def test_multi_controlled_y_rotation_matrix_basic_mode( self, num_controls, use_basis_gates): """Test the multi controlled Y rotation using the mode 'basic'. Based on the test moved here from Aqua: """ # get the number of required ancilla qubits if num_controls <= 2: num_ancillas = 0 else: num_ancillas = num_controls - 2 q_controls = QuantumRegister(num_controls) q_target = QuantumRegister(1) for ctrl_state in range(2**num_controls): bitstr = bin(ctrl_state)[2:].zfill(num_controls)[::-1] theta = 0.871236 * pi if num_ancillas > 0: q_ancillas = QuantumRegister(num_ancillas) qc = QuantumCircuit(q_controls, q_target, q_ancillas) else: qc = QuantumCircuit(q_controls, q_target) q_ancillas = None for idx, bit in enumerate(bitstr): if bit == '0': qc.x(q_controls[idx]) qc.mcry(theta, q_controls, q_target[0], q_ancillas, mode='basic', use_basis_gates=use_basis_gates) for idx, bit in enumerate(bitstr): if bit == '0': qc.x(q_controls[idx]) rot_mat = RYGate(theta).to_matrix() backend = BasicAer.get_backend('unitary_simulator') simulated = execute(qc, backend).result().get_unitary(qc) if num_ancillas > 0: simulated = simulated[:2**(num_controls + 1), :2**(num_controls + 1)] expected = _compute_control_matrix(rot_mat, num_controls, ctrl_state=ctrl_state) with self.subTest(msg='control state = {}'.format(ctrl_state)): self.assertTrue(matrix_equal(simulated, expected))
def test_multi_controlled_rotation_gate_matrices(self, num_controls, base_gate_name, use_basis_gates): """Test the multi controlled rotation gates without ancillas. Based on the test moved here from Aqua: """ q_controls = QuantumRegister(num_controls) q_target = QuantumRegister(1) # iterate over all possible combinations of control qubits for ctrl_state in range(2**num_controls): bitstr = bin(ctrl_state)[2:].zfill(num_controls)[::-1] theta = 0.871236 * pi qc = QuantumCircuit(q_controls, q_target) for idx, bit in enumerate(bitstr): if bit == '0': qc.x(q_controls[idx]) # call mcrx/mcry/mcrz if base_gate_name == 'y': qc.mcry(theta, q_controls, q_target[0], None, mode='noancilla', use_basis_gates=use_basis_gates) else: # case 'x' or 'z' only support the noancilla mode and do not have this keyword getattr(qc, 'mcr' + base_gate_name)( theta, q_controls, q_target[0], use_basis_gates=use_basis_gates) for idx, bit in enumerate(bitstr): if bit == '0': qc.x(q_controls[idx]) backend = BasicAer.get_backend('unitary_simulator') simulated = execute(qc, backend).result().get_unitary(qc) if base_gate_name == 'x': rot_mat = RXGate(theta).to_matrix() elif base_gate_name == 'y': rot_mat = RYGate(theta).to_matrix() else: # case 'z' rot_mat = U1Gate(theta).to_matrix() expected = _compute_control_matrix(rot_mat, num_controls, ctrl_state=ctrl_state) with self.subTest(msg='control state = {}'.format(ctrl_state)): self.assertTrue(matrix_equal(simulated, expected))
def _circuit_xyx(theta, phi, lam, simplify=True, atol=DEFAULT_ATOL): circuit = QuantumCircuit(1) if simplify and np.isclose(theta, 0.0, atol=atol): circuit.append(RXGate(phi + lam), [0]) return circuit if not simplify or not np.isclose(lam, 0.0, atol=atol): circuit.append(RXGate(lam), [0]) if not simplify or not np.isclose(theta, 0.0, atol=atol): circuit.append(RYGate(theta), [0]) if not simplify or not np.isclose(phi, 0.0, atol=atol): circuit.append(RXGate(phi), [0]) return circuit
class TestParameterCtrlState(QiskitTestCase): """Test gate equality with ctrl_state parameter.""" @data((RXGate(0.5), CRXGate(0.5)), (RYGate(0.5), CRYGate(0.5)), (RZGate(0.5), CRZGate(0.5)), (XGate(), CXGate()), (YGate(), CYGate()), (ZGate(), CZGate()), (U1Gate(0.5), CU1Gate(0.5)), (SwapGate(), CSwapGate()), (HGate(), CHGate()), (U3Gate(0.1, 0.2, 0.3), CU3Gate(0.1, 0.2, 0.3))) @unpack def test_ctrl_state_one(self, gate, controlled_gate): """Test controlled gates with ctrl_state See """ self.assertEqual(gate.control(1, ctrl_state='1'), controlled_gate)
def test_controlled_ry(self): """Test creation of controlled ry gate""" theta = 0.5 self.assertEqual(RYGate(theta).control(), CryGate(theta))
def test_controlled_ry(self): """Test the creation of a controlled RY gate.""" theta = 0.5 self.assertEqual(RYGate(theta).control(), CRYGate(theta))