コード例 #1
    def test_hhl(self, matrix, right_hand_side, observable):
        """Test the HHL class."""
        if isinstance(matrix, QuantumCircuit):
            num_qubits = matrix.num_state_qubits
        elif isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray):
            num_qubits = int(np.log2(matrix.shape[0]))

        rhs = right_hand_side / np.linalg.norm(right_hand_side)

        # Initial state circuit
        qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
        qc.isometry(rhs, list(range(num_qubits)), None)

        hhl = HHL()
        solution = hhl.solve(matrix, qc, observable)
        approx_result = solution.observable

        # Calculate analytical value
        if isinstance(matrix, QuantumCircuit):
            exact_x = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(matrix.matrix), rhs)
        elif isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray):
            exact_x = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(matrix), rhs)
        exact_result = observable.evaluate_classically(exact_x)

        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(approx_result, exact_result, decimal=2)
コード例 #2
# In other words, there will be as many `circuit_results` as `post_rotation` circuits, and `post_processing` is telling the algorithm how to use the values we see when we print `circuit_results` to obtain the value we see when we print `observable`.
# Finally, the `HHL` class accepts the following parameters in its constructor method:
# - error tolerance : the accuracy of the approximation of the solution, the default is `1e-2`
# - expectation : how the expectation values are evaluated, the default is `PauliExpectation`
# - quantum instance: the `QuantumInstance` or backend, the default is a `Statevector` simulation

# In[15]:

from qiskit import BasicAer

backend = BasicAer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
hhl = HHL(1e-3, quantum_instance=backend)

accurate_solution = hhl.solve(matrix, vector)
classical_solution = NumPyLinearSolver().solve(matrix,
                                               vector / np.linalg.norm(vector))


# ## B. Running HHL on a real quantum device: optimised example<a id='implementationdev'></a>

# In the previous section we ran the standard algorithm provided in Qiskit and saw that it uses $7$ qubits, has a depth of ~$100$ gates and requires a total of $54$ CNOT gates. These numbers are not feasible for the current available hardware, therefore we need to decrease these quantities. In particular, the goal will be to reduce the number of CNOTs by a factor of $5$ since they have worse fidelity than single-qubit gates. Furthermore, we can reduce the number of qubits to $4$ as was the original statement of the problem: the Qiskit method was written for a general problem and that is why it requires $3$ additional auxiliary qubits.
# However, solely decreasing the number of gates and qubits will not give a good approximation to the solution on real hardware. This is because there are two sources of errors: those that occur during the run of the circuit and readout errors.
# Qiskit provides a module to mitigate the readout errors by individually preparing and measuring all basis states, a detailed treatment on the topic can be found in the paper by Dewes et al.<sup>[3](#readouterr)</sup> To deal with the errors occurring during the run of the circuit, Richardson extrapolation can be used to calculate the error to the zero limit by running the circuit three times, each replacing each CNOT gate by $1$, $3$ and $5$ CNOTs respectively<sup>[4](#richardson)</sup>. The idea is that theoretically the three circuits should produce the same result, but in real hardware adding CNOTs means amplifying the error. Since we know that we have obtained results with an amplified error, and we can estimate by how much the error was amplified in each case, we can recombine the quantities to obtain a new result that is a closer approximation to the analytic solution than any of the previous obtained values.
# Below we give the optimised circuit that can be used for any problem of the form