コード例 #1
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: roaet/quark
def get_scalingips(context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None,
                   marker=None, page_reverse=False):
    """Retrieve a list of scaling ips.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param filters: a dictionary with keys that are valid keys for
        a scaling ip as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object
        in neutron/api/v2/attributes.py.  Values in this dictionary
        are an iterable containing values that will be used for an exact
        match comparison for that value.  Each result returned by this
        function will have matched one of the values for each key in
    :param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a
        scaling IP dictionary as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
        object in neutron/api/v2/attributes.py. Only these fields
        will be returned.

    :returns: List of scaling IPs that are accessible to the tenant who
        submits the request (as indicated by the tenant id of the context)
        as well as any filters.
    LOG.info('get_scalingips for tenant %s filters %s fields %s' %
             (context.tenant_id, filters, fields))
    scaling_ips = _get_ips_by_type(context, ip_types.SCALING,
                                   filters=filters, fields=fields)
    return [v._make_scaling_ip_dict(scip) for scip in scaling_ips]
コード例 #2
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: roaet/quark
def create_scalingip(context, content):
    """Allocate or reallocate a scaling IP.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param content: dictionary describing the scaling ip, with keys
        as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in
        neutron/api/v2/attributes.py.  All keys will be populated.

    :returns: Dictionary containing details for the new scaling IP.  If values
        are declared in the fields parameter, then only those keys will be
    LOG.info('create_scalingip for tenant %s and body %s',
             context.tenant_id, content)
    network_id = content.get('scaling_network_id')
    ip_address = content.get('scaling_ip_address')
    requested_ports = content.get('ports', [])

    network = _get_network(context, network_id)
    port_fixed_ips = {}
    for req_port in requested_ports:
        port = _get_port(context, req_port['port_id'])
        fixed_ip = _get_fixed_ip(context, req_port.get('fixed_ip_address'),
        port_fixed_ips[port.id] = {"port": port, "fixed_ip": fixed_ip}
    scip = _allocate_ip(context, network, None, ip_address, ip_types.SCALING)
    _create_flip(context, scip, port_fixed_ips)
    return v._make_scaling_ip_dict(scip)
コード例 #3
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: MultipleCrashes/quark
def get_scalingips(context,
    """Retrieve a list of scaling ips.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param filters: a dictionary with keys that are valid keys for
        a scaling ip as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object
        in neutron/api/v2/attributes.py.  Values in this dictionary
        are an iterable containing values that will be used for an exact
        match comparison for that value.  Each result returned by this
        function will have matched one of the values for each key in
    :param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a
        scaling IP dictionary as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
        object in neutron/api/v2/attributes.py. Only these fields
        will be returned.

    :returns: List of scaling IPs that are accessible to the tenant who
        submits the request (as indicated by the tenant id of the context)
        as well as any filters.
    LOG.info('get_scalingips for tenant %s filters %s fields %s' %
             (context.tenant_id, filters, fields))
    scaling_ips = _get_ips_by_type(context,
    return [v._make_scaling_ip_dict(scip) for scip in scaling_ips]
コード例 #4
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: MultipleCrashes/quark
def create_scalingip(context, content):
    """Allocate or reallocate a scaling IP.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param content: dictionary describing the scaling ip, with keys
        as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in
        neutron/api/v2/attributes.py.  All keys will be populated.

    :returns: Dictionary containing details for the new scaling IP.  If values
        are declared in the fields parameter, then only those keys will be
    LOG.info('create_scalingip for tenant %s and body %s', context.tenant_id,
    network_id = content.get('scaling_network_id')
    ip_address = content.get('scaling_ip_address')
    requested_ports = content.get('ports', [])

    network = _get_network(context, network_id)
    port_fixed_ips = {}
    for req_port in requested_ports:
        port = _get_port(context, req_port['port_id'])
        fixed_ip = _get_fixed_ip(context, req_port.get('fixed_ip_address'),
        port_fixed_ips[port.id] = {"port": port, "fixed_ip": fixed_ip}
    scip = _allocate_ip(context, network, None, ip_address, ip_types.SCALING)
    _create_flip(context, scip, port_fixed_ips)
    return v._make_scaling_ip_dict(scip)
コード例 #5
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: roaet/quark
def update_scalingip(context, id, content):
    """Update an existing scaling IP.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param id: id of the scaling ip
    :param content: dictionary with keys indicating fields to update.
        valid keys are those that have a value of True for 'allow_put'
        as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in

    :returns: Dictionary containing details for the new scaling IP.  If values
        are declared in the fields parameter, then only those keys will be
    LOG.info('update_scalingip %s for tenant %s and body %s' %
             (id, context.tenant_id, content))
    requested_ports = content.get('ports', [])
    flip = _update_flip(context, id, ip_types.SCALING, requested_ports)
    return v._make_scaling_ip_dict(flip)
コード例 #6
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: MultipleCrashes/quark
def update_scalingip(context, id, content):
    """Update an existing scaling IP.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param id: id of the scaling ip
    :param content: dictionary with keys indicating fields to update.
        valid keys are those that have a value of True for 'allow_put'
        as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in

    :returns: Dictionary containing details for the new scaling IP.  If values
        are declared in the fields parameter, then only those keys will be
    LOG.info('update_scalingip %s for tenant %s and body %s' %
             (id, context.tenant_id, content))
    requested_ports = content.get('ports', [])
    flip = _update_flip(context, id, ip_types.SCALING, requested_ports)
    return v._make_scaling_ip_dict(flip)
コード例 #7
ファイル: floating_ips.py プロジェクト: roaet/quark
def get_scalingip(context, id, fields=None):
    """Retrieve a scaling IP.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param id: The UUID of the scaling IP.
    :param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a
        scaling IP dictionary as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
        object in neutron/api/v2/attributes.py. Only these fields
        will be returned.

    :returns: Dictionary containing details for the scaling IP.  If values
        are declared in the fields parameter, then only those keys will be
    LOG.info('get_scalingip %s for tenant %s' % (id, context.tenant_id))
    filters = {'address_type': ip_types.SCALING, '_deallocated': False}
    scaling_ip = db_api.floating_ip_find(context, id=id, scope=db_api.ONE,
    if not scaling_ip:
        raise q_exc.ScalingIpNotFound(id=id)
    return v._make_scaling_ip_dict(scaling_ip)
コード例 #8
def get_scalingip(context, id, fields=None):
    """Retrieve a scaling IP.

    :param context: neutron api request context.
    :param id: The UUID of the scaling IP.
    :param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a
        scaling IP dictionary as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
        object in neutron/api/v2/attributes.py. Only these fields
        will be returned.

    :returns: Dictionary containing details for the scaling IP.  If values
        are declared in the fields parameter, then only those keys will be
    LOG.info('get_scalingip %s for tenant %s' % (id, context.tenant_id))
    filters = {'address_type': ip_types.SCALING, '_deallocated': False}
    scaling_ip = db_api.floating_ip_find(context, id=id, scope=db_api.ONE,
    if not scaling_ip:
        raise q_exc.ScalingIpNotFound(id=id)
    return v._make_scaling_ip_dict(scaling_ip)