def __init__(self, id_or_adb_backend=None): '''获取一个Android设备,获取成功后则独占该设备。 :param device_id: 获取制定设备id的Android设备。如果为空则任意获取一台空闲设备。 ''' self._device = None if isinstance(id_or_adb_backend, str): adb_backend = LocalADBBackend.open_device(id_or_adb_backend) elif not id_or_adb_backend: local_device_list = LocalDeviceProvider.list() if not local_device_list: raise RuntimeError('No local device found') adb_backend = LocalADBBackend.open_device(local_device_list[0]) else: adb_backend = id_or_adb_backend self._adb = ADB.open_device(adb_backend) self._device_driver = DeviceDriver(self._adb) Device.device_list.append(self)
class Device(object): '''Android设备类 ''' device_list = [] def __init__(self, id_or_adb_backend=None): '''获取一个Android设备,获取成功后则独占该设备。 :param device_id: 获取制定设备id的Android设备。如果为空则任意获取一台空闲设备。 ''' self._device = None if isinstance(id_or_adb_backend, str): adb_backend = LocalADBBackend.open_device(id_or_adb_backend) elif not id_or_adb_backend: local_device_list = LocalDeviceProvider.list() if not local_device_list: raise RuntimeError('No local device found') adb_backend = LocalADBBackend.open_device(local_device_list[0]) else: adb_backend = id_or_adb_backend self._adb = ADB.open_device(adb_backend) self._device_driver = DeviceDriver(self._adb) Device.device_list.append(self) def __del__(self): '释放设备' pass @staticmethod def release_all_device(): '''释放所有设备 ''''释放设备资源') Device.device_list = [] DeviceProviderManager().release_all() @static_property def device_id(self): '''设备ID ''' return self.adb.device_name @property def device_host(self): '''设备主机 ''' return self.adb.device_host @static_property def cpu_type(self): '''cpu类型 ''' return self.adb.get_cpu_abi() @property def imei(self): '''手机串号 ''' if not hasattr(self, '_imei'): self._imei = self._device_driver.get_device_imei() return self._imei @static_property def model(self): '''设备型号 ''' return self.adb.get_device_model() @static_property def system_version(self): '''系统版本 ''' return self.adb.get_system_version() @static_property def sdk_version(self): '''SDK版本 ''' return self.adb.get_sdk_version() @property def screen_size(self): '''屏幕大小 ''' return self._device_driver.get_screen_size() @static_property def screen_scale(self): '''屏幕缩放比例 ''' if self.is_emulator_device(): return int(self.adb.get_property('qemu.sf.lcd_density')) / 160.0 else: return int(self.adb.get_property('ro.sf.lcd_density')) / 160.0 @property def language(self): '''语言 ''' return self._device_driver.get_language() @property def country(self): '''国家 ''' return self._device_driver.get_country() @property def current_activity(self): '''当前Activity ''' return self.get_current_activity() @property def adb(self): return self._adb @property def debuggable(self): '''是否是调试版系统 ''' return not (self.adb.get_property('') == '1' and self.adb.get_property('ro.debuggable') == '0') def __str__(self): return '%s(%s %s Android %s)' % (self.device_id, self.model, self.cpu_type, self.system_version) def get_imei(self): '''获取设备imei号 ''' try: return self.adb.get_device_imei() except RuntimeError as e: logger.warn('Read device imei by dumpsys failed: %s' % e) return self._device_driver.get_device_imei() def is_rooted(self): '''是否root ''' return self.adb.is_rooted() def is_emulator_device(self): '''是否是模拟器设备 ''' return self.adb.get_property('').strip() == '1' def run_shell_cmd(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs): '''执行adb shell命令 ''' return self.adb.run_shell_cmd(cmd, *args, **kwargs) def run_as(self, package_name, cmd, **kwargs): '''以package_name权限执行命令cmd :param package_name: 包名,必须是已经安装的debug包 :type package_name: string :param cmd: 命令行 :type cmd: string ''' return self.adb.run_as(package_name, cmd, **kwargs) def start_activity(self, activity_name, action='', type='', data_uri='', extra={}, wait=True): '''启动activity :param activity_name: Activity名称,如:com.tencent.mobileqq/.activity.SplashActivity :type activity_name: string :param action: Action名称 :type action: string :param type: mime类型 :type type: string :param data_uri: data uri :type data_uri: string :param extra: 额外参数 :type extra: dict :param wait: 是否等待启动完成 :type wait: boolean ''' use_am = True for key in extra.keys(): if isinstance(extra[key], (list, tuple)): use_am = False break if use_am: return self.adb.start_activity(activity_name, action, type, data_uri, extra, wait) params = {'Component': activity_name} if action: params['Action'] = action if type: params['Type'] = type if extra: params['FileUri'] = extra['android.intent.extra.STREAM'] return self._device_driver.start_activity(params) def install_package(self, pkg_path, pkg_name='', overwrite=False): '''安装应用 :param pkg_path: 安装包路径 :type pkg_path: string :param pkg_name: 应用包名 :type pkg_name: string :param overwrite: 是否是覆盖安装 :type overwrite: bool ''' return self._device_driver.install_package(pkg_path, overwrite) def uninstall_package(self, pkg_name): '''卸载应用 :param pkg_name: 包名 :type pkg_name: string ''' return self.adb.uninstall_app(pkg_name) def kill_process(self, package_name): '''杀死进程 :param package_name: 应用包名 :type package_name: string ''' return self._device_driver.kill_process(package_name) def push_file(self, src_path, dst_path): '''向手机中拷贝文件 :param src_path: PC上的源路径 :type src_path: string :param dst_path: 手机上的目标路径 :type dst_path: string ''' if not os.path.exists(src_path): raise RuntimeError('File: %s not exist' % src_path) file_size = os.path.getsize(src_path) is_zip = False if file_size >= 5 * 1024 * 1024: is_zip = True zip_file_path = src_path + '.zip' zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) if dst_path[-1] == '/': # filename not specified filename = os.path.split(src_path)[-1] else: filename = dst_path.split('/')[-1] zip_file.write(src_path, filename) zip_file.close() src_path = zip_file_path dst_path += '.zip' ret = self.adb.push_file(src_path, dst_path) if is_zip: os.remove(src_path) if not self._device_driver.unzip_file(dst_path, dst_path[:dst_path.rfind('/')]): logger.warn('unzip file %s failed' % dst_path) ret = self.adb.push_file(src_path[:-4], dst_path[:-4]) elif dst_path.startswith('/data/'): self.adb.chmod(dst_path[:-4], '744') self.delete_file(dst_path) dst_path = dst_path[:-4] try: self.run_shell_cmd('touch "%s"' % dst_path) # 修改文件修改时间 except: logger.exception('touch file %s error' % dst_path) return ret def push_dir(self, src_path, dst_path): '''向手机中拷贝文件夹 :param src_path: PC上的源目录路径 :type src_path: string :param dst_path: 手机上的目的目录路径 :type dst_path: string ''' if not os.path.exists(src_path): raise RuntimeError('Directory %s not exist' % src_path) for file in os.listdir(src_path): file_src_path = os.path.join(src_path, file) file_dst_path = dst_path + '/' + file self.push_file(file_src_path, file_dst_path) def pull_file(self, src_path, dst_path): '''将手机中的文件拷贝到PC中 :param src_path: 手机中的源路径 :type src_path: string :param dst_path: PC中的目的路径 :type dst_path: string ''' self.adb.list_dir(src_path) try: ret = self.adb.pull_file(src_path, dst_path) if 'does not exist' not in ret: return except RuntimeError as e: logger.warn('pull file failed: %r' % e) if src_path.startswith('/data/local/tmp/'): raise e _, files = self.adb.list_dir(src_path) # 需要root权限 tmp_path = '/data/local/tmp/%s' % files[0]['name'] self.adb.copy_file(src_path, tmp_path) self.adb.chmod(tmp_path, 444) self.pull_file(tmp_path, dst_path) self.adb.delete_file(tmp_path) def pull_dir(self, src_path, dst_path): '''从手机中拷贝文件夹到PC :param src_path: 手机上的源目录路径 :type src_path: string :param dst_path: PC上的目的目录路径 :type dst_path: string ''' if not os.path.exists(dst_path): os.mkdir(dst_path) subdirs, files = self.adb.list_dir(src_path) for file in files: self.pull_file(src_path + '/' + file['name'], os.path.join(dst_path, file['name'])) for subdir in subdirs: self.pull_dir(src_path + '/' + subdir['name'], os.path.join(dst_path, subdir['name'])) def list_dir(self, dir_path): '''列取目录 ''' return self.adb.list_dir(dir_path) def is_file_exists(self, file_path): '''判断文件或目录是否存在 :param file_path: 文件或目录在设备中的路径 :type file_path: string ''' try: self.list_dir(file_path) return True except RuntimeError: return False def delete_folder(self, folder_path): '''删除文件夹 :param folder_path: 手机中的文件夹路径 :type folder_path: string ''' return self.adb.delete_folder(folder_path) def delete_file(self, file_path): '''删除文件 :param file_path: 文件在设备中的路径 :type file_path: string ''' return self.adb.delete_file(file_path) def mkdir(self, dir_path): '''创建目录 :param dir_path: 要创建的目录路径 :type dir_path: string ''' return self.adb.mkdir(dir_path) def copy_file(self, src_path, dst_path): '''设备内复制文件 :param src_path: 源路径 :type src_path: string :param dst_path: 目标路径 :type dst_path: string ''' if not self.is_file_exists(src_path): raise RuntimeError('File %s not exist' % src_path) self.adb.copy_file(src_path, dst_path) def get_external_sdcard_path(self): '''获取外置SD卡路径 ''' return self._device_driver.get_external_sdcard_path() def refresh_media_store(self, file_path=''): '''刷新图库,显示新拷贝到手机的图片 :param file_path: 要刷新的图片路径,不指定则刷新整个sdcard :type file_path: string ''' return self._device_driver.refresh_media_store(file_path) def get_current_activity(self): '''获取当前Activtiy ''' return self._device_driver.get_current_activity() def take_screen_shot(self, save_path): '''截屏 :param save_path: 截屏图片存放在PC上的路径 :type save_path: string ''' return self._device_driver.take_screen_shot(save_path) def record_screen(self, save_path, record_time, frame_rate=10, quality=20): '''录屏 :param save_path: 保存路径,如果为已存在的目录路径,则会将每一帧图片保存到该目录下 :type save_path: string :param record_time: 录制时间,单位:秒 :type record-time: int/float :param frame_rate: 帧率,1-30 :type frame_rate: int :param quality: 压缩质量,10-100 :type quality: int ''' import shutil from qt4a.androiddriver.device_driver import qt4a_path to_video = True if os.path.exists(save_path) and os.path.isdir(save_path): to_video = False if frame_rate < 1 or frame_rate > 30: raise ValueError('frame rate must between 1 and 30') if quality < 10 or quality > 100: raise ValueError('quality must between 10 and 100') remote_tmp_path = '%s/screen.record' % qt4a_path self.run_shell_cmd('%s/screenshot record -p %s -t %d -f %d -q %d' % (qt4a_path, remote_tmp_path, int(record_time * 1000), int(frame_rate), int(quality))) local_tmp_path = tempfile.mktemp() self.pull_file(remote_tmp_path, local_tmp_path) save_dir = save_path if to_video: save_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('.screenshot') frame_list = Device.extract_record_frame(local_tmp_path, save_dir) os.remove(local_tmp_path) if to_video: Device.screen_frame_to_video(frame_list, frame_rate, save_path) shutil.rmtree(save_dir) result = [] for it in os.listdir(save_dir): result.append(os.path.join(save_dir, it)) return result @staticmethod def screen_frame_to_video(frame_list, frame_rate, save_path): '''将录屏帧序列转换为视频文件 ''' try: import cv2 except ImportError: return None _, width, height = cv2.imread(frame_list[0]).shape[::-1] format = 'MJPG' if save_path.lower().endswith('.flv'): format = 'FLV1' elif save_path.lower().endswith('.mp4'): format = 'DIVX' videoWriter = cv2.VideoWriter(save_path, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*format), frame_rate, (width, height)) for it in frame_list: img = cv2.imread(it) videoWriter.write(img) return save_path @staticmethod def extract_record_frame(file_path, save_dir): '''提取录屏文件中的帧 ''' frame_list = [] with open(file_path, 'rb') as fp: while True: data = if not data: break timestamp = struct.unpack('I', data)[0] data_len = struct.unpack('I',[0] data = save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, '%.8d.jpg' % timestamp) with open(save_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(data) frame_list.append(save_path) return frame_list def drag(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, count=5, wait_time=40, send_down_event=True, send_up_event=True): '''滑动 :param x1: 起始x坐标 :type x1: int :param y1: 起始y坐标 :type y1: int :param x2: 终止x坐标 :type x2: int :param y2: 终止y坐标 :type y2: int :param count: 滑动的步数 :type count: int :param wait_time: 每步间等待的时长 :type wait_time: int,单位:ms :param send_down_event: 是否发送DOWN事件 :type send_down_event: bool :param send_up_event: 是否发送UP事件 :type send_up_event: bool ''' return self._device_driver.drag(x1, y1, x2, y2, count, wait_time, send_down_event, send_up_event) def click(self, x, y): '''单击屏幕坐标 :param x: 横坐标 :type x: int/float :param y: 纵坐标 :type y: int/float ''' return self._device_driver.drag(x, y, x, y) def long_click(self, x, y, duration=1): '''长按屏幕坐标 :param x: 横坐标 :type x: int/float :param y: 纵坐标 :type y: int/float :param duration: 按住时长,单位为秒 :type duration: int/float ''' self._device_driver.drag(x, y, x, y, send_up_event=False) time.sleep(duration) self._device_driver.drag(x, y, x, y, send_down_event=False) def reboot(self, wait_cpu_low=True, usage=20, duration=10, timeout=120): '''重启手机 :param wait_cpu_low: 是否等待CPU使用率降低 :type wait_cpu_low: bool :param usage: cpu使用率阈值 :type usage: int :param duration: 持续时间(秒) :type duration: int :param timeout: 超时时间,超市时间到后,无论当前CPU使用率是多少,都会返回 :type timeout: int ''' return self._device_driver.reboot(wait_cpu_low, usage=usage, duration=duration, timeout=timeout) def connect_wifi(self, wifi_name, wifi_pass=''): '''连接指定的Wifi :param wifi_name: WiFi名称 :type wifi_name: string ''' for _ in range(3): if self._device_driver.connect_wifi(wifi_name, wifi_pass): return True self.disable_wifi() # 有些手机需要禁用一下wifi才能正常连接 time.sleep(10) return False def enable_wifi(self): '''启用Wifi ''' ssid = '' pwd = '' if hasattr(settings, 'QT4A_WIFI_SSID'): ssid = settings.QT4A_WIFI_SSID if hasattr(settings, 'QT4A_WIFI_PASSWORD'): pwd = settings.QT4A_WIFI_PASSWORD if ssid: return self.connect_wifi(ssid, pwd) return False def disable_wifi(self): '''禁用Wifi ''' return self._device_driver.disable_wifi() def switch_to_data_connection(self): '''关闭WIFI,启用数据连接 ''' return self.disable_wifi() and self._device_driver.enable_data_connection() def disable_data_connection(self): '''禁用数据连接 ''' sim_state = self.get_sim_card_state() if 'SIM_STATE_ABSENT' in sim_state or 'SIM_STATE_UNKNOWN' in sim_state: return True return self._device_driver.disable_data_connection() def disable_network(self): '''禁用所有网络 ''' return self.disable_wifi() and self.disable_data_connection() def enable_network(self): '''启用任一网络,优先使用Wifi ''' return self.enable_wifi() or self.enable_data_connection() def read_logcat(self, tag, process_name_pattern, pattern, num=1): '''查找最近满足条件的一条log :param tag: 期望的Tag :type tag: string :param process_name_pattern: 期望的进程名,传入正则表达式 :type process_name_pattern: string :param pattern: 期望匹配的格式 :type pattern: Pattern :param num: 返回满足条件的日志条数 :type num: int ''' from qt4a.androiddriver.util import logger pat = re.compile(r'^\[(.+)\(\d+\)\]\s+\[.+\]\s+\w/(.+)\(\s*\d+\):\s+(.+)$') log_pat = re.compile(pattern) log_list = self.adb.get_log(False) result_list = [] k = 0 for i in range(len(log_list) - 1, -1, -1): ret = pat.match(log_list[i]) if not ret:'read_logcat:%s not match ^\[(.+)\(\d+\)\]\s+\[.+\]\s+\w/(.+)\(\s*\d+\):\s+(.+)$' % log_list[i]) continue if not process_name_pattern: continue process_pat = re.compile(process_name_pattern) if not process_pat.match( continue if != tag: continue if if num == 1: return elif num == 0 or k < num: k += 1 result_list.append( else: break return result_list def get_clipboard_text(self): '''获取剪切板内容 ''' return self._device_driver.get_clipboard_text() def set_clipboard_text(self, text): '''设置剪贴板内容 ''' return self._device_driver.set_clipboard_text(text) def wake_screen(self, wake=True): '''唤醒屏幕 ''' return self._device_driver.wake_screen(wake) def unlock_keyguard(self): '''解锁屏幕 ''' return self._device_driver.unlock_keyguard() def lock_keyguard(self): '''锁屏 ''' return self._device_driver.lock_keyguard() def send_key(self, key): '''发送按键 :param key: 按键 :type key: string ''' return self._device_driver.send_key(key) def send_text(self, text): '''通过输入法方式发送文本 :param text: 要发送的文本 :type text: string ''' max_send_size = 960 if isinstance(text, bytes): text = text.decode('utf8') text_en = '' i = 0 while i < len(text): c = text[i] if c >= u'\ud800' and c <= u'\udbff': d = text[i + 1] if d >= u'\udc00' and d <= u'\udfff': # 四字节unicode编码 text_en += r'\u%.4x\u%.4x' % (ord(c), ord(d)) i += 2 continue text_en += c i += 1 text_en = text_en.encode('raw_unicode_escape') total_len = len(text_en) if total_len > max_send_size: raise RuntimeError('Text is too long %d' % total_len) extra = {'text': text_en} if len(text_en) == 1: extra['toClear'] = 'false' self.adb.send_broadcast('com.test.androidspy.input', extra) def clear_data(self, package_name): '''清理应用数据 :param package_name: 包名 :type package_name: string ''' if not self.adb.get_package_path(package_name): return True cmdline = 'pm clear %s' % package_name if self.adb.is_rooted(): return 'Success' in self.run_shell_cmd(cmdline, True) else: result = self.run_shell_cmd(cmdline) if 'Success' in result: return True logger.warn('clear %s data failed: %s' % (package_name, result)) return 'Success' in self.run_as(package_name, cmdline) def get_string_resource(self, pkg_name, string_id, lang=''): '''获取字符串资源 ''' result = self._device_driver.get_string_resource(pkg_name, string_id, lang) if result == ("Can't find string %s" % string_id) or 'Can\'t find class' in result: if pkg_name == 'android': raise RuntimeError(result) return self.get_string_resource('android', string_id, lang) else: return result def get_string_resource_id(self, pkg_name, text): '''获取字符串资源ID ''' return self._device_driver.get_string_resource_id(pkg_name, text) def set_default_language(self, lang): '''设置默认语言 ''' return self._device_driver.set_default_language(lang) def is_app_installed(self, app_name): '''应用是否安装 ''' package_path = self.adb.get_package_path(app_name) return package_path != '' def get_static_field_value(self, pkg_name, cls_name, field_name, field_type=''): '''获取类中静态变量的值 :param pkg_name: 包名 :type pkg_name: string :param cls_name: 类名 :type cls_name: string :param field_name: 字段名 :type field_name: string ''' return self._device_driver.get_static_field_value(pkg_name, cls_name, field_name, field_type) def set_default_app(self, action, type, new_app): '''设置默认应用 :param action: 应用针对的类型,如 :type action: String :param new_app: 新的应用包名 :type new_app: String ''' return self._device_driver.set_default_app(action, type, new_app) def set_camera_photo(self, pic_path): '''设置相机图片,调用该接口后,调用相机接口会返回指定图片 :param pic_path: 图片在PC中的路径 :type pic_path: String ''' if not os.path.exists(pic_path): raise RuntimeError('图片:%s 不存在' % pic_path) dst_path = '/sdcard/dcim/camera%s' % (os.path.splitext(pic_path)[1]) self.push_file(pic_path, dst_path) self.adb.set_property('debug.mockcamera.image_path', dst_path) self.set_default_app('', '', 'com.test.androidspy') def clear_camera_default_app(self): '''清除默认相机应用 ''' from qt4a.androiddriver.util import logger if self.is_rooted(): return self._device_driver.clear_default_app('') else: logger.warn('clear_camera_default_app need root') def has_gps(self): '''是否有GPS ''' return self._device_driver.has_gps() def has_camera(self): '''是否有摄像头 ''' return self._device_driver.get_camera_number() > 0 def get_sim_card_state(self): '''获取sim卡状态 ''' sim_state = self.adb.get_property('gsm.sim.state').strip() if sim_state == 'READY': return 'SIM_STATE_READY' if 'ABSENT' in sim_state or 'NOT_READY' in sim_state: return 'SIM_STATE_ABSENT''sim state: %s' % sim_state) return 'SIM_STATE_UNKNOWN' def has_sim_card(self): '''是否有sim卡 ''' sim_state = self.get_sim_card_state() return sim_state != 'SIM_STATE_ABSENT' and sim_state != 'SIM_STATE_UNKNOWN' # 虚拟机返回的状态是SIM_STATE_UNKNOWN def is_debug_package(self, package_name): '''是否是debug包 ''' return self._device_driver.is_debug_package(package_name) def _get_view_id(self, package_name, str_id): '''从控件字符串ID获取整型ID :param package_name: 应用包名 :type package_name: string :param str_id: 字符串ID :type str_id: string ''' if not hasattr(self, '_view_id_dict'): self._view_id_dict = {} # 该操作较为耗时,必须要缓存 if not package_name in self._view_id_dict: self._view_id_dict[package_name] = {} if str_id in self._view_id_dict[package_name]: return self._view_id_dict[package_name][str_id] view_id = self._device_driver.get_view_id(package_name, str_id) self._view_id_dict[package_name][str_id] = view_id return view_id def _get_resource_origin_name(self, package_name, res_type, confuse_name): '''根据获取资源混淆后的名称获取原始名称 :param package_name: 应用包名 :type package_name: string :param res_type: 资源类型 :type res_type: string :param confuse_name: 混淆后的名称 :type confuse_name: string ''' if confuse_name == '': return '' # 处理空字符串情况 if len(confuse_name) > 4: return confuse_name # 必然没有混淆 if not hasattr(self, '_resource_name'): self._resource_name = {} # 进行缓存 if not package_name in self._resource_name: self._resource_name[package_name] = {} if not confuse_name in self._resource_name[package_name]: self._resource_name[package_name][confuse_name] = self._device_driver.get_resource_origin_name(package_name, res_type, confuse_name) return self._resource_name[package_name][confuse_name] def send_text_to_app(self, activity, text): '''向app分享文本 ''' return self.start_activity(activity, action='android.intent.action.SEND', type='text/plain', extra={'android.intent.extra.TEXT': text}) def send_image_to_app(self, activity, image_path): '''向app分享图片 ''' def _copy_image(src_path): from qt4a.androiddriver.util import get_file_md5 if six.PY2 and not isinstance(src_path, unicode): src_path = src_path.decode('utf8') file_ext = os.path.splitext(src_path)[-1] dst_path = '/sdcard/dcim/%s%s' % (get_file_md5(src_path), file_ext) self.push_file(src_path, dst_path) return dst_path action = 'android.intent.action.SEND' if isinstance(image_path, (list, tuple)): image_path_new = [None for _ in range(len(image_path))] for i in range(len(image_path)): image_path_new[i] = 'file://' + _copy_image(image_path[i]) image_path = image_path_new action = 'android.intent.action.SEND_MULTIPLE' else: image_path = 'file://' + _copy_image(image_path) return self.start_activity(activity, action=action, type='image/*', extra={'android.intent.extra.STREAM': image_path}) def send_file_to_app(self, activity, file_path): '''向app分享文件 ''' def _copy_file(src_path): if six.PY2 and not isinstance(src_path, unicode): src_path = src_path.decode('utf8') file_name = os.path.split(src_path)[-1] dst_path = '/data/local/tmp/%s' % (file_name) self.push_file(src_path, dst_path) return dst_path file_path = 'file://' + _copy_file(file_path) return self.start_activity(activity, action='android.intent.action.SEND', type='application/octet-stream', extra={'android.intent.extra.STREAM': file_path}) def check_netstat(self): '''检查网络状态 ''' try: return 'bytes from' in self.run_shell_cmd('ping -c 1', self.is_rooted()) except TimeoutError: return False def play_sound(self, file_path, volume=50): '''播放语音 :param file_path: 音频文件路径 :type file_path: string ''' from qt4a.androiddriver.util import get_file_md5 self.set_volume(volume) # 先设置音量 file_ext = os.path.splitext(file_path)[-1] dst_path = '/data/local/tmp/%s%s' % (get_file_md5(file_path), file_ext) self.push_file(file_path, dst_path) return self._device_driver.play_sound(dst_path) def modify_hosts(self, new_hosts=[]): '''修改hosts :param new_hosts: 要修改的host列表,如果为空,表示恢复为默认hosts :type new_hosts: list ''' hosts_path = '/system/etc/hosts' bak_hosts_path = hosts_path + '.bak' self.adb._set_system_writable() # 需要system目录可写 backup = 'echo " localhost" > %s' % (hosts_path) if new_hosts: if not self.is_file_exists(bak_hosts_path): # 先生成备份文件 self.copy_file(hosts_path, bak_hosts_path) result = self.run_shell_cmd(backup, True) # 保证当前的hosts文件是干净的 if 'Permission denied' in result: self.run_shell_cmd('chmod 666 %s' % hosts_path, True) self.run_shell_cmd(backup, True) for ip, host in new_hosts: self.run_shell_cmd('echo "%s %s" >> %s' % (ip, host, hosts_path), True) for ip, host in new_hosts: real_ip = self.resolve_domain(host) if real_ip != ip: raise RuntimeError('设置hosts[%s %s]失败,当前解析值为:%s' % (ip, host, real_ip)) else: # 恢复默认的hosts if self.is_file_exists(bak_hosts_path): self.copy_file(bak_hosts_path, hosts_path) else: self.run_shell_cmd(backup, True) def set_volume(self, volume): '''设置音量 ''' return self._device_driver.set_volume(volume) def get_phone_contacts(self): '''获取手机联系人列表 ''' return self._device_driver.get_phone_contacts() def add_phone_contacts(self, name, phone): '''添加手机联系人 ''' return self._device_driver.add_phone_contacts(name, phone) def del_phone_contacts(self, name): '''删除手机联系人 ''' return self._device_driver.del_phone_contacts(name) def set_app_permission(self, package_name, perm_name, is_allowed=True): '''设置应用权限 :param package_name: 应用包名 :type package_name: string :param perm_name: 权限名称 :type perm_name: string :param is_allowed: 是否允许 :type is_allowed: bool ''' return self._device_driver.set_app_permission(package_name, perm_name, is_allowed) def set_screen_off_time(self, timeout=600): '''设置灭屏时间 :param timeout: 超时时间 :type timeout: int,单位为秒 ''' if timeout <= 0: timeout = 2147483647 else: timeout = timeout * 1000 return self._device_driver.modify_system_setting('system', 'screen_off_timeout', timeout) def set_auto_rotate_screen(self, rotate=False): '''设置是否旋转屏幕 :param rotate: 是否旋转 :type rotate: boolean ''' return self._device_driver.modify_system_setting('system', 'accelerometer_rotation', 1 if rotate else 0) def set_time_12_24(self, is_24=True): '''设置12/24小时格式 :param is_24: 是否是24小时 :type is_24: boolean ''' return self._device_driver.modify_system_setting('system', 'time_12_24', 24 if is_24 else 12) def set_allow_unknown_app(self, allow=True): '''设置是否允许安装未知来源的应用 :param allow: 是否允许 :type allow: boolean ''' return self._device_driver.modify_system_setting('secure', 'install_non_market_apps', 1 if allow else 0) def set_default_input_method(self, input_method): '''设置默认输入法 :param input_method: 要设置的输入法服务名(package_name/service_name) :type input_method: string ''' self._device_driver.modify_system_setting('secure', 'enabled_input_methods', input_method) self._device_driver.modify_system_setting('secure', 'default_input_method', input_method) def connect_vpn(self, vpn_type, server, username, password): '''连接VPN :param vpn_type: VPN类型 :type vpn_type: string :param server: 服务器地址 :type server: string :param username: 用户名 :type username: string :param password: 密码 :type password: string ''' if vpn_type == 'PPTP': vpn_type = 0 elif vpn_type == 'L2TP_IPSEC_PSK': vpn_type = 1 elif vpn_type == 'L2TP_IPSEC_RSA': vpn_type = 2 elif vpn_type == 'IPSEC_XAUTH_PSK': vpn_type = 3 elif vpn_type == 'IPSEC_XAUTH_RSA': vpn_type = 4 elif vpn_type == 'TYPE_IPSEC_HYBRID_RSA': vpn_type = 5 else: raise RuntimeError('不支持的VPN类型:%s' % vpn_type) timeout = 10 for _ in range(3): if not self._device_driver.connect_vpn(vpn_type, server, username, password): return False time0 = time.time() while time.time() - time0 < timeout: if self._device_driver.is_vpn_connected(): return True time.sleep(1) return False def disconnect_vpn(self): '''断开VPN ''' return self._device_driver.disconnect_vpn() def end_call(self): '''挂断电话 ''' return self._device_driver.end_call() def grant_all_runtime_permissions(self, package_name): '''给APP授予所有运行时权限 ''' return self._device_driver.grant_all_runtime_permissions(package_name) def set_http_proxy(self, host, port): '''设置http代理 :param host: 代理服务器地址 :param port: 代理服务器端口 ''' return self._device_driver.set_http_proxy(host, port) def clear_http_proxy(self): '''清除http代理 ''' return self._device_driver.set_http_proxy(None, None) def register_screenshot_callback(self, callback, frame_rate=15): '''注册截图回调函数 :param callback: 回调函数,回调参数为PIL的Image对象 :type callback: function :param frame_rate: 期望的帧率 :type frame_rate: int ''' import copy from PIL import Image if not hasattr(self, '_screenshot_callbacks'): self._screenshot_callbacks = [callback] sock = self._device_driver.connect_screenshot_service() sock.send(struct.pack('II', 0x3, frame_rate)) def recv_data(data_len): data = '' while len(data) < data_len: try: buff = sock.recv(data_len - len(data)) if not buff: logger.warn('screenshot socket closed') return data += buff except socket.error as e: logger.warn('recv screenshot data error: %s' % e) return return data def screenshot_thread(): prev_image = None max_width = max_height = 0 while True: data = recv_data(24) if not data: return timestamp, left, top, width, height, data_len = struct.unpack('I' * 6, data) if data_len > 0: data = recv_data(data_len) assert(len(data) == data_len) fp = BytesIO(data) image = # image.verify() w, h = image.size if w > max_width: max_width = w if h > max_height: max_height = h if w < max_width or h < max_height: # 此时prev_image一定不为空 try: prev_image.paste(image, (left, top, left + width, top + height)) except Exception as e: err_msg = 'compose image [%s]%r failed: %s' % (data_len, (left, top, width, height), e) raise RuntimeError(err_msg) else: prev_image = image for callback in self._screenshot_callbacks: try: callback(copy.deepcopy(prev_image)) except: logger.exception('run callback %s failed' % callback.__name__) self._screenshot_thread = threading.Thread(target=screenshot_thread) self._screenshot_thread.setDaemon(True) self._screenshot_thread.start() else: if not callback in self._screenshot_callbacks: self._screenshot_callbacks.append(callback) def unregister_screenshot_callback(self, callback): '''注销截图回调函数 :param callback: 回调函数 :type callback: function ''' if hasattr(self, '_screenshot_callbacks') and callback in self._screenshot_callbacks: self._screenshot_callbacks.remove(callback) def resolve_domain(self, domain): '''解析域名 ''' return self._device_driver.resolve_domain(domain) def set_radio_enabled(self, enable): '''是否启用Radio ''' return self._device_driver.set_radio_enabled(enable) def get_system_timezone(self): '''获取当前系统时区 ''' return self.adb.get_property('persist.sys.timezone') def set_system_timezone(self, new_timezone='Asia/Shanghai'): '''修改系统时区 ''' if self.get_system_timezone() != new_timezone: self.adb.set_property('persist.sys.timezone', new_timezone) def set_system_time(self, new_time=None): '''设置系统时间 :param new_time: 新时间,默认为PC上的时间,格式为: 20151001.170000 :type new_time: str ''' if not new_time: new_time = time.strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%M%S", time.localtime()) self.adb.run_shell_cmd('date -s %s' % new_time, self.adb.is_rooted()) def get_available_data_storage(self): '''获取数据存储区可用空间 ''' return self._device_driver.get_available_storage('/data') def get_available_external_storage(self): '''获取sdcard可用存储空间 ''' return self._device_driver.get_available_storage('/sdcard')
def copy_android_driver(device_id_or_adb, force=False, root_path=None, enable_acc=True): """测试前的测试桩拷贝 """ from qt4a.androiddriver.adb import ADB if isinstance(device_id_or_adb, ADB): adb = device_id_or_adb else: adb = ADB.open_device(device_id_or_adb) if not root_path: current_path = os.path.abspath(__file__) if not os.path.exists(current_path) and ".egg" in current_path: # in egg egg_path = current_path while not os.path.exists(egg_path): egg_path = os.path.dirname(egg_path) assert egg_path.endswith(".egg") root_path = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), "tools") extract_from_zipfile(egg_path, "qt4a/androiddriver/tools", root_path) else: root_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "tools") dst_path = "/data/local/tmp/qt4a/" current_version_file = os.path.join(root_path, "version.txt") f = open(current_version_file, "r") current_version = int( f.close() if not force: version_file = dst_path + "version.txt" version = adb.run_shell_cmd("cat %s" % version_file) if (version and not "No such file or directory" in version and current_version <= int(version)): install_qt4a_helper(adb, root_path) # 避免QT4A助手被意外删除的情况 # 不需要拷贝测试桩 logger.warn("忽略本次测试桩拷贝:当前版本为%s,设备中版本为%s" % (current_version, int(version))) return try: adb.chmod(dst_path[:-1], "777") except: pass rooted = adb.is_rooted() cpu_abi = adb.get_cpu_abi() print("Current CPU arch: %s" % cpu_abi) # use_pie = False # if adb.get_sdk_version() >= 21 and cpu_abi != "arm64-v8a": # use_pie = True file_list = [ os.path.join(cpu_abi, "droid_inject"), os.path.join(cpu_abi, ""), os.path.join(cpu_abi, "screenkit"), "inject", "AndroidSpy.jar", "SpyHelper.jar", "", ] if cpu_abi == "arm64-v8a": file_list.append(os.path.join(cpu_abi, "droid_inject64")) file_list.append(os.path.join(cpu_abi, "")) file_list.append("inject64") if adb.get_sdk_version() >= 21: file_list.append(os.path.join(cpu_abi, "")) if rooted and adb.is_selinux_opened(): # 此时如果还是开启状态说明关闭selinux没有生效,主要是三星手机上面 adb.run_shell_cmd("rm -r %s" % dst_path, True) # adb.run_shell_cmd('chcon u:object_r:shell_data_file:s0' % dst_path, True) # 恢复文件context,否则拷贝失败 # adb.run_shell_cmd('chcon u:object_r:shell_data_file:s0' % dst_path, True) for file in file_list: file_path = os.path.join(root_path, file) # if use_pie and not "." in file and os.path.exists(file_path + "_pie"): # file_path += "_pie" if not os.path.exists(file_path): continue save_name = os.path.split(file)[-1] if save_name.endswith(""): save_name = save_name.replace("_art", "") adb.push_file(file_path, dst_path + save_name) adb.chmod("%sdroid_inject" % dst_path, 755) adb.chmod("%sinject" % dst_path, 755) adb.chmod("%sscreenkit" % dst_path, 755) adb.run_shell_cmd("ln -s %sscreenkit %sscreenshot" % (dst_path, dst_path)) if cpu_abi == "arm64-v8a": adb.chmod("%sdroid_inject64" % dst_path, 755) adb.chmod("%sinject64" % dst_path, 755) try: print(adb.run_shell_cmd("rm -R %scache" % dst_path, rooted)) # 删除目录 rm -rf except RuntimeError as e: logger.warn("%s" % e) #'mkdir %scache' % (dst_path), True)) #必须使用root权限,不然生成odex文件会失败 adb.mkdir("%scache" % (dst_path), 777) install_qt4a_helper(adb, root_path) version_file_path = os.path.join(root_path, "version.txt") dst_version_file_path = dst_path + os.path.split(version_file_path)[-1] adb.push_file(version_file_path, dst_version_file_path + ".tmp") # 拷贝版本文件 if rooted and adb.is_selinux_opened(): # 此时如果还是开启状态说明关闭selinux没有生效,主要是三星手机上面 # 获取sdcars context if adb.get_sdk_version() >= 23: sdcard_path = adb.get_sdcard_path() result = adb.run_shell_cmd("ls -Z %s" % sdcard_path) # u:object_r:media_rw_data_file:s0 u:object_r:rootfs:s0 pattern = re.compile(r"\s+(u:object_r:.+:s0)\s+") ret = if not ret: raise RuntimeError("get sdcard context failed: %s" % result) context ="sdcard context is %s" % context) adb.run_shell_cmd("chcon %s %s" % (context, dst_path), True) # make app access adb.run_shell_cmd( "chcon u:object_r:app_data_file:s0 %sSpyHelper.jar" % dst_path, True) adb.run_shell_cmd( "chcon u:object_r:app_data_file:s0" % dst_path, True) # 不修改文件context无法加载so adb.run_shell_cmd( "chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0" % dst_path, True) adb.run_shell_cmd( "chcon u:object_r:app_data_file:s0" % dst_path, True) adb.run_shell_cmd( "chcon %s %sAndroidSpy.jar" % (context, dst_path), True) adb.run_shell_cmd("chcon %s %scache" % (context, dst_path), True) else: # 不修改文件context无法加载so adb.run_shell_cmd( "chcon u:object_r:app_data_file:s0" % dst_path, True) adb.run_shell_cmd( "chcon u:object_r:app_data_file:s0" % dst_path, True) adb.run_shell_cmd( "chcon u:object_r:app_data_file:s0 %scache" % dst_path, True) if rooted: if adb.get_sdk_version() < 24: # 7.0以上发现生成的dex与运行时生成的dex有差别,可能导致crash adb.run_shell_cmd( "sh loadDex %sAndroidSpy.jar %scache" % (dst_path, dst_path, dst_path), rooted, )) adb.chmod("%scache/AndroidSpy.dex" % dst_path, 666) else: if not "usage:" in adb.run_shell_cmd("sh" % dst_path): adb.mkdir("%scache/dalvik-cache" % dst_path, 777) if rooted and adb.is_selinux_opened() and adb.get_sdk_version() >= 23: # 提升权限 try: adb.list_dir("/system/bin/app_process32") except RuntimeError: adb.copy_file("/system/bin/app_process", "%sapp_process" % dst_path) else: adb.copy_file("/system/bin/app_process32", "%sapp_process" % dst_path) adb.chmod("%sapp_process" % dst_path, 755) adb.run_shell_cmd( "chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 %sapp_process" % dst_path, True) adb.run_shell_cmd( "mv %s %s" % (dst_version_file_path + ".tmp", dst_version_file_path), rooted) # 同步手机时间 device_driver = DeviceDriver(adb) try: input_method = "com.test.androidspy/.service.QT4AKeyboardService" device_driver.modify_system_setting("secure", "enabled_input_methods", input_method) device_driver.modify_system_setting("secure", "default_input_method", input_method) if enable_acc: device_driver.modify_system_setting( "secure", "enabled_accessibility_services", "com.test.androidspy/com.test.androidspy.service.QT4AAccessibilityService", ) device_driver.modify_system_setting("secure", "accessibility_enabled", 1) except: logger.exception("set default input method failed") try: device_driver.modify_system_setting("system", "time_12_24", 24) device_driver.modify_system_setting("system", "screen_off_timeout", 600 * 1000) except: logger.exception("set system time failed")
def copy_android_driver(device_id_or_adb, force=False, root_path=None, enable_acc=True): '''测试前的测试桩拷贝 ''' from qt4a.androiddriver.adb import ADB from qt4a.androiddriver.util import AndroidPackage, version_cmp if isinstance(device_id_or_adb, ADB): adb = device_id_or_adb else: adb = ADB.open_device(device_id_or_adb) if not root_path: current_path = os.path.abspath(__file__) if not os.path.exists(current_path) and '.egg' in current_path: # in egg egg_path = current_path while not os.path.exists(egg_path): egg_path = os.path.dirname(egg_path) assert (egg_path.endswith('.egg')) root_path = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), 'tools') extract_from_zipfile(egg_path, 'qt4a/androiddriver/tools', root_path) else: root_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'tools') dst_path = '/data/local/tmp/qt4a/' current_version_file = os.path.join(root_path, 'version.txt') f = open(current_version_file, 'r') current_version = int( f.close() if not force: version_file = dst_path + 'version.txt' version = adb.run_shell_cmd('cat %s' % version_file) if version and not 'No such file or directory' in version and current_version <= int( version): # 不需要拷贝测试桩 logger.warn('忽略本次测试桩拷贝:当前版本为%s,设备中版本为%s' % (current_version, int(version))) return try: adb.chmod(dst_path[:-1], '777') except: pass rooted = adb.is_rooted() cpu_abi = adb.get_cpu_abi() print('Current CPU arch: %s' % cpu_abi) use_pie = False if adb.get_sdk_version() >= 21 and cpu_abi != 'arm64-v8a': use_pie = True file_list = [ os.path.join(cpu_abi, 'droid_inject'), os.path.join(cpu_abi, ''), os.path.join(cpu_abi, 'screenkit'), os.path.join(cpu_abi, ''), 'inject', 'AndroidSpy.jar', 'SpyHelper.jar', '' ] if cpu_abi == 'arm64-v8a': file_list.append(os.path.join(cpu_abi, 'droid_inject64')) file_list.append(os.path.join(cpu_abi, '')) file_list.append('inject64') if adb.get_sdk_version() >= 21: file_list.append(os.path.join(cpu_abi, '')) if rooted and adb.is_selinux_opened(): # 此时如果还是开启状态说明关闭selinux没有生效,主要是三星手机上面 adb.run_shell_cmd('rm -r %s' % dst_path, True) # adb.run_shell_cmd('chcon u:object_r:shell_data_file:s0' % dst_path, True) # 恢复文件context,否则拷贝失败 # adb.run_shell_cmd('chcon u:object_r:shell_data_file:s0' % dst_path, True) for file in file_list: file_path = os.path.join(root_path, file) if use_pie and not '.' in file and os.path.exists(file_path + '_pie'): file_path += '_pie' if not os.path.exists(file_path): continue save_name = os.path.split(file)[-1] if save_name.endswith(''): save_name = save_name.replace('_art', '') adb.push_file(file_path, dst_path + save_name) adb.chmod('%sdroid_inject' % dst_path, 755) adb.chmod('%sinject' % dst_path, 755) adb.chmod('%sscreenkit' % dst_path, 755) adb.run_shell_cmd('ln -s %sscreenkit %sscreenshot' % (dst_path, dst_path)) if cpu_abi == 'arm64-v8a': adb.chmod('%sdroid_inject64' % dst_path, 755) adb.chmod('%sinject64' % dst_path, 755) try: print(adb.run_shell_cmd('rm -R %scache' % dst_path, rooted)) # 删除目录 rm -rf except RuntimeError as e: logger.warn('%s' % e) #'mkdir %scache' % (dst_path), True)) #必须使用root权限,不然生成odex文件会失败 adb.mkdir('%scache' % (dst_path), 777) qt4a_helper_package = 'com.test.androidspy' apk_path = os.path.join(root_path, 'QT4AHelper.apk') if adb.get_package_path(qt4a_helper_package): # 判断版本 installed_version = adb.get_package_version(qt4a_helper_package) package = AndroidPackage(apk_path) install_version = package.version if version_cmp(install_version, installed_version) > 0: adb.install_apk(apk_path, True) else: adb.install_apk(apk_path) # adb.install_apk(os.path.join(root_path, 'QT4AMockApp.apk'), True) version_file_path = os.path.join(root_path, 'version.txt') dst_version_file_path = dst_path + os.path.split(version_file_path)[-1] adb.push_file(version_file_path, dst_version_file_path + '.tmp') # 拷贝版本文件 if rooted and adb.is_selinux_opened(): # 此时如果还是开启状态说明关闭selinux没有生效,主要是三星手机上面 # 获取sdcars context if adb.get_sdk_version() >= 23: import re sdcard_path = adb.get_sdcard_path() result = adb.run_shell_cmd('ls -Z %s' % sdcard_path) # u:object_r:media_rw_data_file:s0 u:object_r:rootfs:s0 pattern = re.compile(r'\s+(u:object_r:.+:s0)\s+') ret = if not ret: raise RuntimeError('get sdcard context failed: %s' % result) context ='sdcard context is %s' % context) adb.run_shell_cmd('chcon %s %s' % (context, dst_path), True) # make app access adb.run_shell_cmd( 'chcon u:object_r:app_data_file:s0 %sSpyHelper.jar' % dst_path, True) adb.run_shell_cmd( 'chcon u:object_r:app_data_file:s0' % dst_path, True) # 不修改文件context无法加载so adb.run_shell_cmd( 'chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0' % dst_path, True) adb.run_shell_cmd( 'chcon u:object_r:app_data_file:s0' % dst_path, True) adb.run_shell_cmd( 'chcon %s %sAndroidSpy.jar' % (context, dst_path), True) adb.run_shell_cmd('chcon %s %scache' % (context, dst_path), True) else: # 不修改文件context无法加载so adb.run_shell_cmd( 'chcon u:object_r:app_data_file:s0' % dst_path, True) adb.run_shell_cmd( 'chcon u:object_r:app_data_file:s0' % dst_path, True) adb.run_shell_cmd( 'chcon u:object_r:app_data_file:s0 %scache' % dst_path, True) if rooted: if adb.get_sdk_version() < 24: # 7.0以上发现生成的dex与运行时生成的dex有差别,可能导致crash adb.run_shell_cmd( 'sh loadDex %sAndroidSpy.jar %scache' % (dst_path, dst_path, dst_path), rooted)) adb.chmod('%scache/AndroidSpy.dex' % dst_path, 666) else: if not 'usage:' in adb.run_shell_cmd('sh' % dst_path): adb.mkdir('%scache/dalvik-cache' % dst_path, 777) if rooted and adb.is_selinux_opened() and adb.get_sdk_version() >= 23: # 提升权限 try: adb.list_dir('/system/bin/app_process32') except RuntimeError: adb.copy_file('/system/bin/app_process', '%sapp_process' % dst_path) else: adb.copy_file('/system/bin/app_process32', '%sapp_process' % dst_path) adb.chmod('%sapp_process' % dst_path, 755) adb.run_shell_cmd( 'chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 %sapp_process' % dst_path, True) adb.run_shell_cmd( 'mv %s %s' % (dst_version_file_path + '.tmp', dst_version_file_path), rooted) # 同步手机时间 device_driver = DeviceDriver(adb) try: input_method = 'com.test.androidspy/.service.QT4AKeyboardService' device_driver.modify_system_setting('secure', 'enabled_input_methods', input_method) device_driver.modify_system_setting('secure', 'default_input_method', input_method) if enable_acc: device_driver.modify_system_setting( 'secure', 'enabled_accessibility_services', 'com.test.androidspy/com.test.androidspy.service.QT4AAccessibilityService' ) device_driver.modify_system_setting('secure', 'accessibility_enabled', 1) except: logger.exception('set default input method failed') try: device_driver.modify_system_setting('system', 'time_12_24', 24) device_driver.modify_system_setting('system', 'screen_off_timeout', 600 * 1000) except: logger.exception('set system time failed')
def _create_driver(self): adb_backend = LocalADBBackend('', '') adb = ADB(adb_backend) return AndroidDriver(DeviceDriver(adb), None)
def _get_device_driver(self): ADB.run_shell_cmd = mock.Mock(side_effect=mock_run_shell_cmd) adb_backend = LocalADBBackend('', '') adb = ADB(adb_backend) return DeviceDriver(adb)