コード例 #1
ファイル: qeinput.py プロジェクト: danse-inelastic/AbInitio
class QEInput(object):

    def __init__(self, filename=None, config=None, type='pw', parse=True):
        Initializes QEInput by passing either filename or config (not both)
            filename:   (str) -- Absolute or relative filename of file to be parsed
            config:     (str) -- Configuration text to be parsed
            type:       (str) -- Type of the simulation
        self.filename       = filename
        self.config         = config
        self._type          = type.lower()
        self.filters        = []
        self.header         = None
        self.namelists      = OrderedDict()
        self.cards          = OrderedDict()
        self.attach         = None          # Specific for 'matdyn', 'dynmat', etc.
        self.qe             = None          # DEPRICATED
        self.namelistRef    = None
        self.cardRef        = None

        self._read(filename, config, parse)

    def parse(self):
        Parses the configuration file and stores the values in qe dictionary
        (self.header, self.namelists, self.cards, self.attach) = self.parser.parse()

    def namelist(self, name):
        Returns namelist and adds to self.namelists. Return namelist if it exists.

            name: (str) -- Name of the new namelist
        # If namelist with the name exists, then return it
        name    = name.lower()
        if self.namelistExists(name):
            return  self.namelists[name]

        return self._createNamelist(name)

    def removeNamelist(self, name):
        Removes namelist if it exists or ignore otherwise

            name: (str) -- Name of the existing namelist
        name    = name.lower()
        except KeyError:    # parameter is not present

    def setNamelist(self, namelist):
        Sets/replaces namelist for self.namelists. It overwrites namelist if it exists
        already. So you this method with caution.

            namelist: (object: Namelist) -- Namelist object
        if not namelist:    # No namelist, just ignore it!

        self.namelists[namelist.name()] = namelist

    def namelistExists(self, name):
        Checks if namelist specified by name (lowered before) exists

            name: (str) -- Name of the namelist
        return self._exists(name, self.namelists.keys())

    def setCard(self, card):
        Adds card to self.cards
            card: (object: Card) -- Card object
        if not card:
        self.cards[card.name()] = card

    def removeCard(self, name):
        Remove card if it exists or ignore otherwise

            name: (str) -- Name of the existing card
        name    = name.lower()
        except KeyError:    # parameter is not present

    # XXX: Make self.attach protected first!
#    def attach(self):
#        "Returns attachment"
#        return self.attach

    def addAttach(self, text):
        Sets attachment to text. If attachment is not None it still will be

            text: (str) -- Attachment text, usually is appended to the end of the
                            configuration file
        self.attach = text

    def removeAttach(self):
        "Sets attachment to None"
        self.attach = None

    def card(self, name):
        Returns card specified by name if exists or create a new one
        name    = name.lower()
        if self.cardExists(name):        # If exists, return card
            return self.cards[name]

        return self._createCard(name)

    def cardExists(self, name):
        "Checks if card specified by name exists"
        return self._exists(name, self.cards.keys())

    def getObject(self, name, dict):
        Returns object specified by name
            name: (str) -- Name that identifies an object through name() method
            dict: (dict) -- Dictionary that stores objects as {name: object}
        if not name or not dict:
            return None

        for n in dict.values():
            if n.name() == name:
                return dict[name]

        return None

    def save(self, filename=None):
        Saves the QEInput structure to the configuration file

            filename: (str) -- File name where the configuration is stored to
        default = "config.out"

        if filename is None:
            if self.filename is not None:
                filename = self.filename
                filename = default

        f = open(filename, "w")

    def type(self):
        "Returns type of the configuration file"
        return self._type

    def applyFilter(self, filter, type=POSITIVE):
        Applies filter to the QEInput

            filter: (object: Filter) -- Filter that applies changes to QEInput
        if not filter:  # No filter, just ignore it
            return None

        filter.apply(self, type)  # Apply filter to QEInput

    def toString(self):
        Dumps QEInput structure to string
        s = ''
        if self.header:             # Add header
            s   += "%s\n" % self.header

        for name in self.namelistRef:   # Add namelists
            nl  = self.getObject(name, self.namelists)
            if nl is not None:
                s   += nl.toString()

        for name in self.cardRef:   # Add cards
            c  = self.getObject(name, self.cards)
            if c is not None:
                s   += c.toString()

        if self.attach:             # Add attribute (e.g. for type='matdyn')
            s   += self.attach

        return s

    def structure(self):
        Returns basic atomic structure information as list of tuples.
        Specific for 'pw' type

        Example: [('Ni', '52.98', 'Ni.pbe-nd-rrkjus.UPF'), (...)]
        # Extract structure not from pw type input. Hard to do it from other types
        if self._type != "pw":
            return None

        list    = []        # list of structure
        card    = self.card("atomic_species")

        for l in card.lines():     # Should have format: "<Label> <Mass> <Pseudo-Potential>"
            l   = l.strip()
            if l == "":     # Empty line

        return list

    def readFile(self, filename):
        Reads and parses configuration input from file
            filename: (str) -- File name
        self.filename   = filename

    def readString(self, config):
        Reads and parses configuration input from string
            config: (str) -- Configuration string
        self.config     = config

    def _read(self, filename=None, config=None, parse=True):
        "Reads and parses configuration input specified by kwds parameters"
        self.parser     = QEParser(filename, config, self._type)    #filename, config, type)
        (self.namelistRef, self.cardRef)    = self.parser.setReferences()

        if parse and (filename or config):
            QEInput.parse(self)     # Avoid calling method parse() from subclass

        self.qe = [self.header, self.namelists, self.cards, self.attach]

    def _exists(self, name, list):
        "Checks if lowered name is in the list"
        if not name:
            return False
        name    = name.lower()
        if name in list:
            return True

        return False        

    def _createCard(self, name):
        Creates a new card

            name: (str) -- Name of the card
        if not name in self.cardRef:    # If not standard card, ignore it
            return None

        card    = Card(name)
        self.cards[name] = card
        return card

    def _createNamelist(self, name):
        Creates namelist specified by name

            name: (str) -- Name of the namelist
        if not name in self.namelistRef:    # If not standard card, ignore it
            return None

        # Otherwise create a new namelist
        nl  = Namelist(name)
        self.namelists[name] = nl
        return nl

    # DEPRICATED: Use namelist() instead
    def createNamelist(self, name):
        return namelist(name)

    # DEPRICATED: Use card() instead
    def createCard(self, name):
        return card(name)

    # DEPRICATED: Use setNamelist() instead
    def addNamelist(self, namelist):

    # DEPRICATED: Use setCard() instead
    def addCard(self, card):
コード例 #2
ファイル: qeinput.py プロジェクト: nityasagarjena/AbInitio
class QEInput(object):
    """Quantum Espresso configuration class. It can:
    - Parse existing configuration file
    - Add, Edit or Remove parameters from/to namelist or card

    # Either filename or config (not both) can be specified
    def __init__(self, filename=None, config=None, type='pw'):
        self.header = None
        self.filename = filename
        self.config = config
        self.parser = QEParser(filename, config, type)
        self.type = type
        self.namelists = OrderedDict()
        self.cards = OrderedDict()
        self.attach = None  # Specific for 'matdyn'
        self.namelistRef = None
        self.cardRef = None
        self.qe = [self.header, self.namelists, self.cards, self.attach]

    def parse(self):
        """ Parses the configuration file and stores the values in qe dictionary """
        (self.header, self.namelists, self.cards,
         self.attach) = self.parser.parse()

    def createNamelist(self, name):
        """Creates namelist and adds to QEInput. """
        nl = Namelist(name)
        self.namelists[name] = nl

    def addNamelist(self, namelist):
        """Adds namelist. """
        self.namelists[namelist.name()] = namelist

    def removeNamelist(self, name):
            del (self.namelists[name])
        except KeyError:  # parameter is not present

    def namelist(self, name):
        # Do I need editNamelist()?
            return self.namelists[name]
        except KeyError:  # parameter is not present

    def createCard(self, name):
        """Creates card and adds to QEInput. """
        self.cards[name] = Card(name)

    def addCard(self, card):
        """Adds card. """
        self.cards[card.name()] = card

    def removeCard(self, name):
            del (self.cards[name])
        except KeyError:  # parameter is not present

    def card(self, name):
        # Do I need editNamelist()?
            return self.cards[name]
        except KeyError:  # parameter is not present

    def toString(self):
        (self.namelistRef, self.cardRef) = self.parser.setReferences()
        s = ''
        if self.header:  # Add header
            s += self.header

        for name in self.namelistRef:  # Add namelists
            nl = self.getObject(name, self.namelists)
            if nl is not None:
                s += nl.toString()

        for name in self.cardRef:  # Add cards
            c = self.getObject(name, self.cards)
            if c is not None:
                s += c.toString()

        if self.attach:  # Add attribute (e.g. for type='matdyn')
            s += self.attach

        return s

    def getObject(self, name, dict):
        """Returns object that corresponds to 'name'"""
        for n in dict.values():
            if n.name() == name:
                return dict[name]

        return None

    def save(self, filename=None):
        """ Saves the QEInput to the configuration file"""
        default = "config.out"

        if filename is None:
            if self.filename is not None:
                filename = self.filename
                filename = default

        f = open(filename, "w")

    def type(self):
        return self.type
コード例 #3
ファイル: qeinput.py プロジェクト: danse-inelastic/AbInitio
class QEInput(object):
    """Quantum Espresso configuration class. It can:
    - Parse existing configuration file
    - Add, Edit or Remove parameters from/to namelist or card

    # Either filename or config (not both) can be specified
    def __init__(self, filename=None, config=None, type='pw'):
        self.header     = None
        self.filename   = filename
        self.config     = config
        self.parser     = QEParser(filename, config, type)
        self.type       = type
        self.namelists  = OrderedDict()
        self.cards      = OrderedDict()
        self.attach     = None          # Specific for 'matdyn'
        self.namelistRef    = None
        self.cardRef        = None
        self.qe         = [self.header, self.namelists, self.cards, self.attach]

    def parse(self):
        """ Parses the configuration file and stores the values in qe dictionary """
        (self.header, self.namelists, self.cards, self.attach) = self.parser.parse()

    def createNamelist(self, name):
        """Creates namelist and adds to QEInput. """
        nl  = Namelist(name)
        self.namelists[name] = nl

    def addNamelist(self, namelist):
        """Adds namelist. """
        self.namelists[namelist.name()] = namelist

    def removeNamelist(self, name):
        except KeyError:    # parameter is not present

    def namelist(self, name):
        # Do I need editNamelist()?
            return self.namelists[name]
        except KeyError:    # parameter is not present

    def createCard(self, name):
        """Creates card and adds to QEInput. """
        self.cards[name] = Card(name)

    def addCard(self, card):
        """Adds card. """
        self.cards[card.name()] = card

    def removeCard(self, name):
        except KeyError:    # parameter is not present

    def card(self, name):
        # Do I need editNamelist()?
            return self.cards[name]
        except KeyError:    # parameter is not present

    def toString(self):
        (self.namelistRef, self.cardRef)    = self.parser.setReferences()
        s = ''
        if self.header:             # Add header
            s   += self.header

        for name in self.namelistRef:   # Add namelists
            nl  = self.getObject(name, self.namelists)
            if nl is not None:
                s   += nl.toString()

        for name in self.cardRef:   # Add cards
            c  = self.getObject(name, self.cards)
            if c is not None:
                s   += c.toString()

        if self.attach:             # Add attribute (e.g. for type='matdyn')
            s   += self.attach

        return s

    def getObject(self, name, dict):
        """Returns object that corresponds to 'name'"""
        for n in dict.values():
            if n.name() == name:
                return dict[name]

        return None

    def save(self, filename=None):
        """ Saves the QEInput to the configuration file"""
        default = "config.out"

        if filename is None:
            if self.filename is not None:
                filename = self.filename
                filename = default

        f = open(filename, "w")

    def type(self):
        return self.type
コード例 #4
ファイル: qeinput.py プロジェクト: nityasagarjena/AbInitio
class QEInput(object):
    """Quantum Espresso configuration class. It can:
    - Parse existing configuration file
    - Add, Edit or Remove parameters from/to namelist or card

    # Either filename or config (not both) can be specified
    def __init__(self, filename=None, config=None, type='pw'):
        self.header = None
        self.filename = filename
        self.config = config
        self.parser = QEParser(filename, config, type)
        self.type = type
        self.namelists = OrderedDict()
        self.cards = OrderedDict()
        self.attach = None  # Specific for 'matdyn', 'dynmat'
        self.namelistRef = None
        self.cardRef = None
        self.qe = [self.header, self.namelists, self.cards, self.attach]

    def parse(self):
        """ Parses the configuration file and stores the values in qe dictionary """
        (self.header, self.namelists, self.cards,
         self.attach) = self.parser.parse()

    def createNamelist(self, name):
        """Creates namelist and adds to QEInput. """
        nl = Namelist(name)
        self.namelists[name] = nl
        return nl

    def addNamelist(self, namelist):
        """Adds namelist. """
        self.namelists[namelist.name()] = namelist

    def removeNamelist(self, name):
            del (self.namelists[name])
        except KeyError:  # parameter is not present

    def namelist(self, name):
        "Returns namelist specified by name if exists or create a new one"
        if self.namelistExists(name):  # If exists, return namelist
            return self.namelists[name]

        return self.createNamelist(name)  # otherwise create a new one

    def namelistExists(self, name):
        "Checks if namelist specified by name exists"
        return self._exists(name, self.namelists.keys())

    def createCard(self, name):
        "Creates card and adds to QEInput. "
        card = Card(name)
        self.cards[name] = card
        return card

    def addCard(self, card):
        "Adds card"
        self.cards[card.name()] = card

    def removeCard(self, name):
            del (self.cards[name])
        except KeyError:  # parameter is not present

    def attach(self):
        "Returns attachment"
        return self.attach

    def addAttach(self, text):
        Sets attachment to some string.
        If attachment is not None it still will be overwritten
        self.attach = text

    def removeAttach(self):
        "Sets attachment to None"
        self.attach = None

    def card(self, name):
        "Returns card specified by name if exists or create a new one"
        if self.cardExists(name):  # If exists, return card
            return self.cards[name]

        return self.createCard(name)

    def cardExists(self, name):
        "Checks if card specified by name exists"
        return self._exists(name, self.cards.keys())

    def getObject(self, name, dict):
        """Returns object that corresponds to 'name'"""
        for n in dict.values():
            if n.name() == name:
                return dict[name]

        return None

    def save(self, filename=None):
        """ Saves the QEInput to the configuration file"""
        default = "config.out"

        if filename is None:
            if self.filename is not None:
                filename = self.filename
                filename = default

        f = open(filename, "w")

    def type(self):
        return self.type

    def structure(self):
        """Returns basic structure information as list tuples
        Example: [('Ni', '52.98', 'Ni.pbe-nd-rrkjus.UPF'), (...)]
        # Hard to extract structure not from pw type input
        # TODO: Should also have "atomic_species" card
        if self.type != "pw":
            return None

        list = []  # list of structure
        card = self.card("atomic_species")

        for l in card.lines(
        ):  # Should have format: "<Label> <Mass> <Pseudo-Potential>"
            l = l.strip()
            if l == "":  # Empty line

        return list

    def toString(self):
        (self.namelistRef, self.cardRef) = self.parser.setReferences()
        s = ''
        if self.header:  # Add header
            s += "%s\n" % self.header

        for name in self.namelistRef:  # Add namelists
            nl = self.getObject(name, self.namelists)
            if nl is not None:
                s += nl.toString()

        for name in self.cardRef:  # Add cards
            c = self.getObject(name, self.cards)
            if c is not None:
                s += c.toString()

        if self.attach:  # Add attribute (e.g. for type='matdyn')
            s += self.attach

        return s

    def _exists(self, name, list):
        if name in list:
            return True

        return False
コード例 #5
ファイル: qeinput.py プロジェクト: nityasagarjena/AbInitio
class QEInput(object):

    def __init__(self, filename=None, config=None, type='pw', parse=True):
        Initializes QEInput by passing either filename or config (not both)
            filename:   (str) -- Absolute or relative filename of file to be parsed
            config:     (str) -- Configuration text to be parsed
            type:       (str) -- Type of the simulation
        self.filename       = filename
        self.config         = config
        self._type          = type.lower()
        self.filters        = []
        self.header         = None
        self.namelists      = OrderedDict()
        self.cards          = OrderedDict()
        self.attach         = None          # Specific for 'matdyn', 'dynmat', etc.
        self.qe             = None          # DEPRICATED
        self.namelistRef    = None
        self.cardRef        = None

        self._read(filename, config, parse)

    def parse(self):
        Parses the configuration file and stores the values in qe dictionary
        (self.header, self.namelists, self.cards, self.attach) = self.parser.parse()

    def namelist(self, name):
        Returns namelist and adds to self.namelists. Return namelist if it exists.

            name: (str) -- Name of the new namelist
        # If namelist with the name exists, then return it
        name    = name.lower()
        if self.namelistExists(name):
            return  self.namelists[name]

        return self._createNamelist(name)

    def removeNamelist(self, name):
        Removes namelist if it exists or ignore otherwise

            name: (str) -- Name of the existing namelist
        name    = name.lower()
        except KeyError:    # parameter is not present

    def setNamelist(self, namelist):
        Sets/replaces namelist for self.namelists. It overwrites namelist if it exists
        already. So you this method with caution.

            namelist: (object: Namelist) -- Namelist object
        if not namelist:    # No namelist, just ignore it!

        self.namelists[namelist.name()] = namelist

    def namelistExists(self, name):
        Checks if namelist specified by name (lowered before) exists

            name: (str) -- Name of the namelist
        return self._exists(name, self.namelists.keys())

    def setCard(self, card):
        Adds card to self.cards
            card: (object: Card) -- Card object
        if not card:
        self.cards[card.name()] = card

    def removeCard(self, name):
        Remove card if it exists or ignore otherwise

            name: (str) -- Name of the existing card
        name    = name.lower()
        except KeyError:    # parameter is not present

    # XXX: Make self.attach protected first!
#    def attach(self):
#        "Returns attachment"
#        return self.attach

    def addAttach(self, text):
        Sets attachment to text. If attachment is not None it still will be

            text: (str) -- Attachment text, usually is appended to the end of the
                            configuration file
        self.attach = text

    def removeAttach(self):
        "Sets attachment to None"
        self.attach = None

    def card(self, name):
        Returns card specified by name if exists or create a new one
        name    = name.lower()
        if self.cardExists(name):        # If exists, return card
            return self.cards[name]

        return self._createCard(name)

    def cardExists(self, name):
        "Checks if card specified by name exists"
        return self._exists(name, self.cards.keys())

    def getObject(self, name, dict):
        Returns object specified by name
            name: (str) -- Name that identifies an object through name() method
            dict: (dict) -- Dictionary that stores objects as {name: object}
        if not name or not dict:
            return None

        for n in dict.values():
            if n.name() == name:
                return dict[name]

        return None

    def save(self, filename=None):
        Saves the QEInput structure to the configuration file

            filename: (str) -- File name where the configuration is stored to
        default = "config.out"

        if filename is None:
            if self.filename is not None:
                filename = self.filename
                filename = default

        f = open(filename, "w")

    def type(self):
        "Returns type of the configuration file"
        return self._type

    def applyFilter(self, filter, type=POSITIVE):
        Applies filter to the QEInput

            filter: (object: Filter) -- Filter that applies changes to QEInput
        if not filter:  # No filter, just ignore it
            return None

        filter.apply(self, type)  # Apply filter to QEInput

    def toString(self):
        Dumps QEInput structure to string
        s = ''
        if self.header:             # Add header
            s   += "%s\n" % self.header

        for name in self.namelistRef:   # Add namelists
            nl  = self.getObject(name, self.namelists)
            if nl is not None:
                s   += nl.toString()

        for name in self.cardRef:   # Add cards
            c  = self.getObject(name, self.cards)
            if c is not None:
                s   += c.toString()

        if self.attach:             # Add attribute (e.g. for type='matdyn')
            s   += self.attach

        return s

    def structure(self):
        Returns basic atomic structure information as list of tuples.
        Specific for 'pw' type

        Example: [('Ni', '52.98', 'Ni.pbe-nd-rrkjus.UPF'), (...)]
        # Extract structure not from pw type input. Hard to do it from other types
        if self._type != "pw":
            return None

        list    = []        # list of structure
        card    = self.card("atomic_species")

        for l in card.lines():     # Should have format: "<Label> <Mass> <Pseudo-Potential>"
            l   = l.strip()
            if l == "":     # Empty line

        return list

    def readFile(self, filename):
        Reads and parses configuration input from file
            filename: (str) -- File name
        self.filename   = filename

    def readString(self, config):
        Reads and parses configuration input from string
            config: (str) -- Configuration string
        self.config     = config

    def _read(self, filename=None, config=None, parse=True):
        "Reads and parses configuration input specified by kwds parameters"
        self.parser     = QEParser(filename, config, self._type)    #filename, config, type)
        (self.namelistRef, self.cardRef)    = self.parser.setReferences()

        if parse and (filename or config):
            QEInput.parse(self)     # Avoid calling method parse() from subclass

        self.qe = [self.header, self.namelists, self.cards, self.attach]

    def _exists(self, name, list):
        "Checks if lowered name is in the list"
        if not name:
            return False
        name    = name.lower()
        if name in list:
            return True

        return False        

    def _createCard(self, name):
        Creates a new card

            name: (str) -- Name of the card
        if not name in self.cardRef:    # If not standard card, ignore it
            return None

        card    = Card(name)
        self.cards[name] = card
        return card

    def _createNamelist(self, name):
        Creates namelist specified by name

            name: (str) -- Name of the namelist
        if not name in self.namelistRef:    # If not standard card, ignore it
            return None

        # Otherwise create a new namelist
        nl  = Namelist(name)
        self.namelists[name] = nl
        return nl

    # DEPRICATED: Use namelist() instead
    def createNamelist(self, name):
        return namelist(name)

    # DEPRICATED: Use card() instead
    def createCard(self, name):
        return card(name)

    # DEPRICATED: Use setNamelist() instead
    def addNamelist(self, namelist):

    # DEPRICATED: Use setCard() instead
    def addCard(self, card):