def readDropboxStockQuotes (myFile): with open(myFile,'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) header = ['Quote','Date','Open','High','Low','Close','Volume','Unknown'] jsonData = [] rownum = 0 for row in reader: #print row temp = [] colnum = 0 for col in row: #jsonCol = header[colnum] #print '%s: %s' % (jsonCol, col) temp.append(col) colnum += 1 try: temp[1] = datetime.datetime.strptime(temp[1], "%m/%d/%Y").strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") except ValueError: temp[1] = datetime.datetime.strptime(temp[1], "%m-%d-%Y").strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ''' jsonData.append({header[0]: temp[0], header[1]: temp[1], \ header[2]: temp[2], header[3]: temp[3], \ header[4]: temp[4], header[5]: temp[5], \ header[6]: temp[6], header[7]: temp[7]}) ''' tempQuote = temp[0] tempQuote = tempQuote.replace("^", "_") tempQuote = tempQuote.replace("-", "_") tempQuote += "_" doesTableExist = qs.checkTableExistence(tempQuote) #print "does quote: %s have a table? %s" % (tempQuote, doesTableExist) if doesTableExist: #insert data to database print "%s table exists... writing data..." % tempQuote qs.writeQuoteDataToDB(tempQuote,temp,"dropbox") else: #create table before adding print "creating table %s!" % tempQuote qs.createTable(tempQuote) print " writing data to %s" % tempQuote qs.writeQuoteDataToDB(tempQuote,temp,"dropbox") rownum += 1
def downloadPseCSVdata(quoteData): #file to be written to tempFile = "stockquote.csv" #segregate the data company = quoteData[0] id = quoteData[1] security = quoteData[2] doesTableExist = qs.checkTableExistence(company) #print "does quote: %s have a table? %s" % (company, doesTableExist) if doesTableExist == 0: #create table before adding print "creating table %s!" % company qs.createTable(company) latestTS = qs.GetLatestTimestamp(company) if latestTS == None: latestTS = "1900-01-01 00:00:00" try: latestTS = latestTS.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.0") except AttributeError: latestTS = datetime.datetime.strptime(latestTS, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") #Quick Check if stocks data has been updated for today curTS = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00.0") #print "timestamp today: %s" % (curTS) if curTS == latestTS: print "company: %s, id: %s, security: %s, stock is UP TO DATE!!!" % (company, id, security) return else: #Current timestamp curTS = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.0") #Philippine Market Close Time targetTS = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d 15:35:00.0") prevTS = (pd.to_datetime("2016-03-11") - td(1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00.0") if (latestTS == prevTS) and (curTS < targetTS): print "company: %s, id: %s, security: %s, stock is UP TO DATE!!!" % (company, id, security) return #pass print "company: %s, id: %s, security: %s, latest timestamp: %s" % (company, id, security, latestTS) url = '' % (security) response = urllib2.urlopen(url) print "The Headers are: ",['content-disposition'] try: # Get all data html = time.sleep(1) #print "Get all date:", html #open the file for writing fh = open(tempFile,"w") fh.write(html) fh.close() with open(tempFile,'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) header = [] rownum = 0 for row in reader: if rownum == 0: header = row rownum += 1 #print header continue #print row temp = [] colnum = 0 for col in row: temp.append(col) colnum += 1 if temp[0] > latestTS: # write to database only if the timestamp is greater than # the latest timestamp print "Writing row with timestamp: %s" % (temp[0]) qs.writeQuoteDataToDB(company,temp,"pse") rownum += 1 except: print "\nERROR: Info might be wrong for company: %s, id: %s, security: %s\n" % (company, id, security)