def run_with_api(self, api): """Creates a new ``IBMQJob`` running with the provided API object.""" backend = IBMQBackend(mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), api_client=api) self._current_api = api self._current_qjob = # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter self._current_qjob.refresh = mock.Mock() return self._current_qjob
def get_pulse_schedule(backend: IBMQBackend) -> Schedule: """Return a pulse schedule.""" config = backend.configuration() defaults = backend.defaults() inst_map = defaults.instruction_schedule_map # Run 2 experiments - 1 with x pulse and 1 without x = inst_map.get('x', 0) measure = inst_map.get('measure', range(config.n_qubits)) << x.duration ground_sched = measure excited_sched = x | measure schedules = [ground_sched, excited_sched] return schedules
def submit_and_cancel(backend: IBMQBackend) -> IBMQJob: """Submit and cancel a job. Args: backend: Backend to submit the job to. Returns: Cancelled job. """ qobj = bell_in_qobj(backend=backend) job = cancel_job(job, True) return job
def submit_job_bad_shots(backend: IBMQBackend) -> IBMQJob: """Submit a job that will fail due to too many shots. Args: backend: Backend to submit the job to. Returns: Submitted job. """ qobj = bell_in_qobj(backend=backend) qobj.config.shots = 10000 # Modify the number of shots to be an invalid amount. job_to_fail = return job_to_fail
def submit_job_one_bad_instr(backend: IBMQBackend) -> IBMQJob: """Submit a job that contains one good and one bad instruction. Args: backend: Backend to submit the job to. Returns: Submitted job. """ qc_new = transpile(ReferenceCircuits.bell(), backend) qobj = assemble([qc_new]*2, backend=backend) qobj.experiments[1].instructions[1].name = 'bad_instruction' job = return job
def get_large_circuit(backend: IBMQBackend) -> QuantumCircuit: """Return a slightly larger circuit that would run a bit longer. Args: backend: Backend on which the circuit will run. Returns: A larger circuit. """ n_qubits = min(backend.configuration().n_qubits, 20) circuit = QuantumCircuit(n_qubits, n_qubits) for n in range(n_qubits-1): circuit.h(n), n+1) circuit.measure(list(range(n_qubits)), list(range(n_qubits))) return circuit
def iplot_error_map( backend: IBMQBackend, figsize: Tuple[int] = (800, 500), show_title: bool = True, remove_badcal_edges: bool = True, background_color: str = 'white', as_widget: bool = False) -> Union[PlotlyFigure, PlotlyWidget]: """Plot the error map of a device. Args: backend: Plot the error map for this backend. figsize: Figure size in pixels. show_title: Whether to show figure title. remove_badcal_edges: Whether to remove bad CX gate calibration data. background_color: Background color, either 'white' or 'black'. as_widget: ``True`` if the figure is to be returned as a ``PlotlyWidget``. Otherwise the figure is to be returned as a ``PlotlyFigure``. Returns: The error map figure. Raises: VisualizationValueError: If an invalid input is received. VisualizationTypeError: If the specified `backend` is a simulator. Example: .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: :hide-output: from qiskit.test.ibmq_mock import mock_get_backend mock_get_backend('FakeVigo') .. jupyter-execute:: from qiskit import IBMQ from qiskit_ibm.visualization import iplot_error_map IBMQ.load_account() provider = IBMQ.get_provider(group='open', project='main') backend = provider.get_backend('ibmq_vigo') iplot_error_map(backend, as_widget=True) """ meas_text_color = '#000000' if background_color == 'white': color_map = HELIX_LIGHT_CMAP text_color = '#000000' plotly_cmap = HELIX_LIGHT elif background_color == 'black': color_map = HELIX_DARK_CMAP text_color = '#FFFFFF' plotly_cmap = HELIX_DARK else: raise VisualizationValueError( '"{}" is not a valid background_color selection.'.format( background_color)) if backend.configuration().simulator: raise VisualizationTypeError( 'Requires a device backend, not a simulator.') config = backend.configuration() n_qubits = config.n_qubits cmap = config.coupling_map if n_qubits in DEVICE_LAYOUTS.keys(): grid_data = DEVICE_LAYOUTS[n_qubits] else: fig = go.Figure() fig.update_layout(showlegend=False, plot_bgcolor=background_color, paper_bgcolor=background_color, width=figsize[0], height=figsize[1], margin=dict(t=60, l=0, r=0, b=0)) out = PlotlyWidget(fig) return out props = t1s = [] t2s = [] for qubit_props in props['qubits']: count = 0 for item in qubit_props: if item['name'] == 'T1': t1s.append(item['value']) count += 1 elif item['name'] == 'T2': t2s.append(item['value']) count += 1 if count == 2: break # U2 error rates single_gate_errors = [0] * n_qubits for gate in props['gates']: if gate['gate'] == 'u2': _qubit = gate['qubits'][0] single_gate_errors[_qubit] = gate['parameters'][0]['value'] # Convert to percent single_gate_errors = 100 * np.asarray(single_gate_errors) avg_1q_err = np.mean(single_gate_errors) max_1q_err = max(single_gate_errors) single_norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=min(single_gate_errors), vmax=max_1q_err) q_colors = [ mpl.colors.rgb2hex(color_map(single_norm(err))) for err in single_gate_errors ] line_colors = [] cx_idx = [] if n_qubits > 1 and cmap: cx_errors = [] for cmap_qubits in cmap: for gate in props['gates']: if gate['qubits'] == cmap_qubits: cx_errors.append(gate['parameters'][0]['value']) break else: continue # Convert to percent cx_errors = 100 * np.asarray(cx_errors) # remove bad cx edges if remove_badcal_edges: cx_idx = np.where(cx_errors != 100.0)[0] else: cx_idx = np.arange(len(cx_errors)) avg_cx_err = np.mean(cx_errors[cx_idx]) for err in cx_errors: if err != 100.0 or not remove_badcal_edges: cx_norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=min(cx_errors[cx_idx]), vmax=max(cx_errors[cx_idx])) line_colors.append(mpl.colors.rgb2hex(color_map(cx_norm(err)))) else: line_colors.append("#ff0000") # Measurement errors read_err = [] for qubit in range(n_qubits): for item in props['qubits'][qubit]: if item['name'] == 'readout_error': read_err.append(item['value']) read_err = 100 * np.asarray(read_err) avg_read_err = np.mean(read_err) max_read_err = np.max(read_err) if n_qubits < 10: num_left = n_qubits num_right = 0 else: num_left = math.ceil(n_qubits / 2) num_right = n_qubits - num_left x_max = max([d[1] for d in grid_data]) y_max = max([d[0] for d in grid_data]) max_dim = max(x_max, y_max) qubit_size = 32 font_size = 14 offset = 0 if cmap: if y_max / max_dim < 0.33: qubit_size = 24 font_size = 10 offset = 1 if n_qubits > 5: right_meas_title = "Readout Error (%)" else: right_meas_title = None if cmap and cx_idx.size > 0: cx_title = "CNOT Error Rate [Avg. {}%]".format(np.round(avg_cx_err, 3)) else: cx_title = None fig = make_subplots( rows=2, cols=11, row_heights=[0.95, 0.05], vertical_spacing=0.15, specs=[[{ "colspan": 2 }, None, { "colspan": 6 }, None, None, None, None, None, { "colspan": 2 }, None, None], [{ "colspan": 4 }, None, None, None, None, None, { "colspan": 4 }, None, None, None, None]], subplot_titles=("Readout Error (%)", None, right_meas_title, "Hadamard Error Rate [Avg. {}%]".format( np.round(avg_1q_err, 3)), cx_title)) # Add lines for couplings if cmap and n_qubits > 1 and cx_idx.size > 0: for ind, edge in enumerate(cmap): is_symmetric = False if edge[::-1] in cmap: is_symmetric = True y_start = grid_data[edge[0]][0] + offset x_start = grid_data[edge[0]][1] y_end = grid_data[edge[1]][0] + offset x_end = grid_data[edge[1]][1] if is_symmetric: if y_start == y_end: x_end = (x_end - x_start) / 2 + x_start x_mid = x_end y_mid = y_start elif x_start == x_end: y_end = (y_end - y_start) / 2 + y_start x_mid = x_start y_mid = y_end else: x_end = (x_end - x_start) / 2 + x_start y_end = (y_end - y_start) / 2 + y_start x_mid = x_end y_mid = y_end else: if y_start == y_end: x_mid = (x_end - x_start) / 2 + x_start y_mid = y_end elif x_start == x_end: x_mid = x_end y_mid = (y_end - y_start) / 2 + y_start else: x_mid = (x_end - x_start) / 2 + x_start y_mid = (y_end - y_start) / 2 + y_start fig.append_trace(go.Scatter( x=[x_start, x_mid, x_end], y=[-y_start, -y_mid, -y_end], mode="lines", line=dict(width=6, color=line_colors[ind]), hoverinfo='text', hovertext='CX<sub>err</sub>{B}_{A} = {err} %'.format( A=edge[0], B=edge[1], err=np.round(cx_errors[ind], 3))), row=1, col=3) # Add the qubits themselves qubit_text = [] qubit_str = "<b>Qubit {}</b><br>H<sub>err</sub> = {} %" qubit_str += "<br>T1 = {} \u03BCs<br>T2 = {} \u03BCs" for kk in range(n_qubits): qubit_text.append( qubit_str.format(kk, np.round(single_gate_errors[kk], 3), np.round(t1s[kk], 2), np.round(t2s[kk], 2))) if n_qubits > 20: qubit_size = 23 font_size = 11 if n_qubits > 50: qubit_size = 20 font_size = 9 qtext_color = [] for ii in range(n_qubits): if background_color == 'black': if single_gate_errors[ii] > 0.8 * max_1q_err: qtext_color.append('black') else: qtext_color.append('white') else: qtext_color.append('white') fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=[d[1] for d in grid_data], y=[-d[0] - offset for d in grid_data], mode="markers+text", marker=go.scatter.Marker(size=qubit_size, color=q_colors, opacity=1), text=[str(ii) for ii in range(n_qubits)], textposition="middle center", textfont=dict(size=font_size, color=qtext_color), hoverinfo="text", hovertext=qubit_text), row=1, col=3) fig.update_xaxes(row=1, col=3, visible=False) _range = None if offset: _range = [-3.5, 0.5] fig.update_yaxes(row=1, col=3, visible=False, range=_range) # H error rate colorbar min_1q_err = min(single_gate_errors) max_1q_err = max(single_gate_errors) if n_qubits > 1: fig.append_trace(go.Heatmap(z=[ np.linspace(min_1q_err, max_1q_err, 100), np.linspace(min_1q_err, max_1q_err, 100) ], colorscale=plotly_cmap, showscale=False, hoverinfo='none'), row=2, col=1) fig.update_yaxes(row=2, col=1, visible=False) fig.update_xaxes(row=2, col=1, tickvals=[0, 49, 99], ticktext=[ np.round(min_1q_err, 3), np.round( (max_1q_err - min_1q_err) / 2 + min_1q_err, 3), np.round(max_1q_err, 3) ]) # CX error rate colorbar if cmap and n_qubits > 1 and cx_idx.size > 0: min_cx_err = min(cx_errors) max_cx_err = max(cx_errors) if min_cx_err == max_cx_err: min_cx_err = 0 # Force more than 1 color. fig.append_trace(go.Heatmap(z=[ np.linspace(min_cx_err, max_cx_err, 100), np.linspace(min_cx_err, max_cx_err, 100) ], colorscale=plotly_cmap, showscale=False, hoverinfo='none'), row=2, col=7) fig.update_yaxes(row=2, col=7, visible=False) min_cx_idx_err = min(cx_errors[cx_idx]) max_cx_idx_err = max(cx_errors[cx_idx]) fig.update_xaxes(row=2, col=7, tickvals=[0, 49, 99], ticktext=[ np.round(min_cx_idx_err, 3), np.round((max_cx_idx_err - min_cx_idx_err) / 2 + min_cx_idx_err, 3), np.round(max_cx_idx_err, 3) ]) hover_text = "<b>Qubit {}</b><br>M<sub>err</sub> = {} %" # Add the left side meas errors for kk in range(num_left - 1, -1, -1): fig.append_trace(go.Bar( x=[read_err[kk]], y=[kk], orientation='h', marker=dict(color='#eedccb'), hoverinfo="text", hoverlabel=dict(font=dict(color=meas_text_color)), hovertext=[hover_text.format(kk, np.round(read_err[kk], 3))]), row=1, col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=[avg_read_err, avg_read_err], y=[-0.25, num_left - 1 + 0.25], mode='lines', hoverinfo='none', line=dict(color=text_color, width=2, dash='dot')), row=1, col=1) fig.update_yaxes(row=1, col=1, tickvals=list(range(num_left)), autorange="reversed") fig.update_xaxes( row=1, col=1, range=[0, 1.1 * max_read_err], tickvals=[0, np.round(avg_read_err, 2), np.round(max_read_err, 2)], showline=True, linewidth=1, linecolor=text_color, tickcolor=text_color, ticks="outside", showgrid=False, zeroline=False) # Add the right side meas errors, if any if num_right: for kk in range(n_qubits - 1, num_left - 1, -1): fig.append_trace(go.Bar( x=[-read_err[kk]], y=[kk], orientation='h', marker=dict(color='#eedccb'), hoverinfo="text", hoverlabel=dict(font=dict(color=meas_text_color)), hovertext=[hover_text.format(kk, np.round(read_err[kk], 3))]), row=1, col=9) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=[-avg_read_err, -avg_read_err], y=[num_left - 0.25, n_qubits - 1 + 0.25], mode='lines', hoverinfo='none', line=dict(color=text_color, width=2, dash='dot')), row=1, col=9) fig.update_yaxes( row=1, col=9, tickvals=list(range(n_qubits - 1, num_left - 1, -1)), side='right', autorange="reversed", ) fig.update_xaxes( row=1, col=9, range=[-1.1 * max_read_err, 0], tickvals=[ 0, -np.round(avg_read_err, 2), -np.round(max_read_err, 2) ], ticktext=[0, np.round(avg_read_err, 2), np.round(max_read_err, 2)], showline=True, linewidth=1, linecolor=text_color, tickcolor=text_color, ticks="outside", showgrid=False, zeroline=False) # Makes the subplot titles smaller than the 16pt default for ann in fig['layout']['annotations']: ann['font'] = dict(size=13) title_text = "{} Error Map".format( if show_title else '' fig.update_layout(showlegend=False, plot_bgcolor=background_color, paper_bgcolor=background_color, width=figsize[0], height=figsize[1], title=dict(text=title_text, x=0.452), title_font_size=20, font=dict(color=text_color), margin=dict(t=60, l=0, r=40, b=0)) if as_widget: return PlotlyWidget(fig) return PlotlyFigure(fig)
def iplot_gate_map( backend: IBMQBackend, figsize: Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]] = (None, None), label_qubits: bool = True, qubit_size: Optional[float] = None, line_width: Optional[float] = None, font_size: Optional[int] = None, qubit_color: Union[List[str], str] = "#2f4b7c", qubit_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, line_color: Union[List[str], str] = "#2f4b7c", font_color: str = "white", background_color: str = 'white', as_widget: bool = False ) -> Union[PlotlyFigure, PlotlyWidget]: """Plots an interactive gate map of a device. Args: backend: Plot the gate map for this backend. figsize: Output figure size (wxh) in inches. label_qubits: Labels for the qubits. qubit_size: Size of qubit marker. line_width: Width of lines. font_size: Font size of qubit labels. qubit_color: A list of colors for the qubits. If a single color is given, it's used for all qubits. qubit_labels: A list of qubit labels line_color: A list of colors for each line from the coupling map. If a single color is given, it's used for all lines. font_color: The font color for the qubit labels. background_color: The background color, either 'white' or 'black'. as_widget: ``True`` if the figure is to be returned as a ``PlotlyWidget``. Otherwise the figure is to be returned as a ``PlotlyFigure``. Returns: The gate map figure. Example: .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: :hide-output: from qiskit.test.ibmq_mock import mock_get_backend mock_get_backend('FakeVigo') .. jupyter-execute:: from qiskit import IBMQ from qiskit_ibm.visualization import iplot_gate_map IBMQ.load_account() provider = IBMQ.get_provider(group='open', project='main') backend = provider.get_backend('ibmq_vigo') iplot_gate_map(backend, as_widget=True) """ config = backend.configuration() n_qubits = config.n_qubits cmap = config.coupling_map # set coloring if isinstance(qubit_color, str): qubit_color = [qubit_color] * n_qubits if isinstance(line_color, str): line_color = [line_color] * len(cmap) if cmap else [] if n_qubits in DEVICE_LAYOUTS.keys(): grid_data = DEVICE_LAYOUTS[n_qubits] else: fig = go.Figure() fig.update_layout(showlegend=False, plot_bgcolor=background_color, paper_bgcolor=background_color, width=figsize[0], height=figsize[1], margin=dict(t=30, l=0, r=0, b=0)) if as_widget: return PlotlyWidget(fig) return PlotlyFigure(fig) offset = 0 if cmap: if n_qubits in [14, 15, 16]: offset = 1 if qubit_size is None: qubit_size = 24 if font_size is None: font_size = 10 if line_width is None: line_width = 4 if figsize == (None, None): figsize = (400, 200) elif n_qubits == 27: if qubit_size is None: qubit_size = 24 if font_size is None: font_size = 10 if line_width is None: line_width = 4 if figsize == (None, None): figsize = (400, 300) else: if qubit_size is None: qubit_size = 32 if font_size is None: font_size = 14 if line_width is None: line_width = 6 if figsize == (None, None): figsize = (300, 300) else: if figsize == (None, None): figsize = (300, 300) if qubit_size is None: qubit_size = 30 fig = go.Figure() # Add lines for couplings if cmap: for ind, edge in enumerate(cmap): is_symmetric = False if edge[::-1] in cmap: is_symmetric = True y_start = grid_data[edge[0]][0] + offset x_start = grid_data[edge[0]][1] y_end = grid_data[edge[1]][0] + offset x_end = grid_data[edge[1]][1] if is_symmetric: if y_start == y_end: x_end = (x_end - x_start) / 2 + x_start x_mid = x_end y_mid = y_start elif x_start == x_end: y_end = (y_end - y_start) / 2 + y_start x_mid = x_start y_mid = y_end else: x_end = (x_end - x_start) / 2 + x_start y_end = (y_end - y_start) / 2 + y_start x_mid = x_end y_mid = y_end else: if y_start == y_end: x_mid = (x_end - x_start) / 2 + x_start y_mid = y_end elif x_start == x_end: x_mid = x_end y_mid = (y_end - y_start) / 2 + y_start else: x_mid = (x_end - x_start) / 2 + x_start y_mid = (y_end - y_start) / 2 + y_start fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=[x_start, x_mid, x_end], y=[-y_start, -y_mid, -y_end], mode="lines", hoverinfo='none', line=dict(width=line_width, color=line_color[ind]))) # Add the qubits themselves if qubit_labels is None: qubit_text = [] qubit_str = "<b>Qubit {}" for num in range(n_qubits): qubit_text.append(qubit_str.format(num)) if n_qubits > 50: if qubit_size is None: qubit_size = 20 if font_size is None: font_size = 9 fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=[d[1] for d in grid_data], y=[-d[0]-offset for d in grid_data], mode="markers+text", marker=go.scatter.Marker(size=qubit_size, color=qubit_color, opacity=1), text=[str(ii) for ii in range(n_qubits)] if label_qubits else None, textposition="middle center", textfont=dict(size=font_size, color=font_color), hoverinfo="text" if label_qubits else 'none', hovertext=qubit_text)) fig.update_xaxes(visible=False) _range = None if offset: _range = [-3.5, 0.5] fig.update_yaxes(visible=False, range=_range) fig.update_layout(showlegend=False, plot_bgcolor=background_color, paper_bgcolor=background_color, width=figsize[0], height=figsize[1], margin=dict(t=30, l=0, r=0, b=0)) if as_widget: return PlotlyWidget(fig) return PlotlyFigure(fig)