コード例 #1
ファイル: devices.py プロジェクト: ekCit/OS_simulator
 def __init__(self):
     Initializes CPU with no active processes and empty non-frozen
     Priority Queue
     self.active = None
     self._dev_name = "CPU"
コード例 #2
ファイル: devices.py プロジェクト: ekCit/OS_simulator
    def __init__(self, dname, cyl):

        self._dev_type = "Disk Drive"
        self._dev_name = dname
        self._cylinders = cyl

        # Two priority queues to implement FSCAN. Q2 is frozen
        self._q1 = PriorityQueue()
        self._q2 = PriorityQueue(True)
コード例 #3
ファイル: devices.py プロジェクト: ekCit/OS_simulator
 def ready_to_CPU(self):
     Moves process at head of ready queue to CPU
     if not PriorityQueue.empty(self):
         self.active = PriorityQueue.dequeue(self)
     else:  # Nothing in ready queue
         self.active = None
         print io.nothing_in_ready()
コード例 #4
ファイル: devices.py プロジェクト: ekCit/OS_simulator
 def snapshot(self):
     """ Prints processes in ready queue, plus active process in CPU with headers """
     print io.snapshot_header("ready")
     if self.active:
         print " ACTIVE IN CPU (Est time remaining: {0:}) ".format(
             str(self.active.next_est_burst)).center(78, "=")
         print io.ruler()
         print "\n" + "No active process in the CPU".center(78)
コード例 #5
def dijkstra(start_tile, end_tile):
    Dijkstra's algorithm
    :param start_tile: Tile object, start tile of board
    :param end_tile: Tile object, end tile of board
    queue = PriorityQueue()
    queue.put(start_tile, 0)
    came_from = {start_tile: None}
    cost_so_far = {start_tile: 0}
    has_been_next_tile = []

    while not queue.empty():
        current_tile = queue.get()

        if current_tile == end_tile:

        for next_tile in current_tile.neighbours:
            if next_tile not in has_been_next_tile:
            new_cost = cost_so_far[current_tile] + next_tile.weight

            if next_tile not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[
                cost_so_far[next_tile] = new_cost

                priority = new_cost
                queue.put(next_tile, priority)

                came_from[next_tile] = current_tile

    return came_from, cost_so_far, has_been_next_tile
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self, dataStructure):
        super(interactiveDataStructures, self).__init__()
        # rich module elements
        self.console = Console()
        # Datastructure elements
        availableDataStrutuces = {
            'DynamicArray': DynamicArray(),
            'SingleLinkedList': SinglyLinkedList(),
            'DoublyLinkedList': DoublyLinkedList(),
            'Stack': Stack(),
            'Queue': Queue(),
            'PriorityQueue': PriorityQueue()

        correspondingNodes = {
            'DynamicArray': None,
            'SingleLinkedList': ListNode(None),
            'DoublyLinkedList': ListNode(None),
            'Stack': StackNode(None),
            'Queue': QueueNode(None),
            'PriorityQueue': PQNode(None)

        if dataStructure in availableDataStrutuces:
            self.dataStructure = availableDataStrutuces[dataStructure]
            self.DSNode = correspondingNodes[dataStructure]
            self.DSname = dataStructure
            interactiveDataStructures.prompt = text.Text(f'({dataStructure}) ', style="bold magenta") # doesn't quite work
            raise ValueError(f'Please choose one of the following available data structure: {availableDataStrutuces.keys()}')
コード例 #7
ファイル: devices.py プロジェクト: ekCit/OS_simulator
    def terminate(self, pid=None):
        If no pid given, terminates active process in CPU. Else, terminates 
        process with given pid. 
        If active process is terminated, moves head of Ready Queue to CPU.
        Precondition: pid is a valid PID for a process in the ready queue or CPU
        proc = None
        if self.active:
            # Terminate active process if no pid given or if active process has
            # given pid

            if not pid or self.active.pid == pid:
                proc = self.active

            else:  # Look for process in ready queue and remove
                proc = PriorityQueue.pop(self, pid)

                # Prompt for time since last interrupt
                # Update burst time for active process
                elapsed = io.get_valid_int("Time since last interrupt")

            # Print stats
            print "\n" + "{:-^78}".format(" Terminated Process Report ")
            print "PID: {:<4} Avg CPU Burst Time: {:<5} Total CPU Time: {:<5}".format(
                proc.pid, proc.avg_burst_time(),
                proc.tot_burst_time()).center(78, " ")

            del proc

            raise IndexError
コード例 #8
ファイル: devices.py プロジェクト: ekCit/OS_simulator
 def contains(self, pid):
     # CPU is empty
     if not self.active:
         return False
     if pid == self.active.pid:
         return True
         return PriorityQueue.contains(self, pid)
コード例 #9
ファイル: graph.py プロジェクト: kogw/python-tools
    def dijkstra(self, origin_vertex_value, destination_vertex_value) -> collections.deque([Vertex]):
        labels = {}
        parents = {}
        for v in self.vertices():
            labels[v] = math.inf
            parents[v] = None
        labels[self[origin_vertex_value]] = 0
        table = PriorityQueue([v for v in self.vertices()], key=lambda v: labels[v], reverse=True)  # min-heap

        while table:
            start = table.pop()
            for adjacent_edge in start.outgoing_edges:
                end = adjacent_edge.destination
                index = table.find(end)
                if index != -1:
                    weighted_distance = labels[start] + adjacent_edge.weight
                    if weighted_distance < labels[end]:
                        labels[end] = weighted_distance
                        parents[end] = start

        result = collections.deque()
        start = self[destination_vertex_value]
        while start is not None:
            start = parents[start]
        return result
コード例 #10
def Dijkstra(num_nodes, mission, f_next, heuristic=None, num_controls=0):
    """Djikstra planner."""
    t = Timer()
    unvis_node = -1
    previous = np.full(num_nodes, dtype=np.int, fill_value=unvis_node)
    cost_to_come = np.zeros(num_nodes)
    control_to_come = np.zeros((num_nodes, num_controls), dtype=np.int)

    startNode = mission['start']['id']
    goalNode = mission['goal']['id']

    #Priority queue based on the lower cost-to-go
    q = PriorityQueue()
    foundPlan = False

    while not q.IsEmpty():
        x_ctc = q.pop()
        x = x_ctc[1]
        if x == goalNode:
            foundPlan = True
        neighbours, u, d = f_next(x)
        for xi, ui, di in zip(neighbours, u, d):
            if previous[xi] == unvis_node or cost_to_come[xi] > cost_to_come[x] + di:
                previous[xi] = x
                cost_to_come[xi] = cost_to_come[x] + di
                if num_controls > 0:
                    control_to_come[xi] = ui

    # Recreate the plan by traversing previous from goal node
    if not foundPlan:
        return []
        plan = [goalNode]
        length = cost_to_come[goalNode]
        control = []
        while plan[0] != startNode:
            if num_controls > 0:
                control.insert(0, control_to_come[plan[0]])
            plan.insert(0, previous[plan[0]])

        return {'plan': plan,
                'length': length,
                'num_visited_nodes': np.sum(previous != unvis_node),
                'name': 'Djikstra',
                'time': t.toc(),
                'control': control,
                'visited_nodes': previous[previous != unvis_node]}
コード例 #11
ファイル: devices.py プロジェクト: ekCit/OS_simulator
    def enqueue(self, proc, updateburst=True):
        Adds process to back of ready queue and updates PCB status/location 
        if not self.active:
            # No processes in CPU, process goes straight to CPU
            # No need to prompt for time
            self.active = proc
            if updateburst:
                # Prompt for time since last interrupt
                elapsed = io.get_valid_int("Time since last interrupt")

                # Update burst time for current process

            # Insert  into ready queue
            PriorityQueue.enqueue(self, proc)

            # Move active process to ready queue if it now has a higher
            # remaining burst time left than any process in the ready queue
            if PriorityQueue.head(self) < self.active:
                p = PriorityQueue.dequeue(self)
                PriorityQueue.enqueue(self, self.active)
                self.active = p

        print proc.status()
コード例 #12
def a_star(start, end):
    A* Pathfinding algorithm. Takes a start tile and end tile, and uses
    their neighbour list to traverse.
    Uses the heapq queue in queues.py.
    :param start: Tile
    :param end: Tile
    :return: came_from, dictionary with all tiles as key, and where we came from (parent tile) as value.
             cost_so_far, dictionary with tiles as key, and their cost so far as value.
             success, True or False. If the algorithm found the end tile or not.
             has_been_next, list over tiles that has been considered as the next tile.
    frontier = PriorityQueue()
    frontier.put(start, 0)
    came_from = {start: None}
    cost_so_far = {start: 0}
    has_been_next = []
    success = False

    while not frontier.empty():
        current = frontier.pop()

        if current == end:
            print("A* Pathfinder, successful.")
            success = True

        for next_tile in current.neighbours:

            if next_tile not in has_been_next:

            new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + next_tile.weight
            if next_tile not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[
                cost_so_far[next_tile] = new_cost
                priority = new_cost + heuristic(end, next_tile)
                frontier.put(next_tile, priority)
                came_from[next_tile] = current

    return came_from, cost_so_far, success, has_been_next
コード例 #13
ファイル: search.py プロジェクト: beparadox/npuzzle
def best_first_graph_search(problem, fun, stats=False):
    """Search the nodes with the lowest f scores first.
    You specify the function f(node) that you want to minimize; for example,
    if f is a heuristic estimate to the goal, then we have greedy best
    first search; if f is node.depth then we have breadth-first search.
    There is a subtlety: the line "f = memoize(f, 'f')" means that the f
    values will be cached on the nodes as they are computed. So after doing
    a best first search you can examine the f values of the path returned."""
    memfun = memoize(fun, 'f')
    node = Node(problem.initial)
    if problem.goal_test(node.state):
        return node
    frontier = PriorityQueue(order='min', f=memfun)
    explored = set()
    number_explored = 0
    added_frontier = 0
    while frontier:
        node = frontier.pop()
        #print "\n popped off frontier: " + str(node.state)
        if problem.goal_test(node.state):
            if stats:
                return node, number_explored, added_frontier
                return node

        number_explored += 1

        for child in node.expand(problem):
            #print "child: " + str(child.state)
            if child.state not in explored and child not in frontier:
                added_frontier += 1
            elif child in frontier:
                incumbent = frontier[child]
                if memfun(child) < memfun(incumbent):
                    del frontier[incumbent]
                    added_frontier += 1
    return None
コード例 #14
def graph_search(problem):
    """graph_search(problem) - Given a problem representation
    attempt to solve the problem.
    Returns a tuple (path, path_cost) where:
    path - list of actions to solve the problem or None if no solution was found
    path_cost - Cost to execute the given path

    initial_node = Node(problem, problem.initial,

    frontier_nodes = PriorityQueue(min, Node.get_total_cost)

    explored_nodes = Explored()
    nodes_explored = 0

    while len(frontier_nodes) > 0:
        # Pop the next node from the frontier, add it to the explored set,
        # and increment the nodes_explored counter
        current_node = frontier_nodes.pop()
        nodes_explored += 1

        #Check to see if the current node is a goal state
        if current_node.problem.goal_test(current_node.state):
            return (current_node.path(), current_node.total_cost)

        #Generate the possible actions from the current_node
        successor_nodes = current_node.expand(problem)

        #For each successor_node, if it hasn't been explored, add it to the frontier set
        for node in successor_nodes:
            if explored_nodes.exists(node.state) is False:

    print("No solution found.")
    return (None, nodes_explored)
コード例 #15
ファイル: graph.py プロジェクト: jamesbyrnes/recep-test
    def min_route_distance(self, node_from, node_to):
        Gets the shortest route between two points, using Dijkstra's
            algorithm. This version is modified to allow for a route that
            traverses back to the origin if such a route is possible.

            node_from - The origin point of the connection being queried.
                Method throws a ValueError if the node does not exist.
            node_to - The destination of the connection being queried.
                Method throws a ValueError if the node does not exist.

            int/float - The minimum distance to traverse to complete the
                shortest possible route. If the route is origin to origin
                and no path can be made that traverses other routes to get
                back to the origin, 0 is returned. If it is impossible to get
                from the origin to the destination when the two are different,
                float("inf") (i.e. infinity) is returned.
        if self.get(node_from) is None or self.get(node_to) is None:
            raise ValueError("Non-existant origin or destination node was " \

        min_distances = {}
        node_queue = PriorityQueue()

        # First, initialize min_distances with assumed min_distances for
        # the time being (i.e. 0 for origin, float("inf") for all possible
        # destinations
        for key in self._nodes.keys():
            if key == node_from:
                init_minimum = 0
                init_minimum = float("inf")
            min_distances[key] = init_minimum
            # Items in the priority queue are tuples, with the min_distance
            # listed first for sorting, then the key of the final point
            node_queue.add((init_minimum, key))

        while not node_queue.is_empty():
            minimum, current_node = node_queue.remove()
            for connected_node, connected_distance in self.get(
                new_distance = minimum + connected_distance
                # If the minimum distance from here plus the distance to the
                # next node is less than the current minimum distance to that
                # node from the origin, replace it
                # OR - if the distance is the origin (i.e. min_distance
                # from origin to connected_node is zero) - this allows us to
                # loop back to the origin!
                if new_distance < min_distances[connected_node] or \
                        min_distances[connected_node] == 0:
                    min_distances[connected_node] = new_distance
                    # Prevents the origin node from being added back into the
                    # queue, so we don't re-evaluate the whole graph again
                    if not connected_node == node_from:
                        node_queue.add((new_distance, connected_node))

        # Now we have a dict of all of the Dijkstra min distances to
        # those points from the origin -- we want to return the distance
        # to just one point (the destination)
        return min_distances[node_to]
コード例 #16
ファイル: graph.py プロジェクト: jamesbyrnes/recep-test
    def _num_trips(self, node_from, node_to, minimum, maximum, is_distance):
        Determines the number of trips that can be made between two points
            within a certain number of moves, or less than a certain

            node_from - The origin point of the connection being queried.
                Method throws a ValueError if the node does not exist.
            node_to - The destination of the connection being queried.
                Method throws a ValueError if the node does not exist.
            minimum - The minimum moves/distance required to be made before
                trips are counted. Method will throw a ValueError if less
                than zero.
            maximum - The maximum moves/distance until the number of trips
                stop being counted and the method exits. Will throw a
                ValueError if less than minimum.
            is_distance - Whether or not we're calculating the number of trips
                possible based on distance (True) or number of moves (False).
            int - The number of possible trips given the restrictions.
        if maximum < minimum:
            raise ValueError("maximum ({:d}) is less than " \
                    "minimum ({:d})".format(maximum, minimum))
        elif minimum <= 0:
            raise ValueError("minimum requires a value greater than zero")
        if self.get(node_from) is None or self.get(node_to) is None:
            raise ValueError("Non-existant origin or destination node was " \
        available_routes = 0

        # We start by building a priority queue made of tuples, which contains
        # origin node and the number of moves or distance needed to get there.
        # Then, we start populating the queue with the
        # name of connecting nodes and the number of connections traversed
        # or distance traversed to get from the origin to that point.
        trip_queue = PriorityQueue()
        trip_queue.add((0, node_from))
        while not trip_queue.is_empty():
            current_node = trip_queue.remove()
            # leave the loop now if we've reached the maximum.
            # in the current data set, our maximum move count limit is based
            # on being less than OR EQUAL TO the maximum, while the distance
            # limit is based on being LESS THAN to the maximum ONLY. That
            # conditional is reflected here.
            if is_distance and current_node[0] >= maximum:
            elif not is_distance and current_node[0] > maximum:
            # add to the count if we've reached the destination and
            # we're above our minimum
            if current_node[1] == node_to and current_node[0] >= minimum:
                available_routes += 1
            # continue adding to the queue - if we're measuring by distance,
            # add the distance to the next node. Else, just increment by one
            # and keep going.
            for connected_node, distance in self.get(current_node[1]).items():
                if is_distance:
                    increment = distance
                    increment = 1
                trip_queue.add((current_node[0] + increment, connected_node))

        return available_routes
コード例 #17
def timedGameScoreSearch(graph, playerKey, timeout):
    startPos = graph.getPosition(playerKey)
    counter = 0
    frontier = PriorityQueue()
    graphKey = graph.getStateKey()
    foundKey = None
    frontier.put(graphKey, 0)
    cameFrom = {}
    costSoFar = {}
    startKey = graph.getStateKey()
    expandedNodes[startKey] = graph
    cameFrom[startKey] = None
    costSoFar[startKey] = 0
    bestHeuristicSoFar = 99999
    bestFoundSoFar = startKey
    targetScore = 50

    while not frontier.empty():
        counter += 1
        if counter > 1999: break
        currentKey = frontier.get()
        current = expandedNodes[currentKey]

        if time.time() > timeout:
            foundKey = bestFoundSoFar
            logger.info("breaking because of timeout, counter: " + str(counter))

        #check for goal
        if current.getScore() > targetScore:
            foundKey = currentKey
            logger.info("breaking because found, counter: " + str(counter))

        nCounter = 0
        for next in current.neighbors(playerKey):
            nCounter += 1
            nextKey = next.getStateKey()
            expandedNodes[nextKey] = next
            newCost = costSoFar[currentKey] + 1 #graph.cost(current, next, playerKey)
            if nextKey not in costSoFar or newCost < costSoFar[nextKey]:
                costSoFar[nextKey] = newCost
                heuristic = next.cleverScoreHeuristic(targetScore)
                if heuristic < bestHeuristicSoFar and len(next.neighbors(playerKey)) > 0:
                    bestFoundSoFar = nextKey
                    bestHeuristicSoFar = heuristic
                priority = newCost + heuristic
                cameFrom[nextKey] = currentKey
                if len(next.neighbors(playerKey)) > 0: # add to frontier if I am alive in this NODE
                    #Add large penalty for states where an opponent can blow me up so we only remove from frontier if absolutely nescecerry
                    #get position
                    nextPosition = next.getPosition(playerKey)
                    inOpponentDangerZone = next.testIfInOpponentDanger(nextPosition)
                    #logger.info("inOpponentDangerZone: %s" % inOpponentDangerZone)
                    #check if in simulatedBombZone
                    opponentDangerPenalty = 0
                    if inOpponentDangerZone:
                        opponentDangerPenalty = 999
                    frontier.put(nextKey, priority + opponentDangerPenalty)

    #logger.info("returning from timedGameStarSearch, counter: " + str(counter))
    return cameFrom, costSoFar, foundKey, startKey
コード例 #18
from queues import PriorityQueue

class Golfer:
	def __init__(self, name, score):
		self.name = name
		self.score = score

	def __str__(self):
		return "{0:16}: {1}".format(self.name, self.score)

	def __gt__(self, other):
		return self.score < other.score # less is more

tiger = Golfer("Tiger Woods", 61)
phil = Golfer("Phil Mickelson", 72)
hal = Golfer("Hal Sutton", 69)

pq = PriorityQueue()
for g in [tiger, phil, hal]:

while not pq.is_empty():
コード例 #19
ファイル: devices.py プロジェクト: ekCit/OS_simulator
class DiskDrive(PriorityQueue):
    Initializes new disk drive with device name and two empty queues
    to implement FLOOK disk scheduling
    def __init__(self, dname, cyl):

        self._dev_type = "Disk Drive"
        self._dev_name = dname
        self._cylinders = cyl

        # Two priority queues to implement FSCAN. Q2 is frozen
        self._q1 = PriorityQueue()
        self._q2 = PriorityQueue(True)

    ## Methods to check/return device properties

    def get_num_cylinders(self):
        return self._cylinders

    def is_device_name(self, query_name):
        return True if self._dev_name == query_name else False

    def get_dev_name(self):
        return self._dev_name

    def is_device_type(self, query_type):
        return True if self._dev_type == query_type else False

    def get_dev_type(self):
        return self._dev_type

    def contains(self, pid):
        return (self._q1.contains(pid) or self._q2.contains(pid))

    ## Scheduling methods

    def enqueue(self, proc):
        Enqueue processes to unfrozen queue. Update process location.
        If frozen queue is empty, unfreeze and freeze other queue

        if self._q1.is_frozen():  #Q1 is frozen, add to Q2
            if self._q1.empty():

        else:  #Q2 frozen, add to Q1
            if self._q2.empty():

    def dequeue(self):
        Remove and return process at head of frozen queue. Clear any
        parameters passed when queued.

        Only dequeue processes from whichever queue is frozen. If dequeuing
        empties queue, freeze queue and unfreeze other queue
        if self._q1.is_frozen():
            proc = self._q1.dequeue()
            if self._q1.empty():

            proc = self._q2.dequeue()
            if self._q2.empty():

        return proc

    def terminate(self, pid):
        if self._q1.contains(pid):
            if self._q1.is_frozen() and self._q1.empty():
        elif self._q2.contains(pid):
            if self._q2.is_frozen() and self._q2.empty():
            raise IndexError

    ## Methods to print device in human readable form to console

    def __repr__(self):
        return self._dev_name + " (" + self._dev_type.lower() + ")"

    def __str__(self):
        """ Returns device name and type as a string """
        return self._dev_type + " " + self._dev_name

    def snapshot(self):
        Prints active processes in disk drive queue, in order they will be processed
        print io.snapshot_header(self._dev_name)

        if self._q1.empty() and self._q2.empty():
            print '{:^78}'.format("EMPTY: No processes in queue")
            if self._q1.is_frozen():
                print io.snapshot_header("PROCESSING [FROZEN]", "-")
                print io.snapshot_header("NEW REQUESTS", "-")
                print io.snapshot_header("PROCESSING [FROZEN]", "-")
                print io.snapshot_header("NEW REQUESTS", "-")