コード例 #1
ファイル: mmcontext.py プロジェクト: uibcdf/Pynterpred_old
    def rotate_ligand(self,

        if geometrical_center == 'heavy':
            tmp_list = self.molcomplex.ligand._heavy_atoms_indices
        elif geometrical_center == 'CA':
            tmp_list = self.molcomplex.ligand._ca_atoms_indices
        elif geometrical_center == 'All':
            tmp_list = np.arange(self.molcomplex.ligand.n_atoms)

        if type(qrotor) != quaternion.quaternion:
            qrotor = quaternion.as_quat_array(qrotor)

        tmp_positions = self.get_ligand_positions()
        tmp_unit = tmp_positions.unit

        if centered:
            tmp_positions = quaternion.rotate_vectors(
                qrotor, tmp_positions._value) * tmp_unit
            geometrical_center_positions = utils.geometrical_center(
                tmp_positions, tmp_list)
            tmp_positions = tmp_positions - geometrical_center_positions
            tmp_positions = quaternion.rotate_vectors(
                qrotor, tmp_positions._value) * tmp_unit
            tmp_positions = tmp_positions + geometrical_center_positions
            del (geometrical_center_positions)

        del (tmp_positions, tmp_unit, tmp_list)
コード例 #2
ファイル: servo.py プロジェクト: erytheis/glyx
    def __init__(self,
                 coordinates=(0, 0, 0),
                 euler=(0, 0, 0),
        # TODO rename coordinates into relative position
        self.base_coordinates = np.asanyarray(coordinates)
        self.euler = np.asanyarray(euler)
        self.position = position

        self.quaternion = quaternion
        if quaternion == None:
            self.quaternion = from_euler_angles(self.euler)

        self.angular_speed = 0

        # Finding orientation vectors
        self.orientation_vector_x = np.asanyarray(
            rotate_vectors(self.quaternion, DEFAULT_ORIENTATION_FRONT))
        self.orientation_vector_y = np.asanyarray(
            rotate_vectors(self.quaternion, DEFAULT_ORIENTATION_SIDE))
        self.orientation_vector_z = np.asanyarray(
            rotate_vectors(self.quaternion, DEFAULT_ORIENTATION_TOP))

        self.joined_servo_rotation_quaternion = as_quat_array(
            np.insert((self.orientation_vector_y * math.sin(math.pi / 4)), 0,
                      -math.sin(math.pi / 4)))

        # Calculate coordinates of a joint
コード例 #3
def gravity_removal(acc, gyro, init_q, data_freq, update_freq, vis):
    """Remove gravity for one hand."""
    # Initialize
    madgwick = MadgwickFusion(init_q, data_freq)
    # Initialize visualization
    pv = None
    if vis:
        pv = PygameViewer(640, 480, init_q, data_freq)
    # Process
    acc_0 = []
    i = 0
    for acc_t, gyro_t in zip(acc, gyro):
        # Sensor fusion update
        madgwick.update(acc_t, gyro_t)
        if vis:
        # Remove gravity from acceleration
        acc_t0 = quaternion.rotate_vectors(madgwick.q, np.array(acc_t))
        acc_t0 -= np.array([0, 0, 1])
        acc_t0 = quaternion.rotate_vectors(madgwick.q.inverse(), acc_t0)
        # Update screen according to update rate
        if vis:
            if i % (data_freq // update_freq) == 0:
                if not pv.update():
        i += 1
    return acc_0
コード例 #4
 def set_registers(self):
     gravity = q.rotate_vectors(self.quat, [0, 0, -1])
     mag = q.rotate_vectors(self.quat, [0, 0.6, -0.8])
     gravity *= 0x4000
     mag *= 800
     vals = np.hstack([gravity, mag]).astype("int")
     struct.pack_into(">3h8x3h", self.registers, 0x3B, vals[1], -vals[0],
                      -vals[2], vals[3], -vals[4], -vals[5])
コード例 #5
def Tumble(diff_angle, spin_angle, vec_int):
    diff_vec = Normalise(np.cross(vec_int, vec_z))
    diff_quat = MakeRotationQuaternion(diff_angle, diff_vec)
    vec_mid = quaternion.rotate_vectors(diff_quat, vec_int)
    spin_vec = Normalise(vec_int)
    spin_quat = MakeRotationQuaternion(spin_angle, spin_vec)
    vec_final = quaternion.rotate_vectors(spin_quat, vec_mid)
    return vec_final
コード例 #6
ファイル: servo.py プロジェクト: erytheis/glyx
    def set_quaternion(self, quaternion):
        self.quaternion = quaternion

        # Update all the orientation vectors
        self.orientation_vector_x = np.asanyarray(
            rotate_vectors(self.quaternion, DEFAULT_ORIENTATION_FRONT))
        self.orientation_vector_y = np.asanyarray(
            rotate_vectors(self.quaternion, DEFAULT_ORIENTATION_SIDE))
        self.orientation_vector_z = np.asanyarray(
            rotate_vectors(self.quaternion, DEFAULT_ORIENTATION_TOP))
コード例 #7
 def inertia_tensor(self, coord_sys):
     m = MASS(self.movement_time)
     rc = self.center_of_mass('SSK')
     jx = JX(self.movement_time)
     jy = jz = JYZ(self.movement_time)
     J = np.diagflat([jx, jy, jz])
     J = J + m * (np.eye(3) * np.inner(rc, rc) - np.outer(rc, rc))
     if coord_sys == 'ISK':
         J = qn.rotate_vectors(self.Λ, J.T)
         J = qn.rotate_vectors(self.Λ, J.T)
         rc = qn.rotate_vectors(self.Λ, rc)
     s = as_matrix(m * rc)
     m = np.diagflat([m] * 3)
     return np.block([[m, -s], [s, J]])
コード例 #8
    def to_frame(self, new_frame):
        """Returns a new Point in reference to the new coordinate frame.  
            Input point is not mutated.    
        if self._frame is new_frame: 
            return self

        world_coords = quaternion.rotate_vectors(self._frame.orientation, 
        x = quaternion.rotate_vectors(new_frame.orientation, world_coords)
        x = np.around(x, decimals=12)
        new_vel = Vector3(new_frame.origin.coords + x)

        return Velocity(vel=new_vel, frame=new_frame, 
コード例 #9
 def trust(self, coord_sys):
     if self.event['launch_engine'] is None:
         return np.zeros(6)
         p = [TRUST(self.engine_time), 0, 0]
         rp = self.trust_points('SSK')
         force = []
         for q in self.Λp:
             force.append(qn.rotate_vectors(q, p))
         moment = np.cross(rp, force)
         force = np.sum(np.array(force), axis=0)
         moment = np.sum(np.array(moment), axis=0)
         if coord_sys == 'ISK':
             force, moment = qn.rotate_vectors(self.Λ, (force, moment))
         return np.append(force, moment)
コード例 #10
    def _update(self):
        if self.kT == 0:
            q_B = np.zeros(6)  # no brownian motion at 0 temperature
            # calc q^B in particle frame with appropriate scaling
            q_B = self._q_random() * np.sqrt(2 * self.timestep)

        # calculate generalized force in lab frame
        force = self.f_ext(

        # find vector d from COM to COD, known in particle frame,
        # in lab frame.
        # quaternion package does this by converting quaternion
        # to rotation matrix, but could be done via conjugation
        d = quaternion.rotate_vectors(self.particle._orient, self.particle.cod)

        # correct torque (last 3 elts of generalized force) to be about cod
        # minus sign because d points TO the COD
        force[3:] = force[3:] - np.cross(d, force[0:3])

        # convert generalized force from lab to particle frame
        # need inverse of orientation quaternion
        force_pf = np.ravel(
                                      force.reshape((2, -1))))

        # Calculate q^D in particle frame
        # particle.Ddim has no kT in it
        q_D = np.matmul(self.particle.Ddim / self.viscosity,
                        force_pf) * self.timestep

        # find q_total
        q_total = q_B + q_D  # still in particle frame

        # convert spatial part of generalized displacement to lab frame
        # following Garcia de la Torre, use non-updated orientation
        delta_xyzlab = quaternion.rotate_vectors(self.particle._orient,
        # Update particle COM position
        self.particle._pos = self.particle._pos + delta_xyzlab

        # Update orientation quaternion
        infntsml_rotmat = unbiased_rotation(*q_total[3:6])
        infntsml_quat = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(infntsml_rotmat)
        # see BROWNRIG paper eq. 19, use quaternion composition
        self.particle._orient = self.particle._orient * infntsml_quat
コード例 #11
 def move_target(self, d):
     target = self._target
     eye = self._pose[:3, 3].flatten()
     _, a, _ = self.cartesian_to_spherical(eye, target)
     v = npq.rotate_vectors(quat_from_euler('z', a), d)
     self._n_target += v
     self._n_pose[:3, 3] += v
コード例 #12
def projOnDetector(xyz_exit, alpha, xy_PC, L):
    calculate the projection on the detector of a given escape direction

    xyz_array = list of escape direction unit vectors in sampe frame
    alpha = angle in degrees that brings the detector frame coincidental with the sample frame
            by a CW rotation around x-axis

    returns list of x,y projection on the detector

    # let t be the translation vector from detector frame origin to the sample frame origin
    t = np.array([xy_PC[0], xy_PC[1], L])

    # let q_SD be the rotation that brings in coincidence the detector frame with the sample frame
    # q_SD = (x, alpha)
    c_hAlpha = cos(np.radians(alpha) / 2.)
    s_hAlpha = (1. - c_hAlpha**2)**0.5

    q_SD = np.quaternion(c_hAlpha, s_hAlpha, 0., 0.)

    # the plane equaiton of the detector in the detector frame is z=0
    # so the x,y components of the projections are just the two components of the
    # translated dir vector, obviously
    return [(quaternion.rotate_vectors(q_SD.conj(), one_dir) - t)[0:2]
            for one_dir in xyz_exit]
コード例 #13
def solve_kinematic_motion_equation(
        time_span: Tuple[int, int],
        state: KinematicState,
        acceleration: np.ndarray,
        gravity_acceleration: np.ndarray,
        angular_velocity: np.ndarray) -> KinematicState:
    Solve kinematic differential equation of motion.
    Describe motion in phase space that represent spatial position and angular position of body.
    'Body' is a rigid body (physical model).
    Phase space is:
        - position vector (cartesian coordinates),
        - velocity vector (cartesian coordinates),
        - quaternion that represent angular position according to inertial frame.
    NB: All vectors related to uniform acceleration motion must be in the same measurements units, e.g. x is [km, km/sec],
         acceleration and gravity_acceleration are [km/sec^2] .
    NB: angular_velocity must be in [rad, sec].
    :param time_span: time span.
    :param state: value of state space vector of body in phase space.
    :param acceleration: acceleration of body that caused by all non-gravitational forces in body frame.
    :param gravity_acceleration: acceleration of body that caused by gravitational force.
    :param angular_velocity: angular velocity of rotation of body frame respect to inertial frame, [rad, sec].
    :return: State  space vector at current time, i.e.
        - position vector (cartesian coordinates),
        - velocity vector (cartesian coordinates),
        - quaternion that represent angular position according to inertial frame.
    acc = npq.rotate_vectors(state.quaternion, acceleration) + gravity_acceleration
    x0 = np.hstack((state.position, state.velocity))
    x_new = solve_ivp(lambda t, x: uniform_acceleration_motion_equation(x, acc), time_span, x0, method="RK45")
    q_new = solve_ivp(lambda t, q: uniform_angular_motion_equation(q, angular_velocity), time_span, state.quaternion.components, method="RK45")

    return KinematicState(x_new.y[:3, -1], x_new.y[3:, -1], npq.from_float_array(q_new.y[:, -1]).normalized())
コード例 #14
ファイル: fdai.py プロジェクト: rzinkstok/fpga_agc
def move_fixed_distance(angle, longitude, latitude, direction):
    :param angle: radians
    :param longitude: degrees
    :param latitude: degrees
    :param direction:
    :return: new point
    if direction in ["east", "west"]:
        # Along parallel
        axis_longitude = longitude
        axis_latitude = latitude - 90
        if axis_latitude < -90:
            axis_latitude = -180 - axis_latitude
            axis_longitude += 180
        # Along meridian
        axis_longitude = longitude + 90
        axis_latitude = 0

    start_point = to_cartesian(longitude, latitude)
    axis = normalize(to_cartesian(axis_longitude, axis_latitude))
    if direction in ["south", "east"]:
        angle *= -1

    q = quaternion.from_rotation_vector(angle * axis)
    return quaternion.rotate_vectors(q, start_point)
コード例 #15
 def rotate_vector(self, v):
     s = self[0]
     r = np.array([self[1], self[2], self[3]])
     m = np.inner(self, self).real
     vr = v + np.cross(2.0 * r, s * v + np.cross(r, v)) / m
     vr2 = quaternion.rotate_vectors([self], v)[0, :]
     #assert(np.array_equal(vr, vr2)) #TODO: Assertion raised. Check equation
     return vr2
コード例 #16
 def aerodynamic_focus(self, coord_sys):
     rd = self.bottom_center('SSK')
     alpha = self.attack_angle()
     focus = np.array([CD(alpha) * LENGTH, 0, 0])
     res = rd + focus
     if coord_sys == 'ISK':
         res = qn.rotate_vectors(self.Λ, res)
     return res
コード例 #17
def rotate_point(q, point):
    if isinstance(point[0], Iterable):
        raise TypeError("Function is not vectorized")
        return point
    v0 = sph2cart(*point)
    q = N.quaternion(*q)
    v1 = Q.rotate_vectors(q, v0)
    return cart2sph(v1)
コード例 #18
    def __rmul__(self: _T, other: quaternion) -> _T:
        if isinstance(other, quaternion):
            return self._create(
                Vector3D(*rotate_vectors(other, self._translation)),
                other * self._rotation,

        return NotImplemented
コード例 #19
 def as_inverse(self):
     # There is probably a faster way to do this, but I can't find it now.
     # q_inverse = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(np.linalg.inv(quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(self.rotation)))
     q_inverse = self.rotation.conj()
     t_inverse = quaternion.rotate_vectors(q_inverse,
     return Transformation(rotation=q_inverse, translation=t_inverse)
コード例 #20
ファイル: fdai.py プロジェクト: rzinkstok/fpga_agc
def move_along_parallel(angle, longitude, latitude, direction):
    start_point = to_cartesian(longitude, latitude)
    axis = np.array([0, 0, -1])
    if direction == "east":
        angle *= -1

    q = quaternion.from_rotation_vector(angle * axis)
    return quaternion.rotate_vectors(q, start_point)
コード例 #21
    def rotated(self, rot: "Orientation", inverse: bool = False) -> "Position":

        q = rot.as_quaternion()

        if inverse:
            q = q.inverse()

        rotated_vector = quaternion.rotate_vectors([q], [list(self)])[0][0]
        return Position(rotated_vector[0], rotated_vector[1], rotated_vector[2])
コード例 #22
    def test_quat_between_vectors(self):
        v = np.array([1, 0, 0])
        u = np.array([0, 0, 1])
        q = quat_between_two_vectors(v, u)
        u1 = npq.rotate_vectors(q, v)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.linalg.norm(u - u1), 0.)

        v = np.array([0.3, 0.56, .12])
        u = np.array([0.16, 0.985, 1.65])
        v = v / np.linalg.norm(v)
        u = u / np.linalg.norm(u)
        q = quat_between_two_vectors(v, u)
        u1 = npq.rotate_vectors(q, v)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.linalg.norm(u - u1), 0.)
                                            quat_between_two_vectors(v, v)),
コード例 #23
def filter_pose(ukf, z, R, dt, model):
    ukf = UnscentedKalmanFilter()
    predicted_state = ukf.x

    positions_relative_to_drone = model.features_positions - np.tile(
        predicted_state[7:10], (model.number_of_features, 1))
    positions_in_drone_space = quaternion.rotate_vectors(
        predicted_state[0:4], positions_relative_to_drone)
コード例 #24
def test_transform_point2():
    tqs = Quaternion(np.random.random((10, 4))).norm()

        tqs.transform_point(Point(1, 1, 1)).data,
            [np.quaternion(*q.data[0]) for q in tqs]),
                                  Point(1, 1, 1).tile(1).data,
                                  axis=1).reshape(10, 3))
コード例 #25
ファイル: make_test_cases.py プロジェクト: furbrain/SAP5
def make_plane_to_rotation_fixtures(samples):
    for i in range(samples):
        orientation = np.quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)
        orientation *= np.exp(quaternion.x * np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1))
        orientation *= np.exp(quaternion.z * np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1))
        z = quaternion.rotate_vectors(orientation, [0, 1, 0])
        if random.choice([True, False]):
            z *= -1
        print bracketiser(z), ','
コード例 #26
    def get_steering(self, car_pos, car_rot, target_pos, target_rot):
        relative_pos = target_pos - car_pos
        distance = np.linalg.norm(relative_pos)
        no_rot_relative_pos = quaternion.rotate_vectors(
            1 / car_rot, relative_pos) / distance

        x_difference = no_rot_relative_pos[0]

        steering = np.clip(x_difference * self.kp, -1.0, 1.0)
        return steering
コード例 #27
 def inertia_force(self, coord_sys):
     ω = self.angular_velocity('SSK')
     tensor = self.inertia_tensor('SSK')
     J = tensor[3:6, 3:6]
     s = np.array([tensor[1, 5], -tensor[0, 5], tensor[0, 4]])
     force = -np.cross(ω, np.cross(ω, s))
     moment = -np.cross(ω, J @ ω)
     if coord_sys == 'ISK':
         force, moment = qn.rotate_vectors(self.Λ, (force, moment))
     return np.append(force, moment)
コード例 #28
    def inverse(self: _T) -> _T:
        """Return the inverse of the transform.

            A :class:`Transform3D` object representing the inverse of this :class:`Transform3D`.

        rotation = self._rotation.inverse()
        translation = Vector3D(*rotate_vectors(rotation, -self._translation))
        return self._create(translation, rotation)
コード例 #29
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: Croolman/arcor2
    def rotated(self, ori: Orientation, inverse: bool = False) -> Position:

        q = ori.as_quaternion()

        if inverse:
            q = q.inverse()

        rotated_vector = quaternion.rotate_vectors([q], [list(self)])[0][0]

        return Position(rotated_vector[0], rotated_vector[1], rotated_vector[2])
コード例 #30
 def support_force(self, coord_sys):
     if self.event['lift_off'] is not None:
         return np.zeros(6)
         alt = np.clip(self.flight_altitude(), *SUPPORT.domain)
         force = np.array([0, SUPPORT(alt), 0])
         if coord_sys == 'SSK':
             force = qn.rotate_vectors(self.Λ.conj(), force)
         rs = self.support_point(coord_sys)
         moment = np.cross(rs, force)
         return np.append(force, moment)