def main(): init = zcam.PyInitParameters( camera_resolution=sl.PyRESOLUTION.PyRESOLUTION_HD720, depth_mode=sl.PyDEPTH_MODE.PyDEPTH_MODE_PERFORMANCE, coordinate_units=sl.PyUNIT.PyUNIT_METER, coordinate_system=sl.PyCOORDINATE_SYSTEM. PyCOORDINATE_SYSTEM_RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP, sdk_verbose=True) cam = zcam.PyZEDCamera() status = if status != tp.PyERROR_CODE.PySUCCESS: print(repr(status)) exit() transform = core.PyTransform() tracking_params = zcam.PyTrackingParameters(transform) cam.enable_tracking(tracking_params) runtime = zcam.PyRuntimeParameters() camera_pose = zcam.PyPose() viewer = tv.PyTrackingViewer() viewer.init() py_translation = core.PyTranslation() start_zed(cam, runtime, camera_pose, viewer, py_translation) viewer.exit() glutMainLoop()
def __init__(self, inputQueue, outputQueue, visualize): self.inputQueue = inputQueue self.outputQueue = outputQueue #self.outputQueueImages = outputQueueImages self.visualize = visualize self.xlist = [] self.ylist = [] if (self.visualize): plt.figure(1) init = zcam.PyInitParameters( camera_resolution=sl.PyRESOLUTION.PyRESOLUTION_VGA, depth_mode=sl.PyDEPTH_MODE.PyDEPTH_MODE_PERFORMANCE, coordinate_units=sl.PyUNIT.PyUNIT_METER, coordinate_system=sl.PyCOORDINATE_SYSTEM. PyCOORDINATE_SYSTEM_RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP, sdk_verbose=False) cam = zcam.PyZEDCamera() self.image = core.PyMat() status = if status != tp.PyERROR_CODE.PySUCCESS: print(repr(status)) exit() transform = core.PyTransform() tracking_params = zcam.PyTrackingParameters(transform) cam.enable_tracking(tracking_params) runtime = zcam.PyRuntimeParameters() camera_pose = zcam.PyPose() py_translation = core.PyTranslation() print("Starting ZEDPositioning") self.start_zed(cam, runtime, camera_pose, py_translation)
def main(): # Create a PyZEDCamera object zed = zcam.PyZEDCamera() # Create a PyInitParameters object and set configuration parameters init_params = zcam.PyInitParameters() init_params.camera_resolution = sl.PyRESOLUTION.PyRESOLUTION_HD720 # Use HD720 video mode (default fps: 60) # Use a right-handed Y-up coordinate system init_params.coordinate_system = sl.PyCOORDINATE_SYSTEM.PyCOORDINATE_SYSTEM_RIGHT_HANDED_Y_UP init_params.coordinate_units = sl.PyUNIT.PyUNIT_METER # Set units in meters # Open the camera err = if err != tp.PyERROR_CODE.PySUCCESS: exit(1) # Enable positional tracking with default parameters py_transform = core.PyTransform( ) # First create a PyTransform object for PyTrackingParameters object tracking_parameters = zcam.PyTrackingParameters(init_pos=py_transform) err = zed.enable_tracking(tracking_parameters) if err != tp.PyERROR_CODE.PySUCCESS: exit(1) # Track the camera position during 1000 frames i = 0 zed_pose = zcam.PyPose() runtime_parameters = zcam.PyRuntimeParameters() while i < 1000: if zed.grab(runtime_parameters) == tp.PyERROR_CODE.PySUCCESS: # Get the pose of the left eye of the camera with reference to the world frame zed.get_position(zed_pose, sl.PyREFERENCE_FRAME.PyREFERENCE_FRAME_WORLD) # Display the translation and timestamp py_translation = core.PyTranslation() tx = round(zed_pose.get_translation(py_translation).get()[0], 3) ty = round(zed_pose.get_translation(py_translation).get()[1], 3) tz = round(zed_pose.get_translation(py_translation).get()[2], 3) print("Translation: Tx: {0}, Ty: {1}, Tz {2}, Timestamp: {3}\n". format(tx, ty, tz, zed_pose.timestamp)) # Display the orientation quaternion py_orientation = core.PyOrientation() ox = round(zed_pose.get_orientation(py_orientation).get()[0], 3) oy = round(zed_pose.get_orientation(py_orientation).get()[1], 3) oz = round(zed_pose.get_orientation(py_orientation).get()[2], 3) ow = round(zed_pose.get_orientation(py_orientation).get()[3], 3) print("Orientation: Ox: {0}, Oy: {1}, Oz {2}, Ow: {3}\n".format( ox, oy, oz, ow)) i = i + 1 # Close the camera zed.close()
def enable_tracking(self, init_vector=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), load_area=False): params = default_tracking_params() if load_area is not False: params.area_file_path = load_area self.overall_status = # enables tracking and updates overall_status at the same time translation = core.PyTranslation() translation.init_vector(init_vector[0], init_vector[1], init_vector[2]) # X, Y, Z transform = core.PyTransform() transform.set_translation(translation) params.set_initial_world_transform(transform) # sets position equal to coordinates in init_vector # TODO TODO TODO self.transformer = rigid_pose_transform((-init_vector[0], -init_vector[1], -init_vector[2])) # saves function that transforms poses such that they ignore the init_vector self.pose = zcam.PyPose() self.tracking_status = 'Enabled'
def main(): connection_string = '/dev/ttyACM0' print("Connecting to vehicle on: %s" % (connection_string)) vehicle = connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True, vehicle_class=MyVehicle) print('zed prep') zed, image, zed_pose = initZed(30) print('zed open') index, time_prev, time_current, time_bias = 0, 0, 0, 0 key = ' ' file = open("Data/0_data.txt", "w") while key != 113: if zed.grab(zcam.PyRuntimeParameters()) == tp.PyERROR_CODE.PySUCCESS: if index % 3 == 0: zed.get_position(zed_pose, sl.PyREFERENCE_FRAME.PyREFERENCE_FRAME_WORLD) tx, ty, tz = getPos(zed_pose, core.PyTranslation()) zed.retrieve_image(image, sl.PyVIEW.PyVIEW_LEFT) img = image.get_data()[:, :, 0:3] cv2.imshow('dd', img) key = cv2.waitKey(1) cv2.imwrite('Data/' + str(index) + '.jpg', img) time_prev, freq = getFreq(time_prev, zed.get_camera_timestamp()) file.write( "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n" % (1 / freq, tx, ty, tz, vehicle.location._lat, vehicle.location._lon, vehicle.location._relative_alt, vehicle.attitude.roll, vehicle.attitude.pitch, vehicle.attitude.yaw, vehicle._pitchspeed, vehicle._rollspeed, vehicle._yawspeed, vehicle.raw_imu.xacc, vehicle.raw_imu.yacc, vehicle.raw_imu.zacc, vehicle.raw_imu.xgyro, vehicle.raw_imu.ygyro, vehicle.raw_imu.zgyro, vehicle.raw_imu.xmag, vehicle.raw_imu.ymag, vehicle.raw_imu.zmag)) index += 1 cv2.destroyAllWindows() file.close() zed.close()
def position(self): if self._tracking_status == sl.PyTRACKING_STATE.PyTRACKING_STATE_OK: return self.pose.get_translation(core.PyTranslation()).get() else: return None