コード例 #1
    def H_hop(self, i, j, f, dir):
        TODO: pkron vs ikron performance?

        i, j: (directed) edge qubits indices
        f: face qubit index
        dir: {'vertical', 'horizontal'}

        Returns hopping term acting on qbits ijf,
            (XiXjOf + YiYjOf)/2
        where Of is Xf, Yf or Identity depending on ijf
        X, Y = (qu.pauli(mu) for mu in ['x', 'y'])
        Of = {'vertical': X, 'horizontal': Y}[dir]

        #if no face qbit
        if f == None:
            # print('{}--{}-->{}   (None)'.format(i,dir[0],j))
            # XXO=qu.ikron(ops=[X,X], dims=self._sim_dims, inds=[i,j])
            # YYO=qu.ikron(ops=[Y,Y], dims=self._sim_dims, inds=[i,j])
            XXO = qu.pkron(op=X & X, dims=self._sim_dims, inds=[i, j])
            YYO = qu.pkron(op=Y & Y, dims=self._sim_dims, inds=[i, j])

        #if there's a face qubit: Of acts on index f
            # print('{}--{}-->{},  face {}'.format(i,dir[0],j,f))
            # XXO=qu.ikron(ops=[X,X,Of], dims=self._sim_dims, inds=[i,j,f])
            # YYO=qu.ikron(ops=[Y,Y,Of], dims=self._sim_dims, inds=[i,j,f])
            XXO = qu.pkron(op=X & X & Of, dims=self._sim_dims, inds=(i, j, f))
            YYO = qu.pkron(op=Y & Y & Of, dims=self._sim_dims, inds=(i, j, f))

        return 0.5 * (XXO + YYO)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_core.py プロジェクト: zizai/quimb
 def test_dop_reverse_sparse(self):
     a = qu.rand_rho(4, sparse=True, density=0.5)
     b = qu.pkron(a, np.array([2, 2, 2]), [2, 0])
     c = ((a & qu.eye(2)).A.reshape([2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
                                     2]).transpose([1, 2, 0, 4, 5,
                                                    3]).reshape([8, 8]))
     assert_allclose(b.A, c)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_core.py プロジェクト: zizai/quimb
 def test_dop_reverse(self):
     a = qu.rand_rho(4)
     b = qu.pkron(a, np.array([2, 2, 2]), [2, 0])
     c = ((a & qu.eye(2)).A.reshape([2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
                                     2]).transpose([1, 2, 0, 4, 5,
                                                    3]).reshape([8, 8]))
     assert_allclose(b, c)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_core.py プロジェクト: zizai/quimb
 def test_dop_spread(self):
     a = qu.rand_rho(4)
     b = qu.pkron(a, [2, 2, 2], [0, 2])
     c = ((a & qu.eye(2)).A.reshape([2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
                                     2]).transpose([0, 2, 1, 3, 5,
                                                    4]).reshape([8, 8]))
     assert_allclose(b, c)
コード例 #5
    def test_compute_local_expectation_vs_dense(self, Lx, Ly, normalized):

        # (2Lx-1) * (2Ly-1) lattice ePEPSvector
        epeps = qnets.QubitEncodeVector.rand(Lx, Ly)\

        # qubits + dummies
        n_sites = (2 * Lx - 1) * (2 * Ly - 1)
        # vertices + occupied faces in 'original' Lx*Ly lattice
        n_qubits = (Lx * Ly) + int((Lx - 1) * (Ly - 1) / 2)

        # 'qubit' Fermi-Hubbard with random parameters
        t, V, mu = np.random.rand(3)
        H = hams.SpinlessSimHam(Lx, Ly, t, V, mu)

        # separate indices of qubits from 'aux' tensors
        qubit_inds = tuple(
                    (epeps.qubit_to_coo_map[q] for q in range(n_qubits))))
        non_qubit_inds = set(epeps.site_inds) - set(qubit_inds)

        # 'densify' into vector with qubit dimensions first
        psi_dense = epeps.to_dense((*qubit_inds, *non_qubit_inds))
        if normalized:

        dense_terms = [
            qu.pkron(term, dims=[2] * n_sites, inds=where)
            for where, term in H.gen_ham_terms()

        exact = sum((qu.expec(h, psi_dense) for h in dense_terms))

        # now compute energy with `ePEPSvector.compute_local_expectation`
        q2coo = lambda q: epeps.qubit_to_coo_map[q]
        CooHam = H.convert_to_coordinate_ham(q2coo)
        terms = CooHam._coo_ham_terms

        envs, plaqmap = epeps.calc_plaquette_envs_and_map(terms)
        opts = dict(cutoff=2e-3, max_bond=9, contract_optimize='random-greedy')

        e = epeps.compute_local_expectation(terms,

        assert e == pytest.approx(exact, rel=1e-2)