コード例 #1
def iplot_state(quantum_state, method='city', figsize=None):
    """Plot the quantum state.

        quantum_state (ndarray): statevector or density matrix
                                 representation of a quantum state.
        method (str): Plotting method to use.
        figsize (tuple): Figure size in pixels.

        VisualizationError: if the input is not a statevector or density
        matrix, or if the state is not an multi-qubit quantum state.
        "iplot_state is deprecated, and will be removed in \
                  the 0.9 release. Use the iplot_state_ * functions \
                  instead.", DeprecationWarning)
    rho = _validate_input_state(quantum_state)
    if method == "city":
        iplot_state_city(rho, figsize=figsize)
    elif method == "paulivec":
        iplot_state_paulivec(rho, figsize=figsize)
    elif method == "qsphere":
        iplot_state_qsphere(rho, figsize=figsize)
    elif method == "bloch":
        iplot_bloch_multivector(rho, figsize=figsize)
    elif method == "hinton":
        iplot_state_hinton(rho, figsize=figsize)
        raise VisualizationError('Invalid plot state method.')
コード例 #2
def bit_string_index(text):
    """Return the index of a string of 0s and 1s."""
    n = len(text)
    k = text.count("1")
    if text.count("0") != n - k:
        raise VisualizationError("s must be a string of 0 and 1")
    ones = [pos for pos, char in enumerate(text) if char == "1"]
    return lex_index(n, k, ones)
コード例 #3
ファイル: _utils.py プロジェクト: max-reuter-2/qiskit-core
def _validate_input_state(quantum_state):
    """Validates the input to state visualization functions.

        quantum_state (ndarray): Input state / density matrix.
        rho: A 2d numpy array for the density matrix.
        VisualizationError: Invalid input.
    rho = np.asarray(quantum_state)
    if rho.ndim == 1:
        rho = np.outer(rho, np.conj(rho))
    # Check the shape of the input is a square matrix
    shape = np.shape(rho)
    if len(shape) != 2 or shape[0] != shape[1]:
        raise VisualizationError("Input is not a valid quantum state.")
    # Check state is an n-qubit state
    num = int(np.log2(rho.shape[0]))
    if 2 ** num != rho.shape[0]:
        raise VisualizationError("Input is not a multi-qubit quantum state.")
    return rho
コード例 #4
def lex_index(n, k, lst):
    """Return  the lex index of a combination..

        n (int): the total number of options .
        k (int): The number of elements.
        lst (list): list

        int: returns int index for lex order

        VisualizationError: if length of list is not equal to k
    if len(lst) != k:
        raise VisualizationError("list should have length k")
    comb = list(map(lambda x: n - 1 - x, lst))
    dualm = sum([n_choose_k(comb[k - 1 - i], i + 1) for i in range(k)])
    return int(dualm)