コード例 #1
ファイル: dbstreemodel.py プロジェクト: spgilm/ViTables
    def mimeData(self, indexes):
        """Returns a QMimeData object that contains serialized items of data
        corresponding to the list of indexes specified.

        When a node is dragged the information required to drop it later on is
        encoded by this method and returned as a QMimeData object.

        :Parameter indexes: a list of indexes

        mime_data = QtCore.QMimeData()
        encoded_data = QtCore.QByteArray()

        stream = QtCore.QDataStream(encoded_data, QtCore.QIODevice.WriteOnly)

        # Only one item selections are allowed in the tree of databases
        # view so indexes contains always one element
        for index in indexes:
            if index.isValid():
                filepath = self.data(index, QtCore.Qt.UserRole)
                nodepath = self.data(index, QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 1)
                row = str(index.row())

                self.initial_parent = self.parent(index)

        # Store the MIME type of the object and the encoded description of that
        # object in the QMimeData object
        mime_data.setData("application/x-dbstreemodeldatalist", encoded_data)
        return mime_data
コード例 #2
ファイル: axesorderwidget.py プロジェクト: erh3cq/hyperspyUI
 def decodeMimeData(self, data):
     result = {}
     stream = QtCore.QDataStream(data)
     while not stream.atEnd():
         row = stream.readInt32()
         stream.readInt32()  # Column; not used
         item = result.setdefault(row, {})
         for role in range(stream.readInt32()):
             key = QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole(stream.readInt32())
             item[key] = stream.readQVariant()
     return result
コード例 #3
ファイル: polygonf.py プロジェクト: timfl94/PrettyQt
 def __setstate__(self, ba):
     stream = QtCore.QDataStream(ba, QtCore.QIODevice.ReadOnly)
     stream >> self
コード例 #4
ファイル: polygonf.py プロジェクト: timfl94/PrettyQt
 def __getstate__(self):
     ba = QtCore.QByteArray()
     stream = QtCore.QDataStream(ba, QtCore.QIODevice.WriteOnly)
     stream << self
     return ba
コード例 #5
ファイル: dbstreemodel.py プロジェクト: spgilm/ViTables
    def dropMimeData(self, data, action, row, column, parent):
        """Handles the data supplied by a drag and drop operation that
        ended with the given action.


        - `data`: the data being dropped.
        - `action`: the action being performed (copy or move).
        - `row`: the row under the item where the operation ends.
        - `columns`: the column under the item where the operation ends.
        - `parent`: the index of the item where operation ends.

        :Returns: True if item is dropped. Otherwise it returns False.

        # Examine the MIME type
        if not (data.hasFormat("application/x-dbstreemodeldatalist") or
            return False

        if action == QtCore.Qt.IgnoreAction:
            return True

        if column > 0:
            return False

        # If the dropped object is one or more files then open them
        if data.hasFormat("text/uri-list"):
            uris_list = data.urls()
            # Transform every element of the sequence into a path and open it
            for uri in uris_list:
                path = uri.path()
                if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
                    path = path[1:]
                if os.path.isfile(path):
            return True

        # If the dropped object is a tree node then update the tree
        parent_node = self.nodeFromIndex(parent)
        encoded_data = data.data("application/x-dbstreemodeldatalist")

        # Moving is not allowed if the parent group remains the same
        initial_parent = self.initial_parent
        if parent == initial_parent:
            return False

        stream = QtCore.QDataStream(encoded_data, QtCore.QIODevice.ReadOnly)
        while not stream.atEnd():
            # Decode the encoded data
            filepath = stream.readQString()
            nodepath = stream.readQString()
            initial_row = int(stream.readQString())

            # A node cannot be moved on itself
            if (parent_node.filepath, parent_node.nodepath) == (filepath,
                return False

            # Move the node to its final destination in the PyTables database
            new_name = self.move_node(filepath, nodepath, parent)
            if new_name is None:
                return False

            # Remove the dragged node from the model
            self.remove_rows(initial_row, parent=initial_parent)

            # If needed, refresh the copied node info
                if self.ccni['filepath'] == filepath:
                    if self.ccni['nodepath'].startswith(nodepath):
                        self.ccni = {}
            except KeyError:

            # Add the dropped node to the model
            parent_node.updated = True

            # Select the pasted node
            self.selectIndex(parent, new_name)

        return True
コード例 #6
ファイル: icon.py プロジェクト: timfl94/PrettyQt
 def __setstate__(self, ba):
     stream = QtCore.QDataStream(ba, QtCore.QIODevice.ReadOnly)
     px = QtGui.QPixmap()
     stream >> px
コード例 #7
ファイル: icon.py プロジェクト: timfl94/PrettyQt
 def __getstate__(self):
     ba = QtCore.QByteArray()
     stream = QtCore.QDataStream(ba, QtCore.QIODevice.WriteOnly)
     pixmap = self.pixmap(QtCore.QSize(256, 256))
     stream << pixmap
     return ba
コード例 #8
def arrayToQPath(x, y, connect='all'):
    """Convert an array of x,y coordinats to QPainterPath as efficiently as possible.
    The *connect* argument may be 'all', indicating that each point should be
    connected to the next; 'pairs', indicating that each pair of points
    should be connected, or an array of int32 values (0 or 1) indicating


    ## Create all vertices in path. The method used below creates a binary format so that all
    ## vertices can be read in at once. This binary format may change in future versions of Qt,
    ## so the original (slower) method is left here for emergencies:
    #path.moveTo(x[0], y[0])
    #if connect == 'all':
    #for i in range(1, y.shape[0]):
    #path.lineTo(x[i], y[i])
    #elif connect == 'pairs':
    #for i in range(1, y.shape[0]):
    #if i%2 == 0:
    #path.lineTo(x[i], y[i])
    #path.moveTo(x[i], y[i])
    #elif isinstance(connect, np.ndarray):
    #for i in range(1, y.shape[0]):
    #if connect[i] == 1:
    #path.lineTo(x[i], y[i])
    #path.moveTo(x[i], y[i])
    #raise Exception('connect argument must be "all", "pairs", or array')

    ## Speed this up using >> operator
    ## Format is:
    ##    numVerts(i4)   0(i4)
    ##    x(f8)   y(f8)   0(i4)    <-- 0 means this vertex does not connect
    ##    x(f8)   y(f8)   1(i4)    <-- 1 means this vertex connects to the previous vertex
    ##    ...
    ##    0(i4)
    ## All values are big endian--pack using struct.pack('>d') or struct.pack('>i')

    path = QtGui.QPainterPath()

    #profiler = debug.Profiler()
    n = x.shape[0]
    # create empty array, pad with extra space on either end
    arr = np.empty(n + 2, dtype=[('x', '>f8'), ('y', '>f8'), ('c', '>i4')])
    # write first two integers
    #profiler('allocate empty')
    byteview = arr.view(dtype=np.ubyte)
    byteview[:12] = 0
    byteview.data[12:20] = struct.pack('>ii', n, 0)
    #profiler('pack header')
    # Fill array with vertex values
    arr[1:-1]['x'] = x
    arr[1:-1]['y'] = y

    # decide which points are connected by lines
    #I replaced eq function by ==
    if connect == 'all':
        arr[1:-1]['c'] = 1
    elif connect == 'pairs':
        arr[1:-1]['c'][::2] = 1
        arr[1:-1]['c'][1::2] = 0
    elif connect == 'finite':
        arr[1:-1]['c'] = np.isfinite(x) & np.isfinite(y)
    elif isinstance(connect, np.ndarray):
        arr[1:-1]['c'] = connect
        raise Exception(
            'connect argument must be "all", "pairs", "finite", or array')

    #profiler('fill array')
    # write last 0
    lastInd = 20 * (n + 1)
    byteview.data[lastInd:lastInd + 4] = struct.pack('>i', 0)
    # create datastream object and stream into path

    ## Avoiding this method because QByteArray(str) leaks memory in PySide
    #buf = QtCore.QByteArray(arr.data[12:lastInd+4])  # I think one unnecessary copy happens here

    path.strn = byteview.data[12:lastInd +
                              4]  # make sure data doesn't run away
        buf = QtCore.QByteArray.fromRawData(path.strn)
    except TypeError:
        buf = QtCore.QByteArray(bytes(path.strn))
    #profiler('create buffer')
    ds = QtCore.QDataStream(buf)

    ds >> path

    return path