def exportAsPdf(self): self.repaintModel(controls=False) filename, fileFilter = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self,'Save Model As PDF'), '','PDF files (*.pdf *.PDF)')) if not filename: return if not filename.lower().endswith('.pdf'): filename += '.pdf' totalRect = self.scene.itemsBoundingRect() totalRect.adjust(-10, -10, 10, 10) printerRect = QRectF(0, 0, totalRect.width(), totalRect.height()) printer = QPrinter() printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter.PdfFormat) printer.setOutputFileName(filename) printer.setPaperSize(QSizeF(printerRect.width(), printerRect.height()), QPrinter.DevicePixel) printer.setFullPage(True) painter = QPainter(printer) self.scene.render(painter, printerRect, totalRect) painter.end()"", "Model was correctly exported as PDF", level=Qgis.Success, duration=5) self.repaintModel(controls=True)
def exportAsPdf(self): self.repaintModel(controls=False) filename, fileFilter = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self,'Save Model As PDF'), '','PDF files (*.pdf *.PDF)')) if not filename: return if not filename.lower().endswith('.pdf'): filename += '.pdf' totalRect = self.scene.itemsBoundingRect() totalRect.adjust(-10, -10, 10, 10) printerRect = QRectF(0, 0, totalRect.width(), totalRect.height()) printer = QPrinter() printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter.PdfFormat) printer.setOutputFileName(filename) printer.setPaperSize(QSizeF(printerRect.width(), printerRect.height()), QPrinter.DevicePixel) printer.setFullPage(True) painter = QPainter(printer) self.scene.render(painter, printerRect, totalRect) painter.end()"","Successfully exported model as PDF to <a href=\"{}\">{}</a>").format(QUrl.fromLocalFile(filename).toString(), QDir.toNativeSeparators(filename)), level=Qgis.Success, duration=5) self.repaintModel(controls=True)
def exportAsPdf(self): self.repaintModel(controls=False) filename, fileFilter = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self,'Save Model As PDF'), '','PDF files (*.pdf *.PDF)')) if not filename: return if not filename.lower().endswith('.pdf'): filename += '.pdf' totalRect = self.scene.itemsBoundingRect() totalRect.adjust(-10, -10, 10, 10) printerRect = QRectF(0, 0, totalRect.width(), totalRect.height()) printer = QPrinter() printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter.PdfFormat) printer.setOutputFileName(filename) printer.setPaperSize(QSizeF(printerRect.width(), printerRect.height()), QPrinter.DevicePixel) printer.setFullPage(True) painter = QPainter(printer) self.scene.render(painter, printerRect, totalRect) painter.end()"", "Model was correctly exported as PDF", level=QgsMessageBar.SUCCESS, duration=5) self.repaintModel(controls=True)
def _get_layout_pdf_image(self, width, height, dpi): pdfpath = getTempfilePath('pdf') temp_size = os.path.getsize(pdfpath) p = QPrinter() p.setOutputFormat(QPrinter.PdfFormat) p.setOutputFileName(pdfpath) p.setPaperSize( QSizeF(self._c.pageCollection().page(0).sizeWithUnits().width(), self._c.pageCollection().page(0).sizeWithUnits().height()), QPrinter.Millimeter) p.setFullPage(True) p.setColorMode(QPrinter.Color) p.setResolution(self._c.renderContext().dpi()) pdf_p = QPainter(p) # page_mm = p.pageRect(QPrinter.Millimeter) # page_px = p.pageRect(QPrinter.DevicePixel) # self._c.render(pdf_p, page_px, page_mm) exporter = QgsLayoutExporter(self._c) exporter.renderPage(pdf_p, 0) pdf_p.end() if temp_size == os.path.getsize(pdfpath): return False, '' filepath = getTempfilePath('png') # Poppler (pdftocairo or pdftoppm): # PDFUTIL -png -singlefile -r 72 -x 0 -y 0 -W 420 -H 280 in.pdf pngbase # muPDF (mudraw): # PDFUTIL -c rgb[a] -r 72 -w 420 -h 280 -o out.png in.pdf if PDFUTIL.strip().endswith('pdftocairo'): filebase = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(filepath), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0]) call = [ PDFUTIL, '-png', '-singlefile', '-r', str(dpi), '-x', '0', '-y', '0', '-W', str(width), '-H', str(height), pdfpath, filebase ] elif PDFUTIL.strip().endswith('mudraw'): call = [ PDFUTIL, '-c', 'rgba', '-r', str(dpi), '-w', str(width), '-h', str(height), # '-b', '8', '-o', filepath, pdfpath ] else: return False, '' qDebug("_get_layout_pdf_image call: {0}".format(' '.join(call))) res = False try: subprocess.check_call(call) res = True except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: qDebug("_get_layout_pdf_image failed!\n" "cmd: {0}\n" "returncode: {1}\n" "message: {2}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.message)) if not res: os.unlink(filepath) filepath = '' return res, filepath
def _get_composer_pdf_image(self, width, height, dpi): pdfpath = getTempfilePath('pdf') temp_size = os.path.getsize(pdfpath) p = QPrinter() p.setOutputFormat(QPrinter.PdfFormat) p.setOutputFileName(pdfpath) p.setPaperSize(QSizeF(self._c.paperWidth(), self._c.paperHeight()), QPrinter.Millimeter) p.setFullPage(True) p.setColorMode(QPrinter.Color) p.setResolution(self._c.printResolution()) pdf_p = QPainter(p) # page_mm = p.pageRect(QPrinter.Millimeter) # page_px = p.pageRect(QPrinter.DevicePixel) # self._c.render(pdf_p, page_px, page_mm) self._c.renderPage(pdf_p, 0) pdf_p.end() if temp_size == os.path.getsize(pdfpath): return False, '' filepath = getTempfilePath('png') # Poppler (pdftocairo or pdftoppm): # PDFUTIL -png -singlefile -r 72 -x 0 -y 0 -W 420 -H 280 in.pdf pngbase # muPDF (mudraw): # PDFUTIL -c rgb[a] -r 72 -w 420 -h 280 -o out.png in.pdf if PDFUTIL.strip().endswith('pdftocairo'): filebase = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(filepath), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] ) call = [ PDFUTIL, '-png', '-singlefile', '-r', str(dpi), '-x', '0', '-y', '0', '-W', str(width), '-H', str(height), pdfpath, filebase ] elif PDFUTIL.strip().endswith('mudraw'): call = [ PDFUTIL, '-c', 'rgba', '-r', str(dpi), '-w', str(width), '-h', str(height), # '-b', '8', '-o', filepath, pdfpath ] else: return False, '' qDebug("_get_composer_pdf_image call: {0}".format(' '.join(call))) res = False try: subprocess.check_call(call) res = True except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: qDebug("_get_composer_pdf_image failed!\n" "cmd: {0}\n" "returncode: {1}\n" "message: {2}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.message)) if not res: os.unlink(filepath) filepath = '' return res, filepath
def CreatePDF(self, task, out, timestamp, data, frame, rows, columns, fileName, VManager): ''' Create PDF QgsTask ''' font_normal = QFont("Helvetica", 8, QFont.Normal) font_bold = QFont("Helvetica", 9, QFont.Bold) printer = QPrinter(QPrinter.HighResolution) printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter.PdfFormat) printer.setPageSize(QPrinter.A4) printer.setOutputFileName(out) printer.setFullPage(True) document = QTextDocument() document.setDefaultFont(font_normal) document.setPageSize(printer.paperSize(QPrinter.Point)); cursor = QTextCursor(document) video_t = QCoreApplication.translate("QgsFmvMetadata", "Video : ") time_t = QCoreApplication.translate("QgsFmvMetadata", "TimeStamp : ") cursor.insertHtml( """ <p style='text-align: center;'> <img style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src=\':/imgFMV/images/header_logo.png\' width='200' height='25' /> <p style='text-align: center;'> <strong>%s</strong>%s<strong> <p style='text-align: center;'> <strong>%s</strong>%s <p></p> """ % (video_t, fileName, time_t, timestamp)) tableFormat = QTextTableFormat() tableFormat.setBorderBrush(QBrush( tableFormat.setAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter) tableFormat.setHeaderRowCount(1) tableFormat.setCellPadding(2) tableFormat.setCellSpacing(2) cursor.insertTable(rows + 1, columns, tableFormat) tableHeaderFormat = QTextCharFormat() tableHeaderFormat.setFont(font_bold) tableHeaderFormat.setBackground(QColor("#67b03a")) tableHeaderFormat.setForeground(Qt.white) tableHeaderFormat.setVerticalAlignment(QTextCharFormat.AlignMiddle) alternate_background = QTextCharFormat() alternate_background.setBackground(QColor("#DDE9ED")) for column in range(columns): cursor.mergeBlockCharFormat(tableHeaderFormat) cursor.insertText(VManager.horizontalHeaderItem( column).text()) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextCell) row = 1 for key in sorted(data.keys()): values = [str(key), str(data[key][0]),str(data[key][1])] for column in range(columns): cursor.insertText(values[column]) if (row) % 2 == 0: cursor.mergeBlockCharFormat(alternate_background) cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.NextCell) row += 1 cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.End) current_t = QCoreApplication.translate("QgsFmvMetadata", "Current Frame") self.TextBlockCenter(cursor, TextFormat= QTextFormat.PageBreak_AlwaysBefore) cursor.insertHtml(""" <br><p style='text-align: center;'><strong>""" + current_t +"""</strong></p><br> """) self.TextBlockCenter(cursor) cursor.insertImage(frame.scaledToWidth(500, Qt.SmoothTransformation)) document.print_(printer) if task.isCanceled(): return None return {'task': task.description()}
class ReportWorker(AbstractWorker): """Worker class handling report generation""" def __init__(self, out_dir): super().__init__() self.out_dir = out_dir self.current_step = 1 # setup QPrinter self.printer = QPrinter() self.printer.setPageSize(QPrinter.A4) self.printer.setFullPage(True) self.printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter.PdfFormat) templates_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "report_templates") # load templates with open(os.path.join(templates_path, "infrastrutture_tmpl.html"), "r") as f: self.infrastrutture_tmpl = Template( with open(os.path.join(templates_path, "aree_emerg_tmpl.html"), "r") as f: self.aree_emerg_tmpl = Template( with open(os.path.join(templates_path, "aggregati_tmpl.html"), "r") as f: self.aggregati_tmpl = Template( with open(os.path.join(templates_path, "edifici_tmpl.html"), "r") as f: self.edifici_tmpl = Template( with open(os.path.join(templates_path, "unita_strutt_tmpl.html"), "r") as f: self.unita_strutt_tmpl = Template( # load lookup tables self.tipo_infra_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_tipo_infra") self.pav_per_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_pav_per") self.ost_disc_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_ost_disc") self.morf_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_morf") self.zona_ms_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_zona_ms") self.falda_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_falda") self.acq_sup_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_acq_sup") self.pai_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_pai") self.tipo_area_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_tipo_area") self.piano_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_piano") self.infra_acq_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_infra_acq") self.infra_ele_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_infra_ele") self.infra_fog_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_infra_fog") self.posizio_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_posizio") self.specialis_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_specialis") self.n_interr_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_n_interr") self.alt_piano_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_alt_piano") self.strutt_ver_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_strutt_ver") self.tipo_mur_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_tipo_mur") self.danno_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_danno") self.stato_man_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_stato_man") self.id_edif_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_id_edif") self.uso_att_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_uso_att") self.evento_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_evento") self.tipo_evento_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_tipo") self.verif_sism_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_verif_sism") self.utilizz_dict = self._gen_codes_dict("vw_utilizz") def _gen_codes_dict(self, lookup_table_name): """Generate dictionary with codes from lookup table""" lookup_table = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName( lookup_table_name)[0] dict = {} for f in lookup_table.getFeatures(): dict[f["cod"]] = f["descrizione"] return dict def work(self): root = QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot() cle_group = root.findGroup("CLE") cle_layer_nodes = cle_group.children() for node in cle_layer_nodes: self.set_message.emit( f"Generating reports for {node.layer().name()}...") features = node.layer().getFeatures() cnt = 0 for feature in features: self.generate_report(node.layer().name(), feature) cnt += 1 self.progress.emit(int(cnt * 100 / node.layer().featureCount())) if self.killed: break if self.killed: raise UserAbortedNotification("User aborted") return "Task completed!" def generate_report(self, layer_name, feature): # self.set_message.emit(f'Generating report for {feature["ID_AC"]} ({layer_name})') # dictionary with field names and values of the feature attrs_dict = dict(zip(feature.fields().names(), feature.attributes())) html = None if layer_name.startswith("Infrastrutture"): pdf_name = f"{feature['ID_AC']}.pdf" if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.out_dir, "Infrastrutture")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.out_dir, "Infrastrutture")) pdf_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir, "Infrastrutture", pdf_name) self.printer.setOutputFileName(pdf_path) # substitute codes with corresponding values from lookup tables attrs_dict["tipo_infra"] = self.tipo_infra_dict[ attrs_dict["tipo_infra"]] attrs_dict["strade_a"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "strade_a"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["strade_b"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "strade_b"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["strade_c"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "strade_c"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["strade_d"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "strade_d"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["strade_e"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "strade_e"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["strade_f"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "strade_f"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["pav_per"] = self.pav_per_dict[attrs_dict["pav_per"]] attrs_dict["ost_disc"] = self.ost_disc_dict[attrs_dict["ost_disc"]] attrs_dict["morf"] = self.morf_dict[attrs_dict["morf"]] attrs_dict["ubic_sotto"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "ubic_sotto"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["ubic_sopra"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "ubic_sopra"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["zona_ms"] = self.zona_ms_dict[attrs_dict["zona_ms"]] attrs_dict["inst_fran"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_fran"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_liq"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_liq"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_fag"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_fag"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_ced"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_ced"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_cav"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_cav"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["frana_AC"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "frana_AC"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["frana_mon"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "frana_mon"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["frana_val"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "frana_val"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["falda"] = self.falda_dict[attrs_dict["falda"]] attrs_dict["acq_sup"] = self.acq_sup_dict[attrs_dict["acq_sup"]] attrs_dict["pai"] = self.pai_dict[attrs_dict["pai"]] attrs_dict["alluvio"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "alluvio"] == "true" else "☐" html = self.infrastrutture_tmpl.substitute(attrs_dict) elif layer_name.startswith("Aree"): pdf_name = f"{feature['ID_AE']}.pdf" if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.out_dir, "Aree_emergenza")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.out_dir, "Aree_emergenza")) pdf_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir, "Aree_emergenza", pdf_name) self.printer.setOutputFileName(pdf_path) # substitute codes with corresponding values from lookup tables attrs_dict["tipo_area"] = self.tipo_area_dict[ attrs_dict["tipo_area"]] attrs_dict["piano"] = self.piano_dict[attrs_dict["piano"]] attrs_dict["pav_per"] = self.pav_per_dict[attrs_dict["pav_per"]] attrs_dict["infra_acq"] = self.infra_acq_dict[ attrs_dict["infra_acq"]] attrs_dict["infra_ele"] = self.infra_ele_dict[ attrs_dict["infra_ele"]] attrs_dict["infra_fog"] = self.infra_fog_dict[ attrs_dict["infra_fog"]] attrs_dict["morf"] = self.morf_dict[attrs_dict["morf"]] attrs_dict["ubic_sotto"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "ubic_sotto"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["ubic_sopra"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "ubic_sopra"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["zona_ms"] = self.zona_ms_dict[attrs_dict["zona_ms"]] attrs_dict["inst_fran"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_fran"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_liq"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_liq"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_fag"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_fag"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_ced"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_ced"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_cav"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_cav"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["frana_AE"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "frana_AE"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["frana_mon"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "frana_mon"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["frana_val"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "frana_val"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["falda"] = self.falda_dict[attrs_dict["falda"]] attrs_dict["acq_sup"] = self.acq_sup_dict[attrs_dict["acq_sup"]] attrs_dict["pai"] = self.pai_dict[attrs_dict["pai"]] attrs_dict["alluvio"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "alluvio"] == "true" else "☐" html = self.aree_emerg_tmpl.substitute(attrs_dict) elif layer_name.startswith("Aggregati"): pdf_name = f"{feature['ID_AS']}.pdf" if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.out_dir, "Aggregati_strutturali")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.out_dir, "Aggregati_strutturali")) pdf_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir, "Aggregati_strutturali", pdf_name) self.printer.setOutputFileName(pdf_path) # substitute codes with corresponding values from lookup tables attrs_dict["conn_volte"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "conn_volte"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["conn_rifus"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "conn_rifus"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["regol_1"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "regol_1"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["regol_2"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "regol_2"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["regol_3"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "regol_3"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["regol_4"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "regol_4"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["regol_5"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "regol_5"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["vuln_1"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "vuln_1"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["vuln_2"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "vuln_2"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["vuln_3"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "vuln_3"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["vuln_4"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "vuln_4"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["vuln_5"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "vuln_5"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["vuln_6"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "vuln_6"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["rinfor_1"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "rinfor_1"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["rinfor_2"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "rinfor_2"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["morf"] = self.morf_dict[attrs_dict["morf"]] attrs_dict["ubic_sotto"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "ubic_sotto"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["ubic_sopra"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "ubic_sopra"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["zona_ms"] = self.zona_ms_dict[attrs_dict["zona_ms"]] attrs_dict["inst_fran"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_fran"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_liq"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_liq"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_fag"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_fag"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_ced"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_ced"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_cav"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_cav"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["frana_AS"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "frana_AS"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["frana_mon"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "frana_mon"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["frana_val"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "frana_val"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["pai"] = self.pai_dict[attrs_dict["pai"]] attrs_dict["alluvio"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "alluvio"] == "true" else "☐" html = self.aggregati_tmpl.substitute(attrs_dict) elif layer_name.startswith("Edifici"): pdf_name = f"{feature['ID_ES']}.pdf" if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.out_dir, "Edifici_strategici")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.out_dir, "Edifici_strategici")) pdf_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir, "Edifici_strategici", pdf_name) self.printer.setOutputFileName(pdf_path) # substitute codes with corresponding values from lookup tables attrs_dict["isolato"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "isolato"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["posizio"] = self.posizio_dict[attrs_dict["posizio"]] attrs_dict["fronte"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "fronte"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["specialis"] = self.specialis_dict[attrs_dict[ "specialis"]] if attrs_dict["spec"] == "true" else "" attrs_dict["spec"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "spec"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["n_interr"] = self.n_interr_dict[attrs_dict["n_interr"]] attrs_dict["alt_piano"] = self.alt_piano_dict[ attrs_dict["alt_piano"]] attrs_dict["vol_unico"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "vol_unico"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["strutt_ver"] = self.strutt_ver_dict[ attrs_dict["strutt_ver"]] attrs_dict["tipo_mur"] = self.tipo_mur_dict[attrs_dict["tipo_mur"]] attrs_dict["cord_cat"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "cord_cat"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["pilastri"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "pilastri"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["pilotis"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "pilotis"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["sopraelev"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "sopraelev"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["danno"] = self.danno_dict[attrs_dict["danno"]] attrs_dict["stato_man"] = self.stato_man_dict[ attrs_dict["stato_man"]] attrs_dict["pr_pubb"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "pr_pubb"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["pr_priv"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "pr_priv"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["morf"] = self.morf_dict[attrs_dict["morf"]] attrs_dict["ubic_sotto"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "ubic_sotto"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["ubic_sopra"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "ubic_sopra"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["zona_ms"] = self.zona_ms_dict[attrs_dict["zona_ms"]] attrs_dict["inst_fran"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_fran"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_liq"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_liq"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_fag"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_fag"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_ced"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_ced"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_cav"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_cav"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["frana_ar"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "frana_ar"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["frana_mon"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "frana_mon"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["frana_val"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "frana_val"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["pai"] = self.pai_dict[attrs_dict["pai"]] attrs_dict["alluvio"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "alluvio"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["ID_edif"] = self.id_edif_dict[attrs_dict["ID_edif"]] attrs_dict["emerg_1"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "emerg_1"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["emerg_2"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "emerg_2"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["emerg_3"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "emerg_3"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["emerg_4"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "emerg_4"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["emerg_5"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "emerg_5"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["emerg_6"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "emerg_6"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["uso_orig"] = self.uso_att_dict[attrs_dict["uso_orig"]] attrs_dict["uso_att"] = self.uso_att_dict[attrs_dict["uso_att"]] attrs_dict["interv"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "interv"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["interv_1"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "interv_1"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["interv_2"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "interv_2"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["interv_3"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "interv_3"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["interv_4"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "interv_4"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["interv_5"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "interv_5"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["interv_6"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "interv_6"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["interv_7"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "interv_7"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["evento_1"] = self.evento_dict[ attrs_dict["evento_1"]] if attrs_dict["evento_1"] else "" attrs_dict["data_ev_1"] = attrs_dict["data_ev_1"] if attrs_dict[ "evento_1"] else "" attrs_dict["tipo_1"] = self.tipo_evento_dict[ attrs_dict["tipo_1"]] if attrs_dict["evento_1"] else "" attrs_dict["evento_2"] = self.evento_dict[ attrs_dict["evento_2"]] if attrs_dict["evento_2"] else "" attrs_dict["data_ev_2"] = attrs_dict["data_ev_2"] if attrs_dict[ "evento_2"] else "" attrs_dict["tipo_2"] = self.tipo_evento_dict[ attrs_dict["tipo_2"]] if attrs_dict["evento_2"] else "" attrs_dict["evento_3"] = self.evento_dict[ attrs_dict["evento_3"]] if attrs_dict["evento_3"] else "" attrs_dict["data_ev_3"] = attrs_dict["data_ev_3"] if attrs_dict[ "evento_3"] else "" attrs_dict["tipo_3"] = self.tipo_evento_dict[ attrs_dict["tipo_3"]] if attrs_dict["evento_3"] else "" attrs_dict["verif_sism"] = self.verif_sism_dict[ attrs_dict["verif_sism"]] html = self.edifici_tmpl.substitute(attrs_dict) elif layer_name.startswith("Unita"): pdf_name = f"{feature['ID_US']}.pdf" if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.out_dir, "Unita_strutturali")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.out_dir, "Unita_strutturali")) pdf_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir, "Unita_strutturali", pdf_name) self.printer.setOutputFileName(pdf_path) # substitute codes with corresponding values from lookup tables attrs_dict["isolato"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "isolato"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["posizio"] = self.posizio_dict[attrs_dict["posizio"]] attrs_dict["fronte"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "fronte"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["specialis"] = self.specialis_dict[attrs_dict[ "specialis"]] if attrs_dict["spec"] == "true" else "" attrs_dict["spec"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "spec"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["n_interr"] = self.n_interr_dict[attrs_dict["n_interr"]] attrs_dict["alt_piano"] = self.alt_piano_dict[ attrs_dict["alt_piano"]] attrs_dict["vol_unico"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "vol_unico"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["strutt_ver"] = self.strutt_ver_dict[ attrs_dict["strutt_ver"]] attrs_dict["tipo_mur"] = self.tipo_mur_dict[attrs_dict["tipo_mur"]] attrs_dict["cord_cat"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "cord_cat"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["pilastri"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "pilastri"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["pilotis"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "pilotis"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["sopraelev"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "sopraelev"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["danno"] = self.danno_dict[attrs_dict["danno"]] attrs_dict["stato_man"] = self.stato_man_dict[ attrs_dict["stato_man"]] attrs_dict["pr_pubb"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "pr_pubb"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["pr_priv"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "pr_priv"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["morf"] = self.morf_dict[attrs_dict["morf"]] attrs_dict["ubic_sotto"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "ubic_sotto"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["ubic_sopra"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "ubic_sopra"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["zona_ms"] = self.zona_ms_dict[attrs_dict["zona_ms"]] attrs_dict["inst_fran"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_fran"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_liq"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_liq"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_fag"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_fag"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_ced"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_ced"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["inst_cav"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "inst_cav"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["frana_ar"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "frana_ar"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["frana_mon"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "frana_mon"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["frana_val"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "frana_val"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["pai"] = self.pai_dict[attrs_dict["pai"]] attrs_dict["alluvio"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "alluvio"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["uso_att"] = self.uso_att_dict[attrs_dict["uso_att"]] attrs_dict["uso_a"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "uso_a"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["uso_a_1"] = attrs_dict[ "uso_a_1"] if attrs_dict["uso_a_1"] > 0 else "-" attrs_dict["uso_b"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "uso_b"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["uso_b_1"] = attrs_dict[ "uso_b_1"] if attrs_dict["uso_b_1"] > 0 else "-" attrs_dict["uso_c"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "uso_c"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["uso_c_1"] = attrs_dict[ "uso_c_1"] if attrs_dict["uso_c_1"] > 0 else "-" attrs_dict["uso_d"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "uso_d"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["uso_d_1"] = attrs_dict[ "uso_d_1"] if attrs_dict["uso_d_1"] > 0 else "-" attrs_dict["uso_e"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "uso_e"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["uso_e_1"] = attrs_dict[ "uso_e_1"] if attrs_dict["uso_e_1"] > 0 else "-" attrs_dict["uso_f"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "uso_f"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["uso_f_1"] = attrs_dict[ "uso_f_1"] if attrs_dict["uso_f_1"] > 0 else "-" attrs_dict["uso_g"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "uso_g"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["uso_g_1"] = attrs_dict[ "uso_g_1"] if attrs_dict["uso_g_1"] > 0 else "-" attrs_dict["epoca_1"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "epoca_1"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["epoca_2"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "epoca_2"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["epoca_3"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "epoca_3"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["epoca_4"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "epoca_4"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["epoca_5"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "epoca_5"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["epoca_6"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "epoca_6"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["epoca_7"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "epoca_7"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["epoca_8"] = "☑" if attrs_dict[ "epoca_8"] == "true" else "☐" attrs_dict["utilizz"] = self.utilizz_dict[attrs_dict["utilizz"]] html = self.unita_strutt_tmpl.substitute(attrs_dict) if html is not None: doc = QTextDocument() # weird & broken html subset supported by QTextDocument: # doc.setHtml(html) doc.print(self.printer)