def __init__(self, parent): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self._parent = parent self.cp = CondaProcess(self, self.on_finished) # widgets self.button_get_conda_version = QPushButton('get_conda_version') self.button_info = QPushButton('info') self.button_get_envs = QPushButton('get envs') self.button_install = QPushButton('install') self.button_package_info = QPushButton('package info') self.button_linked = QPushButton('linked') self.button_pip = QPushButton('pip') self.widgets_queue = [self.button_get_conda_version, self.button_info, self.button_get_envs, self.button_install, self.button_package_info, self.button_pip] self.widgets = [self.button_linked] # layout setup layout_top = QHBoxLayout() layout_top.addWidget(self.button_get_conda_version) layout_top.addWidget(self.button_get_envs) layout_top.addWidget(self.button_info) layout_top.addWidget(self.button_install) layout_top.addWidget(self.button_package_info) layout_middle = QHBoxLayout() layout_middle.addWidget(self.button_linked) layout_bottom = QHBoxLayout() layout_bottom.addWidget(self.button_pip) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(layout_top) layout.addLayout(layout_middle) layout.addLayout(layout_bottom) self.setLayout(layout) # signals self.button_get_conda_version.clicked.connect( self.cp.get_conda_version) self.button_get_envs.clicked.connect(self.cp.get_envs) self.button_info.clicked.connect( self.button_install.clicked.connect(self.cp.install) self.button_package_info.clicked.connect( lambda: self.cp.package_info('spyder')) self.button_linked.clicked.connect( lambda: linked(ROOT_PREFIX)) self.button_pip.clicked.connect(lambda: self.cp.pip('root')) for widget in self.widgets_queue: widget.clicked.connect(lambda: self._set_gui_disabled(True))
def __init__(self, parent): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) layout = QHBoxLayout() row_nb = 14 cindex = 0 for child in dir(QStyle): if child.startswith('SP_'): if cindex == 0: col_layout = QVBoxLayout() icon_layout = QHBoxLayout() icon = get_std_icon(child) label = QLabel() label.setPixmap(icon.pixmap(32, 32)) icon_layout.addWidget(label) icon_layout.addWidget(QLineEdit(child.replace('SP_', ''))) col_layout.addLayout(icon_layout) cindex = (cindex+1) % row_nb if cindex == 0: layout.addLayout(col_layout) self.setLayout(layout) self.setWindowTitle('Standard Platform Icons') self.setWindowIcon(get_std_icon('TitleBarMenuButton'))
class CondaPackagesWidget(QWidget): """Conda Packages Widget.""" # Location of updated repo.json files from continuum/binstar CONDA_CONF_PATH = get_conf_path('repo') # Location of continuum/anaconda default repos shipped with conda-manager DATA_PATH = get_module_data_path() # file inside DATA_PATH with metadata for conda packages DATABASE_FILE = 'packages.ini' sig_worker_ready = Signal() sig_packages_ready = Signal() sig_environment_created = Signal() def __init__(self, parent, name=None, prefix=None, channels=[]): super(CondaPackagesWidget, self).__init__(parent) self._parent = parent self._status = '' # Statusbar message self._conda_process = conda_api_q.CondaProcess(self) self._root_prefix = self._conda_process.ROOT_PREFIX self._prefix = None self._temporal_action_dic = {} self._download_manager = DownloadManager(self, self._on_download_finished, self._on_download_progress, self.CONDA_CONF_PATH) self._thread = QThread(self) self._worker = None self._db_metadata = cp.ConfigParser() self._db_file = CondaPackagesWidget.DATABASE_FILE self._db_metadata.readfp(open(osp.join(self.DATA_PATH, self._db_file))) self._packages_names = None self._row_data = None self._hide_widgets = False # TODO: Hardcoded channels for the moment self._default_channels = [ ['_free_', ''], #['_pro_', ''] ] self._extra_channels = channels # pyqt not working with ssl some bug here on the anaconda compilation # [['binstar_goanpeca_', '']] self._repo_name = None # linux-64, win-32, etc... self._channels = None # [['filename', 'channel url'], ...] self._repo_files = None # [filepath, filepath, ...] self._packages = {} self._download_error = None self._error = None # Widgets self.combobox_filter = QComboBox(self) self.button_update = QPushButton(_('Update package index')) self.textbox_search = SearchLineEdit(self) self.table = CondaPackagesTable(self) self.status_bar = QLabel(self) self.progress_bar = QProgressBar(self) self.button_ok = QPushButton(_('Ok')) self.bbox = QDialogButtonBox(Qt.Horizontal) self.bbox.addButton(self.button_ok, QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) self.widgets = [self.button_update, self.combobox_filter, self.textbox_search, self.table, self.button_ok] # Widgets setup self.combobox_filter.addItems([k for k in const.COMBOBOX_VALUES_ORDERED]) self.combobox_filter.setMinimumWidth(120) self.button_ok.setDefault(True) self.button_ok.setAutoDefault(True) self.button_ok.setVisible(False) self.progress_bar.setVisible(False) self.progress_bar.setTextVisible(False) self.progress_bar.setMaximumHeight(16) self.progress_bar.setMaximumWidth(130) self.setWindowTitle(_("Conda Package Manager")) self.setMinimumSize(QSize(480, 300)) # Signals and slots self.combobox_filter.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.filter_package) self.button_update.clicked.connect(self.update_package_index) self.textbox_search.textChanged.connect(self.search_package) self._conda_process.sig_partial.connect(self._on_conda_process_partial) self._conda_process.sig_finished.connect(self._on_conda_process_ready) # NOTE: do not try to save the QSpacerItems in a variable for reuse # it will crash python on exit if you do! # Layout self._spacer_w = 250 self._spacer_h = 5 self._top_layout = QHBoxLayout() self._top_layout.addWidget(self.combobox_filter) self._top_layout.addWidget(self.button_update) self._top_layout.addWidget(self.textbox_search) self._middle_layout = QVBoxLayout() self._middle_layout.addWidget(self.table) self._bottom_layout = QHBoxLayout() self._bottom_layout.addWidget(self.status_bar, Qt.AlignLeft) self._bottom_layout.addWidget(self.progress_bar, Qt.AlignRight) self._layout = QVBoxLayout(self) self._layout.addItem(QSpacerItem(self._spacer_w, self._spacer_h)) self._layout.addLayout(self._top_layout) self._layout.addLayout(self._middle_layout) self._layout.addItem(QSpacerItem(self._spacer_w, self._spacer_h)) self._layout.addLayout(self._bottom_layout) self._layout.addItem(QSpacerItem(self._spacer_w, self._spacer_h)) self._layout.addWidget(self.bbox) self._layout.addItem(QSpacerItem(self._spacer_w, self._spacer_h)) self.setLayout(self._layout) # Setup self.set_environment(name=name, prefix=prefix, update=False) if self._supports_architecture(): self.update_package_index() else: status = _('no packages supported for this architecture!') self._update_status(progress=[0, 0], hide=True, status=status) def _supports_architecture(self): """ """ self._set_repo_name() if self._repo_name is None: return False else: return True def _set_repo_name(self): """Get python system and bitness, and return default repo name""" system = sys.platform.lower() bitness = 64 if sys.maxsize > 2**32 else 32 machine = platform.machine() fname = [None, None] if 'win' in system: fname[0] = 'win' elif 'lin' in system: fname[0] = 'linux' elif 'osx' in system or 'darwin' in system: # TODO: is this correct? fname[0] = 'osx' else: return None if bitness == 32: fname[1] = '32' elif bitness == 64: fname[1] = '64' else: return None # armv6l if machine.startswith('armv6'): fname[1] = 'armv6l' if None in fname: self._repo_name = None else: self._repo_name = '-'.join(fname) def _set_channels(self): """ """ default = self._default_channels extra = self._extra_channels body = self._repo_name tail = '/repodata.json' channels = [] files = [] for channel in default + extra: prefix = channel[0] url = '{0}/{1}{2}'.format(channel[1], body, tail) name = '{0}{1}.json'.format(prefix, body) channels.append([name, url]) files.append(osp.join(self.CONDA_CONF_PATH, name)) self._repo_files = files self._channels = channels def _download_repodata(self): """download the latest version available of the repo(s)""" status = _('Updating package index...') self._update_status(hide=True, progress=[0, 0], status=status) self._download_manager.set_queue(self._channels) self._download_manager.start_download() # --- Callback download manager # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _on_download_progress(self, progress): """function called by download manager when receiving data progress : [int, int] A two item list of integers with relating [downloaded, total] """ self._update_status(hide=True, progress=progress, status=None) def _on_download_finished(self): """function called by download manager when finished all downloads this will be called even if errors were encountered, so error handling is done here as well """ error = self._download_manager.get_errors() if error is not None: self._update_status(hide=False) if not osp.isdir(self.CONDA_CONF_PATH): os.mkdir(self.CONDA_CONF_PATH) for repo_file in self._repo_files: # if a file does not exists, look for one in DATA_PATH if not osp.isfile(repo_file): filename = osp.basename(repo_file) bck_repo_file = osp.join(self.DATA_PATH, filename) # if available copy to CONDA_CONF_PATH if osp.isfile(bck_repo_file): shutil.copy(bck_repo_file, repo_file) # otherwise remove from the repo_files list else: self._repo_files.remove(repo_file) self._error = None self.setup_packages() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def setup_packages(self): """ """ pip_packages = self._conda_process.pip_list(prefix=self._prefix) self._thread.terminate() self._thread = QThread(self) self._worker = PackagesWorker(self, self._repo_files, self._prefix, self._root_prefix, pip_packages) self._worker.sig_status_updated.connect(self._update_status) self._worker.sig_ready.connect(self._worker_ready) self._worker.sig_ready.connect(self._thread.quit) self._worker.moveToThread(self._thread) self._thread.started.connect(self._worker._prepare_model) self._thread.start() def _worker_ready(self): """ """ self._packages_names = self._worker.packages_names self._packages_versions = self._worker.packages_versions self._row_data = self._worker.row_data # depending on the size of table this might lock the gui for a moment self.table.setup_model(self._packages_names, self._packages_versions, self._row_data) self.table.filter_changed() self._update_status(hide=False) self.filter_package(const.INSTALLED) self.sig_worker_ready.emit() self.sig_packages_ready.emit() def _update_status(self, status=None, hide=True, progress=None, env=False): """Update status bar, progress bar display and widget visibility status : str TODO: hide : bool TODO: progress : [int, int] TODO: """ self.busy = hide for widget in self.widgets: widget.setDisabled(hide) self.progress_bar.setVisible(hide) if status is not None: self._status = status if self._prefix == self._root_prefix: short_env = 'root' elif self._conda_process.environment_exists(prefix=self._prefix): short_env = osp.basename(self._prefix) else: short_env = self._prefix if env: self._status = '{0} (<b>{1}</b>)'.format(self._status, short_env) self.status_bar.setText(self._status) if progress is not None: self.progress_bar.setMinimum(0) self.progress_bar.setMaximum(progress[1]) self.progress_bar.setValue(progress[0]) def _run_action(self, package_name, action, version, versions): """ """ prefix = self._prefix dlg = CondaPackageActionDialog(self, prefix, package_name, action, version, versions) if dlg.exec_(): dic = {} self.status = 'Processing' self._update_status(hide=True) self.repaint() ver1 = dlg.label_version.text() ver2 = dlg.combobox_version.currentText() pkg = u'{0}={1}{2}'.format(package_name, ver1, ver2) dep = dlg.checkbox.checkState() state = dlg.checkbox.isEnabled() dlg.close() dic['pkg'] = pkg dic['dep'] = not (dep == 0 and state) dic['action'] = None self._run_conda_process(action, dic) def _run_conda_process(self, action, dic): """ """ cp = self._conda_process prefix = self._prefix if prefix == self._root_prefix: name = 'root' elif self._conda_process.environment_exists(prefix=prefix): name = osp.basename(prefix) else: name = prefix if 'pkg' in dic and 'dep' in dic: pkgs = dic['pkg'] if not isinstance(pkgs, list): pkgs = [pkgs] dep = dic['dep'] if action == const.INSTALL or action == const.UPGRADE or \ action == const.DOWNGRADE: status = _('Installing <b>') + dic['pkg'] + '</b>' status = status + _(' into <i>') + name + '</i>' cp.install(prefix=prefix, pkgs=pkgs, dep=dep) elif action == const.REMOVE: status = (_('moving <b>') + dic['pkg'] + '</b>' + _(' from <i>') + name + '</i>') cp.remove(pkgs[0], prefix=prefix) # --- Actions to be implemented in case of environment needs elif action == const.CREATE: status = _('Creating environment <b>') + name + '</b>' cp.create(prefix=prefix, pkgs=pkgs) elif action == const.CLONE: status = (_('Cloning ') + '<i>' + dic['cloned from'] + _('</i> into <b>') + name + '</b>') elif action == const.REMOVE_ENV: status = _('Removing environment <b>') + name + '</b>' self._update_status(hide=True, status=status, progress=[0, 0]) self._temporal_action_dic = dic def _on_conda_process_ready(self): """ """ error = self._conda_process.error if error is None: status = _('there was an error') self._update_status(hide=False, status=status) else: self._update_status(hide=True) dic = self._temporal_action_dic if dic['action'] == const.CREATE: self.sig_environment_created.emit() self.setup_packages() def _on_conda_process_partial(self): """ """ try: partial = self._conda_process.partial.split('\n')[0] partial = json.loads(partial) except: partial = {'progress': 0, 'maxval': 0} progress = partial['progress'] maxval = partial['maxval'] if 'fetch' in partial: status = _('Downloading <b>') + partial['fetch'] + '</b>' elif 'name' in partial: status = _('Installing and linking <b>') + partial['name'] + '</b>' else: progress = 0 maxval = 0 status = None self._update_status(status=status, progress=[progress, maxval]) # Public api # ---------- def get_package_metadata(self, name): """ """ db = self._db_metadata metadata = dict(description='', url='', pypi='', home='', docs='', dev='') for key in metadata: name_lower = name.lower() for name_key in (name_lower, name_lower.split('-')[0]): try: metadata[key] = db.get(name_key, key) break except (cp.NoSectionError, cp.NoOptionError): pass return metadata def update_package_index(self): """ """ self._set_channels() self._download_repodata() def search_package(self, text): """ """ self.table.search_string_changed(text) def filter_package(self, value): """ """ self.table.filter_status_changed(value) def set_environment(self, name=None, prefix=None, update=True): """ """ if name and prefix: raise Exception('#TODO:') if name and self._conda_process.environment_exists(name=name): self._prefix = self.get_prefix_envname(name) elif prefix and self._conda_process.environment_exists(prefix=prefix): self._prefix = prefix else: self._prefix = self._root_prefix # Reset environent to reflect this environment in the package model if update: self.setup_packages() def get_environment_prefix(self): """Returns the active environment prefix.""" return self._prefix def get_environment_name(self): """ Returns the active environment name if it is located in the default conda environments directory, otherwise it returns the prefix. """ name = osp.basename(self._prefix) if not (name and self._conda_process.environment_exists(name=name)): name = self._prefix return name def get_environments(self): """ Get a list of conda environments located in the default conda environments directory. """ return self._conda_process.get_envs() def get_prefix_envname(self, name): """Returns the prefix for a given environment by name.""" return self._conda_process.get_prefix_envname(name) def get_package_versions(self, name): """ """ return self.table.source_model.get_package_versions(name) def create_environment(self, name=None, prefix=None, packages=['python']): """ """ # If environment exists already? GUI should take care of this # BUT the api call should simply set that env as the env dic = {} dic['name'] = name dic['pkg'] = packages dic['dep'] = True # Not really needed but for the moment! dic['action'] = const.CREATE self._run_conda_process(const.CREATE, dic) def enable_widgets(self): """ """ self.table.hide_columns() def disable_widgets(self): """ """ self.table.hide_action_columns()