def qiniu_upload_img(key, imgpath, timeout=4): if not os.path.exists(imgpath): print('oops! this image not found') return '' if key is None: print('oops! no key value') return '' #url = '' + key url = '' + key localfile = imgpath try: set_default(connection_timeout=timeout) token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, key, 3600) ret, info = put_file(token, key, localfile) if info.status_code == 200: print('uploaded ' + localfile + ' as ' + url) else: url = '' except Exception as e: print(e) print("upload to qiniu failed") # os.remove(imgpath) return '' else: # os.remove(imgpath) return url
def test_retry(self): key = 'retry' data = 'hello retry!' set_default(default_up_host='a') token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name) ret = put(token, key, data) assert ret['key'] == key qiniu.set_default(default_up_host=qiniu.config.UPAUTO_HOST)
def test_hasRead_WithoutSeek_retry2(self): key = 'withReadAndWithoutSeek_retry2' data = urlopen("") set_default(default_zone=Zone('http://a', '')) token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data) print(info) assert ret is not None
def test_hasRead_withoutSeek_retry(self): key = 'withReadAndWithoutSeek_retry' data = ReadWithoutSeek('I only have read attribute!') set_default(default_zone=Zone('http://a', '')) token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data) print(info) assert ret is None
def test_hasRead_WithoutSeek_retry2(self): key = 'withReadAndWithoutSeek_retry2' data = urlopen("") set_default(default_zone=Zone('http://a', '')) token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data) print(info) assert ret is not None
def test_retry(self): localfile = __file__ key = 'test_file_r_retry' set_default(default_up_host='a') token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) ret = resumable_putfile(token, key, localfile, self.params, self.mime_type) assert ret['key'] == key qiniu.set_default(default_up_host=qiniu.config.UPAUTO_HOST)
def test_hasRead_hasSeek_retry(self): key = "withReadAndSeek_retry" data = StringIO("hello retry again!") set_default(default_zone=Zone("http://a", "")) token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data) print(info) assert ret["key"] == key assert ret["hash"] == "FuEbdt6JP2BqwQJi7PezYhmuVYOo"
def test_withoutRead_withoutSeek_retry(self): key = "retry" data = "hello retry!" set_default(default_zone=Zone("http://a", "")) token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data) print(info) assert ret["key"] == key assert ret["hash"] == "FlYu0iBR1WpvYi4whKXiBuQpyLLk"
def test_hasRead_WithoutSeek_retry2(self): key = 'withReadAndWithoutSeek_retry2' data = urlopen("") set_default(default_up_host='a') token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data) print(info) assert ret == None qiniu.set_default(default_up_host=qiniu.config.UPAUTO_HOST)
def test_hasRead_withoutSeek_retry(self): key = 'withReadAndWithoutSeek_retry' data = ReadWithoutSeek('I only have read attribute!') set_default(default_up_host='a') token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data) print(info) assert ret == None qiniu.set_default(default_up_host=qiniu.config.UPAUTO_HOST)
def test_hasRead_hasSeek_retry(self): key = 'withReadAndSeek_retry' data = StringIO('hello retry again!') set_default(default_zone=Zone('http://a', '')) token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data) print(info) assert ret['key'] == key assert ret['hash'] == 'FuEbdt6JP2BqwQJi7PezYhmuVYOo'
def test_withoutRead_withoutSeek_retry(self): key = 'retry' data = 'hello retry!' set_default(default_zone=Zone('http://a', '')) token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data) print(info) assert ret['key'] == key assert ret['hash'] == 'FlYu0iBR1WpvYi4whKXiBuQpyLLk'
def test_withoutRead_withoutSeek_retry(self): key = 'retry' data = 'hello retry!' set_default(default_up_host='a') token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data) print(info) assert ret['key'] == key assert ret['hash'] == 'FlYu0iBR1WpvYi4whKXiBuQpyLLk' qiniu.set_default(default_up_host=qiniu.config.UPAUTO_HOST)
def test_hasRead_hasSeek_retry(self): key = 'withReadAndSeek_retry' data = StringIO('hello retry again!') set_default(default_up_host='a') token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data) print(info) assert ret['key'] == key assert ret['hash'] == 'FuEbdt6JP2BqwQJi7PezYhmuVYOo' qiniu.set_default(default_up_host=qiniu.config.UPAUTO_HOST)
def test_put_stream_v2_without_bucket_name(self): localfile = __file__ key = 'test_file_r' size = os.stat(localfile).st_size set_default(default_zone=Zone('')) with open(localfile, 'rb') as input_stream: token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) ret, info = put_stream(token, key, input_stream, os.path.basename(__file__), size, hostscache_dir, self.params, self.mime_type, part_size=1024 * 1024 * 10, version='v2') assert ret['key'] == key
def test_put_zone_without_host(self): zone = Zone(up_host=None, up_host_backup=None, io_host=None, scheme='https') set_default(default_zone=zone) key = 'big' token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) localfile = create_temp_file(4 * 1024 * 1024 + 1) progress_handler = lambda progress, total: progress ret, info = put_file(token, key, localfile, self.params, self.mime_type, progress_handler=progress_handler) print(info) assert ret['key'] == key remove_temp_file(localfile)
def _save_to_qiniu(self, token, key): import qiniu qiniu.set_default(connection_timeout=self.timeout) if six.PY3: # use patched put_data implementation for py3k ret, info = self._save_to_qiniu_internal_py3(token, key) else: # use put_data implementation provided by qiniu-sdk ret, info = qiniu.put_data(token, key, self._source) if info.status_code != 200: self._save_callback(token, False) raise LeanCloudError( 1, 'the file is not saved, qiniu status code: {0}'.format( info.status_code)) self._save_callback(token, True)
def test_put_10m_stream_v2(self): localfile = create_temp_file(10 * 1024 * 1024 + 1) key = 'test_file_r' size = os.stat(localfile).st_size set_default(default_zone=Zone('')) with open(localfile, 'rb') as input_stream: token = self.q.upload_token(bucket_name, key) ret, info = put_stream(token, key, input_stream, os.path.basename(localfile), size, hostscache_dir, self.params, self.mime_type, part_size=1024 * 1024 * 4, version='v2', bucket_name=bucket_name) assert ret['key'] == key remove_temp_file(localfile)
def upload_file(self, report_path, file_name): #name 是上传的文件名 # 构建鉴权对象 q = Auth(self.access_key, self.secret_key) # 上传到七牛后保存的文件名 key = file_name # 生成上传 Token,可以指定过期时间等 token = q.upload_token(self.bucket_name, key, 3600) # 要上传文件的本地路径 localfile = os.path.join(report_path, file_name) #print(localfile) # 指定固定域名的zone,不同区域uphost域名见下文档 # # 未指定或上传错误,sdk会根据token自动查询对应的上传域名 # * 支持https上传 # 备用*.qiniu.com域名 不支持https上传 # 要求https上传时,如果客户指定的两个host都错误,且sdk自动查询的第一个*.qiniup.com上传域名因意外不可用导致访问到备用*.qiniu.com会报ssl错误 # 建议https上传时查看上面文档,指定正确的host # 设置七牛云上传文件服务器地址 zone = Zone( up_host='', # 上传文件的主机域名 up_host_backup='', io_host='', scheme='https') set_default(default_zone=zone) try: ret, info = put_file(token, key, localfile) except Exception as err: print(info) print(ret) print(err) finally: return True
def qiniu_upload_data(key, data, timeout=4): """上传二进制流""" if data == '': return '' key = key + SUFFIX # url = '' + key url = '' + key try: set_default(connection_timeout=timeout) token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, key, 3600) ret, info = put_data(token, key, data) if info.status_code == 200: print('uploaded embedding as ' + url) else: url = '' except Exception as e: print(e) print("upload to qiniu failed") # os.remove(imgpath) return '' else: # os.remove(imgpath) return url
QINIU_ACCESS_KEY = get_qiniu_config('QINIU_ACCESS_KEY') QINIU_SECRET_KEY = get_qiniu_config('QINIU_SECRET_KEY') QINIU_BUCKET_NAME = get_qiniu_config('QINIU_BUCKET_NAME') QINIU_BUCKET_DOMAIN = get_qiniu_config('QINIU_BUCKET_DOMAIN', '').rstrip('/') QINIU_SECURE_URL = get_qiniu_config('QINIU_SECURE_URL', 'False') if isinstance(QINIU_SECURE_URL, six.string_types): if QINIU_SECURE_URL.lower() in ('true', '1'): QINIU_SECURE_URL = True else: QINIU_SECURE_URL = False # Set faster up host for foreign VPS set_default(default_zone=Zone('', '')) class QiniuStorage(Storage): """ Qiniu Storage Service """ location = "" def __init__(self, access_key=QINIU_ACCESS_KEY, secret_key=QINIU_SECRET_KEY, bucket_name=QINIU_BUCKET_NAME, bucket_domain=QINIU_BUCKET_DOMAIN, secure_url=QINIU_SECURE_URL):
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "demo-project.settings") try: django.setup() except AttributeError: # Setup isn't necessary in Django < 1.7 pass from django.conf import settings from qiniustorage.backends import QiniuStorage, QiniuFile from qiniustorage.utils import QiniuError USING_TRAVIS = os.environ.get('USING_TRAVIS', None) is None if USING_TRAVIS: set_default(default_up_host='', connection_timeout=100, connection_retries=20) UNIQUE_PATH = str(uuid.uuid4()) class QiniuStorageTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): = QiniuStorage() def test_file_init(self): fil = QiniuFile('foo',, mode='rb') assert fil._mode == 'rb' assert fil._name == "foo" def test_write_to_read_only_file(self):
sys.path.append(DEMO_SITE_DIR) os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "demo_site.settings") try: django.setup() except AttributeError: # Setup isn't necessary in Django < 1.7 pass from django.conf import settings from qiniustorage.backends import QiniuStorage, QiniuFile from qiniustorage.utils import QiniuError USING_TRAVIS = os.environ.get('USING_TRAVIS', None) is None if USING_TRAVIS: set_default(default_zone=zone_overseas, connection_retries=20, connection_timeout=100) UNIQUE_PATH = str(uuid.uuid4()) class QiniuStorageTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): = QiniuStorage() def test_file_init(self): fil = QiniuFile('foo',, mode='rb') assert fil._mode == 'rb' assert fil._name == "foo" def test_write_to_read_only_file(self):
import os import re import time import sys from config import access_key, secret_key, bucket_name, MAX_TRIES, \ QINIU_UPLOAD_URL, LIBCHROMIUMCONTENT_BINARIES from qiniu import Auth, put_file, set_default, Zone, BucketManager auth = Auth(access_key, secret_key) last_progress = 0 last_record_time = time.time() # The default qiniu upload host doesn't support uploading files outside China. # Use provided from qiniu's custom service set_default(default_zone=Zone(QINIU_UPLOAD_URL, QINIU_UPLOAD_URL)) def get_all_uploaded_files(): sys.stdout.write('Retrieve uploaded file in qiniu...\n') sys.stdout.flush() bucket = BucketManager(auth) marker = None eof = False uploaded_files = [] while not eof: ret, eof, info = bucket.list(bucket_name, marker=marker) marker = ret.get('marker', None) for item in ret['items']: uploaded_files.append(item['key']) return uploaded_files
ret, info = put_file(token, key, localfile) if ret: # ret possibly is None assert ret['key'] == key assert ret['hash'] == etag(localfile) return info # Get key from access_key = 'caBese-UQYXwQeigGqtdgwybP2Qh2AlDPdcEd42C' # here only-for-test secret_key = '........' zone = Zone(up_host='', up_host_backup='', io_host='', scheme='https') set_default(default_zone=zone) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-A", '--access-key', help='access key, env-var QINIU_ACCESS_KEY', default=os.environ.get("QINIU_ACCESS_KEY", access_key)) parser.add_argument("-S", "--secret-key", help='secret key, env-var QINIU_SECRET_KEY', default=os.environ.get("QINIU_SECRET_KEY", secret_key)) parser.add_argument("-B", "--bucket", help='bucket name',
str += ", rquest_uri:" + rquest_uri + "\r\n" remote_addr = environ["REMOTE_ADDR"] str += ",remote_addr:" + remote_addr + "\r\n" remote_port = environ["REMOTE_PORT"] str += ",remote_port:" + remote_port + "\r\n" data = environ["wsgi.input"].read() str += ", data:" + data + "\r\n" return str def application(environ, start_response): #logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, # format='%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s', # datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', # filename='/tmp/test.log', # filemode='w') start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')]) (ret, params) = get_params(environ) #logging.debug("application------------", params) if not ret: return ["failed"] (ret, status) = upload_qiniu(params) #content = get_environ(environ) return [status] if __name__ == "__main__": set_default(connection_pool=30) #flups.WSGIServer(application, multithreaded=True, multiprocess=False, bindAddress=(', 21000')).run() flups.WSGIServer(application).run()
import qiniu.config from qiniu import Zone, set_default # 需要填写你的 Access Key 和 Secret Key access_key = '...' secret_key = '...' # 构建鉴权对象 q = Auth(access_key, secret_key) # 要上传的空间 bucket_name = 'Bucket_Name' # 上传到七牛后保存的文件名 key = 'my-python-logo.png'; # 生成上传 Token,可以指定过期时间等 token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, key, 3600) # 要上传文件的本地路径 localfile = '' # 指定固定的zone zone = Zone(up_host='', up_host_backup='', io_host='', scheme='http') set_default(default_zone=zone) ret, info = put_file(token, key, localfile) print(info) assert ret['key'] == key assert ret['hash'] == etag(localfile)