コード例 #1
 def test_compressed_octree_works_for_large_domain(self):
     # Given
     pa = self._make_particles(20)
     # We turn on cache so it computes all the neighbors quickly for us.
     nps = nnps.CompressedOctreeNNPS(dim=3, particles=[pa], cache=True)
     nbrs = UIntArray()
     direct = UIntArray()
     nps.set_context(0, 0)
     for i in range(pa.get_number_of_particles()):
         nps.get_nearest_particles(0, 0, i, nbrs)
         nps.brute_force_neighbors(0, 0, i, direct)
         x = nbrs.get_npy_array()
         y = direct.get_npy_array()
         x.sort(); y.sort()
         assert numpy.all(x == y)
コード例 #2
ファイル: geometry.py プロジェクト: mpcsdspa/pysph
def remove_overlap_particles(fluid_parray, solid_parray, dx_solid, dim=3):
    This function will take 2 particle arrays as input and will remove all
    the particles of the first particle array which are in the vicinity of
    the particles from second particle array. The function will remove all
    the particles within the dx_solid vicinity so some particles are removed
    at the outer surface of the particles from the second particle array.
    This uses a pysph nearest neighbour particles search which will output
    the particles within some range for every given particle.

    fluid_parray : a pysph particle array object
    solid_parray : a pysph particle array object
    dx_solid : a number which is the dx of the second particle array
    dim : dimensionality of the problem

    The particle arrays should atleast contain x, y and h values for a 2d case
    and atleast x, y, z and h values for a 3d case

    particle_array : pysph wcsph_particle_array with x, y, z and h values

    x = fluid_parray.x
    x1 = solid_parray.x
    y = fluid_parray.y
    y1 = solid_parray.y
    z = fluid_parray.z
    z1 = solid_parray.z
    h = fluid_parray.h
    if dim == 2:
        z = np.zeros_like(x)
        z1 = np.zeros_like(x1)
    modified_points = []
    h_new = []
    ll_nnps = LinkedListNNPS(dim, [fluid_parray, solid_parray])
    for i in range(len(x)):
        nbrs = UIntArray()
        ll_nnps.get_nearest_particles(1, 0, i, nbrs)
        point_i = np.array([x[i], y[i], z[i]])
        near_points = nbrs.get_npy_array()
        distances = []
        for ind in near_points:
            dest = [x1[ind], y1[ind], z1[ind]]
            distances.append(distance(point_i, dest))
        if len(distances) == 0:
        elif min(distances) >= (dx_solid * (1.0 - 1.0e-07)):
    modified_points = np.array(modified_points)
    x_new = modified_points[:, 0]
    y_new = modified_points[:, 1]
    z_new = modified_points[:, 2]
    p_array = get_particle_array_wcsph(x=x_new, y=y_new, z=z_new, h=h_new)
    return p_array
コード例 #3
    def test_cache_updates_with_changed_particles(self):
        # Given
        pa1 = self._make_random_parray('pa1', 5)
        particles = [pa1]
        nnps = LinkedListNNPS(dim=3, particles=particles)
        cache = NeighborCache(nnps, dst_index=0, src_index=0)

        # When
        pa2 = self._make_random_parray('pa2', 2)
        pa1.add_particles(x=pa2.x, y=pa2.y, z=pa2.z)
        nb_cached = UIntArray()
        nb_direct = UIntArray()
        for i in range(len(particles[0].x)):
            nnps.get_nearest_particles_no_cache(0, 0, i, nb_direct, False)
            cache.get_neighbors(0, i, nb_cached)
            nb_e = nb_direct.get_npy_array()
            nb_c = nb_cached.get_npy_array()
            self.assertTrue(np.all(nb_e == nb_c))
コード例 #4
    def test_neighbors_cached_properly(self):
        # Given
        pa1 = self._make_random_parray('pa1', 5)
        pa2 = self._make_random_parray('pa2', 4)
        particles = [pa1, pa2]
        nnps = LinkedListNNPS(dim=3, particles=particles)

        for dst_index in (0, 1):
            for src_idx in (0, 1):
                # When
                cache = NeighborCache(nnps, dst_index, src_idx)
                nb_cached = UIntArray()
                nb_direct = UIntArray()

                # Then.
                for i in range(len(particles[dst_index].x)):
                        src_idx, dst_index, i, nb_direct, False)
                    cache.get_neighbors(src_idx, i, nb_cached)
                    nb_e = nb_direct.get_npy_array()
                    nb_c = nb_cached.get_npy_array()
                    self.assertTrue(np.all(nb_e == nb_c))
コード例 #5
    def test_empty_neigbors_works_correctly(self):
        # Given
        pa1 = self._make_random_parray('pa1', 5)
        pa2 = self._make_random_parray('pa2', 2)
        pa2.x += 10.0
        particles = [pa1, pa2]

        # When
        nnps = LinkedListNNPS(dim=3, particles=particles)
        # Cache for neighbors of destination 0.
        cache = NeighborCache(nnps, dst_index=0, src_index=1)

        # Then
        nb_cached = UIntArray()
        nb_direct = UIntArray()
        for i in range(len(particles[0].x)):
            nnps.get_nearest_particles_no_cache(1, 0, i, nb_direct, False)
            # Get neighbors from source 1 on destination 0.
            cache.get_neighbors(src_index=1, d_idx=i, nbrs=nb_cached)
            nb_e = nb_direct.get_npy_array()
            nb_c = nb_cached.get_npy_array()
            self.assertEqual(len(nb_e), 0)
            self.assertTrue(np.all(nb_e == nb_c))
コード例 #6
ファイル: geometry.py プロジェクト: Duigi/pysph
def find_overlap_particles(fluid_parray, solid_parray, dx_solid, dim=3):
    """This function will take 2 particle arrays as input and will find all the
    particles of the first particle array which are in the vicinity of the
    particles from second particle array. The function will find all the
    particles within the dx_solid vicinity so some particles may be identified
    at the outer surface of the particles from the second particle array.

    The particle arrays should atleast contain x, y and h values for a 2d case
    and atleast x, y, z and h values for a 3d case.

    fluid_parray : a pysph particle array object
    solid_parray : a pysph particle array object
    dx_solid : a number which is the dx of the second particle array
    dim : dimensionality of the problem

    list of particle indices to remove from the first array.


    x = fluid_parray.x
    x1 = solid_parray.x
    y = fluid_parray.y
    y1 = solid_parray.y
    z = fluid_parray.z
    z1 = solid_parray.z
    if dim == 2:
        z = np.zeros_like(x)
        z1 = np.zeros_like(x1)
    to_remove = []
    ll_nnps = LinkedListNNPS(dim, [fluid_parray, solid_parray])
    for i in range(len(x)):
        nbrs = UIntArray()
        ll_nnps.get_nearest_particles(1, 0, i, nbrs)
        point_i = np.array([x[i], y[i], z[i]])
        near_points = nbrs.get_npy_array()
        distances = []
        for ind in near_points:
            dest = [x1[ind], y1[ind], z1[ind]]
            distances.append(distance(point_i, dest))
        if len(distances) == 0:
        elif min(distances) < (dx_solid * (1.0 - 1.0e-07)):
    return to_remove
コード例 #7
    def test_nnps_sorts_without_gids(self):
        # Given
        pa, nps = self._make_particles(10)

        # When
        nps.set_context(0, 0)
        # Test the that gids are actually huge and invalid.
        self.assertEqual(numpy.max(pa.gid), numpy.min(pa.gid))
        self.assertTrue(numpy.max(pa.gid) > pa.gid.size)

        # Then
        nbrs = UIntArray()
        for i in range(pa.get_number_of_particles()):
            nps.get_nearest_particles(0, 0, i, nbrs)
            nb = nbrs.get_npy_array()
            sorted_nbrs = nb.copy()
            self.assertTrue(numpy.all(nb == sorted_nbrs))
コード例 #8
# container for neighbors
nbrs = UIntArray()

# arrays including ghosts
x, y, h, m  = pa.get('x', 'y', 'h', 'm', only_real_particles=False)

# iterate over destination particles
t1 = time()
max_ngb = -1
for i in range( pa.num_real_particles ):
    xi = x[i]; yi = y[i]; hi = h[i]
    # get list of neighbors
    nps.get_nearest_particles(0, 0, i, nbrs)
    neighbors = nbrs.get_npy_array()

    max_ngb = max( neighbors.size, max_ngb )

    # iterate over the neighbor set
    rho_sum = 0.0; wij_sum = 0.0
    for j in neighbors:
        xij = xi - x[j]
        yij = yi - y[j]

        rij = numpy.sqrt( xij**2 + yij**2 )
        hij = 0.5 * (h[i] + h[j])

        _wij = k.kernel( [xij, yij, 0.0], rij, hij)

        # contribution from this neibhor
コード例 #9
            print "Neighbor search",nl_updates
            pa = get_particle_array(name='prot', x=rx, y=ry, z=rz, h=1.0) #h=1.0 must not be changed as it affects radius_scale in nnps.LinkedListNNPS
            nps = nnps.LinkedListNNPS(dim=3, particles=[pa], radius_scale=rcut2)  
            #nps = nnps.SpatialHashNNPS(dim=3, particles=[pa], radius_scale=rcut2)  
            src_index = 0
            dst_index = 0
            neighbors = []
            tot = 0

            for i in range(nca):
                nbrs = UIntArray()
                nps.get_nearest_particles(src_index, dst_index, i, nbrs)
                tmp = nbrs.get_npy_array().tolist()
                # patch
                if tmp.count(i) > 1:
                    print "Problems: nbrs has multiple occurrences of residue %d, which might indicate something wrong in pysph (for certain radius_scale values)" %(i)
                    print "Patching this problem by assuming that residue %d has no neighbors other than itself" % (i)
                    tmp = [i]

                nneigh = len(tmp)
                tot += nneigh
                #I do not want neighbors that are only the i-th particle (i.e. self) 
                #I want the "central" atom as the first element: THIS IS FUNDAMENTAL FOR HOW all_pairs_in_nl WORKS  
                if (nneigh > 1): 
コード例 #10
nbrs = UIntArray()

# arrays including ghosts
x, y, h, m = pa.get('x', 'y', 'h', 'm', only_real_particles=False)

# iterate over destination particles
t1 = time()
max_ngb = -1
for i in range(pa.num_real_particles):
    xi = x[i]
    yi = y[i]
    hi = h[i]

    # get list of neighbors
    nps.get_nearest_particles(0, 0, i, nbrs)
    neighbors = nbrs.get_npy_array()

    max_ngb = max(neighbors.size, max_ngb)

    # iterate over the neighbor set
    rho_sum = 0.0
    wij_sum = 0.0
    for j in neighbors:
        xij = xi - x[j]
        yij = yi - y[j]

        rij = numpy.sqrt(xij**2 + yij**2)
        hij = 0.5 * (h[i] + h[j])

        _wij = k.kernel([xij, yij, 0.0], rij, hij)