コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, period, observables, verbose=False, log=None, **sampling_kwargs):
        self.period = period
        self.past_values = []
        self.system = System(*observables)
        self.sampling_kwargs = sampling_kwargs
        self.last = {}
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.log = log

        self.csv_fields = ["epoch"]
        for obs_name in self.system.observables.keys():
            self.csv_fields.append(obs_name + "_mean")
            self.csv_fields.append(obs_name + "_variance")
            self.csv_fields.append(obs_name + "_std_error")

        if self.log is not None:
            with open(self.log, "a") as log_file:
                writer = csv.DictWriter(log_file, fieldnames=self.csv_fields)
コード例 #2
class ObservableEvaluator(CallbackBase):
    r"""Evaluate and hold on to the results of the given observable(s).

    This CallbackBase is called at the end of each epoch.

    .. note::
        Since CallbackBases are given to :func:`fit<qucumber.nn_states.WaveFunction.fit>`
        as a list, they will be called in a deterministic order. It is
        therefore recommended that instances of
        :class:`ObservableEvaluator<ObservableEvaluator>` be among the first callbacks in
        the list passed to :func:`fit<qucumber.nn_states.WaveFunction.fit>`,
        as one would often use it in conjunction with other callbacks like
        :class:`EarlyStopping<EarlyStopping>` which may depend on
        :class:`ObservableEvaluator<ObservableEvaluator>` having been called.

    :param period: Frequency with which the callback evaluates the given
    :type period: int
    :param observables: A list of Observables. Observable statistics are
                        evaluated by sampling the WaveFunction. Note that
                        observables that have the same name will conflict,
                        and precedence will be given to the right-most
                        observable argument.
    :type observables: list(qucumber.observables.Observable)
    :param verbose: Whether to print metrics to stdout.
    :type verbose: bool
    :param log: A filepath to log metric values to in CSV format.
    :type log: str
    :param \**sampling_kwargs: Keyword arguments to be passed to `Observable.statistics`.
                               Ex. `num_samples`, `num_chains`, `burn_in`, `steps`.
    def __init__(self,
        self.period = period
        self.past_values = []
        self.system = System(*observables)
        self.sampling_kwargs = sampling_kwargs
        self.last = {}
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.log = log

        self.csv_fields = ["epoch"]
        for obs_name in self.system.observables.keys():
            self.csv_fields.append(obs_name + "_mean")
            self.csv_fields.append(obs_name + "_variance")
            self.csv_fields.append(obs_name + "_std_error")

        if self.log is not None:
            with open(self.log, "a") as log_file:
                writer = csv.DictWriter(log_file, fieldnames=self.csv_fields)

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the number of timesteps that observables have been evaluated for.

        :rtype: int
        return len(self.past_values)

    def __getattr__(self, observable):
        """Return an ObservableStatistics containing recorded statistics of the given observable.

        :param observable: The observable to retrieve.
        :type observable: str

        :returns: The past values of the observable.
        :rtype: ObservableStatistics
            return ObservableStatistics(
                [values[observable] for _, values in self.past_values])
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError(
                "'{}' is not an Observable being tracked by this object.".

    def epochs(self):
        """Return a list of all epochs that have been recorded.

        :rtype: np.array
        return np.array([epoch for epoch, _ in self.past_values])

    def names(self):
        """The names of the tracked observables.

        :rtype: list[str]
        return list(self.system.observables.keys())

    def clear_history(self):
        """Delete all statistics the instance is currently storing."""
        self.past_values = []
        self.last = {}

    def get_value(self, name, index=None):
        """Retrieve the statistics of the desired observable from the given timestep.

        :param name: The name of the observable to retrieve.
        :type name: str
        :param index: The index/timestep from which to retrieve the observable.
                      Negative indices are supported. If None, will just get
                      the most recent value.
        :type index: int or None
        index = index if index is not None else -1
        return self.past_values[index][-1][name]

    def on_epoch_end(self, nn_state, epoch):
        if epoch % self.period == 0:
            obs_vals = self.system.statistics(nn_state, **self.sampling_kwargs)

            self.last = obs_vals.copy()
            self.past_values.append((epoch, obs_vals))

            if self.verbose is True:
                print("Epoch: {}\n".format(epoch), end="", flush=True)
                partially_formatted = {
                    k: "\t".join("{}: {:.6f}".format(s, sv)
                                 for s, sv in stats.items())
                    for k, stats in self.last.items()
                print("\n".join("  {}:\n    {}".format(k, stats)
                                for k, stats in partially_formatted.items()))

            if self.log is not None:
                row = {"epoch": epoch}
                for obs_name, obs_stats in self.last.items():
                    for stat_name, stat in obs_stats.items():
                        row[obs_name + "_" + stat_name] = stat

                with open(self.log, "a") as log_file:
                    writer = csv.DictWriter(log_file,