コード例 #1
ファイル: qubicplus.py プロジェクト: mwrightqub/qubic
def get_coverage(fsky, nside, center_radec=[-30, -30]):
    center = qubic.equ2gal(center_radec[0], center_radec[1])
    uvcenter = np.array(hp.ang2vec(center[0], center[1], lonlat=True))
    uvpix = np.array(hp.pix2vec(nside, np.arange(12 * nside**2)))
    ang = np.arccos(np.dot(uvcenter, uvpix))
    indices = np.argsort(ang)
    okpix = ang < -1
    okpix[indices[0:int(fsky * 12 * nside**2)]] = True
    mask = np.zeros(12 * nside**2)
    mask[okpix] = 1
    return mask
コード例 #2
ファイル: AnalysisMC.py プロジェクト: mwrightqub/qubic
def rms_method(name, residuals_way, zones=1):
    Get the std of the residuals from one simulation. 
    STD are computed over realisations and pixels for I, Q, U separately.

    name : str
        Simulation file.
    residuals_way : str
        Way to compute residuals. 3 keywords : noiseless, conv or mean_recon
    zones : int
        Number of zones to divide the patch.

    rms_I, rms_Q, rms_U : dictionarys containing RMS for IQU 
    setpar : a dict with some parameters of the simu.
    # Get the repository where the simulation is
    rep_simu = Qubic_DataDir(datafile=name + '.dict') + '/'
    # print('rep_simu : ', rep_simu)

    # Dictionary saved during the simulation
    d = qubic.qubicdict.qubicDict()
    d.read_from_file(rep_simu + name + '.dict')
    setpar = {'tol': d['tol'], 'nep': d['detector_nep'], 'npoint': d['npointings']}

    nf_recon = d['nf_recon']

    rms_I, rms_Q, rms_U = dict(), dict(), dict()

    for irec in nf_recon:
        residuals = get_residuals(name, rep_simu, residuals_way, irec)
        files, maps_recon_patch, maps_conv_patch, maps_diff_patch = \
            rmc.get_patch_many_files(rep_simu + name, '*nfrecon{}*False*'.format(irec), verbose=False)

        npix_patch = maps_diff_patch.shape[2]
        setpar.update({'pixpatch': npix_patch})
        #         print(setpar)

        nreals = np.shape(residuals)[0]

        # This if is for the number of zones (1 or more)
        if zones == 1:
            rms_i, rms_q, rms_u = np.empty((irec,)), np.empty((irec,)), np.empty((irec,))

            for i in range(irec):
                # STD over pixels and realisations
                rms_i[i] = np.std(residuals[:, i, :, 0])
                rms_q[i] = np.std(residuals[:, i, :, 1])
                rms_u[i] = np.std(residuals[:, i, :, 2])
            angle = False
            if zones == 2:
                angle = True

            center = qubic.equ2gal(d['RA_center'], d['DEC_center'])
            seenmap = rmc.get_seenmap(files[0])
            nside = d['nside']

            residuals_zones = np.empty((nreals, zones, irec, npix_patch, 3))
            for real in range(nreals):
                pix_zones, residuals_zones[real] = rmc.make_zones(residuals[real], zones, nside, center, seenmap,
                                                                  angle=angle, dtheta=d['dtheta'], verbose=False,

            rms_i, rms_q, rms_u = np.empty((zones, irec,)), np.empty((zones, irec,)), np.empty((zones, irec,))
            for izone in range(zones):
                for i in range(irec):
                    rms_i[izone, i] = np.std(residuals_zones[:, izone, i, :, 0])
                    rms_q[izone, i] = np.std(residuals_zones[:, izone, i, :, 1])
                    rms_u[izone, i] = np.std(residuals_zones[:, izone, i, :, 2])

        rms_I.update({str(irec): rms_i})
        rms_Q.update({str(irec): rms_q})
        rms_U.update({str(irec): rms_u})

    return rms_I, rms_Q, rms_U, setpar
コード例 #3
coverage = P.pT1()
mask = coverage > 10
P = P.restrict(mask, inplace=True)
unpack = UnpackOperator(mask)

# map without covariance matrix
solution1 = pcg(P.T * P, P.T(y + noise),
                M=DiagonalOperator(1/coverage[mask]), disp=True)
x1 = unpack(solution1['x'])

# map with covariance matrix
solution2 = pcg(P.T * invntt * P, (P.T * invntt)(y + noise),
                M=DiagonalOperator(1/coverage[mask]), disp=True)
x2 = unpack(solution2['x'])

def display(x, title):
    x = x.copy()
    x[~mask] = np.nan
    hp.gnomview(x, rot=center, reso=5, xsize=600, min=-200, max=200,

center = equ2gal(racenter, deccenter)
display(C(x0), 'Original convolved map')
#hp.projplot(np.radians(pointings[..., 0]), np.radians(pointings[..., 1]))
display(x1, 'Reconstructed map no invntt')
display(x2, 'Reconstructed map with invntt')
display(coverage, 'Coverage')

コード例 #4
m0 = np.zeros(12 * d['nside'] ** 2)
x0 = np.zeros((d['nf_sub'], len(m0), 3))
id = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(d['nside'], fix_azimuth['el'], fix_azimuth['az'],
source = m0 * 0
source[id] = 1
arcToRad = np.pi / (180 * 60.)
source = hp.sphtfunc.smoothing(source, fwhm=30 * arcToRad)
x0[:, :, component] = source
hp.mollview(x0[0, :, component])

if p.fix_az:
    center = (fix_azimuth['az'], fix_azimuth['el'])
    center = qubic.equ2gal(d['RA_center'], d['DEC_center'])

# Make TOD
Nbfreq_in, nus_edge_in, nus_in, deltas_in, Delta_in, Nbbands_in = qubic.compute_freq(d['filter_nu'] / 1e9,
a = qubic.QubicMultibandAcquisition(q, p, s, d, nus_edge_in)

TOD = a.get_observation(x0, noiseless=True, convolution=False)

plt.plot(TOD[0, :])
plt.xlabel('pointing index')

# Map making
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_Louise.py プロジェクト: mgiard/qubic

import Tools as tl
import ReadMC as rmc
import SpectroImLib as si

import qubic
from qubic import gal2equ, equ2gal
from qubic import Xpol
from qubic import apodize_mask

thespec = ['TT', 'EE', 'BB', 'TE', 'EB', 'TB']
stokes = ['I', 'Q', 'U']

#Coordinates of the zone observed in the sky
center = equ2gal(0., -57.)

name = 'pitch_test_I=0_0'

#============= Get the simulation files ==================
#Simulation repository
# rep_simu = '/home/louisemousset/QUBIC/Qubic_work/SpectroImagerie/SimuJCResults/noiseless211118'
# rep_simu = '/home/louisemousset/QUBIC/Qubic_work/SpectroImagerie/SimuLouise/noiseless_I=0'
# rep_simu = '/home/louisemousset/QUBIC/Qubic_work/SpectroImagerie/SimuLouise/test_ptg'
rep_simu = '/home/louisemousset/QUBIC/Qubic_work/SpectroImagerie/SimuLouise/pitch_test/'
# rep_simu = '/home/louisemousset/QUBIC/Qubic_work/SpectroImagerie/SimuLouise/vary_tol'

#Number of subbands used during the simulation
# nsubvals = np.array([1,2,3,4])
nfiles = 7
コード例 #6
ファイル: resolution.py プロジェクト: mwrightqub/qubic
def GenerateMaps(d, nus_in, reso = 1.5, size=200, p=None, writemap = False, readmap = False ):

	Compute input maps to use in: calibration (for both methods Fit and Sigma) & QUBIC pipeline. 
	Number of maps == len(nus_in)
		d: QUBIC dictionary
		nus_in: frequencies where compute the point source map

		input_maps: partition of the sky where the point source is.
		m0: point source (already integrated over pixels) [RING ordered]


	if p:
		if p.fix_az:
			center = (d['fix_azimuth']['az'],d['fix_azimuth']['el'])
		elif not p.fix_az:
			center = qubic.equ2gal(d['RA_center'], d['DEC_center'])
		center = qubic.equ2gal(d['RA_center'], d['DEC_center'])
	nsideLow, nsideHigh, _, _, sigma2fwhm = Parameters(d) 
	#center_gal = qubic.equ2gal(d['RA_center'], d['DEC_center'])
	pixel = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(nsideHigh, np.deg2rad(90-center[1]), np.deg2rad(center[0]), nest = True)
	vec_pix = hp.pix2vec(nsideHigh, pixel, nest = True)
	vec_pixeles = hp.pix2vec(nsideHigh, np.arange(12*nsideHigh**2), nest = True )
	ang_pixeles = np.arccos(np.dot(vec_pix,vec_pixeles))
	if d['config'] == 'FI':
		CteConfig = 61.347409
	elif d['config'] == 'TD':
		CteConfig = 153.36
	if not readmap:
		mask = np.rad2deg(ang_pixeles) < d['dtheta']
		# Generate Gaussian maps - model of point source with FWHM (or Sigma) given by nus_in
		c0 = np.zeros((len(nus_in),12*nsideHigh**2,3))
		noise = np.zeros((len(nus_in), 12*nsideHigh**2,1))
		T = d['temperature']
		amplitude = 1e22
		for i, n_i in enumerate(nus_in):
			print('Map {}'.format(i))
			fwhm_in = CteConfig/n_i # nus to fwhm
			for j,each in enumerate(ang_pixeles):
				if mask[j] == True:
					c0[i,j,0] = amplitude*f(each, fwhm_in, sigma2fwhm)
		c0[:,:,1] = c0[:,:,0]
		c0[:,:,2] = c0[:,:,0]
		m0 = np.empty((len(nus_in),12*nsideLow**2,3))
		m0[:,:,0] = hp.ud_grade(c0[:,:,0], nsideLow, order_in = 'NESTED', order_out = 'RING')
		input_maps = np.empty((len(nus_in),size,size))
		for i, mapa in enumerate(m0):
			input_maps[i] = hp.gnomview(mapa[:,0], rot = center,  
		                            reso = reso, xsize = size,

		if writemap: FitsArray(m0).save('point-source-map-TD-150GHz.fits')
		return input_maps, m0
	elif readmap:
		m0 = FitsArray('point-source-map-TD-150GHz.fits')
		input_maps = np.empty((len(nus_in),size,size))
		for i, mapa in enumerate(m0):
			input_maps[i] = hp.gnomview(mapa[:,0], rot = center,  
		                            reso = reso, xsize = size,

		return input_maps, m0
コード例 #7
# f_a and f_b are the workspaces of the corresponding fiels (see below)
def compute_master(f_a, f_b, wsp):
    cl_coupled = nmt.compute_coupled_cell(f_a, f_b)
    cl_decoupled = wsp.decouple_cell(cl_coupled)
    return cl_decoupled

# compute apodization mask
lmin = 20
lmax = 3 * nside - 1
delta_ell = 20
racenter = 0.0
deccenter = -57.0
maxang = 20.

center = equ2gal(racenter, deccenter)
veccenter = hp.ang2vec(pi / 2 - np.radians(center[1]), np.radians(center[0]))
vecpix = hp.pix2vec(nside, np.arange(12 * nside ** 2))
cosang = np.dot(veccenter, vecpix)
maskok = np.degrees(np.arccos(cosang)) < maxang
msk_apo = nmt.mask_apodization(maskok, 1, apotype='C1')

# Select a binning scheme
b = nmt.NmtBin(nside, nlb=20, is_Dell=True)
leff = b.get_effective_ells()
# gaussian beam
beam = hp.gauss_beam(np.radians(0.39), lmax)

# initial maps and workspaces
mp_t, mp_q, mp_u = hp.synfast(spectra,
コード例 #8
stokes = ['I', 'Q', 'U']

# ================= Get the simulation files ================

# Simulation date and name
date_name = '20190813_QU10'

# Get the repository where the simulation is
rep_simu = Qubic_DataDir(datafile=date_name + '.dict') + '/'

# Dictionary saved during the simulation
d = qubic.qubicdict.qubicDict()
d.read_from_file(rep_simu + date_name + '.dict')

# Coordinates of the zone observed in the sky
center = equ2gal(d['RA_center'], d['DEC_center'])

# Number of subbands used during the simulation
nf_recon = d['nf_recon'][0]
nf_sub = d['nf_sub']
print('nf_sub = {}, nf_recon = {}'.format(nf_sub, nf_recon))

# Get fits files names in a list
fits_noise = np.sort(glob.glob(rep_simu + date_name + '*nfrecon{}_noiselessFalse*.fits'.format(nf_recon)))
fits_noiseless = glob.glob(rep_simu + date_name + '*noiselessTrue*.fits')

# Number of noise realisations
nreals = len(fits_noise)
print('nreals = ', nreals)

# ================= Corrections =======================
コード例 #9
d150Q['effective_duration'] = 3

#150 galactic center patch (thereafter GC patch)
d150G = d150Q.copy()
d150G['effective_duration'] = 1

# 220 Qubic patch
d220Q = d150Q.copy()
d220Q['filter_nu'] = 220e9
# 220 GC patch
d220G = d220Q.copy()
d150G['effective_duration'] = 1

# Qubic patch - galactic coordinates
centerQ = qubic.equ2gal(d150Q['RA_center'], d150Q['DEC_center'])
# Galactic center patch - galactic coordinates 
centerG = np.array([0,0])
d150G['RA_center'], d150G['DEC_center'] = qubic.gal2equ(centerG[0], centerG[1])
d220G['RA_center'], d220G['DEC_center'] = d150G['RA_center'], d150G['DEC_center']

centers = [centerQ, centerQ, centerG, centerG]
dictionaries = [d150Q, d220Q, d150G, d220G]

regions = ['Qubic_field', 'GalCen_field']
bands = ['150', '220']

nf_recon = d150Q['nf_recon']

print(" =========== DONE ======== ")
コード例 #10
ファイル: xFC.py プロジェクト: mwrightqub/qubic
import scipy
import pysm3.units as u
from pysm3 import utils
from pysm3 import bandpass_unit_conversion
from qubic import camb_interface as qc
import sys
import qubic
import pickle
from qubic import mcmc
from qubic import NamasterLib as nam
from forecast_tools import cl2dl, _get_Cl_cmb
import os.path as op
CMB_CL_FILE = op.join(

center = qubic.equ2gal(-30, -30)
# If there is not this command, the kernel shut down every time..
os.environ['KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK'] = 'True'

def get_coverage(fsky, nside, center_radec=[-30, -30]):
    center = qubic.equ2gal(center_radec[0], center_radec[1])
    uvcenter = np.array(hp.ang2vec(center[0], center[1], lonlat=True))
    uvpix = np.array(hp.pix2vec(nside, np.arange(12 * nside**2)))
    ang = np.arccos(np.dot(uvcenter, uvpix))
    indices = np.argsort(ang)
    okpix = ang < -1
    okpix[indices[0:int(fsky * 12 * nside**2)]] = True
    mask = np.zeros(12 * nside**2)
    mask[okpix] = 1
    return mask