コード例 #1
    def populate(self, phrase, ts, process_space=True):
        phrase_pos = 0
        processed = False
        matches = self.__class__.whitespace.finditer(phrase)
        font = QFont(ts.font)
        if self.valign is not None:
            font.setPixelSize(font.pixelSize() / 1.5)
        fm = QFontMetrics(font)
        single_space_width = fm.width(' ')
        height, descent = fm.height(), fm.descent()
        for match in matches:
            processed = True
            left, right = match.span()
            if not process_space:
                right = left
            space_width = single_space_width * (right - left)
            word = phrase[phrase_pos:left]
            width = fm.width(word)
            if self.current_width + width < self.line_length:
                self.commit(word, width, height, descent, ts, font)
                if space_width > 0 and self.current_width + space_width < self.line_length:
                phrase_pos = right

            # Word doesn't fit on line
            if self.hyphenate and len(word) > 3:
                tokens = hyphenate_word(word)
                for i in range(len(tokens) - 2, -1, -1):
                    word = ''.join(tokens[0:i + 1]) + '-'
                    width = fm.width(word)
                    if self.current_width + width < self.line_length:
                        self.commit(word, width, height, descent, ts, font)
                        return phrase_pos + len(word) - 1, True
            if self.current_width < 5:  # Force hyphenation as word is longer than line
                for i in range(len(word) - 5, 0, -5):
                    part = word[:i] + '-'
                    width = fm.width(part)
                    if self.current_width + width < self.line_length:
                        self.commit(part, width, height, descent, ts, font)
                        return phrase_pos + len(part) - 1, True
            # Failed to add word.
            return phrase_pos, True

        if not processed:
            return self.populate(phrase + ' ', ts, False)

        return phrase_pos, False
コード例 #2
 def do_size_hint(self, option, index):
     text = index.data(Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole) or ''
     font = QFont(option.font)
     font.setPointSize(QFontInfo(font).pointSize() * 1.5)
     m = QFontMetrics(font)
     return QSize(m.width(text), m.height())