コード例 #1
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: alanquillin/quark
def get_floatingip(context, id, fields=None):
    """Retrieve a floating IP.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param id: The UUID of the floating IP.
    :param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a
        floating IP dictionary as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
        object in neutron/api/v2/attributes.py. Only these fields
        will be returned.

    :returns: Dictionary containing details for the floating IP.  If values
        are declared in the fields parameter, then only those keys will be
    LOG.info('get_floatingip %s for tenant %s' % (id, context.tenant_id))

    filters = {'address_type': ip_types.FLOATING, '_deallocated': False}

    floating_ip = db_api.floating_ip_find(context, id=id, scope=db_api.ONE,

    if not floating_ip:
        raise qex.FloatingIpNotFound(id=id)

    return v._make_floating_ip_dict(floating_ip)
コード例 #2
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: alanquillin/quark
def get_floatingips(context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None,
                    marker=None, page_reverse=False):
    """Retrieve a list of floating ips.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param filters: a dictionary with keys that are valid keys for
        a floating ip as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object
        in neutron/api/v2/attributes.py.  Values in this dictionary
        are an iterable containing values that will be used for an exact
        match comparison for that value.  Each result returned by this
        function will have matched one of the values for each key in
    :param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a
        floating IP dictionary as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
        object in neutron/api/v2/attributes.py. Only these fields
        will be returned.

    :returns: List of floating IPs that are accessible to the tenant who
        submits the request (as indicated by the tenant id of the context)
        as well as any filters.
    LOG.info('get_floatingips for tenant %s filters %s fields %s' %
             (context.tenant_id, filters, fields))

    if filters is None:
        filters = {}

    filters['_deallocated'] = False
    filters['address_type'] = ip_types.FLOATING

    floating_ips = db_api.floating_ip_find(context, scope=db_api.ALL,

    return [v._make_floating_ip_dict(flip) for flip in floating_ips]
コード例 #3
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: roaet/quark
def get_floatingips(context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None,
                    marker=None, page_reverse=False):
    """Retrieve a list of floating ips.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param filters: a dictionary with keys that are valid keys for
        a floating ip as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object
        in neutron/api/v2/attributes.py.  Values in this dictionary
        are an iterable containing values that will be used for an exact
        match comparison for that value.  Each result returned by this
        function will have matched one of the values for each key in
    :param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a
        floating IP dictionary as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
        object in neutron/api/v2/attributes.py. Only these fields
        will be returned.

    :returns: List of floating IPs that are accessible to the tenant who
        submits the request (as indicated by the tenant id of the context)
        as well as any filters.
    LOG.info('get_floatingips for tenant %s filters %s fields %s' %
             (context.tenant_id, filters, fields))

    floating_ips = _get_ips_by_type(context, ip_types.FLOATING,
                                    filters=filters, fields=fields)

    return [v._make_floating_ip_dict(flip) for flip in floating_ips]
コード例 #4
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: roaet/quark
def update_floatingip(context, id, content):
    """Update an existing floating IP.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param id: id of the floating ip
    :param content: dictionary with keys indicating fields to update.
        valid keys are those that have a value of True for 'allow_put'
        as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in

    :returns: Dictionary containing details for the new floating IP.  If values
        are declared in the fields parameter, then only those keys will be

    LOG.info('update_floatingip %s for tenant %s and body %s' %
             (id, context.tenant_id, content))

    if 'port_id' not in content:
        raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='floating_ip',
                               msg='port_id is required.')

    requested_ports = []
    if content.get('port_id'):
        requested_ports = [{'port_id': content.get('port_id')}]
    flip = _update_flip(context, id, ip_types.FLOATING, requested_ports)
    return v._make_floating_ip_dict(flip)
コード例 #5
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: roaet/quark
def get_floatingip(context, id, fields=None):
    """Retrieve a floating IP.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param id: The UUID of the floating IP.
    :param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a
        floating IP dictionary as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
        object in neutron/api/v2/attributes.py. Only these fields
        will be returned.

    :returns: Dictionary containing details for the floating IP.  If values
        are declared in the fields parameter, then only those keys will be
    LOG.info('get_floatingip %s for tenant %s' % (id, context.tenant_id))

    filters = {'address_type': ip_types.FLOATING, '_deallocated': False}

    floating_ip = db_api.floating_ip_find(context, id=id, scope=db_api.ONE,

    if not floating_ip:
        raise q_exc.FloatingIpNotFound(id=id)

    return v._make_floating_ip_dict(floating_ip)
コード例 #6
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: MultipleCrashes/quark
def update_floatingip(context, id, content):
    """Update an existing floating IP.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param id: id of the floating ip
    :param content: dictionary with keys indicating fields to update.
        valid keys are those that have a value of True for 'allow_put'
        as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in

    :returns: Dictionary containing details for the new floating IP.  If values
        are declared in the fields parameter, then only those keys will be

    LOG.info('update_floatingip %s for tenant %s and body %s' %
             (id, context.tenant_id, content))

    if 'port_id' not in content:
        raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='floating_ip',
                               msg='port_id is required.')

    requested_ports = []
    if content.get('port_id'):
        requested_ports = [{'port_id': content.get('port_id')}]
    flip = _update_flip(context, id, ip_types.FLOATING, requested_ports)
    return v._make_floating_ip_dict(flip)
コード例 #7
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: roaet/quark
def create_floatingip(context, content):
    """Allocate or reallocate a floating IP.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param content: dictionary describing the floating ip, with keys
        as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in
        neutron/api/v2/attributes.py.  All keys will be populated.

    :returns: Dictionary containing details for the new floating IP.  If values
        are declared in the fields parameter, then only those keys will be
    LOG.info('create_floatingip %s for tenant %s and body %s' %
             (id, context.tenant_id, content))
    network_id = content.get('floating_network_id')
    # TODO(blogan): Since the extension logic will reject any requests without
    # floating_network_id, is this still needed?
    if not network_id:
        raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='floating_ip',
                               msg='floating_network_id is required.')
    fixed_ip_address = content.get('fixed_ip_address')
    ip_address = content.get('floating_ip_address')
    port_id = content.get('port_id')
    port = None
    port_fixed_ip = {}

    network = _get_network(context, network_id)
    if port_id:
        port = _get_port(context, port_id)
        fixed_ip = _get_fixed_ip(context, fixed_ip_address, port)
        port_fixed_ip = {port.id: {'port': port, 'fixed_ip': fixed_ip}}
    flip = _allocate_ip(context, network, port, ip_address, ip_types.FLOATING)
    _create_flip(context, flip, port_fixed_ip)
    return v._make_floating_ip_dict(flip, port_id)
コード例 #8
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: MultipleCrashes/quark
def create_floatingip(context, content):
    """Allocate or reallocate a floating IP.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param content: dictionary describing the floating ip, with keys
        as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in
        neutron/api/v2/attributes.py.  All keys will be populated.

    :returns: Dictionary containing details for the new floating IP.  If values
        are declared in the fields parameter, then only those keys will be
    LOG.info('create_floatingip %s for tenant %s and body %s' %
             (id, context.tenant_id, content))
    network_id = content.get('floating_network_id')
    # TODO(blogan): Since the extension logic will reject any requests without
    # floating_network_id, is this still needed?
    if not network_id:
        raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='floating_ip',
                               msg='floating_network_id is required.')
    fixed_ip_address = content.get('fixed_ip_address')
    ip_address = content.get('floating_ip_address')
    port_id = content.get('port_id')
    port = None
    port_fixed_ip = {}

    network = _get_network(context, network_id)
    if port_id:
        port = _get_port(context, port_id)
        fixed_ip = _get_fixed_ip(context, fixed_ip_address, port)
        port_fixed_ip = {port.id: {'port': port, 'fixed_ip': fixed_ip}}
    flip = _allocate_ip(context, network, port, ip_address, ip_types.FLOATING)
    _create_flip(context, flip, port_fixed_ip)
    return v._make_floating_ip_dict(flip, port_id)
コード例 #9
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: alanquillin/quark
def create_floatingip(context, content):
    """Allocate or reallocate a floating IP.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param content: dictionary describing the floating ip, with keys
        as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in
        neutron/api/v2/attributes.py.  All keys will be populated.

    :returns: Dictionary containing details for the new floating IP.  If values
        are declared in the fields parameter, then only those keys will be
    LOG.info('create_floatingip %s for tenant %s and body %s' %
             (id, context.tenant_id, content))
    tenant_id = content.get('tenant_id')
    network_id = content.get('floating_network_id')
    fixed_ip_address = content.get('fixed_ip_address')
    ip_address = content.get('floating_ip_address')
    port_id = content.get('port_id')

    if not tenant_id:
        tenant_id = context.tenant_id

    if not network_id:
        raise exceptions.BadRequest(resource='floating_ip',
                                    msg='floating_network_id is required.')

    network = db_api.network_find(context, id=network_id, scope=db_api.ONE)

    if not network:
        raise exceptions.NetworkNotFound(net_id=network_id)

    fixed_ip = None
    port = None
    if port_id:
        port = db_api.port_find(context, id=port_id, scope=db_api.ONE)

        if not port:
            raise exceptions.PortNotFound(port_id=port_id)

        if not port.ip_addresses or len(port.ip_addresses) == 0:
            raise qex.NoAvailableFixedIpsForPort(port_id=port_id)

        if not fixed_ip_address:
            fixed_ip = _get_next_available_fixed_ip(port)
            if not fixed_ip:
                raise qex.NoAvailableFixedIpsForPort(
            fixed_ip = next((ip for ip in port.ip_addresses
                            if (ip['address_readable'] == fixed_ip_address and
                                ip.get('address_type') == ip_types.FIXED)),

            if not fixed_ip:
                raise qex.FixedIpDoesNotExistsForPort(
                    fixed_ip=fixed_ip_address, port_id=port_id)

            if any(ip for ip in port.ip_addresses
                   if (ip.get('address_type') == ip_types.FLOATING and
                       ip.fixed_ip['address_readable'] == fixed_ip_address)):
                raise qex.PortAlreadyContainsFloatingIp(

    new_addresses = []
    ip_addresses = []
    if ip_address:

    seg_name = CONF.QUARK.floating_ip_segment_name
    strategy_name = CONF.QUARK.floating_ip_ipam_strategy

    if strategy_name.upper() == 'NETWORK':
        strategy_name = network.get("ipam_strategy")

    ipam_driver = ipam.IPAM_REGISTRY.get_strategy(strategy_name)
    ipam_driver.allocate_ip_address(context, new_addresses, network_id,
                                    port_id, CONF.QUARK.ipam_reuse_after,
                                    seg_name, version=4,

    flip = new_addresses[0]

    if fixed_ip and port:
            flip = db_api.port_associate_ip(context, [port], flip, [port_id])
            flip = db_api.floating_ip_associate_fixed_ip(context, flip,

            flip_driver = registry.DRIVER_REGISTRY.get_driver()

            flip_driver.register_floating_ip(flip, port, fixed_ip)
        except Exception:

    return v._make_floating_ip_dict(flip, port_id)
コード例 #10
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: alanquillin/quark
def update_floatingip(context, id, content):
    """Update an existing floating IP.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param id: id of the floating ip
    :param content: dictionary with keys indicating fields to update.
        valid keys are those that have a value of True for 'allow_put'
        as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in

    :returns: Dictionary containing details for the new floating IP.  If values
        are declared in the fields parameter, then only those keys will be

    LOG.info('update_floatingip %s for tenant %s and body %s' %
             (id, context.tenant_id, content))

    if 'port_id' not in content:
        raise exceptions.BadRequest(resource='floating_ip',
                                    msg='port_id is required.')

    port_id = content.get('port_id')
    port = None
    fixed_ip = None
    current_port = None

        flip = db_api.floating_ip_find(context, id=id, scope=db_api.ONE)
        if not flip:
            raise qex.FloatingIpNotFound(id=id)

        current_ports = flip.ports

        if current_ports and len(current_ports) > 0:
            current_port = current_ports[0]

        if not port_id and not current_port:
            raise qex.FloatingIpUpdateNoPortIdSupplied()

        if port_id:
            port = db_api.port_find(context, id=port_id, scope=db_api.ONE)
            if not port:
                raise exceptions.PortNotFound(port_id=port_id)

            if any(ip for ip in port.ip_addresses
                   if (ip.get('address_type') == ip_types.FLOATING)):
                raise qex.PortAlreadyContainsFloatingIp(port_id=port_id)

            if current_port and current_port.id == port_id:
                d = dict(flip_id=id, port_id=port_id)
                raise qex.PortAlreadyAssociatedToFloatingIp(**d)

            fixed_ip = _get_next_available_fixed_ip(port)
            LOG.info('new fixed ip: %s' % fixed_ip)
            if not fixed_ip:
                raise qex.NoAvailableFixedIpsForPort(port_id=port_id)

        LOG.info('current ports: %s' % current_ports)

        if current_port:
            flip = db_api.port_disassociate_ip(context, [current_port], flip)

        if flip.fixed_ip:
            flip = db_api.floating_ip_disassociate_fixed_ip(context, flip)

        if port:
            flip = db_api.port_associate_ip(context, [port], flip, [port_id])
            flip = db_api.floating_ip_associate_fixed_ip(context, flip,

        flip_driver = registry.DRIVER_REGISTRY.get_driver()

        if port:
            if current_port:
                flip_driver.update_floating_ip(flip, port, fixed_ip)
                flip_driver.register_floating_ip(flip, port, fixed_ip)

    except (qex.RegisterFloatingIpFailure, qex.RemoveFloatingIpFailure):

    # Note(alanquillin) The ports parameters on the model is not
    # properly getting cleaned up when removed.  Manually cleaning them up.
    # Need to fix the db api to correctly update the model.
    if not port:
        flip.ports = []

    return v._make_floating_ip_dict(flip, port_id)
コード例 #11
def create_floatingip(context, content):
    LOG.info("create_floatingip %s for tenant %s and body %s" %
             (id, context.tenant_id, content))
    tenant_id = content.get("tenant_id")
    network_id = content.get("floating_network_id")
    fixed_ip_address = content.get("fixed_ip_address")
    ip_address = content.get("floating_ip_address")
    port_id = content.get("port_id")

    if not tenant_id:
        tenant_id = context.tenant_id

    if not network_id:
        raise exceptions.BadRequest(resource="floating_ip",
                                    msg="floating_network_id is required.")

    network = db_api.network_find(context, id=network_id, scope=db_api.ONE)

    if not network:
        raise exceptions.NetworkNotFound(net_id=network_id)

    fixed_ip = None
    port = None
    if port_id:
        port = db_api.port_find(context, id=port_id, scope=db_api.ONE)

        if not port:
            raise exceptions.PortNotFound(port_id=port_id)

        if not port.ip_addresses or len(port.ip_addresses) == 0:
            raise quark_exceptions.NoAvailableFixedIPsForPort(port_id=port_id)

        if not fixed_ip_address:
            fixed_ip = _get_next_available_fixed_ip(port)
            if not fixed_ip:
                raise quark_exceptions.NoAvailableFixedIPsForPort(
            fixed_ip = next(
                (ip for ip in port.ip_addresses
                 if (ip["address_readable"] == fixed_ip_address
                     and ip.get("address_type") == ip_types.FIXED)), None)

            if not fixed_ip:
                raise quark_exceptions.FixedIpDoesNotExistsForPort(
                    fixed_ip=fixed_ip_address, port_id=port_id)

            if any(ip for ip in port.ip_addresses
                   if (ip.get("address_type") == ip_types.FLOATING and
                       ip.fixed_ip["address_readable"] == fixed_ip_address)):
                raise quark_exceptions.PortAlreadyContainsFloatingIp(

    new_addresses = []
    ip_addresses = []
    if ip_address:

    seg_name = CONF.QUARK.floating_ip_segment_name
    strategy_name = network.get("ipam_strategy")
    ipam_driver = ipam.IPAM_REGISTRY.get_strategy(strategy_name)

    floating_ip = new_addresses[0]

    if fixed_ip and port:
        with context.session.begin():
            floating_ip = db_api.floating_ip_associate_fixed_ip(
                context, floating_ip, fixed_ip)

        flip_driver_type = CONF.QUARK.default_floating_ip_driver
        flip_driver = registry.DRIVER_REGISTRY.get_driver(flip_driver_type)

        flip_driver.register_floating_ip(floating_ip, port, fixed_ip)

    return v._make_floating_ip_dict(floating_ip)
コード例 #12
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: insequent/quark
def create_floatingip(context, content):
    LOG.info("create_floatingip %s for tenant %s and body %s" %
             (id, context.tenant_id, content))
    tenant_id = content.get("tenant_id")
    network_id = content.get("floating_network_id")
    fixed_ip_address = content.get("fixed_ip_address")
    ip_address = content.get("floating_ip_address")
    port_id = content.get("port_id")

    if not tenant_id:
        tenant_id = context.tenant_id

    if not network_id:
        raise exceptions.BadRequest(resource="floating_ip",
                                    msg="floating_network_id is required.")

    network = db_api.network_find(context, id=network_id, scope=db_api.ONE)

    if not network:
        raise exceptions.NetworkNotFound(net_id=network_id)

    fixed_ip = None
    port = None
    if port_id:
        port = db_api.port_find(context, id=port_id, scope=db_api.ONE)

        if not port:
            raise exceptions.PortNotFound(port_id=port_id)

        if not port.ip_addresses or len(port.ip_addresses) == 0:
            raise quark_exceptions.NoAvailableFixedIPsForPort(port_id=port_id)

        if not fixed_ip_address:
            fixed_ip = _get_next_available_fixed_ip(port)
            if not fixed_ip:
                raise quark_exceptions.NoAvailableFixedIPsForPort(
            fixed_ip = next((ip for ip in port.ip_addresses
                            if (ip["address_readable"] == fixed_ip_address and
                                ip.get("address_type") == ip_types.FIXED)),

            if not fixed_ip:
                raise quark_exceptions.FixedIpDoesNotExistsForPort(
                    fixed_ip=fixed_ip_address, port_id=port_id)

            if any(ip for ip in port.ip_addresses
                   if (ip.get("address_type") == ip_types.FLOATING and
                       ip.fixed_ip["address_readable"] == fixed_ip_address)):
                raise quark_exceptions.PortAlreadyContainsFloatingIp(

    new_addresses = []
    ip_addresses = []
    if ip_address:

    seg_name = CONF.QUARK.floating_ip_segment_name
    strategy_name = network.get("ipam_strategy")
    ipam_driver = ipam.IPAM_REGISTRY.get_strategy(strategy_name)
    ipam_driver.allocate_ip_address(context, new_addresses, network_id,
                                    port_id, CONF.QUARK.ipam_reuse_after,
                                    seg_name, version=4,

    floating_ip = new_addresses[0]

    if fixed_ip and port:
        with context.session.begin():
            floating_ip = db_api.floating_ip_associate_fixed_ip(context,

        flip_driver_type = CONF.QUARK.default_floating_ip_driver
        flip_driver = registry.DRIVER_REGISTRY.get_driver(flip_driver_type)

        flip_driver.register_floating_ip(floating_ip, port, fixed_ip)

    return v._make_floating_ip_dict(floating_ip)
コード例 #13
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: Cerberus98/quark
def create_floatingip(context, content):
    """Allocate or reallocate a floating IP.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param content: dictionary describing the floating ip, with keys
        as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in
        neutron/api/v2/attributes.py.  All keys will be populated.

    :returns: Dictionary containing details for the new floating IP.  If values
        are declared in the fields parameter, then only those keys will be
    LOG.info('create_floatingip %s for tenant %s and body %s' %
             (id, context.tenant_id, content))
    tenant_id = content.get('tenant_id')
    network_id = content.get('floating_network_id')
    fixed_ip_address = content.get('fixed_ip_address')
    ip_address = content.get('floating_ip_address')
    port_id = content.get('port_id')

    if not tenant_id:
        tenant_id = context.tenant_id

    if not network_id:
        raise exceptions.BadRequest(resource='floating_ip',
                                    msg='floating_network_id is required.')

    network = db_api.network_find(context, id=network_id, scope=db_api.ONE)

    if not network:
        raise exceptions.NetworkNotFound(net_id=network_id)

    fixed_ip = None
    port = None
    if port_id:
        port = db_api.port_find(context, id=port_id, scope=db_api.ONE)

        if not port:
            raise exceptions.PortNotFound(port_id=port_id)

        if not port.ip_addresses or len(port.ip_addresses) == 0:
            raise qex.NoAvailableFixedIPsForPort(port_id=port_id)

        if not fixed_ip_address:
            fixed_ip = _get_next_available_fixed_ip(port)
            if not fixed_ip:
                raise qex.NoAvailableFixedIPsForPort(
            fixed_ip = next((ip for ip in port.ip_addresses
                            if (ip['address_readable'] == fixed_ip_address and
                                ip.get('address_type') == ip_types.FIXED)),

            if not fixed_ip:
                raise qex.FixedIpDoesNotExistsForPort(
                    fixed_ip=fixed_ip_address, port_id=port_id)

            if any(ip for ip in port.ip_addresses
                   if (ip.get('address_type') == ip_types.FLOATING and
                       ip.fixed_ip['address_readable'] == fixed_ip_address)):
                raise qex.PortAlreadyContainsFloatingIp(

    new_addresses = []
    ip_addresses = []
    if ip_address:

    seg_name = CONF.QUARK.floating_ip_segment_name
    strategy_name = CONF.QUARK.floating_ip_ipam_strategy

    if strategy_name.upper() == 'NETWORK':
        strategy_name = network.get("ipam_strategy")

    ipam_driver = ipam.IPAM_REGISTRY.get_strategy(strategy_name)
    ipam_driver.allocate_ip_address(context, new_addresses, network_id,
                                    port_id, CONF.QUARK.ipam_reuse_after,
                                    seg_name, version=4,

    flip = new_addresses[0]

    if fixed_ip and port:
        with context.session.begin():
            flip = db_api.port_associate_ip(context, [port], flip, [port_id])
            flip = db_api.floating_ip_associate_fixed_ip(context, flip,

            flip_driver = registry.DRIVER_REGISTRY.get_driver()

            flip_driver.register_floating_ip(flip, port, fixed_ip)

    return v._make_floating_ip_dict(flip, port_id)
コード例 #14
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: Cerberus98/quark
def update_floatingip(context, id, content):
    """Update an existing floating IP.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param id: id of the floating ip
    :param content: dictionary with keys indicating fields to update.
        valid keys are those that have a value of True for 'allow_put'
        as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in

    :returns: Dictionary containing details for the new floating IP.  If values
        are declared in the fields parameter, then only those keys will be

    LOG.info('update_floatingip %s for tenant %s and body %s' %
             (id, context.tenant_id, content))

    if 'port_id' not in content:
        raise exceptions.BadRequest(resource='floating_ip',
                                    msg='port_id is required.')

    port_id = content.get('port_id')
    port = None
    fixed_ip = None
    current_port = None

    with context.session.begin():
        flip = db_api.floating_ip_find(context, id=id, scope=db_api.ONE)
        if not flip:
            raise qex.FloatingIpNotFound(id=id)

        current_ports = flip.ports

        if current_ports and len(current_ports) > 0:
            current_port = current_ports[0]

        if not port_id and not current_port:
            raise qex.FloatingIPUpdateNoPortIdSupplied()

        if port_id:
            port = db_api.port_find(context, id=port_id, scope=db_api.ONE)
            if not port:
                raise exceptions.PortNotFound(port_id=port_id)

            if current_port and current_port.id == port_id:
                d = dict(flip_id=id, port_id=port_id)
                raise qex.PortAlreadyAssociatedToFloatingIP(**d)

            fixed_ip = _get_next_available_fixed_ip(port)
            LOG.info('new fixed ip: %s' % fixed_ip)
            if not fixed_ip:
                raise qex.NoAvailableFixedIPsForPort(port_id=port_id)

        LOG.info('current ports: %s' % current_ports)

        if current_port:
            flip = db_api.port_disassociate_ip(context, [current_port], flip)

        if flip.fixed_ip:
            flip = db_api.floating_ip_disassociate_fixed_ip(context, flip)

        if port:
            flip = db_api.port_associate_ip(context, [port], flip, [port_id])
            flip = db_api.floating_ip_associate_fixed_ip(context, flip,
        flip_driver = registry.DRIVER_REGISTRY.get_driver()

        if port:
            if current_port:
                flip_driver.update_floating_ip(flip, port, fixed_ip)
                flip_driver.register_floating_ip(flip, port, fixed_ip)

    # Note(alanquillin) The ports parameters on the model is not
    # properly getting cleaned up when removed.  Manually cleaning them up.
    # Need to fix the db api to correctly update the model.
    if not port:
        flip.ports = []

    return v._make_floating_ip_dict(flip)