コード例 #1
def make_polyglycine( chain_lengths, no_reserve=True):
    from pyxmolpp2.polymer import Frame
    from pyxmolpp2.polymer import ChainName
    from pyxmolpp2.polymer import AtomName
    from pyxmolpp2.polymer import ResidueName, ResidueId
    from pyxmolpp2.geometry import XYZ

    frame = Frame(0)
    for chainId, N in chain_lengths:
        if no_reserve:
            c = frame.emplace(ChainName(chainId))
            c = frame.emplace(ChainName(chainId),N)
        for i in range(N):
            if no_reserve:
                r = c.emplace(ResidueName("GLY"),ResidueId(rid))
                r = c.emplace(ResidueName("GLY"),ResidueId(rid),7)

            for aname in ["N","H","CA","HA2","HA3","C","O"]:

    return frame
コード例 #2
def test_dumb_copy_lookup():
    from pyxmolpp2.polymer import Frame
    frame = make_polyglycine([("A", 3),("B", 3)])

    frame2 = Frame(2)
    for c in frame.asChains:

    assert frame.asChains.size == frame2.asChains.size
    assert frame.asResidues.size == frame2.asResidues.size
    assert frame.asAtoms.size == frame2.asAtoms.size

    for x in frame2.asAtoms:
        assert x.residue[x.name] == x

    for x in frame2.asResidues:
        assert x.chain[x.id] == x

    for x in frame2.asChains:
        assert x.frame[x.name] == x
        assert x.frame == frame2
コード例 #3
def test_Frame():
    from pyxmolpp2.polymer import Frame
    from pyxmolpp2.polymer import ChainName
    from pyxmolpp2.polymer import AtomName
    from pyxmolpp2.polymer import ResidueName, ResidueId
    from pyxmolpp2.geometry import XYZ

    f = Frame(5)
    c = f.emplace(ChainName("A"), 1)
    r = c.emplace(ResidueName("LYS"), ResidueId(1))
    a = r.emplace(AtomName("CA"), 1, XYZ(1,2,3))

    assert a.residue == r
    assert a.chain == c
    assert a.frame == f

    assert r.asAtoms[0] == a
    assert c.asAtoms[0] == a
    assert f.asAtoms[0] == a

    assert r.asAtoms.asResidues[0] == r
    assert c.asAtoms.asResidues[0] == r
    assert f.asAtoms.asResidues[0] == r

    assert r.asAtoms.asResidues.asChains[0] == c
    assert c.asAtoms.asResidues.asChains[0] == c
    assert f.asAtoms.asResidues.asChains[0] == c

    assert r.chain == c
    assert r.frame == f

    assert c.frame == f

    assert c.asResidues[0] == r
    assert f.asResidues[0] == r

    assert f.asChains[0] == c
コード例 #4
# For sake of simplicity let's number them in reverse order

atoms = frame.asAtoms

for i, a in enumerate(atoms):
    a.id = atoms.size - i

# New atom ids:
print([a.id for a in frame.asAtoms])

# As you can see `atom.id` does not affect atom order.
# To change that we need to construct new Frame with desired order of atoms:

from pyxmolpp2.polymer import Frame

new_frame = Frame(0)  # create empty frame with index=0

for chain in frame.asChains:
    new_chain = new_frame.emplace(
        chain.name)  # create empty chain with same name
    for residue in frame.asResidues:
        new_residue = new_chain.emplace(
            residue.id)  # create empty residue with same name and id
        for a in sorted(list(residue.asAtoms), key=lambda a: a.id):
            new_atom = new_residue.emplace(a)  # create a copy of atom `a`

# New frame atoms ids:
print([a.id for a in new_frame.asAtoms])