コード例 #1
def test_result_wrong_serialization(water, result_input, res_failure):
    res_out = Result(molecule=water, **result_input, **res_failure)
    assert isinstance(res_out.error, ComputeError)
    assert isinstance(res_out.dict(), dict)
    out_json = res_out.json()
    assert isinstance(out_json, str)
    assert 'its all good' in out_json
コード例 #2
def test_result_pass_serialization(water, result_input, res_success):
    res_in = ResultInput(molecule=water, **result_input)
    assert isinstance(res_in.dict(), dict)
    assert isinstance(res_in.json(), str)

    res_out = Result(molecule=water, **result_input, **res_success)
    assert isinstance(res_out.dict(), dict)
    assert isinstance(res_out.json(), str)
コード例 #3
    def parse_output(self, outfiles: Dict[str, str], input_model: 'ResultInput') -> 'Result':

        # gamessmol, if it exists, is dinky, just a clue to geometry of gamess results
        qcvars, gamessgrad, gamessmol = harvest(input_model.molecule, outfiles["stdout"])

        if gamessgrad is not None:
            qcvars['CURRENT GRADIENT'] = gamessgrad

        qcvars = unnp(qcvars, flat=True)

        output_data = {
            'schema_name': 'qcschema_output',
            'molecule': gamessmol,
            'schema_version': 1,
            'extras': {},
            'properties': {
                'nuclear_repulsion_energy': gamessmol.nuclear_repulsion_energy(),
            'return_result': qcvars[f'CURRENT {input_model.driver.upper()}'],
            'stdout': outfiles["stdout"],

        # got to even out who needs plump/flat/Decimal/float/ndarray/list
        output_data['extras']['qcvars'] = {
            k.upper(): float(v) if isinstance(v, Decimal) else v
            for k, v in qcel.util.unnp(qcvars, flat=True).items()

        output_data['success'] = True

        return Result(**{**input_model.dict(), **output_data})
コード例 #4
def opti_success(water, result_input, res_success):
    res = Result(molecule=water, **result_input, **res_success)
    return {
        "success": True,
        "trajectory": [res] * 3,
        "final_molecule": water,
        "energies": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
コード例 #5
ファイル: compute_wrappers.py プロジェクト: fmarberg/optking
    def _compute(self, driver):

        import psi4

        inp = self.generate_schema_input(driver)
        ret = psi4.json_wrapper.run_json(inp.dict())
        ret = Result(**ret)
        return ret
コード例 #6
ファイル: runner.py プロジェクト: bdice/QCEngine
    def parse_output(self, outfiles: Dict[str, str],
                     input_model: 'ResultInput') -> 'Result':

        #        print('PARSE')
        #        pp.pprint(outfiles)

        # gamessmol, if it exists, is dinky, just a clue to geometry of gamess results
        qcvars, gamessgrad, gamessmol = harvest(
            input_model.molecule, outfiles["stdout"])  #**gamessfiles)

        if gamessgrad is not None:
            qcvars['CURRENT GRADIENT'] = gamessgrad

        qcvars = unnp(qcvars, flat=True)

        output_data = {
            'schema_name': 'qcschema_output',
            'molecule': gamessmol,
            'schema_version': 1,
            'extras': {},
            'properties': {
            'return_result': qcvars[f'CURRENT {input_model.driver.upper()}'],
            'stdout': outfiles["stdout"],

        #        # Absorb results into psi4 data structures
        #        for key in qcvars.keys():
        #            core.set_variable(key.upper(), float(qcvars[key]))

        #        if qcdbmolecule is None and gamessmol is not None:
        #            molecule = geometry(gamessmol.create_psi4_string_from_molecule(), name='blank_molecule_psi4_yo')
        #            molecule.update_geometry()
        #            # This case arises when no Molecule going into calc (cfour {} block) but want
        #            #   to know the orientation at which grad, properties, etc. are returned (c4mol).
        #            #   c4mol is dinky, w/o chg, mult, dummies and retains name
        #            #   blank_molecule_psi4_yo so as to not interfere with future cfour {} blocks

        # got to even out who needs plump/flat/Decimal/float/ndarray/list
        output_data['extras']['qcvars'] = {
            k.upper(): float(v) if isinstance(v, Decimal) else v
            for k, v in qcel.util.unnp(qcvars, flat=True).items()

        #        # Quit if gamess threw error
        #        if core.get_variable('GAMESS ERROR CODE'):
        #            raise ValidationError("""gamess exited abnormally.""")
        #        P4GAMESS_INFO.clear()
        #        P4GAMESS_INFO.update(internal_p4gamess_info)
        #        optstash.restore()

        output_data['success'] = True

        return Result(**{**input_model.dict(), **output_data})
コード例 #7
def psi4(input_model, config):
    Runs Psi4 in API mode

        import psi4
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError("Could not find Psi4 in the Python path.")

    # Setup the job
    input_data = input_model.copy().dict()
    input_data["nthreads"] = config.ncores
    input_data["memory"] = int(config.memory * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 *
                               0.95)  # Memory in bytes
    input_data["success"] = False
    reset_schema = False
    if input_data["schema_name"] == "qcschema_input":
        input_data["schema_name"] = "qc_schema_input"
        reset_schema = True

    scratch = config.scratch_directory
    if scratch is not None:
        input_data["scratch_location"] = scratch

    psi_version = _parse_psi_version(psi4.__version__)

    if psi_version > parse_version("1.2"):

        mol = psi4.core.Molecule.from_schema(input_data)
        if mol.multiplicity() != 1:
            input_data["keywords"]["reference"] = "uks"

        output_data = psi4.json_wrapper.run_json(input_data)

        raise TypeError(
            "Psi4 version '{}' not understood.".format(psi_version))

    if reset_schema:
        output_data["schema_name"] = "qcschema_input"
    # Dispatch errors, PSIO Errors are not recoverable for future runs
    if output_data["success"] is False:

        if "PSIO Error" in output_data["error"]:
            raise ValueError(output_data["error"])

    # Move several pieces up a level
    if output_data["success"]:
        output_data["provenance"]["memory"] = round(
            input_data["memory"] / (1024**3), 3)
        output_data["provenance"]["nthreads"] = input_data["nthreads"]
        del output_data["memory"], input_data["nthreads"]
        return Result(**output_data)
    return FailedOperation(success=output_data.pop("success", False),
コード例 #8
ファイル: runner.py プロジェクト: alongd/QCEngine
    def compute(self, input_data: 'ResultInput', config: 'JobConfig') -> 'Result':

        # Set up the job
        input_data = input_data.copy().dict()
        input_data["success"] = False

        output_data = run_json(input_data)

        if output_data["success"]:
            return Result(**output_data)
        return FailedOperation(
            success=output_data.pop("success", False), error=output_data.pop("error"), input_data=output_data)
コード例 #9
ファイル: runner.py プロジェクト: nstair/QCEngine
    def parse_output(self, outfiles: Dict[str, str],
                     input_model: 'ResultInput') -> 'Result':

        stdout = outfiles.pop("stdout")

        # nwmol, if it exists, is dinky, just a clue to geometry of nwchem results
        #        qcvars, c4hess, c4grad, c4mol, version, errorTMP = harvest(input_model.molecule, stdout, **outfiles)
        #ORIGpsivar, nwhess, nwgrad, nwmol, version, errorTMP = harvester.harvest(qmol, nwchemrec['stdout'], **nwfiles)
        qcvars, nwhess, nwgrad, nwmol, version, errorTMP = harvest(
            input_model.molecule, stdout, **outfiles)

        if nwgrad is not None:
            qcvars['CURRENT GRADIENT'] = nwgrad

        if nwhess is not None:
            qcvars['CURRENT HESSIAN'] = nwhess

        retres = qcvars[f'CURRENT {input_model.driver.upper()}']
        if isinstance(retres, Decimal):
            retres = float(retres)
        elif isinstance(retres, np.ndarray):
            retres = retres.ravel().tolist()

        output_data = {
            'extras': {
                'outfiles': outfiles,
            'properties': {},

        # got to even out who needs plump/flat/Decimal/float/ndarray/list
        # Decimal --> str preserves precision
        output_data['extras']['qcvars'] = {
            k.upper(): str(v) if isinstance(v, Decimal) else v
            for k, v in qcel.util.unnp(qcvars, flat=True).items()

        output_data['success'] = True
        return Result(**{**input_model.dict(), **output_data})
コード例 #10
    def compute(self, input_data: 'ResultInput',
                config: 'JobConfig') -> 'Result':

        if not which('dftd3', return_bool=True):
            raise ImportError("Could not find dftd3 in the envvar path.")

        # Setup the job
        input_data = input_data.copy().dict()
        input_data["success"] = False

        output_data = run_json(input_data)

        if output_data["success"]:
            return Result(**output_data)
        return FailedOperation(success=output_data.pop("success", False),
コード例 #11
    def parse_output(self, outfiles: Dict[str, str],
                     input_model: 'ResultInput') -> 'Result':

        output_data = {}
        properties = {}

        # Parse the output file, collect properties and gradient
        output_lines = outfiles["dispatch.out"].split('\n')
        gradients = []
        natom = len(input_model.molecule.symbols)
        for idx, line in enumerate(output_lines):
            fields = line.split()
            if fields[:1] == ["energy:"]:
                properties["scf_total_energy"] = float(fields[-1])
            elif fields[:2] == ["Molecular", "Dipole:"]:
                properties["scf_dipole_moment"] = [
                    float(x) for x in fields[2:5]
            elif fields[:3] == ["SCF", "converged", "in"]:
                properties["scf_iterations"] = int(fields[3])
            elif fields == ["Gradient", "(hartree/bohr):"]:
                # Gradient is stored as (dE/dx1,dE/dy1,dE/dz1,dE/dx2,dE/dy2,...)
                for i in range(idx + 2, idx + 2 + natom):
                    grad = output_lines[i].strip('\n').split()[1:]
                    gradients.extend([float(x) for x in grad])

        if input_model.driver == 'gradient':
            if len(gradients) == 0:
                raise ValueError('Gradient not found.')
                output_data["return_result"] = gradients

        # Replace return_result with final_energy if gradient wasn't called
        if "return_result" not in output_data:
            if "scf_total_energy" in properties:
                output_data["return_result"] = properties["scf_total_energy"]
                raise KeyError("Could not find SCF total energy")

        output_data["properties"] = properties
        output_data['schema_name'] = 'qcschema_output'
        output_data['success'] = True

        return Result(**{**input_model.dict(), **output_data})
コード例 #12
ファイル: psi4.py プロジェクト: nuwandesilva/QCEngine
    def compute(self, input_model: 'ResultInput',
                config: 'JobConfig') -> 'Result':
        Runs Psi4 in API mode

        # Setup the job
        input_data = input_model.json_dict()
        input_data["nthreads"] = config.ncores
        input_data["memory"] = int(config.memory * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 *
                                   0.95)  # Memory in bytes
        input_data["success"] = False
        input_data["return_output"] = True

        if input_data["schema_name"] == "qcschema_input":
            input_data["schema_name"] = "qc_schema_input"

        if config.scratch_directory:
            input_data["scratch_location"] = config.scratch_directory

        if parse_version(self.get_version()) > parse_version("1.2"):

            caseless_keywords = {
                k.lower(): v
                for k, v in input_model.keywords.items()
            if (input_model.molecule.molecular_multiplicity !=
                    1) and ("reference" not in caseless_keywords):
                input_data["keywords"]["reference"] = "uhf"

            # Execute the program
            success, output = execute([which("psi4"), "--json", "data.json"],
                                      {"data.json": json.dumps(input_data)},

            if success:
                output_data = json.loads(output["outfiles"]["data.json"])
                if "extras" not in output_data:
                    output_data["extras"] = {}

                # Check QCVars
                local_qcvars = output_data.pop("psi4:qcvars", None)
                if local_qcvars:
                    # Edge case where we might already have qcvars, should not happen
                    if "qcvars" in output_data["extras"]:
                        output_data["extras"]["local_qcvars"] = local_qcvars
                        output_data["extras"]["qcvars"] = local_qcvars

                if output_data["success"] is False:
                    if "error_message" not in output_data["error"]:
                        # older c. 1.3 message-only run_json
                        output_data["error"] = {
                            "error_type": "internal_error",
                            "error_message": output_data["error"]
                output_data = input_data
                output_data["error"] = {
                    "error_type": "execution_error",
                    "error_message": output["stderr"]

            raise ResourceError("Psi4 version '{}' not understood.".format(

        # Reset the schema if required
        output_data["schema_name"] = "qcschema_output"

        # Dispatch errors, PSIO Errors are not recoverable for future runs
        if output_data["success"] is False:
            error_message = output_data["error"]["error_message"]

            if "PSIO Error" in error_message:
                if "scratch directory" in error_message:
                    # Psi4 cannot access the folder or file
                    raise ResourceError(error_message)
                    # Likely a random error, worth retrying
                    raise RandomError(error_message)
            elif "SIGSEV" in error_message:
                raise RandomError(error_message)
            elif "TypeError: set_global_option" in error_message:
                raise InputError(error_message)
            elif "RHF reference is only for singlets" in error_message:
                raise InputError(error_message)
                raise UnknownError(error_message)

        # Move several pieces up a level
        output_data["provenance"]["memory"] = round(
            output_data.pop("memory") / (1024**3), 3)  # Move back to GB
        output_data["provenance"]["nthreads"] = output_data.pop("nthreads")
        output_data["stdout"] = output_data.pop("raw_output", None)

        # Delete keys
        output_data.pop("return_output", None)
        output_data.pop("scratch_location", None)

        return Result(**output_data)
コード例 #13
    def parse_output(self, outfiles: Dict[str, str],
                     input_model: 'ResultInput') -> 'Result':
        tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(outfiles["dispatch.xml"]))
        root = tree.getroot()
        # print(root.tag)

        # TODO Read information from molecule tag
        #      - cml:molecule, cml:atomArray (?)
        #      - basisSet
        #      - orbitals
        output_data = {}
        properties = {}
        extras = {}
        name_space = {
            'molpro_uri': 'http://www.molpro.net/schema/molpro-output'

        # Molpro commands map
        molpro_map = {
            "Energy": {
                "HF": "scf_total_energy",
                "RHF": "scf_total_energy",
                "UHF": "scf_total_energy",
                "KS": "scf_total_energy",
                "RKS": "scf_total_energy",
                "UKS": "scf_total_energy"
            "total energy": {
                "MP2": "mp2_total_energy",
                "CCSD": "ccsd_total_energy",
                "CCSD(T)": "ccsd_prt_pr_total_energy"
            "correlation energy": {
                "MP2": "mp2_correlation_energy",
                "CCSD": "ccsd_correlation_energy",
                "ccsd_prt_pr_correlation_energy",  # Need both CCSD(T) and Total
                "ccsd_prt_pr_correlation_energy"  # Total corresponds to CCSD(T) correlation energy
            "singlet pair energy": {
                "MP2": "mp2_singlet_pair_energy",
                "CCSD": "ccsd_singlet_pair_energy"
            "triplet pair energy": {
                "MP2": "mp2_triplet_pair_energy",
                "CCSD": "ccsd_triplet_pair_energy"
            "Dipole moment": {
                "HF": "scf_dipole_moment",
                "RHF": "scf_dipole_moment",
                "UHF": "scf_dipole_moment",
                "KS": "scf_dipole_moment",
                "RKS": "scf_dipole_moment",
                "UKS": "scf_dipole_moment",
                "MP2": "mp2_dipole_moment",
                "CCSD": "ccsd_dipole_moment",
                "CCSD(T)": "ccsd_prt_pr_dipole_moment"

        # Started adding basic support for local correlation methods in Molpro
        molpro_extras_map = {
            "total energy": {
                "LMP2": "local_mp2_total_energy",
                "LCCSD": "local_ccsd_total_energy",
                "LCCSD(T0)": "local_ccsd_prt0_pr_total_energy",
                "LCCSD(T)": "local_ccsd_prt_pr_total_energy"
            "correlation energy": {
                "LMP2": "local_mp2_correlation_energy",
                "LCCSD": "local_ccsd_correlation_energy"
            "singlet pair energy": {
                "LMP2": "local_mp2_singlet_pair_energy",
                "LCCSD": "local_ccsd_singlet_pair_energy"
            "triplet pair energy": {
                "LMP2": "local_mp2_triplet_pair_energy",
                "LCCSD": "local_ccsd_triplet_pair_energy"
            "singles energy": {
                "LCCSD": "local_ccsd_singles_energy"
            # "strong pair energy": {
            #     "LCCSD": "local_ccsd_strong_pair_energy"
            # },
            # "weak pair energy": {
            #     "LMP2": "local_mp2_weak_pair_energy"
            # }

        # Molpro variables map used for quantities not found in the command map
        molpro_variable_map = {
            "_ENUC": "nuclear_repulsion_energy",
            "_DFTFUN": "scf_xc_energy",
            "_NELEC": ["calcinfo_nalpha", "calcinfo_nbeta"]
            # "_EMP2_SCS": "scs_mp2_total_energy"

        # Process data in molpro_map
        # Loop through each jobstep
        # The jobstep tag in Molpro contains output from commands (e.g. {HF}, {force})
        for jobstep in root.findall('molpro_uri:job/molpro_uri:jobstep',
            command = jobstep.attrib['command']
            if 'FORCE' in command:  # Grab gradient
                for child in jobstep.findall('molpro_uri:gradient',
                    # Stores gradient as a single list where the ordering is [1x, 1y, 1z, 2x, 2y, 2z, ...]
                    output_data['return_result'] = [
                        float(x) for x in child.text.split()
            else:  # Grab energies and dipole moment
                for child in jobstep.findall('molpro_uri:property',
                    property_name = child.attrib['name']
                    property_method = child.attrib['method']
                    value = child.attrib['value']
                    if property_name in molpro_map and property_method in molpro_map[
                        if property_name == "Dipole moment":
                                       [property_method]] = [
                                           float(x) for x in value.split()
                                       [property_method]] = float(value)
                    elif property_name in molpro_extras_map and property_method in molpro_extras_map[
                               [property_method]] = float(value)

        # Convert triplet and singlet pair correlation energies to opposite-spin and same-spin correlation energies
        if 'mp2_singlet_pair_energy' in properties and 'mp2_triplet_pair_energy' in properties:
            properties["mp2_same_spin_correlation_energy"] = (
                2.0 / 3.0) * properties['mp2_triplet_pair_energy']
            properties["mp2_opposite_spin_correlation_energy"] = (1.0 / 3.0) \
                                                                 * properties['mp2_triplet_pair_energy'] \
                                                                 + properties['mp2_singlet_pair_energy']
            del properties['mp2_singlet_pair_energy']
            del properties['mp2_triplet_pair_energy']

        if 'ccsd_singlet_pair_energy' in properties and 'ccsd_triplet_pair_energy' in properties:
            properties["ccsd_same_spin_correlation_energy"] = (
                2.0 / 3.0) * properties['ccsd_triplet_pair_energy']
            properties["ccsd_opposite_spin_correlation_energy"] = (1.0 / 3.0) \
                                                                  * properties['ccsd_triplet_pair_energy'] \
                                                                  + properties['ccsd_singlet_pair_energy']
            del properties['ccsd_singlet_pair_energy']
            del properties['ccsd_triplet_pair_energy']

        # Process data in molpro_variable_map
        # Note: For the DFT case molecule_method is the name of the functional plus R or U in front
        molecule = root.find('molpro_uri:job/molpro_uri:molecule', name_space)
        molecule_method = molecule.attrib['method']
        molecule_final_energy = float(
        )  # Energy from the molecule tag in case its needed
        # Loop over each variable under the variables tag to grab additional info from molpro_variable_map
        for variable in molecule.findall(
                'molpro_uri:variables/molpro_uri:variable', name_space):
            variable_name = variable.attrib['name']
            if variable_name in molpro_variable_map:
                if variable_name == "_NELEC":
                    nelec = int(float(variable[0].text))
                    nunpaired = (input_model.molecule.molecular_multiplicity -
                    nbeta = (nelec - nunpaired) // 2
                    nalpha = nelec - nbeta
                    properties[molpro_variable_map[variable_name][0]] = nalpha
                    properties[molpro_variable_map[variable_name][1]] = nbeta
                    properties[molpro_variable_map[variable_name]] = float(

        # Process basis set data
        basis_set = root.find(
        nbasis = int(basis_set.attrib['length'])
        # angular_type = basis_set.attrib['angular']  # cartesian vs spherical
        properties["calcinfo_nbasis"] = nbasis

        # Grab the method from input
        method = input_model.model.method.upper()

        # Determining the final energy
        # Throws an error if the energy isn't found for the method specified from the input_model.
        if method in molpro_map['total energy'].keys(
        ) and molpro_map['total energy'][method] in properties:
            final_energy = properties[molpro_map['total energy'][method]]
        elif method in molpro_map['Energy'].keys(
        ) and molpro_map['Energy'][method] in properties:
            final_energy = properties[molpro_map['Energy'][method]]
            # Back up method for determining final energy if not already present in properties
            # Use the total energy from the molecule tag if it matches the input method
            # if input_model.model.method.upper() in molecule_method:
            if method in molecule_method:
                final_energy = molecule_final_energy
                if method in self._post_hf_methods:
                    properties[molpro_map['total energy']
                               [method]] = molecule_final_energy
                    properties[molpro_map['correlation energy']
                               [method]] = molecule_final_energy - properties[
                elif method in self._dft_functionals:
                               ["KS"]] = molecule_final_energy
                elif method in self._hf_methods:
                               [method]] = molecule_final_energy
                raise KeyError(f"Could not find {method} total energy")

        # Determining return_result
        if "return_result" not in output_data:
            output_data["return_result"] = final_energy

        # Final output_data assignments needed for the Result object
        output_data["properties"] = properties
        output_data["extras"] = extras
        output_data['schema_name'] = 'qcschema_output'
        output_data['stdout'] = outfiles["dispatch.out"]
        output_data['success'] = True

        return Result(**{**input_model.dict(), **output_data})
コード例 #14
ファイル: torchani.py プロジェクト: alongd/QCEngine
    def compute(self, input_data: 'ResultInput', config: 'JobConfig') -> 'Result':
        Runs TorchANI in FF typing

        # Check if existings and version
        if parse_version(self.get_version()) < parse_version("0.5"):
            ret_data["error"] = ComputeError(
                error_type="version_error", error_message="QCEngine's TorchANI wrapper requires version 0.5 or greater.")
            return FailedOperation(input_data=input_data.dict(), **ret_data)

        import torch
        import numpy as np

        device = torch.device('cpu')

        # Failure flag
        ret_data = {"success": False}

        # Build model
        model = self.get_model(input_data.model.method)
        if model is False:
            ret_data["error"] = ComputeError(
                error_type="input_error", error_message="run_torchani only accepts the ANI1x or ANI1ccx method.")
            return FailedOperation(input_data=input_data.dict(), **ret_data)

        # Build species
        species = "".join(input_data.molecule.symbols)
        unknown_sym = set(species) - {"H", "C", "N", "O"}
        if unknown_sym:
            ret_data["error"] = ComputeError(
                error_message="The '{}' model does not support symbols: {}.".format(
                    input_data.model.method, unknown_sym))
            return FailedOperation(input_data=input_data.dict(), **ret_data)

        species = model.species_to_tensor(species).to(device).unsqueeze(0)

        # Build coord array
        geom_array = input_data.molecule.geometry.reshape(1, -1, 3) * ureg.conversion_factor("bohr", "angstrom")
        coordinates = torch.tensor(geom_array.tolist(), requires_grad=True, device=device)

        _, energy = model((species, coordinates))
        ret_data["properties"] = {"return_energy": energy.item()}

        if input_data.driver == "energy":
            ret_data["return_result"] = ret_data["properties"]["return_energy"]
        elif input_data.driver == "gradient":
            derivative = torch.autograd.grad(energy.sum(), coordinates)[0].squeeze()
            ret_data["return_result"] = np.asarray(
                derivative * ureg.conversion_factor("angstrom", "bohr")).ravel().tolist()
            ret_data["error"] = ComputeError(
                error_message="run_torchani did not understand driver method '{}'.".format(input_data.driver))
            return FailedOperation(input_data=input_data.dict(), **ret_data)

        ret_data["provenance"] = Provenance(
            creator="torchani", version="unknown", routine='torchani.builtin.aev_computer')

        ret_data["schema_name"] = "qcschema_output"
        ret_data["success"] = True

        # Form up a dict first, then sent to BaseModel to avoid repeat kwargs which don't override each other
        return Result(**{**input_data.dict(), **ret_data})
コード例 #15
ファイル: rdkit.py プロジェクト: sjayellis/QCEngine
    def compute(self, input_data: 'ResultInput',
                config: 'JobConfig') -> 'Result':
        Runs RDKit in FF typing

            import rdkit
            from rdkit import Chem
            from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
        except ModuleNotFoundError:
            raise ModuleNotFoundError(
                "Could not find RDKit in the Python path.")

        # Failure flag
        ret_data = {"success": False}

        # Build the Molecule
        jmol = input_data.molecule

        # Handle errors
        if abs(jmol.molecular_charge) > 1.e-6:
            ret_data["error"] = ComputeError(
                "run_rdkit does not currently support charged molecules")
            return FailedOperation(input_data=input_data.dict(), **ret_data)

        if not jmol.connectivity:  # Check for empty list
            ret_data["error"] = ComputeError(
                "run_rdkit molecule must have a connectivity graph")
            return FailedOperation(input_data=input_data.dict(), **ret_data)

        # Build out the base molecule
        base_mol = Chem.Mol()
        rw_mol = Chem.RWMol(base_mol)
        for sym in jmol.symbols:

        # Add in connectivity
        bond_types = {
            1: Chem.BondType.SINGLE,
            2: Chem.BondType.DOUBLE,
            3: Chem.BondType.TRIPLE
        for atom1, atom2, bo in jmol.connectivity:
            rw_mol.AddBond(atom1, atom2, bond_types[bo])

        mol = rw_mol.GetMol()

        # Write out the conformer
        natom = len(jmol.symbols)
        conf = Chem.Conformer(natom)
        bohr2ang = ureg.conversion_factor("bohr", "angstrom")
        for line in range(natom):
            conf.SetAtomPosition(line, (bohr2ang * jmol.geometry[line, 0],
                                        bohr2ang * jmol.geometry[line, 1],
                                        bohr2ang * jmol.geometry[line, 2]))  # yapf: disable


        if input_data.model.method.lower() == "uff":
            ff = AllChem.UFFGetMoleculeForceField(mol)
            all_params = AllChem.UFFHasAllMoleculeParams(mol)
            ret_data["error"] = ComputeError(
                error_message="run_rdkit can only accepts UFF methods")
            return FailedOperation(input_data=input_data.dict(), **ret_data)

        if all_params is False:
            ret_data["error"] = ComputeError(
                "run_rdkit did not match all parameters to molecule")
            return FailedOperation(input_data=input_data.dict(), **ret_data)


        ret_data["properties"] = {
            ff.CalcEnergy() * ureg.conversion_factor("kJ / mol", "hartree")

        if input_data.driver == "energy":
            ret_data["return_result"] = ret_data["properties"]["return_energy"]
        elif input_data.driver == "gradient":
            coef = ureg.conversion_factor("kJ / mol",
                                          "hartree") * ureg.conversion_factor(
                                              "angstrom", "bohr")
            ret_data["return_result"] = [x * coef for x in ff.CalcGrad()]
            ret_data["error"] = ComputeError(
                error_message="run_rdkit did not understand driver method "
            return FailedOperation(input_data=input_data.dict(), **ret_data)

        ret_data["provenance"] = Provenance(

        ret_data["schema_name"] = "qcschema_output"
        ret_data["success"] = True

        # Form up a dict first, then sent to BaseModel to avoid repeat kwargs which don't override each other
        return Result(**{**input_data.dict(), **ret_data})
コード例 #16
ファイル: torchani.py プロジェクト: ChemRacer/QCEngine
    def compute(self, input_data: 'ResultInput',
                config: 'JobConfig') -> 'Result':
        Runs TorchANI in FF typing

        # Check if existings and version
        if parse_version(self.get_version()) < parse_version("0.9"):
            raise ResourceError(
                "QCEngine's TorchANI wrapper requires version 0.9 or greater.")

        import torch
        import torchani
        import numpy as np

        device = torch.device('cpu')

        # Failure flag
        ret_data = {"success": False}

        # Build model
        model = self.get_model(input_data.model.method)
        if model is False:
            raise InputError(
                "TorchANI only accepts the ANI1x or ANI1ccx method.")

        # Build species
        species = "".join(input_data.molecule.symbols)
        unknown_sym = set(species) - {"H", "C", "N", "O"}
        if unknown_sym:
            raise InputError(
                f"TorchANI model '{input_data.model.method}' does not support symbols: {unknown_sym}."

        num_atoms = len(species)
        species = model.species_to_tensor(species).to(device).unsqueeze(0)

        # Build coord array
        geom_array = input_data.molecule.geometry.reshape(
            1, -1, 3) * ureg.conversion_factor("bohr", "angstrom")
        coordinates = torch.tensor(geom_array.tolist(),

        _, energy_array = model((species, coordinates))
        energy = energy_array.mean()
        ensemble_std = energy_array.std()
        ensemble_scaled_std = ensemble_std / np.sqrt(num_atoms)

        ret_data["properties"] = {"return_energy": energy.item()}

        if input_data.driver == "energy":
            ret_data["return_result"] = ret_data["properties"]["return_energy"]
        elif input_data.driver == "gradient":
            derivative = torch.autograd.grad(energy.sum(),
            ret_data["return_result"] = np.asarray(
                derivative *
                ureg.conversion_factor("angstrom", "bohr")).ravel().tolist()
        elif input_data.driver == "hessian":
            hessian = torchani.utils.hessian(coordinates, energies=energy)
            ret_data["return_result"] = np.asarray(hessian)
            raise InputError(
                f"TorchANI can only compute energy, gradient, and hessian driver methods. Found {input_data.driver}."

        # Description of the quantities stored in `extras`
        # ensemble_energies:
        #   An energy array of all members (models) in an ensemble of models
        # ensemble_energy_avg:
        #   The average value of energy array which is also recorded with as
        #   `energy` in QCEngine
        # ensemble_energy_std:
        #   The standard deviation of energy array
        # ensemble_per_root_atom_disagreement:
        #   The standard deviation scaled by the square root of N, with N being
        #   the number of atoms in the molecule. This is the quantity used in
        #   the query-by-committee (QBC) process in active learning to infer
        #   the reliability of the models in an ensemble, and produce more data
        #   points in the regions where this quantity is below a certain
        #   threshold (inclusion criteria)
        ret_data["extras"] = {
            "ensemble_energies": energy_array.detach().numpy(),
            "ensemble_energy_avg": energy.item(),
            "ensemble_energy_std": ensemble_std.item(),
            "ensemble_per_root_atom_disagreement": ensemble_scaled_std.item()

        ret_data["provenance"] = Provenance(

        ret_data["schema_name"] = "qcschema_output"
        ret_data["success"] = True

        # Form up a dict first, then sent to BaseModel to avoid repeat kwargs which don't override each other
        return Result(**{**input_data.dict(), **ret_data})
コード例 #17
    def parse_output(self, outfiles: Dict[str, str],
                     input_model: 'ResultInput') -> 'Result':
        tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(outfiles["dispatch.xml"]))
        root = tree.getroot()
        # print(root.tag)

        # TODO Read information from molecule tag
        #      - cml:molecule, cml:atomArray (?)
        #      - basisSet
        #      - orbitals
        output_data = {}
        properties = {}
        name_space = {
            'molpro_uri': 'http://www.molpro.net/schema/molpro-output'

        # Molpro commands map
        molpro_map = {
            "Energy": {
                "HF": "scf_total_energy",
                "RHF": "scf_total_energy",
                "KS": "scf_total_energy",
                "RKS": "scf_total_energy"
            "total energy": {
                "MP2": "mp2_total_energy",
                "CCSD": "ccsd_total_energy",
                "CCSD(T)": "ccsd_prt_pr_total_energy"
            "correlation energy": {
                "MP2": "mp2_correlation_energy",
                "CCSD": "ccsd_correlation_energy",
                "ccsd_prt_pr_correlation_energy",  # Need both CCSD(T) and Total
                "ccsd_prt_pr_correlation_energy"  # Total corresponds to CCSD(T) correlation energy
            "singlet pair energy": {
                "MP2": "mp2_singlet_pair_energy",
                "CCSD": "ccsd_singlet_pair_energy"
            "triplet pair energy": {
                "MP2": "mp2_triplet_pair_energy",
                "CCSD": "ccsd_triplet_pair_energy"
            "Dipole moment": {
                "HF": "scf_dipole_moment",
                "RHF": "scf_dipole_moment",
                "KS": "scf_dipole_moment",
                "RKS": "scf_dipole_moment",
                "MP2": "mp2_dipole_moment",
                "CCSD": "ccsd_dipole_moment",
                "CCSD(T)": "ccsd_prt_pr_dipole_moment"

        # Molpro variables map used for quantities not found in the command map
        molpro_var_map = {
            "_ENUC": "nuclear_repulsion_energy",
            "_DFTFUN": "scf_xc_energy"
            # "_EMP2_SCS": "scs_mp2_total_energy"

        # Loop through each jobstep
        # The jobstep tag in Molpro contains output from commands (e.g. {hf}, {force})
        for jobstep in root.findall('molpro_uri:job/molpro_uri:jobstep',
            # Remove the -SCF part of the command string when Molpro calls HF or KS
            command = jobstep.attrib['command']
            if '-SCF' in command:
                command = command[:-4]
            # Grab energies and dipole moment
            if command in self._supported_methods:
                for child in jobstep.findall('molpro_uri:property',
                    prop_name = child.attrib['name']
                    prop_method = child.attrib['method']
                    value = child.attrib['value']
                    if prop_name in molpro_map:
                        if prop_method in molpro_map[prop_name]:
                            if prop_name == "Dipole moment":
                                           [prop_method]] = [
                                               float(x) for x in value.split()
                                           [prop_method]] = float(value)
            # Grab gradient
            elif 'FORCE' in command:
                for child in jobstep.findall('molpro_uri:gradient',
                    # Stores gradient as a single list where the ordering is [1x, 1y, 1z, 2x, 2y, 2z, ...]
                    output_data['return_result'] = [
                        float(x) for x in child.text.split()

        # Look for final energy in the molecule tag in case it's needed
        # Note: For the DFT case mol_method is the name of the functional plus R or U in front
        molecule = root.find('molpro_uri:job/molpro_uri:molecule', name_space)
        mol_method = molecule.attrib['method']
        mol_final_energy = float(molecule.attrib['energy'])
        # Loop over each variable under the variables tag to grab additional info from molpro_var_map
        for variable in molecule.findall(
                'molpro_uri:variables/molpro_uri:variable', name_space):
            var_name = variable.attrib['name']
            if var_name in molpro_var_map:
                properties[molpro_var_map[var_name]] = float(variable[0].text)

        # Convert triplet and singlet pair correlation energies to opposite-spin and same-spin correlation energies
        if 'mp2_singlet_pair_energy' in properties and 'mp2_triplet_pair_energy' in properties:
            properties["mp2_same_spin_correlation_energy"] = (
                2.0 / 3.0) * properties['mp2_triplet_pair_energy']
            properties["mp2_opposite_spin_correlation_energy"] = (1.0 / 3.0) \
                                                                 * properties['mp2_triplet_pair_energy'] \
                                                                 + properties['mp2_singlet_pair_energy']
            del properties['mp2_singlet_pair_energy']
            del properties['mp2_triplet_pair_energy']

        if 'ccsd_singlet_pair_energy' in properties and 'ccsd_triplet_pair_energy' in properties:
            properties["ccsd_same_spin_correlation_energy"] = (
                2.0 / 3.0) * properties['ccsd_triplet_pair_energy']
            properties["ccsd_opposite_spin_correlation_energy"] = (1.0 / 3.0) \
                                                                  * properties['ccsd_triplet_pair_energy'] \
                                                                  + properties['ccsd_singlet_pair_energy']
            del properties['ccsd_singlet_pair_energy']
            del properties['ccsd_triplet_pair_energy']

        # Grab the method from input
        method = input_model.model.method
        if method.upper(
        ) in self._dft_functionals:  # Determine if method is a DFT functional
            method = "RKS"

        # A slightly more robust way of determining the final energy.
        # Throws an error if the energy isn't found for the method specified from the input_model.
        if method in self._post_hf_methods and molpro_map['total energy'][
                method] in properties:
            final_energy = properties[molpro_map['total energy'][method]]
        elif method in self._scf_methods and molpro_map['Energy'][
                method] in properties:
            final_energy = properties[molpro_map['Energy'][method]]
            # Back up method for determining final energy if not already present in properties
            # Use the total energy from the molecule tag if it matches the input method
            if input_model.model.method in mol_method:
                final_energy = mol_final_energy
                if method in self._post_hf_methods:
                    properties[molpro_map['total energy']
                               [method]] = mol_final_energy
                    properties[molpro_map['correlation energy']
                               [method]] = mol_final_energy - properties[
                elif method in self._scf_methods:
                    properties[molpro_map['Energy'][method]] = mol_final_energy
                raise KeyError(f"Could not find {method} total energy")

        # Replace return_result with final_energy if gradient wasn't called
        if "return_result" not in output_data:
            output_data["return_result"] = final_energy

        # Final output_data assignments needed for the Result object
        output_data["properties"] = properties
        output_data['schema_name'] = 'qcschema_output'
        output_data['stdout'] = outfiles["dispatch.out"]
        output_data['success'] = True

        return Result(**{**input_model.dict(), **output_data})
コード例 #18
    def parse_output(self, outfiles: Dict[str, str],
                     input_model: 'ResultInput') -> 'Result':
        tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(outfiles["dispatch.xml"]))
        root = tree.getroot()
        # print(root.tag)

        # TODO Try to grab the last total energy in the general case?
        #      - Would be useful for arbitrarily complicated input file
        #      - However would need every different string used to specify energy (e.g. HF --> Energy, MP2 --> total energy)
        # TODO Read information from molecule tag
        #      - cml:molecule, cml:atomArray (?)
        #      - basisSet
        #      - orbitals
        output_data = {}
        name_space = {
            'molpro_uri': 'http://www.molpro.net/schema/molpro-output'
        # TODO Create enum class to take jobstep.attrib['command'] and determine what method it is
        # methods_set = {'HF', 'RHF', 'MP2', 'CCSD'}

        mp2_map = {
            "total energy": "mp2_total_energy",
            "correlation energy": "mp2_total_correlation_energy",
            "singlet pair energy": "mp2_same_spin_correlation_energy",
            "triplet pair energy": "mp2_opposite_spin_correlation_energy",

        properties = {}

        # The jobstep tag in Molpro contains output from commands (e.g. {hf}, {force})
        for jobstep in root.findall('molpro_uri:job/molpro_uri:jobstep',
            # print("jobstep.tag: ")
            # print(jobstep.tag)

            if 'SCF' in jobstep.attrib['command']:
                # Grab properties (e.g. Energy and Dipole moment)
                for child in jobstep.findall('molpro_uri:property',
                    if child.attrib['name'] == 'Energy':
                        # properties['scf_method'] = child.attrib['method']
                        properties['scf_total_energy'] = float(

                    elif child.attrib['name'] == 'Dipole moment':
                        properties['scf_dipole_moment'] = [
                            float(x) for x in child.attrib['value'].split()

            elif 'MP2' in jobstep.attrib['command']:
                # Grab properties (e.g. Energy and Dipole moment)
                for child in jobstep.findall('molpro_uri:property',
                    if child.attrib['name'] in mp2_map:
                        properties[mp2_map[child.attrib['name']]] = float(

            # Grab gradient
            # TODO Handle situation where there are multiple FORCE calls
            elif 'FORCE' in jobstep.attrib['command']:
                # Grab properties (e.g. Energy and Dipole moment)
                for child in jobstep.findall('molpro_uri:gradient',
                    # print("gradient.attrib: ")
                    # print(child.attrib)
                    # Stores gradient as a single list where the ordering is [1x, 1y, 1z, 2x, 2y, 2z, ...]
                    output_data['return_result'] = [
                        float(x) for x in child.text.split()

        # A _bad_ way of figuring the correct energy
        # TODO Maybe a better way would be to use the method specified from the input?
        if "return_result" not in output_data:
            if "mp2_total_energy" in properties:
                output_data["return_result"] = properties["mp2_total_energy"]
            elif "scf_total_energy" in properties:
                output_data["return_result"] = properties["scf_total_energy"]
                raise KeyError("Could not find SCF total energy")

        output_data["properties"] = properties
        output_data['schema_name'] = 'qcschema_output'

        # TODO Should only return True if Molpro calculation terminated properly
        output_data['success'] = True

        return Result(**{**input_model.dict(), **output_data})
コード例 #19
    def parse_output(self, outfiles: Dict[str, str], input_model: 'ResultInput') -> 'Result':
        output_data = {}
        properties = {}

        # Parse the output file, collect properties and gradient
        output_lines = outfiles["tc.out"].split('\n')
        gradients = []
        natom = 0
        line_final_energy = -1
        line_scf_header = -1
        for idx,line in enumerate(output_lines):
            if "FINAL ENERGY" in line:
                properties["scf_total_energy"] = float(line.strip('\n').split()[2])
                line_final_energy = idx
            elif "Start SCF Iterations" in line:
                line_scf_header = idx
            elif "Total atoms" in line:
                natom = int(line.split()[-1])
            elif "DIPOLE MOMENT" in line:
                newline = line.replace(',','').replace('}','').replace('{','')
                properties["scf_dipole_moment"] = [ float(x) for x in newline.split()[2:5] ]
            elif "Nuclear repulsion energy" in line:
                properties["nuclear_repulsion_energy"] = float(line.split()[-2])
            elif "Gradient units are Hartree/Bohr" in line:
                #Gradient is stored as (dE/dx1,dE/dy1,dE/dz1,dE/dx2,dE/dy2,...)
                for i in range(idx+3,idx+3+natom):
                   grad = output_lines[i].strip('\n').split()
                   for x in grad:
                       gradients.append( float(x) )

        # Look for the last line that is the SCF info
        DECIMAL = r"""(
          (?:[-+]?\d*\.\d+(?:[DdEe][-+]?\d+)?) |  # .num with optional sign, exponent, wholenum
          (?:[-+]?\d+\.\d*(?:[DdEe][-+]?\d+)?)    # num. with optional sign, exponent, decimals

        last_scf_line = ""
        for idx in reversed(range(line_scf_header, line_final_energy)):
            mobj = re.search(
                r'^\s*\d+\s+' + DECIMAL + r'\s+' + DECIMAL + r'\s+' + DECIMAL + r'\s+' + DECIMAL
                , output_lines[idx], re.VERBOSE)
            if mobj:
                last_scf_line = output_lines[idx]

        if len(last_scf_line) > 0:
            properties["scf_iterations"] = int(last_scf_line.split()[0])
            if "XC Energy" in output_lines:
                properties["scf_xc_energy"] = float(last_scf_line.split()[4])
            raise ValueError("SCF iteration lines not found in TeraChem output")

        if len(gradients) > 0:
            output_data["return_result"] = gradients

        # Commented out the properties currently not supported by QCSchema
        #properites["spin_S2"] = 1 # calculated S(S+1)
        #   elif "SPIN S-SQUARED" in line:
        #       properties["spin_S2"] = float(line.strip('\n').split()[2])
        # Parse files in scratch folder
        #properties["atomic_charge"] = []
        #atomic_charge_lines =  open(outfiles["charge.xls"]).readlines()
        #for line in atomic_charge_lines:
        #    properties["atomic_charge"].append(line.strip('\n').split()[-1])

        if "return_result" not in output_data:
            if "scf_total_energy" in properties:
                output_data["return_result"] = properties["scf_total_energy"]
                raise KeyError("Could not find SCF total energy")

        output_data["properties"] = properties

        output_data['schema_name'] = 'qcschema_output'
        output_data['stdout'] = outfiles["tc.out"]
        # TODO Should only return True if TeraChem calculation terminated properly
        output_data['success'] = True

        return Result(**{**input_model.dict(), **output_data})
コード例 #20
ファイル: terachem.py プロジェクト: dsirianni/QCEngine
    def parse_output(self, outfiles: Dict[str, str],
                     input_model: 'ResultInput') -> 'Result':
        output_data = {}
        properties = {}

        # Parse the output file, collect properties and gradient
        output_lines = outfiles["tc.out"].split('\n')
        gradients = []
        natom = 0
        for idx, line in enumerate(output_lines):
            if "FINAL ENERGY" in line:
                properties["scf_total_energy"] = float(
                last_scf_line = output_lines[idx - 2]
                properties["scf_iterations"] = int(last_scf_line.split()[0])
                if "XC Energy" in output_lines:
                    properties["scf_xc_energy"] = float(
            elif "Total atoms" in line:
                natom = int(line.split()[-1])
            elif "DIPOLE MOMENT" in line:
                newline = line.replace(',', '').replace('}',
                                                        '').replace('{', '')
                properties["scf_dipole_moment"] = [
                    float(x) for x in newline.split()[2:5]
            elif "Nuclear repulsion energy" in line:
                properties["nuclear_repulsion_energy"] = float(
            elif "Gradient units are Hartree/Bohr" in line:
                #Gradient is stored as (dE/dx1,dE/dy1,dE/dz1,dE/dx2,dE/dy2,...)
                for i in range(idx + 3, idx + 3 + natom):
                    grad = output_lines[i].strip('\n').split()
                    for x in grad:

        if len(gradients) > 0:
            output_data["return_result"] = gradients

        # Commented out the properties currently not supported by QCSchema
        #properites["spin_S2"] = 1 # calculated S(S+1)
        #   elif "SPIN S-SQUARED" in line:
        #       properties["spin_S2"] = float(line.strip('\n').split()[2])
        # Parse files in scratch folder
        #properties["atomic_charge"] = []
        #atomic_charge_lines =  open(outfiles["charge.xls"]).readlines()
        #for line in atomic_charge_lines:
        #    properties["atomic_charge"].append(line.strip('\n').split()[-1])

        if "return_result" not in output_data:
            if "scf_total_energy" in properties:
                output_data["return_result"] = properties["scf_total_energy"]
                raise KeyError("Could not find SCF total energy")

        output_data["properties"] = properties

        output_data['schema_name'] = 'qcschema_output'
        # TODO Should only return True if TeraChem calculation terminated properly
        output_data['success'] = True

        return Result(**{**input_model.dict(), **output_data})
コード例 #21
ファイル: mopac.py プロジェクト: zachglick/QCEngine
    def parse_output(self, outfiles: Dict[str, str],
                     input_model: 'ResultInput') -> 'Result':

        keep_keys = {
            "heat_of_formation", "energy_electronic", "energy_nuclear",
            "gradient_norm", "dip_vec", "spin_component", "total_spin",
            "molecular_weight", "molecular_weight", "total_energy",
            "gradients", "mopac_version", "atom_charges", "point_group"

        # Convert back to atomic units
        conversions = {
            1 / self.extras["hartree_to_kcalmol"],
            self.extras["bohr_to_angstroms"] /
            1 / self.extras["hartree_to_ev"],
            1 / self.extras["au_to_debye"],

        data = {}
        last_key = None

        # Parse the weird structure
        for line in outfiles["dispatch.aux"].splitlines():
            if ("START" in line) or ("END" in line) or ("#" in line):

            if "=" in line:

                # Primary split
                key, value = line.split("=", 1)

                # Format key, may have units
                # GRADIENTS:KCAL/MOL/ANGSTROM[09]
                key_list = key.split(":", 1)
                if len(key_list) == 1:
                    key, units = key_list[0], None
                    key, units = key.split(":", 1)

                # Pop off [xx] items
                if units and "[" in units:
                    units, _ = units.split("[", 1)

                if "[" in key:
                    key, _ = key.split("[", 1)

                key = key.strip().lower()
                last_key = key

                # Skip keys that are not useful
                if key not in keep_keys:
                    last_key = None

                # 1D+3 -> 1E3 conversion
                cf = conversions[units]

                value = value.strip().replace("D+", "E+").replace("D-", "E-")
                if ("E+" in value) or ("E-" in value):
                    if value.count("E") > 1:
                        value = [float(x) * cf for x in value.split()]
                        value = float(value) * cf

                if value == "":
                    value = []

                data[key] = (cf, value)
                if last_key is None:

                cf = data[last_key][0]
                data[last_key][1].extend([float(x) * cf for x in line.split()])

        data = {k: v[1] for k, v in data.items()}
        # for k, v in data.items():
        #     print(k, v)

        gradient = data.pop("gradients")

        output = input_model.dict()
        output["provenance"] = {
            "creator": "mopac",
            "version": data.pop("mopac_version")

        output["properties"] = {}
        output["properties"]["return_energy"] = data["heat_of_formation"]


        if input_model.driver == "energy":
            output["return_result"] = data["heat_of_formation"]
            output["return_result"] = gradient

        output['stdout'] = outfiles["dispatch.out"]
        output["success"] = True

        return Result(**output)
コード例 #22
ファイル: torchani.py プロジェクト: chrinide/QCEngine
def torchani(input_data, config):
    Runs TorchANI in FF typing

    import numpy as np
        import torch
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError("Could not find PyTorch in the Python path.")
        import torchani
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError("Could not find TorchANI in the Python path.")

    device = torch.device('cpu')
    builtin = torchani.neurochem.Builtins()

    # Failure flag
    ret_data = {"success": False}

    # Build model
    model = get_model(input_data.model.method)
    if model is False:
        ret_data["error"] = ComputeError(
            error_message="run_torchani only accepts the ANI1 method.")
        return FailedOperation(input_data=input_data.dict(), **ret_data)

    # Build species
    species = "".join(input_data.molecule.symbols)
    unknown_sym = set(species) - {"H", "C", "N", "O"}
    if unknown_sym:
        ret_data["error"] = ComputeError(
            error_message="The '{}' model does not support symbols: {}.".
            format(input_data.model.method, unknown_sym))
        return FailedOperation(input_data=input_data.dict(), **ret_data)

    species = builtin.consts.species_to_tensor(species).to(device).unsqueeze(0)

    # Build coord array
    geom_array = input_data.molecule.geometry.reshape(
        1, -1, 3) * ureg.conversion_factor("bohr", "angstrom")
    coordinates = torch.tensor(geom_array.tolist(),

    _, energy = model((species, coordinates))
    ret_data["properties"] = {"return_energy": energy.item()}

    if input_data.driver == "energy":
        ret_data["return_result"] = ret_data["properties"]["return_energy"]
    elif input_data.driver == "gradient":
        derivative = torch.autograd.grad(energy.sum(),
        ret_data["return_result"] = np.asarray(
            derivative *
            ureg.conversion_factor("angstrom", "bohr")).ravel().tolist()
        ret_data["error"] = ComputeError(
            error_message="run_torchani did not understand driver method '{}'."
        return FailedOperation(input_data=input_data.dict(), **ret_data)

    ret_data["provenance"] = Provenance(

    ret_data["schema_name"] = "qcschema_output"
    ret_data["success"] = True

    # Form up a dict first, then sent to BaseModel to avoid repeat kwargs which don't override each other
    return Result(**{**input_data.dict(), **ret_data})
コード例 #23
    def compute(self, input_model: 'ResultInput',
                config: 'JobConfig') -> 'Result':
        Runs Psi4 in API mode

        # Setup the job
        input_data = input_model.json_dict()
        input_data["nthreads"] = config.ncores
        input_data["memory"] = int(config.memory * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 *
                                   0.95)  # Memory in bytes
        input_data["success"] = False
        input_data["return_output"] = True

        if input_data["schema_name"] == "qcschema_input":
            input_data["schema_name"] = "qc_schema_input"

        if config.scratch_directory:
            input_data["scratch_location"] = config.scratch_directory

        if parse_version(self.get_version()) > parse_version("1.2"):

            caseless_keywords = {
                k.lower(): v
                for k, v in input_model.keywords.items()
            if (input_model.molecule.molecular_multiplicity !=
                    1) and ("reference" not in caseless_keywords):
                input_data["keywords"]["reference"] = "uhf"

            # Execute the program
            success, output = execute([which("psi4"), "--json", "data.json"],
                                      {"data.json": json.dumps(input_data)},

            if success:
                output_data = json.loads(output["outfiles"]["data.json"])
                if "extras" not in output_data:
                    output_data["extras"] = {}

                output_data["extras"]["local_qcvars"] = output_data.pop(
                    "psi4:qcvars", None)
                if output_data["success"] is False:
                    if "error_message" not in output_data["error"]:
                        # older c. 1.3 message-only run_json
                        output_data["error"] = {
                            "error_type": "internal_error",
                            "error_message": output_data["error"]
                output_data = input_data
                output_data["error"] = {
                    "error_type": "execution_error",
                    "error_message": output["stderr"]

            raise TypeError("Psi4 version '{}' not understood.".format(

        # Reset the schema if required
        output_data["schema_name"] = "qcschema_output"

        # Dispatch errors, PSIO Errors are not recoverable for future runs
        if output_data["success"] is False:

            if "PSIO Error" in output_data["error"]:
                raise ValueError(output_data["error"])

        # Move several pieces up a level
        if output_data["success"]:
            output_data["provenance"]["memory"] = round(
                output_data.pop("memory") / (1024**3), 3)  # Move back to GB
            output_data["provenance"]["nthreads"] = output_data.pop("nthreads")
            output_data["stdout"] = output_data.pop("raw_output", None)

            # Delete keys
            output_data.pop("return_output", None)
            output_data.pop("scratch_location", None)

            return Result(**output_data)
            return FailedOperation(success=output_data.pop("success", False),
コード例 #24
ファイル: mp2d.py プロジェクト: zachglick/QCEngine
    def parse_output(self, outfiles: Dict[str, str], input_model: 'ResultInput') -> 'Result':
        stdout = outfiles.pop("stdout")

        for fl, contents in outfiles.items():
            if contents is not None:
                # LOG text += f'\n  MP2D scratch file {fl} has been read.\n'

        # parse energy output (could go further and break into UCHF, CKS)
        real = np.array(input_model.molecule.real)
        full_nat = real.shape[0]
        real_nat = np.sum(real)

        for ln in stdout.splitlines():
            if re.match('   MP2D dispersion correction Eh', ln):
                ene = Decimal(ln.split()[4])
            elif re.match('Atomic Coordinates in Angstroms', ln):
            if not ((real_nat == 1) and (input_model.driver == 'gradient')):
                raise UnknownError('Unknown issue occured.')

        # parse gradient output
        if outfiles['mp2d_gradient'] is not None:
            srealgrad = outfiles['mp2d_gradient']
            realgrad = np.fromstring(srealgrad, count=3 * real_nat, sep=' ').reshape((-1, 3))

        if input_model.driver == 'gradient':
            ireal = np.argwhere(real).reshape((-1))
            fullgrad = np.zeros((full_nat, 3))
                fullgrad[ireal, :] = realgrad
            except NameError as exc:
                raise UnknownError('Unsuccessful gradient collection.') from exc

        qcvkey = input_model.extras['info']['fctldash'].upper()

        calcinfo = []
        calcinfo.append(qcel.Datum('CURRENT ENERGY', 'Eh', ene))
        calcinfo.append(qcel.Datum('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY', 'Eh', ene))
        calcinfo.append(qcel.Datum('2-BODY DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY', 'Eh', ene))
        if qcvkey:
            calcinfo.append(qcel.Datum(f'{qcvkey} DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY', 'Eh', ene))

        if input_model.driver == 'gradient':
            calcinfo.append(qcel.Datum('CURRENT GRADIENT', 'Eh/a0', fullgrad))
            calcinfo.append(qcel.Datum('DISPERSION CORRECTION GRADIENT', 'Eh/a0', fullgrad))
            calcinfo.append(qcel.Datum('2-BODY DISPERSION CORRECTION GRADIENT', 'Eh/a0', fullgrad))
            if qcvkey:
                calcinfo.append(qcel.Datum(f'{qcvkey} DISPERSION CORRECTION GRADIENT', 'Eh/a0', fullgrad))

        #LOGtext += qcel.datum.print_variables({info.label: info for info in calcinfo})
        calcinfo = {info.label: info.data for info in calcinfo}
        #calcinfo = qcel.util.unnp(calcinfo, flat=True)

        # got to even out who needs plump/flat/Decimal/float/ndarray/list
        # Decimal --> str preserves precision
        calcinfo = {
            k.upper(): str(v) if isinstance(v, Decimal) else v
            for k, v in qcel.util.unnp(calcinfo, flat=True).items()

        # jobrec['properties'] = {"return_energy": ene}
        # jobrec["molecule"]["real"] = list(jobrec["molecule"]["real"])

        retres = calcinfo[f'CURRENT {input_model.driver.upper()}']
        if isinstance(retres, Decimal):
            retres = float(retres)
        elif isinstance(retres, np.ndarray):
            retres = retres.ravel().tolist()

        output_data = {
            'extras': input_model.extras,
            'properties': {},
            'provenance': Provenance(creator="MP2D",
                                     routine=__name__ + '.' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name),
            'return_result': retres,
            'stdout': stdout,
        }  # yapf: disable
        output_data["extras"]["local_keywords"] = input_model.extras['info']
        output_data["extras"]["qcvars"] = calcinfo

        output_data['success'] = True
        return Result(**{**input_model.dict(), **output_data})
コード例 #25
ファイル: molpro.py プロジェクト: nuwandesilva/QCEngine
    def parse_output(self, outfiles: Dict[str, str],
                     input_model: 'ResultInput') -> 'Result':
        tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(outfiles["dispatch.xml"]))
        root = tree.getroot()
        # print(root.tag)

        # TODO Think of how to handle multiple calls of same command.
        #      Currently it will grab the last one in the file.
        # TODO Read information from molecule tag
        #      - cml:molecule, cml:atomArray (?)
        #      - basisSet
        #      - orbitals
        output_data = {}
        properties = {}
        name_space = {
            'molpro_uri': 'http://www.molpro.net/schema/molpro-output'

        # SCF maps
        scf_energy_map = {"Energy": "scf_total_energy"}
        scf_dipole_map = {"Dipole moment": "scf_dipole_moment"}
        scf_extras = {}

        # MP2 maps
        mp2_energy_map = {
            "total energy": "mp2_total_energy",
            "correlation energy": "mp2_correlation_energy",
            "singlet pair energy": "mp2_singlet_pair_energy",
            "triplet pair energy": "mp2_triplet_pair_energy"
        mp2_dipole_map = {"Dipole moment": "mp2_dipole_moment"}
        mp2_extras = {}

        # CCSD maps
        ccsd_energy_map = {
            "total energy": "ccsd_total_energy",
            "correlation energy": "ccsd_correlation_energy",
            "singlet pair energy": "ccsd_singlet_pair_energy",
            "triplet pair energy": "ccsd_triplet_pair_energy"
        ccsd_dipole_map = {"Dipole moment": "ccsd_dipole_moment"}
        ccsd_extras = {}

        # Compiling the method maps
        scf_maps = {
            "energy": scf_energy_map,
            "dipole": scf_dipole_map,
            "extras": scf_extras
        mp2_maps = {
            "energy": mp2_energy_map,
            "dipole": mp2_dipole_map,
            "extras": mp2_extras
        ccsd_maps = {
            "energy": ccsd_energy_map,
            "dipole": ccsd_dipole_map,
            "extras": ccsd_extras
        scf_methods = {"HF": scf_maps, "RHF": scf_maps}
        post_hf_methods = {"MP2": mp2_maps, "CCSD": ccsd_maps}
        supported_methods = {**scf_methods, **post_hf_methods}

        # The jobstep tag in Molpro contains output from commands (e.g. {hf}, {force})
        for jobstep in root.findall('molpro_uri:job/molpro_uri:jobstep',

            # Remove the -SCF part of the command string when Molpro calls HF or KS
            command = jobstep.attrib['command']
            if '-SCF' in command:
                command = command[:-4]

            # Grab energies and dipole moment
            if command in supported_methods:
                for child in jobstep.findall('molpro_uri:property',
                    if child.attrib['name'] in supported_methods[command][
                            child.attrib['name']]] = float(
                    elif child.attrib['name'] in supported_methods[command][
                            child.attrib['name']]] = [
                                for x in child.attrib['value'].split()
            # Grab gradient
            elif 'FORCE' in jobstep.attrib['command']:
                for child in jobstep.findall('molpro_uri:gradient',
                    # Stores gradient as a single list where the ordering is [1x, 1y, 1z, 2x, 2y, 2z, ...]
                    output_data['return_result'] = [
                        float(x) for x in child.text.split()

        # Convert triplet and singlet pair correlation energies to opposite-spin and same-spin correlation energies
        if 'mp2_singlet_pair_energy' in properties and 'mp2_triplet_pair_energy' in properties:
            properties["mp2_same_spin_correlation_energy"] = (
                2.0 / 3.0) * properties['mp2_triplet_pair_energy']
            properties["mp2_opposite_spin_correlation_energy"] = (1.0 / 3.0) \
                                                                 * properties['mp2_triplet_pair_energy'] \
                                                                 + properties['mp2_singlet_pair_energy']
            del properties['mp2_singlet_pair_energy']
            del properties['mp2_triplet_pair_energy']

        if 'ccsd_singlet_pair_energy' in properties and 'ccsd_triplet_pair_energy' in properties:
            properties["ccsd_same_spin_correlation_energy"] = (
                2.0 / 3.0) * properties['ccsd_triplet_pair_energy']
            properties["ccsd_opposite_spin_correlation_energy"] = (1.0 / 3.0) \
                                                                  * properties['ccsd_triplet_pair_energy'] \
                                                                  + properties['ccsd_singlet_pair_energy']
            del properties['ccsd_singlet_pair_energy']
            del properties['ccsd_triplet_pair_energy']

        # Look for final energy in the molecule tag in case it's needed
        molecule = root.find('molpro_uri:job/molpro_uri:molecule', name_space)
        mol_method = molecule.attrib['method']
        mol_final_energy = float(molecule.attrib['energy'])

        # A slightly more robust way of determining the final energy.
        # Throws an error if the energy isn't found for the method specified from the input_model.
        method = input_model.model.method
        method_energy_map = supported_methods[method]['energy']
        if method in post_hf_methods and method_energy_map[
                'total energy'] in properties:
            final_energy = properties[method_energy_map['total energy']]
        elif method in scf_methods and method_energy_map[
                'Energy'] in properties:
            final_energy = properties[method_energy_map['Energy']]
            # Use the total energy from the molecule tag if it matches the input method
            if mol_method == method:
                final_energy = mol_final_energy
                if method in post_hf_methods:
                        method_energy_map['total energy']] = mol_final_energy
                        'correlation energy']] = mol_final_energy - properties[
                elif method in scf_methods:
                    properties[method_energy_map['Energy']] = mol_final_energy
                raise KeyError(
                    "Could not find {:s} total energy".format(method))

        # Replace return_result with final_energy if gradient wasn't called
        if "return_result" not in output_data:
            output_data["return_result"] = final_energy

        output_data["properties"] = properties
        output_data['schema_name'] = 'qcschema_output'
        output_data['success'] = True

        return Result(**{**input_model.dict(), **output_data})
コード例 #26
    def parse_output(self, outfiles: Dict[str, str],
                     input_model: 'ResultInput') -> 'Result':
        stdout = outfiles.pop("stdout")

        for fl, contents in outfiles.items():
            if contents is not None:
                # LOG text += f'\n  DFTD3 scratch file {fl} has been read.\n'

        # parse energy output (could go further and break into E6, E8, E10 and Cn coeff)
        real = np.array(input_model.molecule.real)
        full_nat = real.shape[0]
        real_nat = np.sum(real)

        for ln in stdout.splitlines():
            if re.match(' Edisp /kcal,au', ln):
                ene = Decimal(ln.split()[3])
            elif re.match(r" E6\(ABC\) \"   :", ln):  # c. v3.2.0
                raise ResourceError(
                    "Cannot process ATM results from DFTD3 prior to v3.2.1.")
            elif re.match(r""" E6\(ABC\) /kcal,au:""", ln):
                atm = Decimal(ln.split()[-1])
            elif re.match(' normal termination of dftd3', ln):
            if not ((real_nat == 1) and (input_model.driver == 'gradient')):
                raise UnknownError(
                    'Unsuccessful run. Possibly -D variant not available in dftd3 version.'

        # parse gradient output
        # * DFTD3 crashes on one-atom gradients. Avoid the error (above) and just force the correct result (below).
        if outfiles['dftd3_gradient'] is not None:
            srealgrad = outfiles['dftd3_gradient'].replace('D', 'E')
            realgrad = np.fromstring(srealgrad, count=3 * real_nat,
                                     sep=' ').reshape((-1, 3))
        elif real_nat == 1:
            realgrad = np.zeros((1, 3))

        if outfiles['dftd3_abc_gradient'] is not None:
            srealgrad = outfiles['dftd3_abc_gradient'].replace('D', 'E')
            realgradabc = np.fromstring(srealgrad, count=3 * real_nat,
                                        sep=' ').reshape((-1, 3))
        elif real_nat == 1:
            realgradabc = np.zeros((1, 3))

        if input_model.driver == 'gradient':
            ireal = np.argwhere(real).reshape((-1))
            fullgrad = np.zeros((full_nat, 3))
            rg = realgradabc if (input_model.extras['info']['dashlevel']
                                 == 'atmgr') else realgrad
                fullgrad[ireal, :] = rg
            except NameError as exc:
                raise UnknownError(
                    'Unsuccessful gradient collection.') from exc

        qcvkey = input_model.extras['info']['fctldash'].upper()

        calcinfo = []
        if input_model.extras['info']['dashlevel'] == 'atmgr':
            calcinfo.append(qcel.Datum('CURRENT ENERGY', 'Eh', atm))
                qcel.Datum('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY', 'Eh', atm))
                qcel.Datum('3-BODY DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY', 'Eh', atm))
                    'Eh', atm))

            if input_model.driver == 'gradient':
                    qcel.Datum('CURRENT GRADIENT', 'Eh/a0', fullgrad))
                    qcel.Datum('DISPERSION CORRECTION GRADIENT', 'Eh/a0',
                    qcel.Datum('3-BODY DISPERSION CORRECTION GRADIENT',
                               'Eh/a0', fullgrad))
                        'Eh/a0', fullgrad))

            calcinfo.append(qcel.Datum('CURRENT ENERGY', 'Eh', ene))
                qcel.Datum('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY', 'Eh', ene))
                qcel.Datum('2-BODY DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY', 'Eh', ene))
            if qcvkey:
                    qcel.Datum(f'{qcvkey} DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY', 'Eh',

            if input_model.driver == 'gradient':
                    qcel.Datum('CURRENT GRADIENT', 'Eh/a0', fullgrad))
                    qcel.Datum('DISPERSION CORRECTION GRADIENT', 'Eh/a0',
                    qcel.Datum('2-BODY DISPERSION CORRECTION GRADIENT',
                               'Eh/a0', fullgrad))
                if qcvkey:
                        qcel.Datum(f'{qcvkey} DISPERSION CORRECTION GRADIENT',
                                   'Eh/a0', fullgrad))

        #LOGtext += qcel.datum.print_variables({info.label: info for info in calcinfo})
        calcinfo = {info.label: info.data for info in calcinfo}
        #calcinfo = qcel.util.unnp(calcinfo, flat=True)

        # got to even out who needs plump/flat/Decimal/float/ndarray/list
        # Decimal --> str preserves precision
        calcinfo = {
            k.upper(): str(v) if isinstance(v, Decimal) else v
            for k, v in qcel.util.unnp(calcinfo, flat=True).items()

        # jobrec['properties'] = {"return_energy": ene}
        # jobrec["molecule"]["real"] = list(jobrec["molecule"]["real"])

        retres = calcinfo[f'CURRENT {input_model.driver.upper()}']
        if isinstance(retres, Decimal):
            retres = float(retres)
        elif isinstance(retres, np.ndarray):
            retres = retres.ravel().tolist()

        output_data = {
            'extras': input_model.extras,
            'properties': {},
            'provenance': Provenance(creator="DFTD3",
                                     routine=__name__ + '.' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name),
            'return_result': retres,
            'stdout': stdout,
        }  # yapf: disable
        output_data["extras"]['local_keywords'] = input_model.extras['info']
        output_data["extras"]['qcvars'] = calcinfo

        output_data['success'] = True
        return Result(**{**input_model.dict(), **output_data})
コード例 #27
ファイル: psi4.py プロジェクト: sjayellis/QCEngine
    def compute(self, input_model: 'ResultInput', config: 'JobConfig') -> 'Result':
        Runs Psi4 in API mode

            import psi4
        except ModuleNotFoundError:
            raise ModuleNotFoundError("Could not find Psi4 in the Python path.")

        # Setup the job
        input_model = input_model.copy().dict()
        input_model["nthreads"] = config.ncores
        input_model["memory"] = int(config.memory * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 0.95)  # Memory in bytes
        input_model["success"] = False
        input_model["return_output"] = True

        if input_model["schema_name"] == "qcschema_input":
            input_model["schema_name"] = "qc_schema_input"

        scratch = config.scratch_directory
        if scratch is not None:
            input_model["scratch_location"] = scratch

        psi_version = self.parse_version(psi4.__version__)

        if psi_version > self.parse_version("1.2"):

            mol = psi4.core.Molecule.from_schema(input_model)
            if (mol.multiplicity() != 1) and ("reference" not in input_model["keywords"]):
                input_model["keywords"]["reference"] = "uhf"

            output_data = psi4.json_wrapper.run_json(input_model)
            if "extras" not in output_data:
                output_data["extras"] = {}

            output_data["extras"]["local_qcvars"] = output_data.pop("psi4:qcvars", None)
            if output_data["success"] is False:
                output_data["error"] = {"error_type": "internal_error", "error_message": output_data["error"]}

            raise TypeError("Psi4 version '{}' not understood.".format(psi_version))

        # Reset the schema if required
        output_data["schema_name"] = "qcschema_output"

        # Dispatch errors, PSIO Errors are not recoverable for future runs
        if output_data["success"] is False:

            if "PSIO Error" in output_data["error"]:
                raise ValueError(output_data["error"])

        # Move several pieces up a level
        if output_data["success"]:
            output_data["provenance"]["memory"] = round(output_data.pop("memory") / (1024**3), 3)  # Move back to GB
            output_data["provenance"]["nthreads"] = output_data.pop("nthreads")
            output_data["stdout"] = output_data.pop("raw_output", None)

            # Delete keys
            output_data.pop("return_ouput", None)

            return Result(**output_data)
            return FailedOperation(
                success=output_data.pop("success", False), error=output_data.pop("error"), input_data=output_data)