コード例 #1
def before_trading_start(context, data):
    Called every month before market open.
    context.output = pipeline_output('my_pipeline')
    # Go long in securities for which the 'longs' value is True
    context.longs = context.output[context.output['longs']].index.tolist()
    # Go short in securities for which the 'shorts' value is True.
    context.shorts = context.output[context.output['shorts']].index.tolist()

    base_universe = Q1500US()
    returns_past_12_months = Returns(window_length=252, mask=base_universe)
    returns_past_2_months = Returns(window_length=42, mask=base_universe)
    returns_relevant = returns_past_12_months - returns_past_2_months
    returns_relevant_deciles = returns_relevant.deciles()
    longs = (returns_relevant_deciles.eq(9))
    shorts = (returns_relevant_deciles.eq(0))
    WML_returns = context.output['returns_relevant'][
        context.output['longs']].sum() - context.output['returns_relevant'][

    #std_dev = StdDev(inputs=[WML_returns], window_length=126)
    std_dev = np.std(WML_returns)

    if std_dev < 0.12:
        context.long_leverage, context.short_leverage = 0.5, -0.5
        context.long_leverage, context.short_leverage = .5 (
            .12 / std_dev), -.5 (.12 / std_dev)
コード例 #2
def pipe_definition(context):
    context.stocks = symbols('DBA', 'DBC', 'DIA', 'EEM', 'EFA', 'EPP', 'EWA',
                             'EWJ', 'EWZ', 'FXF', 'FXI', 'GLD', 'IEV', 'ILF',
                             'IWM', 'IYR', 'MDY', 'QQQ', 'SPY', 'TLT', 'XLE',
    universe = Filters.StaticAssets(context.stocks)
    #universe = Fundamentals.total_revenue.latest.top(500)
    #universe = Q1500US()
    close_price = USEquityPricing.close.latest

    m3 = Returns(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close], window_length=67) * 100
    m6 = Returns(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close], window_length=137) * 100
    blend = m3 * 0.7 + m6 * 0.3
    sma_88 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close],

    return Pipeline(
            'close_price': close_price,
            'm3': m3,
            'm6': m6,
            'blend': blend,
            'sma_88': sma_88,
コード例 #3
def make_pipeline():
    A function to create our dynamic stock selector (pipeline). Documentation on
    pipeline can be found here: https://www.quantopian.com/help#pipeline-title
    pipe = Pipeline()

    # Base universe set to the Q1500US.
    base_universe = Q1500US()

    # Get returns of base universe stocks starting from 12 months ago (252 trading days ago).
    returns_12m = Returns(window_length=252, mask=base_universe)
    # Get returns of base universe stocks starting from 2 months ago (42 trading days ago).
    returns_2m = Returns(window_length=42, mask=base_universe)
    # Get returns of base universe stocks starting from 12 months and ending 2 months ago.
    returns_diff = returns_12m - returns_2m

    # Divide those returns into deciles.
    returns_diff_decile = returns_diff.deciles()

    # Filter to select securities to long
    longs = (returns_diff_decile.eq(9))
    pipe.add(longs, 'longs')

    # Filter to select securities to short
    shorts = (returns_diff_decile.eq(0))
    pipe.add(shorts, 'shorts')

    # Filter for all securities that we want to trade
    securities_to_trade = (longs | shorts)


    return pipe
コード例 #4
def make_ml_pipeline(factors, universe, window_length=5, n_fwd_days=2):
    factors_pipe = OrderedDict()
    # Create returns over last n days.
    factors_pipe['Returns'] = Returns(inputs=[USEquityPricing.open],

    for i in [2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 20, 60, 100, 250]:
        factors_pipe['Return' + str(i)] = Returns(
            inputs=[USEquityPricing.open], mask=universe, window_length=i)
    # Instantiate ranked factors
    for name, f in factors.iteritems():
        factors_pipe[name] = f().zscore(mask=universe)

    # Create our ML pipeline factor. The window_length will control how much
    # lookback the passed in data will have.
    factors_pipe['ML'] = ML(inputs=factors_pipe.values(),
                            window_length=window_length + 1,
    factors_pipe['ML_zscore'] = factors_pipe['ML'].zscore(mask=universe)
    factors_pipe['ML_ranked'] = factors_pipe['ML'].rank(mask=universe)

    pipe = Pipeline(screen=universe, columns=factors_pipe)

    return pipe
コード例 #5
def make_pipeline2():
    pipe = Pipeline()
    book_to_price = 1 / Latest([Fundamentals.pb_ratio])
    PE = Latest([Fundamentals.pe_ratio])
    #research_and_development = Latest([Fundamentals.research_and_development])
    gross_dividend_payment = Latest([Fundamentals.gross_dividend_payment])
    value_score = Latest([Fundamentals.value_score])
    returns = Returns(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close], window_length=2)
    growth_score = Latest([Fundamentals.growth_score])
    profit_grade = Fundamentals.profitability_grade.latest
    financial_health_grade = Fundamentals.financial_health_grade.latest
    #profit_requirement = (profit_grade=='A') | (profit_grade=='B')
    mask = QTradableStocksUS()
    mask &= Sector().eq(sector)
    #mask &= value_score > 30
    mask &= PE < 35
    mask &= USEquityPricing.volume.latest > 10000
    pipe = Pipeline(columns={
        'Returns': returns,
        'B/P': book_to_price,
        'P/E': PE,
        'Dividends': gross_dividend_payment,
        'Value Score': value_score,
        'Growth_Score': growth_score,
        'Profit_Grade': profit_grade,
        'Financial_Health': financial_health_grade
    return pipe
コード例 #6
class Momentum(CustomFactor):

    inputs = [Returns(window_length=10)]
    window_length = 10

    def compute(self, today, assets, out, lag_returns):
        out[:] = lag_returns[0]
コード例 #7
def make_pipeline(context):
    A function to create our pipeline (dynamic stock selector). The pipeline is 
    used to rank stocks based on different factors, including builtin factors, 
    or custom factors that you can define. Documentation on pipeline can be 
    found here:

    # Filter for stocks in the Q1500US universe. For more detail, see this post:
    # https://www.quantopian.com/posts/the-q500us-and-q1500us
    # universe = Q1500US()
    # Create a Returns factor with a 5-day lookback window for all 
    # securities in our Q1500US Filter.
    recent_returns = Returns(window_length=context.returns_lookback,mask=filters.default_us_equity_universe_mask(minimum_market_cap=0))

    # Define high and low returns filters to be the bottom 10% and top 10% of
    # securities in the high dollar-volume group.
    low_returns = recent_returns.bottom(50)
    target_sector = context.sector.eq(101)

    # Add a filter to the pipeline such that only high-return and low-return
    # securities are kept.
    securities_to_trade = (low_returns&target_sector)

    # Create a pipeline object with the defined columns and screen.
    pipe = Pipeline(
            'low_returns': low_returns,
        screen = securities_to_trade

    return pipe
コード例 #8
ファイル: algo_trading.py プロジェクト: neolee11/python_projs
def make_pipeline(context):
    A function to create our pipeline (dynamic stock selector). The pipeline is
    used to rank stocks based on different factors, including builtin factors,
    or custom factors that you can define. Documentation on pipeline can be
    found here:

    # Filter for stocks in the QTradableStocksUS universe. For more detail, see this post:
    # https://www.quantopian.com/posts/working-on-our-best-universe-yet-qtradablestocksus
    universe = QTradableStocksUS()

    # Create a Returns factor with a 5-day lookback window for all
    # securities in our QTradableStocksUS Filter.
    recent_returns = Returns(window_length=context.returns_lookback,

    # Define high and low returns filters to be the bottom 10% and top 10% of
    # securities in the high dollar-volume group.
    low_returns = recent_returns.percentile_between(0, 10)
    high_returns = recent_returns.percentile_between(90, 100)

    # Add a filter to the pipeline such that only high-return and low-return
    # securities are kept.
    securities_to_trade = (low_returns | high_returns)

    # Create a pipeline object with the defined columns and screen.
    pipe = Pipeline(columns={
        'low_returns': low_returns,
        'high_returns': high_returns,

    return pipe
コード例 #9
def make_fundamentals_pipeline():
    base_universe  = StaticAssets([asset])
    returns = Returns(window_length=2)
    pe_ratio = Fundamentals.pe_ratio.latest
    current_assets = Fundamentals.current_assets.latest
    current_debt = Fundamentals.current_debt.latest
    enterprise_value = Fundamentals.enterprise_value.latest
    eps_earnings = Fundamentals.basic_eps_earnings_reports.latest
    avg_earnings = Fundamentals.basic_average_shares_earnings_reports.latest
    accrued_expenses = Fundamentals.current_accrued_expenses.latest
    current_liabilities = Fundamentals.current_liabilities.latest

    return Pipeline(
        screen = base_universe,
            'daily_returns': returns,
            'pe_ratio': pe_ratio,
            'current_assets' : current_assets,
            'current_debt' : current_debt,
            'eps_earnings' : eps_earnings,
            'enterprise_value' : enterprise_value,
            'avg_earnings' : avg_earnings,
            'accrued_exspenses' : accrued_expenses,
            'liabilities' : current_liabilities})
コード例 #10
def make_ml_pipeline(universe, window_length=126, n_forward_days=21):
    pipeline_columns = OrderedDict()

    # ensure that returns is the first input
    pipeline_columns['Returns'] = Returns(
        mask=universe, window_length=n_forward_days + 1,

    # rank all the factors and put them after returns
        k: v().zscore(mask=universe) for k, v in features.items()

    # Create our ML pipeline factor. The window_length will control how much
    # lookback the passed in data will have.
    pipeline_columns['ML'] = ML(
        window_length=window_length + 1,

    pipeline_columns['Sector'] = Sector()

    return Pipeline(screen=universe, columns=pipeline_columns)
コード例 #11
    class Mean_Reversion_1M(CustomFactor):
        inputs = [Returns(window_length=21)]
        window_length = 252

        def compute(self, today, assets, out, monthly_rets):
            out[:] = (monthly_rets[-1] - np.nanmean(
                monthly_rets, axis=0)) / np.nanstd(monthly_rets, axis=0)
コード例 #12
def make_pipeline():
    A function to create our dynamic stock selector (pipeline). Documentation on
    pipeline can be found here: https://www.quantopian.com/help#pipeline-title
    base_universe = Q1500US()
    sector = Sector()
    # screen is based off of returns
    returns = Returns(window_length=2)
    # check if stock price has good strength, but not necessarily overbought
    rsi = RSI()
    price = USEquityPricing.close.latest
    # creating filter by specifying the type of returns desired
    top_return_stocks = returns.top(1, mask=base_universe, groupby=sector)
    pipe = Pipeline(
            'rsi': rsi,
            'price': price
        # filter top return stocks, and stocks that are not being overbought
        # but are not too oversold either
        screen=base_universe & top_return_stocks & (20 < rsi < 80)
        # the above is equivalent to: choose stocks from the base universe that have had the top returns in their sectors and have a good RSI value
    return pipe
コード例 #13
ファイル: pipeline.py プロジェクト: liu1355/dl_fin
class Returns(CustomFactor):
    """Equity Momentum"""

    inputs = [Returns(window_length=20)]
    window_length = 2

    def compute(self, today, assets, out, ret):
        out[:] = ret[0]
コード例 #14
class aa_momentum(CustomFactor):
    """ Alpha Architect - Momentum factor """
    inputs = [USEquityPricing.close,
    window_length = 252
    def compute(self, today, assets, out, prices, returns):  
            out[:] = ((prices[-21] - prices[-252])/prices[-252] -  
                      (prices[-1] - prices[-21])/prices[-21]) / np.nanstd(returns, axis=0)
コード例 #15
ファイル: quant.py プロジェクト: bilalillama/Quantopian
    class PercentChange(CustomFactor):
        """ Momentum factor """
        inputs = [USEquityPricing.close, Returns(window_length=126)]
        window_length = 252

        def compute(self, today, assets, out, prices, returns):
            out[:] = ((prices[-1] - prices[-21]) / prices[-21]) / np.nanstd(
                returns, axis=0)
コード例 #16
def make_pipeline():
    universe = QTradableStocksUS()

    # Variables Seleccionadas Del Dataframe de Fundamentals
    value = Fundamentals.ebit.latest / Fundamentals.enterprise_value.latest
    working_capital = Fundamentals.working_capital.latest
    restricted_cash = Fundamentals.restricted_cash.latest
    cash_and_cash_equivalents = Fundamentals.cash_and_cash_equivalents.latest
    goodwill = Fundamentals.goodwill.latest
    capital_stock = Fundamentals.capital_stock.latest
    total_assets = Fundamentals.total_assets.latest
    common_stock = Fundamentals.common_stock.latest
    free_cash_flow = Fundamentals.free_cash_flow.latest
    recent_returns = Returns(window_length=RETURNS_LOOKBACK_DAYS,

    # Winsorized - Variables (SIN ATIPICOS)
    value_winsorized = value.winsorize(min_percentile=0.05,
    working_capital = working_capital.winsorize(min_percentile=0.05,
    restricted_cash = restricted_cash.winsorize(min_percentile=0.05,
    cash_and_cash_equivalents = cash_and_cash_equivalents.winsorize(
        min_percentile=0.05, max_percentile=0.95)
    goodwill = goodwill.winsorize(min_percentile=0.05, max_percentile=0.95)
    capital_stock = capital_stock.winsorize(min_percentile=0.05,
    total_assets = total_assets.winsorize(min_percentile=0.05,
    common_stock = common_stock.winsorize(min_percentile=0.05,
    free_cash_flow = free_cash_flow.winsorize(min_percentile=0.05,
    recent_returns = recent_returns.winsorize(min_percentile=0.05,

    combined_factor = (
        value_winsorized.zscore() * 0.05 + working_capital.zscore() * 0.55 +
        restricted_cash.zscore() * 0.2 +
        cash_and_cash_equivalents.zscore() * 0.01 + goodwill.zscore() * 0.01 +
        capital_stock.zscore() * 0.1 + total_assets.zscore() * 0.01 +
        common_stock.zscore() * 0.01 + free_cash_flow.zscore() * 0.01 +
        recent_returns.zscore() * 0.05)

    longs = combined_factor.top(TOTAL_POSITIONS // 2, mask=universe)
    shorts = combined_factor.bottom(TOTAL_POSITIONS // 2, mask=universe)

    long_short_screen = (longs | shorts)

    pipe = Pipeline(columns={
        'longs': longs,
        'shorts': shorts,
        'combined_factor': combined_factor
    return pipe
class Downside_Volatility(CustomFactor):
    # Use returns as the input
    inputs = [Returns(window_length=2)]
    window_length = 10

    def compute(self, today, assets, out, returns):
        # set any returns greater than 0 to NaN so they are excluded from our calculations
        returns[returns > 0] = np.nan
        out[:] = np.nanstd(returns, axis=0)
コード例 #18
ファイル: quant.py プロジェクト: bilalillama/Quantopian
    class OBV(CustomFactor):
        inputs = [Returns(window_length=21)]
        window_length = 21

        def compute(self, today, assets, out, vol):
            prevDay = vol[-21]
            current = vol[-1]

            out[:] = (prevDay - current) / prevDay
class Momentum(CustomFactor):
    """ Conventional Momentum factor """
    inputs = [USEquityPricing.close, Returns(window_length=126)]
    window_length = 252

    # /np.nanstd(returns, axis=0)
    def compute(self, today, assets, out, prices, returns):
        out[:] = ((prices[-21] - prices[-252]) / prices[-252] -
                  (prices[-1] - prices[-21]) / prices[-21])
コード例 #20
def make_pipeline():
    Create and return our pipeline.
    We break this piece of logic out into its own function to make it easier to
    test and modify in isolation.
    In particular, this function can be copy/pasted into research and run by itself.

    # Basic momentum metrics.
    cross_momentum = CrossSectionalMomentum()

    abs_momentum = Returns(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close], window_length=252)

    # We only want to trade relatively liquid stocks.
    # Build a filter that only passes stocks that have $10,000,000 average
    # daily dollar volume over the last 20 days.
    dollar_volume = AverageDollarVolume(window_length=20)
    is_liquid = (dollar_volume > 1e7)

    # We also don't want to trade penny stocks, which we define as any stock with an
    # average price of less than $5.00 over the last 200 days.
    sma_200 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close],
    not_a_penny_stock = (sma_200 > 5)

    # Before we do any other ranking, we want to throw away the bad assets.
    initial_screen = (is_liquid & not_a_penny_stock)

    # By applying a mask to the rank computations, we remove any stocks that failed
    # to meet our initial criteria **before** computing ranks.  This means that the
    # stock with rank 10.0 is the 10th-lowest stock that passed `initial_screen`.
    combined_rank = (cross_momentum.rank(mask=initial_screen) +

    # Build Filters representing the top and bottom 5% of stocks by our combined ranking system.
    # We'll use these as our tradeable universe each day.
    longs = combined_rank.percentile_between(95, 100)
    shorts = combined_rank.percentile_between(0, 5)

    # The final output of our pipeline should only include
    # the top/bottom 5% of stocks by our criteria.
    pipe_screen = (longs | shorts)

    pipe_columns = {
        'longs': longs,
        'shorts': shorts,
        'combined_rank': combined_rank,
        'abs_momentum': abs_momentum,
        'cross_momentum': cross_momentum

    # Create pipe
    pipe = Pipeline(columns=pipe_columns, screen=pipe_screen)
    return pipe
コード例 #21
def make_history_pipeline(factors, universe, n_fwd_days=5):
    # Call .rank() on all factors and mask out the universe
    factor_ranks = {name: f().rank(mask=universe) for name, f in factors.iteritems()}
    # Get cumulative returns over last n_fwd_days days. We will later shift these.
    factor_ranks['Returns'] = Returns(inputs=[USEquityPricing.open],
                                      mask=universe, window_length=n_fwd_days)
    pipe = Pipeline(screen=universe, columns=factor_ranks)
    return pipe
コード例 #22
def Asset_Growth_3M():
    3-month Asset Growth:
    Increase in total assets over 3 months
    https://www.pnc.com/content/dam/pnc-com/pdf/personal/wealth-investments/WhitePapers/FactorAnalysisFeb2014.pdf # NOQA
    High value represents good financial health as quantity of
    assets is increasing
    return Returns(inputs=[bs.total_assets], window_length=63)
コード例 #23
def Price_Momentum_12M():
    12-Month Price Momentum:
    12-month closing price rate of change.
    https://www.pnc.com/content/dam/pnc-com/pdf/personal/wealth-investments/WhitePapers/FactorAnalysisFeb2014.pdf # NOQA
    High value suggests momentum (long term)
    Equivalent to analysis of returns (12-month window)
    return Returns(window_length=252)
コード例 #24
class MeanReversion1M(CustomFactor):
    inputs = (Returns(window_length=21),)
    window_length = 252

    def compute(self, today, assets, out, monthly_rets):
            monthly_rets[-1] - np.nanmean(monthly_rets, axis=0),
            np.nanstd(monthly_rets, axis=0),
def make_pipeline():
    #0. Select top-1500 liquid stocks
    base_universe = Q1500US()

    #1. Market Capitalization Filter, select top 1200 out of 1500
    market_cap = MarketCap(mask=base_universe)
    top_market_cap = market_cap.top(1200)

    #2. B/M Filter, select top 5000 out of all stocks (~8200)
    btom = morningstar.valuation_ratios.book_value_yield.latest
    top_btom = btom.top(5000)

    #3. Interception of 1st and 2nd filters results, on average returns ~1000 stocks
    top_cap_btom = top_market_cap & top_btom

    #4. Top Performers filter, select top 100
    latest_return_7_1 = Returns(
        inputs=[USEquityPricing.close], window_length=147,
        mask=top_cap_btom) / Returns(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close],
    top_performers = latest_return_7_1.top(100)

    #5. Smoothest Returns filter, select 50 smoothest
    r_7 = Returns(window_length=21, mask=top_performers)
    r_6 = (Returns(window_length=42, mask=top_performers) + 1) / (r_7 + 1) - 1
    r_5 = (Returns(window_length=63, mask=top_performers) + 1) / (
        (r_7 + 1) * (r_6 + 1)) - 1
    r_4 = (Returns(window_length=84, mask=top_performers) + 1) / (
        (r_7 + 1) * (r_6 + 1) * (r_5 + 1)) - 1
    r_3 = (Returns(window_length=105, mask=top_performers) + 1) / (
        (r_7 + 1) * (r_6 + 1) * (r_5 + 1) * (r_4 + 1)) - 1
    r_2 = (Returns(window_length=126, mask=top_performers) + 1) / (
        (r_7 + 1) * (r_6 + 1) * (r_5 + 1) * (r_4 + 1) * (r_3 + 1)) - 1
    r_1 = (Returns(window_length=147, mask=top_performers) + 1) / (
        (r_7 + 1) * (r_6 + 1) * (r_5 + 1) * (r_4 + 1) * (r_3 + 1) *
        (r_2 + 1)) - 1
    r_mean = (r_1 + r_2 + r_3 + r_4 + r_5 + r_6) / 6.0
    varr = ((r_1 - r_mean)**2 + (r_2 - r_mean)**2 + (r_3 - r_mean)**2 +
            (r_4 - r_mean)**2 + (r_5 - r_mean)**2 + (r_6 - r_mean)**
            2) / 6.0  #Sample variance of monthly returns of each stock
    top_smooth = varr.bottom(50)

    #6. Screening filter, if (tradeable) then buy this stock
    tradeable = top_smooth

    return Pipeline(screen=tradeable, columns={'Tradeable': tradeable})
コード例 #26
def make_pipeline():

    returns = Returns(window_length=2)
    sentiment = stocktwits.bull_minus_bear.latest
    msg_volume = stocktwits.total_scanned_messages.latest

    return Pipeline(columns={
        'daily_returns': returns,
        'sentiment': sentiment,
        'msg_volume': msg_volume,
    }, )
コード例 #27
    class AdvancedMomentum(CustomFactor):
        inputs = (USEquityPricing.close, Returns(window_length=126))
        window_length = 252
        window_safe = True

        def compute(self, today, assets, out, prices, returns):
            am = np.divide(((prices[-21] - prices[-252]) / prices[-252] -
                            prices[-1] - prices[-21]) / prices[-21],
                           np.nanstd(returns, axis=0))

            out[:] = preprocess(-am)
コード例 #28
class AdvancedMomentum(CustomFactor):
    inputs = (USEquityPricing.close, Returns(window_length=126))
    window_length = 252

    def compute(self, today, assets, out, prices, returns):
            ((prices[-21] - prices[-252]) / prices[-252] - prices[-1] -
             prices[-21]) / prices[-21],
            np.nanstd(returns, axis=0),
コード例 #29
def make_pipeline():
    base_universe = Q500US()

    # 一週間のリターンをとりあえず過去5日間のリターンと考える
    fiveday_return = Returns(window_length=5)

    pipe = Pipeline(screen=base_universe,
                        'fiveday_return': fiveday_return,
    return pipe
コード例 #30
def make_history_pipeline(factors, universe, n_fwd_days=5):
    # Call .rank() on all factors and mask out the universe
    factor_zscore = {
        name: f().zscore(mask=universe)
        for name, f in factors.iteritems()
    # Get cumulative returns over last n_fwd_days days. We will later shift these.
    factor_zscore['Returns'] = Returns(inputs=[USEquityPricing.open],

    # Add many returns as factors
    for i in [2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 100, 250]:
        factor_zscore['Return' + str(i)] = Returns(
            inputs=[USEquityPricing.open], mask=universe, window_length=i)

    #factor_zscore['SPY']=Returns(inputs=[USEquityPricing.open('SPY')] )

    pipe = Pipeline(screen=universe, columns=factor_zscore)

    return pipe