def createMesh(points, tris, texture=None, uvs=None): """ Create a polygon mesh by specifying vertex coordinates and triangle index Parameters ---------- points: tuple or list list or tuple of points tris: tuple or list list or tuple of triangle indices texture: string (optional) file path of texture uvs: list or tuple (optional) list or tuple of texture uv Returns ------- editableFigure """ gen = pyxie.shaderGenerator() if texture != None: gen.setColorTexture(True) gen.setBoneCondition(1, 1) efig = pyxie.editableFigure("sprite") efig.addMaterial("mate", gen) efig.addMesh("mesh", "mate") efig.setVertexElements("mesh", pyxie.ATTRIBUTE_ID_POSITION, points) if uvs: efig.setVertexElements("mesh", pyxie.ATTRIBUTE_ID_UV0, uvs) efig.setTriangles("mesh", tris) efig.addJoint("joint") efig.setMaterialParam("mate", "DiffuseColor", (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) #efig.setMaterialRenderState("mate", "cull_face_enable", False) if texture != None: efig.setMaterialParamTexture("mate", "ColorSampler", texture, wrap_s=pyxie.SAMPLERSTATE_BORDER, wrap_t=pyxie.SAMPLERSTATE_BORDER, minfilter=pyxie.SAMPLERSTATE_NEAREST, magfilter=pyxie.SAMPLERSTATE_NEAREST) efig.setMaterialRenderState("mate", "blend_enable", True) return efig
def _create_device_objects(self): ='2dcamera') = True = pyvmath.vec3(0, 0, 1) = (1, -1) w, h = pyxie.viewSize() = -w, h gen = pyxie.shaderGenerator() gen.setColorTexture(True) gen.setVertexColor(True) self.editableFigure = pyxie.editableFigure('font') self.editableFigure.addMaterial("mate01", gen) self.editableFigure.setMaterialParam("mate01", "DiffuseColor", (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) self.editableFigure.setMaterialRenderState("mate01", "blend_enable", True) self.editableFigure.addJoint('joint') self.showcase = pyxie.showcase('imgui') self.showcase.add(self.editableFigure)
import os # import time # ------------------------------------------------------------ # --pre process FILENAME = "Lion_Voxel_340.dae" if os.path.exists("boxinfo.pickle"): os.remove("boxinfo.pickle") if not os.path.exists("boxinfo.pickle"): # if True: efig = pyxie.editableFigure("efig") devtool.loadCollada(FILENAME, efig) boxinfo = [] for i in range(efig.numMeshes): aabb = vmath.aabb() inverts = efig.getVertexElements(i, pyxie.ATTRIBUTE_ID_POSITION) for pos in inverts: aabb.insert(pos) outverts = [] for pos in inverts: outverts.append(pos - efig.setVertexElements(i, pyxie.ATTRIBUTE_ID_POSITION, outverts) efig.setJoint(i, min, max = efig.getMeshAABB(i)
def convertAssets(src,dst,platform, unit=1.0): """ Convert model and image data to pyxie format model(.dae) -> .pyxf image(.png .dds .tga .psd ) -> .pyxi If model data with the same name as the folder name is found, it is regarded as base model data, and other model data in the same folder are regarded as motion files, and all are packed into one file If there is no model data with the same name as the folder name, Each model data as base model data and convert separately :param src: source root folder :param dst: destination root folder :param platform: target platform (pyxie.TARGET_PLATFORM_XX) :param unit: scale unit size of 3d model :return: None """ def findImages(path): list = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): if root.find('\.') != -1: continue for fname in files: name, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) if ext == '.png' or ext == '.dds' or ext == '.tga' or ext == '.psd': list.append(os.path.join(root, fname)) return list def createDirectoryTree(filelist, root): imageDirectory = dict() for img in filelist: while True: img, file = os.path.split(img) if img not in imageDirectory: imageDirectory[img] = {file: 0}; elif file not in imageDirectory[img]: imageDirectory[img][file] = 0 if img == root: break return imageDirectory def findFileFromDiorectoryTree(imageDirectory, file, dir): files = imageDirectory.get(dir) if files is None: return None if file in files: return os.path.join(dir, file) for d in files: _, ext = os.path.splitext(d) if ext is '': rv = findFileFromDiorectoryTree(imageDirectory, file, os.path.join(dir, d)) if rv: return rv return None def findConvertSet(path): dict = {} for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): if root.find('\.') != -1: continue folder = os.path.basename(root) baseFile = folder + '.dae' folderRule = False for f in files: if f == baseFile: folderRule = True break if folderRule: daes = [os.path.join(root, baseFile)] for f2 in files: f2_name, f2_ext = os.path.splitext(f2) if f2_ext == '.dae' and f2_name != folder: daes.append(os.path.join(root, f2)) dict[folder] = daes else: for f2 in files: f2_name, f2_ext = os.path.splitext(f2) if f2_ext == '.dae': dict[f2_name] = [os.path.join(root, f2)] return dict def removeRoot(path, root): newpath = path.replace(root, '', 1) if newpath[0] == '/' or newpath[0] == '\\': newpath = newpath[1:] return newpath def replaceExt(file, ext): name, extold = os.path.splitext(file) return name + ext def readAndCalcHash(srcfile, dstfile, hashfile): hashcode = '00000000000000000000000000000000' newhash = 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff' if os.path.exists(dstfile): try: with open(hashfile, 'r') as f: hashcode = except : None fileDataBinary = open(srcfile, 'rb').read() if len(fileDataBinary) is not 0: hash = hashlib.md5() hash.update(fileDataBinary) newhash = hash.hexdigest() return hashcode,newhash def saveHash(hashfile, newhash): if newhash != 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff': apputil.makeDirectories(hashfile) with open(hashfile, 'w') as f: f.write(newhash) # convert model and image allimages = findImages(src) imageDirectory = createDirectoryTree(allimages, src) daes = findConvertSet(src) allTextures = dict() tmpfig = pyxie.editableFigure("tmpfigure") for key, data in daes.items(): tmpfig.clear() loadCollada(data[0], tmpfig, unit) for i in range(1, len(data)): loadColladaAnimation(data[i], tmpfig, unit) path, file = os.path.split(data[0]) texs = tmpfig.getTextureSource() for tex in texs: filename = os.path.basename(tex['path']) current = path inputimage = None while True: inputimage = findFileFromDiorectoryTree(imageDirectory,filename, current) if inputimage is not None: break if current == src: break current,_ = os.path.split(current) if inputimage is None: print('file not found '+ tex['path']) else: allTextures[inputimage] = tex; inputimage = inputimage.replace('\\', '/') inputimage = removeRoot(inputimage,src); inputimage,ext = os.path.splitext(inputimage) newTex = {'path':inputimage, 'normal': tex['normal'], 'wrap': tex['wrap']} tmpfig.replaceTextureSource(tex, newTex) outfile = os.path.normpath(data[0].replace(src, dst, 1)) outfile = replaceExt(outfile, '.pyxf') apputil.makeDirectories(outfile) tmpfig.mergeMesh() tmpfig.saveFigure(outfile) for img in allimages: if img not in allTextures: newTex = {'path': removeRoot(img,src), 'normal': False, 'wrap': False} allTextures[img] = newTex for key, val in allTextures.items(): outfile = os.path.normpath(key.replace(src, dst, 1)) outfile = replaceExt(outfile, '.pyxi') hashfile = os.path.normpath(key.replace(src, '.tmp/hash', 1)) hashcode, newhash = readAndCalcHash(key, outfile, hashfile) if hashcode != newhash: apputil.makeDirectories(outfile) convertTextureToPlatform(key, outfile, platform, val['normal'], val['wrap']) saveHash(hashfile, newhash) else: print("skip convert {} because no change".format(key))
def VoxelModelProcess(self): # ------------------------------------------------------------ # --pre process FILENAME = "TestVoxel/Lion_Voxel_340_04.dae" BOXINFOR_PATH = "TestVoxel/boxinfo.pickle" CONSTRUCT_BOXDATA_PATH = "TestVoxel/newConstructBoxData.pickle" # if os.path.exists("TestVoxel/boxinfo.pickle"): # os.remove("TestVoxel/boxinfo.pickle") if not os.path.exists(BOXINFOR_PATH) or not os.path.exists( CONSTRUCT_BOXDATA_PATH): print("Come here") # if True: efig = pyxie.editableFigure("efig") devtool.loadCollada(FILENAME, efig) boxinfo = [] for i in range(efig.numMeshes): aabb = vmath.aabb() inverts = efig.getVertexElements(i, pyxie.ATTRIBUTE_ID_POSITION) for pos in inverts: aabb.insert(pos) outverts = [] for pos in inverts: outverts.append(pos - efig.setVertexElements(i, pyxie.ATTRIBUTE_ID_POSITION, outverts) efig.setJoint(i, min, max = efig.getMeshAABB(i) pos, rot, _ = efig.getJoint(i) data = ( (pos.x, pos.y, pos.z), (rot.x, rot.y, rot.z, rot.w), (min.x, min.y, min.z), (max.x, max.z, max.z), ) boxinfo.append(data) newBoxData = self.HandleBoxData(boxinfo) newConstructBoxData = dict() newConstructBoxData.update({ "size": self.size, "center":, "newBoxData": newBoxData }) src = efig.getTextureSource() for tex in src: texfilename = os.path.basename(tex['path']) name, _ = os.path.splitext(texfilename) newtex = tex.copy() newtex['path'] = "TestVoxel/" + name print("New text path: ", newtex['path']) efig.replaceTextureSource(tex, newtex) filepath = glob.glob('**/' + texfilename, recursive=True) print("File path: ", filepath) if len(filepath) is not 0: devtool.convertTextureToPlatform( filepath[0], os.path.join(".", "TestVoxel\\" + name), pyxie.TARGET_PLATFORM_PC, tex['normal'], tex['wrap']) print("Path joining: ", os.path.join(".", name)) with open(BOXINFOR_PATH, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(boxinfo, f) with open(CONSTRUCT_BOXDATA_PATH, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(newConstructBoxData, f) efig.mergeMesh() efig.saveFigure("TestVoxel/Lion_Enemy")