コード例 #1
ファイル: http_request.py プロジェクト: zhou0/quixote
    def __init__(self, stdin, environ):
        self.stdin = stdin
        self.environ = environ
        self.form = {}
        self.session = None
        self.charset = self.DEFAULT_CHARSET or quixote.DEFAULT_CHARSET
        self.response = HTTPResponse()

        # The strange treatment of SERVER_PORT_SECURE is because IIS
        # sets this environment variable to "0" for non-SSL requests
        # (most web servers -- well, Apache at least -- simply don't set
        # it in that case).
        if (environ.get('HTTPS', 'off').lower() in ('on', 'yes', '1')
                or environ.get('SERVER_PORT_SECURE', '0') != '0'):
            self.scheme = "https"
            self.scheme = "http"

        k = self.environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE', '')
        if k:
            self.cookies = parse_cookies(k)
            self.cookies = {}

        # IIS breaks PATH_INFO because it leaves in the path to
        # the script, so SCRIPT_NAME is "/cgi-bin/q.py" and PATH_INFO
        # is "/cgi-bin/q.py/foo/bar".  The following code fixes
        # PATH_INFO to the expected value "/foo/bar".
        web_server = environ.get('SERVER_SOFTWARE', 'unknown')
        if web_server.find('Microsoft-IIS') != -1:
            script = environ['SCRIPT_NAME']
            path = environ['PATH_INFO']
            if path.startswith(script):
                path = path[len(script):]
                self.environ['PATH_INFO'] = path
コード例 #2
ファイル: publish.py プロジェクト: zhou0/quixote
 def finish_interrupted_request(self, exc):
     Called at the end of an interrupted request.  Requests are
     interrupted by raising a PublishError exception.  This method
     should return a string object which will be used as the result of
     the request.
     if not self.config.display_exceptions and exc.private_msg:
         exc.private_msg = None  # hide it
     request = get_request()
     request.response = HTTPResponse(status=exc.status_code)
     output = self.format_publish_error(exc)
     return output
コード例 #3
    def finish_interrupted_request(self, request, exc):
        Called at the end of an interrupted request.  Requests are
        interrupted by raising a PublishError exception.  This method
        should return a string object which will be used as the result of
        the request.

        This method searches for the nearest namespace with a
        _q_exception_handler attribute.  That attribute is expected to be
        a function and is called with the request and exception instance
        as arguments and should return the error page (e.g. a string).  If
        the handler doesn't want to handle a particular error it can
        re-raise it and the next nearest handler will be found.  If no
        _q_exception_handler is found, the default Quixote handler is

        # Throw away the existing response object and start a new one
        # for the error document we're going to create here.
        request.response = HTTPResponse()

        # set response status code so every custom doesn't have to do it

        if self.config.secure_errors and exc.private_msg:
            exc.private_msg = None  # hide it

        # walk up stack and find handler for the exception
        stack = self.namespace_stack[:]
        while 1:
            handler = None
            while stack:
                object = stack.pop()
                if hasattr(object, "_q_exception_handler"):
                    handler = object._q_exception_handler
            if handler is None:
                handler = errors.default_exception_handler

                return handler(request, exc)
            except errors.PublishError:
                assert handler is not errors.default_exception_handler
                continue  # exception was re-raised or another exception occured
コード例 #4
    def finish_failed_request(self):
        Called at the end of an failed request.  Any exception (other
        than PublishError) causes a request to fail.  This method should
        return a string object which will be used as the result of the
        # build new response to be safe
        request = get_request()
        original_response = request.response
        request.response = HTTPResponse()
        #self.log("caught an error (%s), reporting it." %
        #         sys.exc_info()[1])

        (exc_type, exc_value, tb) = sys.exc_info()
        error_summary = traceback.format_exception_only(exc_type, exc_value)
        error_summary = error_summary[0][0:-1] # de-listify and strip newline

        plain_error_msg = self._generate_plaintext_error(request,
                                                         exc_type, exc_value,

        if not self.config.display_exceptions:
            # DISPLAY_EXCEPTIONS is false, so return the most
            # secure (and cryptic) page.
            request.response.set_header("Content-Type", "text/html")
            user_error_msg = self._generate_internal_error(request)
        elif self.config.display_exceptions == 'html':
            # Generate a spiffy HTML display using cgitb
            request.response.set_header("Content-Type", "text/html")
            user_error_msg = self._generate_cgitb_error(request,
                                                        exc_type, exc_value,
            # Generate a plaintext page containing the traceback
            request.response.set_header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
            user_error_msg = plain_error_msg

        self.logger.log_internal_error(error_summary, plain_error_msg)
        return user_error_msg