コード例 #1
ファイル: slnXS.py プロジェクト: hhslepicka/pyXS
    def merge(self, d1, qmax=-1, qmin=-1, fix_scale=-1):
        combine the data in self and d1
        scale d1 intensity to match self
        self and d1 should have the same qgrid

        if qmax or qmin <0
        simply keep the WAXS data that is beyond qmax for the SAXS data
        this is useful for utilizing WAXS to normalize intensity but keep SAXS data only

        print("merging data: %s and %s ..." % (self.label, d1.label))
        if not (d1.qgrid == self.qgrid).all():
            print("merging data sets should have the same qgrid.")

        # this gives the overlapping region
        idx = (self.data > 0) & (d1.data > 0)

        if len(self.qgrid[idx]) > 0:
            qmin0 = min(d1.qgrid[idx])
            qmax0 = max(self.qgrid[idx])
            # merge SAXS/WAXS based on intensity in the overlapping region
            if qmax0 < qmax:
                qmax = qmax0
            if qmin0 > qmin:
                qmin = qmin0
            idx = (self.qgrid > qmin) & (self.qgrid < qmax)
            # save the raw data in case needed, e.g. for ploting
            self.overlaps.append({'q_overlap': self.qgrid[idx],
                                  'raw_data1': self.data[idx],
                                  'raw_data2': d1.data[idx]})
            # no overlap
            # simply stack WAXS data to the high q end of SAXS data
            qmin = qmax = max(self.qgrid[self.data > 0])
        # idx = np.asarray([],dtype=int)

        if len(self.qgrid[idx]) < 2:
            print("data sets are not overlapping in the given q range.")
            if fix_scale < 0:
                fix_scale = 1
                print("forcing fix_scale=1.")
        elif len(self.qgrid[idx]) < 10:
            print("too few overlapping points: %d" % len(self.qgrid[idx]))

        if fix_scale > 0:
            # For a given experimental configuration, the intensity normlization
            # factor between the SAXS and WAXS should be well-defined. This factor
            # can be determined using scattering data with siginificant intensity
            # in the overlapping q-range and applied to all data collected in the
            # same configuration.
            sc = fix_scale
            # idx = idx[1:-1]
            sc = np.linalg.lstsq(np.asmatrix(self.data[idx]).T, np.asmatrix(d1.data[idx]).T)[0]
            sc = np.trace(sc)

        d1.data /= sc
        d1.err /= sc
        if len(self.qgrid[idx]) > 0:
            self.overlaps[-1]['raw_data2'] /= sc

        self.label = common_name(self.label, d1.label)
        print("set2 scaled by 1/%f" % sc)
        print("merged set re-named %s." % self.label)

        if len(self.qgrid[idx]) > 0:
            self.data[idx] = (self.data[idx] + d1.data[idx]) / 2
            # this won't work well if the merging data are mis-matched before bkg subtraction
            # but match well after bkg subtraction
            # self.err[idx] = (self.err[idx]+d1.err[idx])/2+np.fabs(self.data[idx]-d1.data[idx])
            self.err[idx] = (self.err[idx] + d1.err[idx]) / 2
        self.data[self.qgrid >= qmax] = d1.data[self.qgrid >= qmax]
        self.err[self.qgrid >= qmax] = d1.err[self.qgrid >= qmax]

        self.comments += "# merged with the following set by matching intensity within (%.4f, %.4f)," % (qmin, qmax)
        self.comments += " scaled by %f\n" % sc
        self.comments += d1.comments.replace("# ", "## ")
コード例 #2
ファイル: slnXS.py プロジェクト: hhslepicka/pyXS
    def avg(self, dsets, plot_data=False, ax=None):
        dset is a collection of Data1d
        ax is the Axes to plot the data in
        TODO: should calculate something like the cross-correlation between sets
        to evaluate the consistency between them
        print("averaging data with %s:" % self.label, end=' ')
        n = 1
        if plot_data:
            if ax is None:
                ax = plt.gca()
            ax.set_xlabel("$q (\AA^{-1})$", fontsize='x-large')
            ax.set_ylabel("$I$", fontsize='x-large')
            idx = (self.data > 0)
            ax.errorbar(self.qgrid[idx], self.data[idx], self.err[idx], label=self.label)
            for ov in self.overlaps:
                ax.plot(ov['q_overlap'], ov['raw_data1'], "v")
                ax.plot(ov['q_overlap'], ov['raw_data2'], "^")

        for d1 in dsets:
            print("%s " % d1.label, end=' ')
            if not (self.qgrid == d1.qgrid).all():
                print("\n1D sets cannot be averaged: qgrid mismatch")
            self.trans += d1.trans
            self.data += d1.data
            self.err += d1.err
            self.comments += "# averaged with \n%s" % d1.comments.replace("# ", "## ")
            if plot_data:
                idx = (d1.data > 0)  # Remove Zeros on plot
                ax.errorbar(d1.qgrid[idx], d1.data[idx] * VOFFSET ** n, d1.err[idx] * VOFFSET ** n, label=d1.label)
                for ov in d1.overlaps:
                    ax.plot(ov['q_overlap'], ov['raw_data1'] * VOFFSET ** n, "v")
                    ax.plot(ov['q_overlap'], ov['raw_data2'] * VOFFSET ** n, "^")
            n += 1
            self.label = common_name(self.label, d1.label)

        self.trans /= n
        self.data /= n
        self.err /= np.sqrt(n)
        print("\naveraged set re-named to %s." % self.label)

        if plot_data:
            # plot the averaged data over each individual curve
            for i in range(n):
                if i == 0:
                    idx = (self.data > 0)  # Remove Zeros on plot
                    handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
                    lbl = "averaged" if "averaged" not in labels else ""
                    ax.plot(self.qgrid[idx], self.data[idx] * VOFFSET ** i, color="gray", lw=2, ls="--", label=lbl)
                    idx = (self.data > 0)  # Remove Zeros on plot
                    ax.plot(self.qgrid[idx], self.data[idx] * VOFFSET ** i, color="gray", lw=2, ls="--")
            leg = ax.legend(loc='upper right', frameon=False)

            for t in leg.get_texts():