, 1]),
                       y2=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1),
                       y=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1))
    c.insert(g2, [trafo.translate(left_width, 0)])
    g3 = graph.graphxy(width=mid_width2, height=height,
                       x=graph.axis.lin(painter=painter, min=ranges[2, 0], max=ranges[2, 1]),
                       x2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=ranges[2, 0], max=ranges[2, 1]),
                       y2=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1),
                       y=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1))
    c.insert(g3, [trafo.translate(left_width + mid_width1, 0)])
    g4 = graph.graphxy(width=right_width, height=height,
                       x=graph.axis.lin(painter=painter, min=ranges[3, 0], max=ranges[3, 1]),
                       x2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=ranges[3, 0], max=ranges[3, 1]),
                       y2=graph.axis.lin(parter=None, min=0, max=1),
                       y=graph.axis.lin(painter=None, min=0, max=1))
    c.insert(g4, [trafo.translate(left_width + mid_width1 + mid_width2, 0)])
    split = canvas.canvas()
    split.fill(path.path(path.moveto(-0.15, -0.2), path.lineto(0.05, 0.2), path.lineto(.15, 0.2),
               path.lineto(-0.05, -0.2), path.closepath()), [color.cmyk.White])
    split.stroke(path.line(-0.15, -0.2, 0.05, 0.2))
    split.stroke(path.line(-0.05, -0.2, 0.15, 0.2))
    c.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width, 0)])
    c.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width, height)])
    c.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width + mid_width1, 0)])
    c.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width + mid_width1, height)])
    c.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width + mid_width1 + mid_width2, 0)])
    c.insert(split, [trafo.translate(left_width + mid_width1 + mid_width2, height)])
    for i, meth in enumerate(methods):
        c.insert(plot_bar(data[meth], ranges, bar_height, left_width / ranges[0, 1], split),
                 [trafo.translate(0, height - 0.05 - bar_height * (i + 1) - i * 0.1)])
        c.text(-0.1, height * (len(methods) - i - 0.5) / len(methods), meth,
               [text.halign.right, text.valign.middle, text.size(-2)])
    c.text((width - ho) / 2.0, -0.35, "Runtime (minutes)",
           [text.halign.center, text.valign.top, text.size(-2)])
    return c
コード例 #57
    for sb in setting_bodies :


c = canvas.canvas()

# prepare the limits of the chart and a clippath
ulx, uly = to_chart_coord(sun_set[0], chart)
urx, ury = to_chart_coord(sun_rise[0], chart)
top_line = path.path(path.moveto(ulx, uly), path.lineto(urx, ury))

llx, lly = to_chart_coord(sun_set[-1], chart)
lrx, lry = to_chart_coord(sun_rise[-1], chart)
bot_line = path.path(path.moveto(llx, lly), path.lineto(lrx, lry))

rev_sun_set = sun_set[:]
clippath = event_to_path(rev_sun_set[:] + sun_rise[:], chart, do_check=False)

clc = canvas.canvas([canvas.clip(clippath)]) # clipped canvas for paths, text and moon
bclc = canvas.canvas([canvas.clip(clippath)]) # clipped canvas for the background and the dots

# a seperate (larger) clipping canvas for Moon phases
clippath2 = event_to_path([rev_sun_set[0]+2.0] +
コード例 #58
ファイル: render.py プロジェクト: punkdit/fibonacci
pop([trafo.rotate(-90), trafo.translate(0.7, 2.5*h)])
c.text(0., 0.5*h, "(a)")

# --------------------------------------------------------------------

#x0, y0 = 0.6, 0.
#c.text(x0-0.8, y0, "(b)")

c.stroke(path.rect(x0, y0, w, h), dashed)
c.stroke(path.rect(x0+w+m, y0, w, h), dotted)

p = path.path(
    path.moveto(x0+0.5*w, y0-0.3*h), 
    path.lineto(x0+0.5*w, y0+0.3*h), 
    path.lineto(x0+1.5*w+m, y0+0.3*h),
    path.lineto(x0+1.5*w+m, y0+0.7*h), 
    path.lineto(x0+0.5*w, y0+0.7*h),
    path.lineto(x0+0.5*w, y0+1.3*h),
c.stroke(p, [deformer.smoothed(0.3)]+grarrow)

y = y0+0.3*h
anyon(x0+0.8*w, y)
anyon(x0+m+1.2*w, y)
y = y0+0.7*h
anyon(x0+0.8*w, y)
anyon(x0+m+1.2*w, y)
コード例 #59
ファイル: poster.py プロジェクト: punkdit/fibonacci
idx = 0 # start
points.insert(idx, (1.3*dx, -0.7*dy)); idx+=3 # next pair
points.insert(idx, (1.3*dx, -2.7*dy)); idx+=1
points.insert(idx, (1.5*dx, -2.7*dy)); idx+=1
points.insert(idx, (1.5*dx, -2.*dy)); idx+=1
points.insert(idx, (1.5*dx, -1.4*dy)); idx+=3 # next pair
points.insert(idx, (3.7*dx, -1.4*dy)); idx+=1
points.insert(idx, (3.7*dx, -1.6*dy)); idx+=1
points.insert(idx, (1.7*dx, -1.6*dy)); idx+=3 # next pair
points.insert(idx, (1.7*dx, -3.3*dy)); # end

items = []
for i, p in enumerate(points):
    if i==0:

    [trafo.translate(tx0, ty0), lred, deformer.smoothed(2.0),
    style.linewidth.THICk, deco.earrow(size=0.3)])

for (s, t) in [(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5)]:
    pair(points0[s], points0[t])

y -= 4.*dy
c.text(x, y,
r"""When we yank the red line straight
we find out what braid moves to do:
コード例 #60
ファイル: make_icons.py プロジェクト: mitcho/clld
def polygon(*points):  # pragma: no cover
    args = []
    for i, point in enumerate(points):
        args.append(path.moveto(*point) if i == 0 else path.lineto(*point))
    return path.path(*args)