def rotate_image(self): pm = self.label.pixmap() t = QTransform() t.rotate(90) pm = self.current_img = pm.transformed(t) self.label.setPixmap(pm) self.label.adjustSize() if self.fit_image.isChecked(): self.set_to_viewport_size() else: self.factor = 1 for sb in (self.scrollarea.horizontalScrollBar(), self.scrollarea.verticalScrollBar()): sb.setValue(0)
def resolve_fill(self, rect, pdf_system, qt_system): ''' Qt's paint system does not update brushOrigin when using TexturePatterns and it also uses TexturePatterns to emulate gradients, leading to brokenness. So this method allows the paint engine to update the brush origin before painting an object. While not perfect, this is better than nothing. The problem is that if the rect being filled has a border, then QtWebKit generates an image of the rect size - border but fills the full rect, and there's no way for the paint engine to know that and adjust the brush origin. ''' if not hasattr(self, 'last_fill') or not self.current_state.do_fill: return if isinstance(self.last_fill.brush, TexturePattern): tl = rect.topLeft() if tl == self.last_fill.origin: return matrix = (QTransform.fromTranslate(tl.x(), tl.y()) * pdf_system * qt_system.inverted()[0]) pat = TexturePattern(None, matrix, self.pdf, clone=self.last_fill.brush) pattern = self.pdf.add_pattern(pat) self.pdf.apply_fill(self.last_fill.color, pattern)
def corner(): b = QBrush(self.ccolor1) p.fillPath(path, b) p.rotate(90), p.translate(100, -100), p.scale(1, -1), p.translate( -103, -97) p.fillPath(path, b) p.setWorldTransform(QTransform())
def copy(self): ans = GraphicsState() ans.fill = QBrush(self.fill) ans.stroke = QPen(self.stroke) ans.opacity = self.opacity ans.transform = self.transform * QTransform() ans.brush_origin = QPointF(self.brush_origin) ans.clip_updated = self.clip_updated ans.do_fill, ans.do_stroke = self.do_fill, self.do_stroke return ans
def __init__(self): self.fill = QBrush(Qt.GlobalColor.white) self.stroke = QPen() self.opacity = 1.0 self.transform = QTransform() self.brush_origin = QPointF() self.clip_updated = False self.do_fill = False self.do_stroke = True self.qt_pattern_cache = {}
def convert_brush(self, brush, brush_origin, global_opacity, pdf_system, qt_system): # Convert a QBrush to PDF operators style = pdf = self.pdf pattern = color = pat = None opacity = global_opacity do_fill = True matrix = ( QTransform.fromTranslate(brush_origin.x(), brush_origin.y()) * pdf_system * qt_system.inverted()[0]) vals = list(brush.color().getRgbF()) self.brushobj = None if style <= Qt.BrushStyle.DiagCrossPattern: opacity *= vals[-1] color = vals[:3] if style > Qt.BrushStyle.SolidPattern: pat = QtPattern(style, matrix) elif style == Qt.BrushStyle.TexturePattern: pat = TexturePattern(brush.texture(), matrix, pdf) if pat.paint_type == 2: opacity *= vals[-1] color = vals[:3] elif style == Qt.BrushStyle.LinearGradientPattern: pat = LinearGradientPattern(brush, matrix, pdf, self.page_width_px, self.page_height_px) opacity *= pat.const_opacity # TODO: Add support for radial/conical gradient fills if opacity < 1e-4 or style == Qt.BrushStyle.NoBrush: do_fill = False self.brushobj = Brush(brush_origin, pat, color) if pat is not None: pattern = pdf.add_pattern(pat) return color, opacity, pattern, do_fill
def __call__(self, canvas): img = canvas.current_image m = QTransform() m.rotate(90) return img.transformed(m, Qt.TransformationMode.SmoothTransformation)
def rotate_image(img, degrees): t = QTransform() t.rotate(degrees) return image_from_data(img).transformed(t)