コード例 #1
print(swapchars("this uses the intermediate character, ~~ when replacing"))
"""for the last one we expect the ~~ to be replaced when it shouldn't be because
that is the intermediate character used for swapping. I could not think of a way
around that. For the 2nd test the punctuation is most common character. I could
have created a string devoid off all punctuation and spaces, but that seemed
tedious and unnecessary for the assignment. All the other tests behave as expected"""


#tests for question3.py
from question3 import sortcat

print "sortcat: "
print(sortcat(1, "a", "ahhhhh"))
print(sortcat(-1, "a", "ahhhhh"))
print(sortcat(1, "hello", "world", "ign"))
print(sortcat(2, "hello", "world", "ign"))
print(sortcat(3, "hello", "world", "ign"))
print(sortcat(-1, "hello", "world", "ignore"))
print(sortcat(-5, "hello", "world", "ign"))

""" All the outputs are as they are expected. First one should be 'ahhhhh',
second one should be 'ahhhhha, and so on. I did not include a case where
an input was not a string because this creates a TypeError which crashes the
test file. To solve this we could test that all arguments entered are strings
and if they are not return an error. """

コード例 #2
if __name__ == '__main__':
    print "Displaying tests:"
    print "--- Question 2 ---"
    test_str = "There were a lot of escopeoples in the elevator on Tuesday."
    result_str = "Thyry wyry a lot of yseopyoplys in thy ylyvator on Tuysdae."
    print "Reversing: {}".format(test_str)
    print "Result:    {}".format(swapchars(test_str))
    print "Should be: {}".format(result_str)
    print ""
    print "Reversing: HeLlO"
    print "Result:    {}".format(swapchars("HeLlO"))
    print "Should be: {}".format("HeOoL")
    print ""
    print "--- Question 3 ---"
    print "sortcat(1, 'abc', 'bc')"
    print "Gives:     {}".format(sortcat(1, 'abc', 'bc'))
    print "Should be: {}".format('abc')
    print ""
    print "sortcat(2, 'bc', 'c', 'abc')"
    print "Gives:     {}".format(sortcat(2, 'bc', 'c', 'abc'))
    print "Should be: {}".format('abcbc')
    print ""
    print "sortcat(-1, 'abc', 2)"
    print "Gives:     {}".format(sortcat(-1, 'abc', 2))
    print "Should be: {}".format("abc2")
    print ""
    print "--- Question 4 ---"
    print "Testing for 2000 trials..."
    trials = 2000
    win_frac = look_away(trials)
    # Compute win loss counts based on fraction returned
コード例 #3

from pprint import pprint # pretty print output formatting, you don't have to use this, can just use "print"
from question2 import swapchars # so in the file question2.py, this will look for a function called "swapchars"
from question3 import sortcat # so in the file question3.py, this will look for a function called "sortcat"
from question4a import lookaway # so in the file question4a.py, this will look for a function called "lookaway"

print "==testing question 2=="
print "swapchars... ",
# Prints:"ihhhhhh"

print "==testing question 3=="
print "sortcat... ",
pprint(sortcat(3, "wordone", "w3", "word2", "4"))
# Prints:"wordoneword2w3"
pprint(sortcat(2, "dd", "aaaaaaa", "eeee", "bbbbb", "ccc"))
# Prints:"aaaaaaabbbbb"

print "==testing question 4=="
print "Will luigi win?... ",
# Prints three proportions (usually between 20 to 30 wins out of 100 games)

# Make sure you record in comments what the result is! It should be what you expect, or else you know
# something's wrong with your solution!