def qiskit_progress_bar(self, line='', cell=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """A Jupyter magic function to generate progressbar. """ args = magic_arguments.parse_argstring(self.qiskit_progress_bar, line) if args.type == 'html': pbar = HTMLProgressBar() elif args.type == 'text': pbar = TextProgressBar() else: raise qiskit.QiskitError('Invalid progress bar type.') return pbar
def qiskit_progress_bar(self, line='', cell=None): """A Jupyter magic function to generate progressbar. """ args = magic_arguments.parse_argstring(self.qiskit_progress_bar, line) if args.type == 'html': HTMLProgressBar() elif args.type == 'text': TextProgressBar() else: raise qiskit.QiskitError('Invalid progress bar type.')
def quantum_prob(self, row: int) -> np.float: """ Return quantum probability according to Born rule.""" if self.pre_meas_gates is None or self.rho is None: raise qiskit.QiskitError( "To calculate quantum probability, please provide rho and pre_meas_gates.") m = self.inputs(row) rid = int(float(row))%(self.d**self.n) U = functools.reduce(np.kron, [np.linalg.inv( self.pre_meas_gates[i][j] ) for i, j in enumerate(m)]) p = 0*1j for l in range(self.d**self.n): for k in range(self.d**self.n): p += U[k][rid].conjugate() * self.rho[k][l] * U[l][rid] return np.real(p)
def get_quantum_corr(self, source: str, row: int) -> np.float: """ Return quantum correlation for inputs and outputs of a given row. Args: source (str): source of quantum correlations: 'meas': probabilities from qiskit experiment results. 'calc': probabilities calculated according to Born rule. row (int): an index of a constraint in an optimization problem. Returns: np.float: quantum probability. """ if source.lower() == 'meas': if self.meas_qcorr is not None: return self._meas_qcorr[self._check_int(row)] else: raise qiskit.QiskitError( "To return measured quantum correlations please add qiskit results.") elif source.lower() == 'calc': return self._calc_qcorr.setdefault(row,self.quantum_prob(row)) else: raise qiskit.QiskitError( "Invalid source of quantum correlations. Should be 'meas' or 'calc'.")
def random(cls, sett: Sequence[int]): """ Construct BLocCircuits object with random unitary gates preceding the measurements. Args: sett (list[int]): possible measurement settings per subsystem. len(sett) is the number of subsystems. Returns: BLocCircuits: instance with random pre measurement gates. Raises: QiskitError: if invalid sett argument. """ if any(not isinstance(i, int) or i <= 0 for i in sett): raise qiskit.QiskitError('sett should be list of int > 0.') pre_meas_gates = [[qiskit.extensions.UnitaryGate( qiskit.quantum_info.random.utils.random_unitary(2)) for s in range(sett[i])] for i in range(len(sett))] return BLocCircuits(pre_meas_gates)
def new_LP(self, LP_type: str) -> None: """ Build new cplex LP model and set it to self.LP. Args: LP_type (str): type of an optimization problem, can be either 'feasibility' or 'optimization'. """ self._LP = cplex.Cplex() # set objective if LP_type.lower() == 'feasibility': self.LP.variables.add(ub = np.ones(self.cols), lb = np.zeros(self.cols)) elif LP_type.lower() in ['optimization','optimisation']: self.LP.variables.add(obj = np.hstack((np.zeros(self.cols),[1.0])), ub = np.ones(self.cols+1), lb = np.zeros(self.cols+1)) else: raise qiskit.QiskitError( "Invalid LP_type. Should be either 'feasibility' or " "'optimization'. Objective hasn't been set.") self.LP.objective.set_sense(self.LP.objective.sense.maximize) # summation constraint self.LP.linear_constraints.add( lin_expr = [cplex.SparsePair(ind = range(self.cols), val = np.ones(self.cols))], rhs = [1.0], senses = 'E', range_values = [0.0], names = ['sum']) # restrict output self.LP.set_log_stream(None) self.LP.set_error_stream(None) self.LP.set_warning_stream(None) self.LP.set_results_stream(None) # solving method alg = self.LP.parameters.lpmethod.values self.LP.parameters.lpmethod.set(alg.dual) self.LP.parameters.threads.set(3) self.LP.parameters.parallel.set(1)
def calc_qcorr(self, corr: Dict[int, np.float]): if not isinstance(corr,dict): raise qiskit.QiskitError( "corr should be a dict mapping rows to the corresponding quantum probabilities.") self._calc_qcorr = corr
def meas_qcorr(self, corr: List[float]): if not np.isclose(sum(corr), raise qiskit.QiskitError('Invalid sum of correlations.') self._meas_qcorr = corr
def pre_meas_gates(self, gates: List[List[GateType]]): if (len(gates) != self.n or any(len(gates[i]) != self.s[i] for i in range(self.n))): raise qiskit.QiskitError( "pre_meas_gates are incompatible with the settings scenario.") self._gates = [[self.__check_single_gate(i) for i in j] for j in gates] self._calc_qcorr.clear()