コード例 #1
ファイル: prep_template.py プロジェクト: qiyunzhu/qiita
def prep_template_filepaths_get_req(prep_id, user_id):
    """Returns all filepaths attached to a prep template

    prep_id : int
        The current prep template id
    user_id : int
        The current user object id

    dict of objects
        {'status': status,
         'message': message,
         'filepaths': [(filepath_id, filepath), ...]}
    exists = _check_prep_template_exists(int(prep_id))
    if exists['status'] != 'success':
        return exists

    prep = PrepTemplate(int(prep_id))
    access_error = check_access(prep.study_id, user_id)
    if access_error:
        return access_error
    return {'status': 'success',
            'message': '',
            'filepaths': prep.get_filepaths()
コード例 #2
ファイル: prep_template.py プロジェクト: ElDeveloper/qiita
def prep_template_filepaths_get_req(prep_id, user_id):
    """Returns all filepaths attached to a prep template

    prep_id : int
        The current prep template id
    user_id : int
        The current user object id

    dict of objects
        {'status': status,
         'message': message,
         'filepaths': [(filepath_id, filepath), ...]}
    exists = _check_prep_template_exists(int(prep_id))
    if exists['status'] != 'success':
        return exists

    prep = PrepTemplate(int(prep_id))
    access_error = check_access(prep.study_id, user_id)
    if access_error:
        return access_error
    return {'status': 'success',
            'message': '',
            'filepaths': prep.get_filepaths()
コード例 #3
ファイル: prep_template.py プロジェクト: qiyunzhu/qiita
def prep_template_ajax_get_req(user_id, prep_id):
    """Returns the prep tempalte information needed for the AJAX handler

    user_id : str
        The user id
    prep_id : int
        The prep template id

    dict of {str: object}
        A dictionary with the following keys:
        - status: str, whether the request is successful or not
        - message: str, if the request is unsuccessful, a human readable error
        - name: str, the name of the prep template
        - files: list of str, the files available to update the prep template
        - download_prep: int, the filepath_id of the prep file
        - download_qiime, int, the filepath_id of the qiime mapping file
        - num_samples: int, the number of samples present in the template
        - num_columns: int, the number of columns present in the template
        - investigation_type: str, the investigation type of the template
        - ontology: str, dict of {str, list of str} containing the information
        of the ENA ontology
        - artifact_attached: bool, whether the template has an artifact
        - study_id: int, the study id of the template
    # Currently there is no name attribute, but it will be soon
    name = "Prep information %d" % prep_id
    pt = PrepTemplate(prep_id)

    job_info = r_client.get(PREP_TEMPLATE_KEY_FORMAT % prep_id)
    if job_info:
        job_info = loads(job_info)
        job_id = job_info['job_id']
        if job_id:
            redis_info = loads(r_client.get(job_id))
            processing = redis_info['status_msg'] == 'Running'
            if processing:
                alert_type = 'info'
                alert_msg = 'This prep template is currently being updated'
            elif redis_info['status_msg'] == 'Success':
                alert_type = redis_info['return']['status']
                alert_msg = redis_info['return']['message'].replace('\n',
                payload = {'job_id': None,
                           'status': alert_type,
                           'message': alert_msg}
                r_client.set(PREP_TEMPLATE_KEY_FORMAT % prep_id,
                alert_type = redis_info['return']['status']
                alert_msg = redis_info['return']['message'].replace('\n',
            processing = False
            alert_type = job_info['status']
            alert_msg = job_info['message'].replace('\n', '</br>')
        processing = False
        alert_type = ''
        alert_msg = ''

    artifact_attached = pt.artifact is not None
    study_id = pt.study_id
    files = [f for _, f in get_files_from_uploads_folders(study_id)
             if f.endswith(('.txt', '.tsv'))]

    # The call to list is needed because keys is an iterator
    num_samples = len(list(pt.keys()))
    num_columns = len(pt.categories())
    investigation_type = pt.investigation_type

    # Retrieve the information to download the prep template and QIIME
    # mapping file. See issue https://github.com/biocore/qiita/issues/1675
    download_prep = []
    download_qiime = []
    for fp_id, fp in pt.get_filepaths():
        if 'qiime' in basename(fp):
    download_prep = download_prep[0]
    download_qiime = download_qiime[0]

    ontology = _get_ENA_ontology()

    editable = Study(study_id).can_edit(User(user_id)) and not processing

    return {'status': 'success',
            'message': '',
            'name': name,
            'files': files,
            'download_prep': download_prep,
            'download_qiime': download_qiime,
            'num_samples': num_samples,
            'num_columns': num_columns,
            'investigation_type': investigation_type,
            'ontology': ontology,
            'artifact_attached': artifact_attached,
            'study_id': study_id,
            'editable': editable,
            'data_type': pt.data_type(),
            'alert_type': alert_type,
            'is_submitted_to_ebi': pt.is_submitted_to_ebi,
            'alert_message': alert_msg}
コード例 #4
ファイル: prep_template.py プロジェクト: tanaes/qiita
def prep_template_ajax_get_req(user_id, prep_id):
    """Returns the prep tempalte information needed for the AJAX handler

    user_id : str
        The user id
    prep_id : int
        The prep template id

    dict of {str: object}
        A dictionary with the following keys:
        - status: str, whether the request is successful or not
        - message: str, if the request is unsuccessful, a human readable error
        - name: str, the name of the prep template
        - files: list of str, the files available to update the prep template
        - download_prep: int, the filepath_id of the prep file
        - download_qiime, int, the filepath_id of the qiime mapping file
        - num_samples: int, the number of samples present in the template
        - num_columns: int, the number of columns present in the template
        - investigation_type: str, the investigation type of the template
        - ontology: str, dict of {str, list of str} containing the information
        of the ENA ontology
        - artifact_attached: bool, whether the template has an artifact
        - study_id: int, the study id of the template
    pt = PrepTemplate(prep_id)
    name = pt.name

    # Initialize variables here
    processing = False
    alert_type = ''
    alert_msg = ''
    job_info = r_client.get(PREP_TEMPLATE_KEY_FORMAT % prep_id)
    if job_info:
        job_info = defaultdict(lambda: '', loads(job_info))
        job_id = job_info['job_id']
        job = ProcessingJob(job_id)
        job_status = job.status
        processing = job_status not in ('success', 'error')
        if processing:
            alert_type = 'info'
            alert_msg = 'This prep template is currently being updated'
        elif job_status == 'error':
            alert_type = 'danger'
            alert_msg = job.log.msg.replace('\n', '</br>')
            alert_type = job_info['alert_type']
            alert_msg = job_info['alert_msg'].replace('\n', '</br>')

    artifact_attached = pt.artifact is not None
    study_id = pt.study_id
    files = [f for _, f, _ in get_files_from_uploads_folders(study_id)
             if f.endswith(('.txt', '.tsv'))]

    # The call to list is needed because keys is an iterator
    num_samples = len(list(pt.keys()))
    num_columns = len(pt.categories())
    investigation_type = pt.investigation_type

    download_prep_id = None
    download_qiime_id = None
    other_filepaths = []
    for fp_id, fp in pt.get_filepaths():
        fp = basename(fp)
        if 'qiime' in fp:
            if download_qiime_id is None:
                download_qiime_id = fp_id
            if download_prep_id is None:
                download_prep_id = fp_id

    ontology = _get_ENA_ontology()

    editable = Study(study_id).can_edit(User(user_id)) and not processing

    return {'status': 'success',
            'message': '',
            'name': name,
            'files': files,
            'download_prep_id': download_prep_id,
            'download_qiime_id': download_qiime_id,
            'other_filepaths': other_filepaths,
            'num_samples': num_samples,
            'num_columns': num_columns,
            'investigation_type': investigation_type,
            'ontology': ontology,
            'artifact_attached': artifact_attached,
            'study_id': study_id,
            'editable': editable,
            'data_type': pt.data_type(),
            'alert_type': alert_type,
            'is_submitted_to_ebi': pt.is_submitted_to_ebi,
            'alert_message': alert_msg}
コード例 #5
ファイル: prep_template.py プロジェクト: yimsea/qiita
def prep_template_ajax_get_req(user_id, prep_id):
    """Returns the prep tempalte information needed for the AJAX handler

    user_id : str
        The user id
    prep_id : int
        The prep template id

    dict of {str: object}
        A dictionary with the following keys:
        - status: str, whether the request is successful or not
        - message: str, if the request is unsuccessful, a human readable error
        - name: str, the name of the prep template
        - files: list of str, the files available to update the prep template
        - download_prep: int, the filepath_id of the prep file
        - download_qiime, int, the filepath_id of the qiime mapping file
        - num_samples: int, the number of samples present in the template
        - num_columns: int, the number of columns present in the template
        - investigation_type: str, the investigation type of the template
        - ontology: str, dict of {str, list of str} containing the information
        of the ENA ontology
        - artifact_attached: bool, whether the template has an artifact
        - study_id: int, the study id of the template
    # Currently there is no name attribute, but it will be soon
    name = "Prep information %d" % prep_id
    pt = PrepTemplate(prep_id)
    artifact_attached = pt.artifact is not None
    study_id = pt.study_id
    files = [f for _, f in get_files_from_uploads_folders(study_id)
             if f.endswith(('.txt', '.tsv'))]

    # The call to list is needed because keys is an iterator
    num_samples = len(list(pt.keys()))
    num_columns = len(pt.categories())
    investigation_type = pt.investigation_type

    # Retrieve the information to download the prep template and QIIME
    # mapping file. See issue https://github.com/biocore/qiita/issues/1675
    download_prep = []
    download_qiime = []
    for fp_id, fp in pt.get_filepaths():
        if 'qiime' in basename(fp):
    download_prep = download_prep[0]
    download_qiime = download_qiime[0]

    ontology = _get_ENA_ontology()

    job_id = r_client.get(PREP_TEMPLATE_KEY_FORMAT % prep_id)
    if job_id:
        redis_info = loads(r_client.get(job_id))
        processing = redis_info['status_msg'] == 'Running'
        if processing:
            alert_type = 'info'
            alert_msg = 'This prep template is currently being updated'
            alert_type = redis_info['return']['status']
            alert_msg = redis_info['return']['message'].replace('\n', '</br>')
        processing = False
        alert_type = ''
        alert_msg = ''

    editable = Study(study_id).can_edit(User(user_id)) and not processing

    return {'status': 'success',
            'message': '',
            'name': name,
            'files': files,
            'download_prep': download_prep,
            'download_qiime': download_qiime,
            'num_samples': num_samples,
            'num_columns': num_columns,
            'investigation_type': investigation_type,
            'ontology': ontology,
            'artifact_attached': artifact_attached,
            'study_id': study_id,
            'editable': editable,
            'data_type': pt.data_type(),
            'alert_type': alert_type,
            'alert_message': alert_msg}