コード例 #1
    def _add_performance_statistics(self):
        For each ticker computes its overall performance (PnL of short positions, PnL of long positions, total PnL).
        It generates a table containing final PnL values for each of the ticker nad optionally plots the performance
        throughout the backtest.
        closed_positions = self.backtest_result.portfolio.closed_positions()
        closed_positions_pnl = QFDataFrame.from_records(
            data=[(self._ticker_name(p.contract()), p.end_time, p.direction(), p.total_pnl) for p in closed_positions],
            columns=["Tickers name", "Time", "Direction", "Realised PnL"]
        closed_positions_pnl = closed_positions_pnl.sort_values(by="Time")

        # Get all open positions history
        open_positions_history = self.backtest_result.portfolio.positions_history()
        open_positions_history = open_positions_history.reset_index().melt(
            id_vars='index', value_vars=open_positions_history.columns, var_name='Contract',
            value_name='Position summary')
        open_positions_pnl = QFDataFrame(data={
            "Tickers name": open_positions_history["Contract"].apply(lambda contract: self._ticker_name(contract)),
            "Time": open_positions_history["index"],
            "Direction": open_positions_history["Position summary"].apply(
                lambda p: p.direction if isinstance(p, BacktestPositionSummary) else 0),
            "Total PnL of open position": open_positions_history["Position summary"].apply(
                lambda p: p.total_pnl if isinstance(p, BacktestPositionSummary) else 0)

        all_positions_pnl = pd.concat([closed_positions_pnl, open_positions_pnl], sort=False)

        performance_dicts_series = all_positions_pnl.groupby(by=["Tickers name"]).apply(
        performance_df = QFDataFrame(performance_dicts_series.tolist(), index=performance_dicts_series.index)

        self.document.add_element(HeadingElement(level=2, text="Performance of each asset"))
        final_performance = performance_df. \
            applymap(lambda pnl_series: pnl_series.iloc[-1] if not pnl_series.empty else 0.0). \
            sort_values(by="Overall performance", ascending=False). \
            applymap(lambda p: '{:,.2f}'.format(p)). \
        table = DFTable(final_performance, css_classes=['table', 'left-align'])
        table.add_columns_classes(["Tickers name"], 'wide-column')

        # Add performance plots
        if self.generate_pnl_chart_per_ticker:
                HeadingElement(level=2, text="Performance of each asset during the whole backtest"))
            for ticker_name, performance in performance_df.iterrows():
                self._plot_ticker_performance(ticker_name, performance)
コード例 #2
    def _add_avg_time_in_the_market_per_ticker(self):
        Compute the total time in the market per ticker (separately for long and short positions) in minutes
        and divide it by the total duration of the backtest in minutes.
        self.document.add_element(HeadingElement(level=2, text="Average time in the market per asset"))

        start_time = self.backtest_result.start_date
        end_time = self.backtest_result.portfolio.timer.now()
        backtest_duration = pd.Timedelta(end_time - start_time) / pd.Timedelta(minutes=1)  # backtest duration in min

        closed_positions_time = [
            (self._ticker_name(position.contract()), position.start_time, position.end_time, position.direction())
            for position in self.backtest_result.portfolio.closed_positions()
        open_positions_time = [
            (self._ticker_name(c), position.start_time, end_time, position.direction())
            for c, position in self.backtest_result.portfolio.open_positions_dict.items()

        positions = QFDataFrame(data=closed_positions_time + open_positions_time,
                                columns=["Tickers name", "Start time", "End time", "Position direction"])

        def compute_duration(grouped_rows):
            return pd.DatetimeIndex([]).union_many(
                [pd.date_range(row["Start time"], row["End time"], freq='T', closed='left')
                 for _, row in grouped_rows.iterrows()]).size

        positions = positions.groupby(by=["Tickers name", "Position direction"]).apply(compute_duration) \
            .rename("Duration (minutes)").reset_index()
        positions["Duration"] = positions["Duration (minutes)"] / backtest_duration
        positions = positions.pivot_table(index="Tickers name", columns="Position direction",
        positions = positions.rename(columns={-1: "Short", 1: "Long"})

        # Add default 0 column in case if only short / long positions occurred in the backtest
        for column in ["Short", "Long"]:
            if column not in positions.columns:
                positions[column] = 0.0

        positions["Out"] = 1.0 - positions["Long"] - positions["Short"]
        positions[["Long", "Short", "Out"]] = positions[["Long", "Short", "Out"]].applymap(lambda x: '{:.2%}'.format(x))
        positions = positions.fillna(0.0)

        table = DFTable(positions, css_classes=['table', 'left-align'])
        table.add_columns_classes(["Tickers name"], 'wide-column')
コード例 #3
    def _create_performance_tables(
            self, performance_df: QFDataFrame) -> List[DFTable]:
        """ Create a formatted DFTable out of the performance_df data frame. """
        numeric_columns = [
            col for col in performance_df.columns
            if is_numeric_dtype(performance_df[col])
        performance_df[numeric_columns] = performance_df[
            numeric_columns].applymap(lambda x: '{:,.0f}'.format(x))
        performance_df = performance_df.set_index("Asset").sort_index()

        # Divide the performance df into a number of data frames, so that each of them contains up to
        # self.max_col_per_page columns, but keep the first column of the original df in all of them
        split_dfs = np.array_split(performance_df,
                                   np.ceil(performance_df.num_of_columns /
        df_tables = [
                        'table', 'shrink-font', 'right-align',
                    ]) for df in split_dfs
        return df_tables
コード例 #4
    def _get_distribution_summary_table(self, scenarios_results: SimpleReturnsSeries) -> DFTable:
        rows = []
        percentage_list = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
        for percentage in percentage_list:
            rows.append(("{:.0%} Tail".format(percentage),
                         "{:.2%}".format(np.quantile(scenarios_results, percentage))))

        rows.append(("50%", "{:.2%}".format(np.quantile(scenarios_results, 0.5))))

        for percentage in reversed(percentage_list):
            rows.append(("{:.0%} Top".format(percentage),
                         "{:.2%}".format(np.quantile(scenarios_results, (1.0 - percentage)))))

        table = DFTable(data=QFDataFrame.from_records(rows, columns=["Measure", "Value"]),
                        css_classes=['table', 'left-align'])
        table.add_columns_classes(["Measure"], 'wide-column')

        return table
コード例 #5
    def _add_open_positions_table(self):
        open_positions_dict = self._portfolio.open_positions_dict

        contracts = open_positions_dict.keys()

        # Return a readable name for each ticker (name property for FutureTickers and ticker for Tickers)
        tickers = [
                contract, strictly_to_specific_ticker=False)
            for contract in contracts
        tickers = [ticker.name for ticker in tickers]

        specific_tickers = [
                contract).ticker for contract in contracts

        # Get the information whether it is a long or short position
        directions = [
            open_positions_dict[contract].direction() for contract in contracts
        directions = [
            "LONG" if direction == 1 else "SHORT" for direction in directions

        # Get the total exposure and market value for each open position
        total_exposures = [
            for contract in contracts
        pnls = [
            for contract in contracts

        # Get the time of opening the positions
        start_time = [
            for contract in contracts

        data = {
            "Tickers name": tickers,
            "Specific ticker": specific_tickers,
            "Direction": directions,
            "Total Exposure": total_exposures,
            "PnL": pnls,
            "Position Creation": start_time

        table = DFTable(QFDataFrame.from_dict(data),
                        css_classes=['table', 'left-align'])
コード例 #6
    def _get_monte_carlos_simulator_outputs(self, scenarios_df: PricesDataFrame, total_returns: SimpleReturnsSeries) \
            -> DFTable:
        _, all_scenarios_number = scenarios_df.shape
        rows = []

        # Add the Median Return value
        median_return = np.median(total_returns)
        rows.append(("Median Return", "{:.2%}".format(median_return)))

        # Add the Mean Return value
        mean_return = total_returns.mean()
        rows.append(("Mean Return", "{:.2%}".format(mean_return)))

        trade_returns = QFSeries(data=[trade.percentage_pnl for trade in self.trades])
        sample_len = int(self._average_number_of_trades_per_year())
        std = trade_returns.std()
        expectation_adj_series = np.ones(sample_len) * (trade_returns.mean() - 0.5 * std * std)
        expectation_adj_series = SimpleReturnsSeries(data=expectation_adj_series)
        expectation_adj_series = expectation_adj_series.to_prices(suggested_initial_date=0)
        mean_volatility_adjusted_return = expectation_adj_series.iloc[-1] / expectation_adj_series.iloc[0] - 1.0
        rows.append(("Mean Volatility Adjusted Return", "{:.2%}".format(mean_volatility_adjusted_return)))

        # Add the Median Drawdown
        max_drawdowns = max_drawdown(scenarios_df)
        median_drawdown = np.median(max_drawdowns)
        rows.append(("Median Maximum Drawdown", "{:.2%}".format(median_drawdown)))

        # Add the Median Return / Median Drawdown
        rows.append(("Return / Drawdown", "{:.2f}".format(median_return / median_drawdown)))

        # Probability, that the return will be > 0
        scenarios_with_positive_result = total_returns[total_returns > 0.0].count()
        probability = scenarios_with_positive_result / all_scenarios_number
        rows.append(("Probability of positive return", "{:.2%}".format(probability)))

        table = DFTable(data=QFDataFrame.from_records(rows, columns=["Measure", "Value"]),
                        css_classes=['table', 'left-align'])
        table.add_columns_classes(["Measure"], 'wide-column')

        return table
コード例 #7
    def _get_chances_of_dropping_below_table(self, scenarios_df: PricesDataFrame) -> DFTable:
        _, all_scenarios_number = scenarios_df.shape
        rows = []

        crop_table = False
        for percentage in np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, 9):
            # Count number of scenarios, whose returns at some point of time dropped below the percentage * initial
            # value
            _, scenarios_above_percentage = scenarios_df.where(scenarios_df > (1.0 - percentage)).dropna(axis=1).shape
            probability = (all_scenarios_number - scenarios_above_percentage) / all_scenarios_number

            rows.append(("{:.0%}".format(percentage), "{:.2%}".format(probability)))

            if crop_table is True:
            elif probability < 0.1:
                crop_table = True

        table = DFTable(QFDataFrame.from_records(rows, columns=["Chances of dropping below", "Probability"]),
                        css_classes=['table', 'left-align'])
        table.add_columns_classes(["Chances of dropping below"], 'wide-column')
        return table
コード例 #8
    def _add_open_positions_table(self):
        open_positions_dict = self._portfolio.open_positions_dict
        tickers = open_positions_dict.keys()

        # Get the information whether it is a long or short position
        directions = [open_positions_dict[t].direction() for t in tickers]
        directions = [
            "LONG" if direction == 1 else "SHORT" for direction in directions

        # Get the total exposure and market value for each open position
        total_exposures = [
            for t in tickers
        pnls = [
            for t in tickers

        # Get the time of opening the positions
        start_time = [
            open_positions_dict[t].start_time.date() for t in tickers

        data = {
            "Tickers name": [t.name for t in tickers],
            "Specific ticker": tickers,
            "Direction": directions,
            "Total Exposure": total_exposures,
            "PnL": pnls,
            "Position Creation": start_time

        table = DFTable(QFDataFrame.from_dict(data),
                        css_classes=['table', 'left-align'])
コード例 #9
    def _create_performance_contribution_tables(
            self, performance_df: QFDataFrame) -> List[DFTable]:
        Create a list of DFTables with assets names in the index and different years / months in columns, which contains
        details on the performance contribution for each asset.
        # Create a QFSeries which contains the initial amount of cash in the portfolio for each year / month
        numeric_columns = [
            col for col in performance_df.columns
            if is_numeric_dtype(performance_df[col])
        portfolio_values = performance_df[numeric_columns].sum().shift(
        performance_df[numeric_columns] = performance_df[
            numeric_columns] / portfolio_values[numeric_columns]

        # Add category column and aggregate data accordingly
        ticker_name_to_category = {
            t.name: category
            for t, category in self._ticker_to_category.items()
        performance_df["Category"] = performance_df["Asset"].apply(
            lambda t: ticker_name_to_category[t])
        all_categories = list(set(ticker_name_to_category.values()))
        performance_df = performance_df.sort_values(by=["Category", "Asset"])
        performance_df = performance_df.groupby("Category").apply(
            lambda d: pd.concat([
                        "Asset": [d.name],
                        "Category": [d.name]
                    **{c: [d[c].sum()]
                       for c in numeric_columns}
                }), d

        # Add the Total Performance row (divide by 2 as the df contains already aggregated data for each group)
        total_sum_row = performance_df[numeric_columns].sum() / 2
        total_sum_row["Asset"] = "Total Performance"
        performance_df = performance_df.append(total_sum_row,

        # Format the rows using the percentage formatter
        performance_df[numeric_columns] = performance_df[
            numeric_columns].applymap(lambda x: '{:.2%}'.format(x))

        # Divide the performance dataframe into a number of dataframes, so that each of them contains up to
        # self._max_columns_per_page columns
        split_dfs = np.array_split(performance_df.set_index("Asset"),
                                       (performance_df.num_of_columns - 1) /
        df_tables = [
                        'table', 'shrink-font', 'right-align',
                    ]) for df in split_dfs

        # Get the indices of rows, which contain category info
        category_indices = performance_df[performance_df["Asset"].isin(

        for df_table in df_tables:
            # Add table formatting, highlight rows showing the total contribution of the given category
                category_indices, {
                    "font-weight": "bold",
                    "font-size": "0.95em",
                    "background-color": "#cbd0d2"
                [performance_df.index[-1]], {
                    "font-weight": "bold",
                    "font-size": "0.95em",
                    "background-color": "#b9bcbd"
        return df_tables
コード例 #10
    def _add_stats_table(self):
        statistics = []  # type: List[Tuple]

        def append_to_statistics(measure_description: str, function: Callable, trades_containers,
                                 percentage_style: bool = False):
            style_format = "{:.2%}" if percentage_style else "{:.2f}"
            returned_values = (function(tc) for tc in trades_containers)
            returned_values = (value if is_finite_number(value) else 0.0 for value in returned_values)
            statistics.append((measure_description, *(style_format.format(val) for val in returned_values)))

        # Prepare trades data frame, used to generate all statistics
        trades_df = QFDataFrame.from_records(
            data=[(t.start_time, t.end_time, t.percentage_pnl, t.direction) for t in self.trades],
            columns=["start time", "end time", "percentage pnl", "direction"]

        # In case if the initial risk is not set all the return statistic will be computed using the percentage pnl,
        # otherwise the r_multiply = percentage pnl / initial risk is used
        unit = "%" if self.initial_risk is None else "R"
        trades_df["returns"] = trades_df["percentage pnl"] if self.initial_risk is None \
            else trades_df["percentage pnl"] / self.initial_risk

        # Filter out only long and only
        long_trades_df = trades_df[trades_df["direction"] > 0]
        short_trades_df = trades_df[trades_df["direction"] < 0]
        all_dfs = [trades_df, long_trades_df, short_trades_df]

        append_to_statistics("Number of trades", len, all_dfs)
        append_to_statistics("% of trades number", lambda df: len(df) / len(trades_df) if len(trades_df) > 0 else 0,
                             all_dfs, percentage_style=True)

        period_length_in_years = Timedelta(self.end_date - self.start_date) / Timedelta(days=1) / DAYS_PER_YEAR_AVG
        append_to_statistics("Avg number of trades per year", lambda df: len(df) / period_length_in_years, all_dfs)
        append_to_statistics("Avg number of trades per year per asset",
                             lambda df: len(df) / period_length_in_years / self.nr_of_assets_traded, all_dfs)

        def percentage_of_positive_trades(df: QFDataFrame):
            return len(df[df["returns"] > 0]) / len(df) if len(df) > 0 else 0.0
        append_to_statistics("% of positive trades", percentage_of_positive_trades, all_dfs, percentage_style=True)

        def percentage_of_negative_trades(df: QFDataFrame):
            return len(df[df["returns"] < 0]) / len(df) if len(df) > 0 else 0.0
        append_to_statistics("% of negative trades", percentage_of_negative_trades, all_dfs, percentage_style=True)

        def avg_trade_duration(df: QFDataFrame):
            trades_duration = (df["end time"] - df["start time"]) / Timedelta(days=1)
            return trades_duration.mean()
        append_to_statistics("Average trade duration [days]", avg_trade_duration, all_dfs)

        append_to_statistics("Average trade return [{}]".format(unit), lambda df: df["returns"].mean(), all_dfs,
                             percentage_style=(self.initial_risk is None))
        append_to_statistics("Std trade return [{}]".format(unit), lambda df: df["returns"].std(), all_dfs,
                             percentage_style=(self.initial_risk is None))

        def avg_positive_trade_return(df: QFDataFrame):
            positive_trades = df[df["returns"] > 0]
            return positive_trades["returns"].mean()
        append_to_statistics("Average positive return [{}]".format(unit), avg_positive_trade_return, all_dfs,
                             percentage_style=(self.initial_risk is None))

        def avg_negative_trade_return(df: QFDataFrame):
            negative_trades = df[df["returns"] < 0]
            return negative_trades["returns"].mean()
        append_to_statistics("Average negative return [{}]".format(unit), avg_negative_trade_return, all_dfs,
                             percentage_style=(self.initial_risk is None))

        append_to_statistics("Best trade return [{}]".format(unit), lambda df: df["returns"].max(), all_dfs,
                             percentage_style=(self.initial_risk is None))
        append_to_statistics("Worst trade return [{}]".format(unit), lambda df: df["returns"].min(), all_dfs,
                             percentage_style=(self.initial_risk is None))

        append_to_statistics("SQN (per trade) [{}]".format(unit), lambda df: sqn(df["returns"]), all_dfs,
                             percentage_style=(self.initial_risk is None))
        append_to_statistics("SQN (per 100 trades) [{}]".format(unit), lambda df: sqn_for100trades(df["returns"]),
                             all_dfs, percentage_style=(self.initial_risk is None))

        def sqn_per_year(returns: QFSeries):
            sqn_per_year_value = sqn(returns) * sqrt(avg_nr_of_trades_per1y(returns, self.start_date, self.end_date))
            return sqn_per_year_value
        append_to_statistics("SQN (per year) [{}]".format(unit), lambda df: sqn_per_year(df["returns"]), all_dfs,
                             percentage_style=(self.initial_risk is None))

        statistics_df = QFDataFrame.from_records(statistics, columns=["Measure", "All trades", "Long trades",
                                                                      "Short trades"])
        table = DFTable(statistics_df, css_classes=['table', 'left-align'])
        table.add_columns_classes(["Measure"], 'wide-column')