コード例 #1
ファイル: songs.py プロジェクト: silkecho/glowing-silk
 def scan(self, paths, exclude=[], cofuncid=None):
     added = []
     exclude = [util.expanduser(path) for path in exclude if path]
     for fullpath in paths:
         print_d("Scanning %r." % fullpath, self)
         desc = _("Scanning %s") % (util.unexpand(util.fsdecode(fullpath)))
         with Task(_("Library"), desc) as task:
             if cofuncid: task.copool(cofuncid)
             fullpath = util.expanduser(fullpath)
             if filter(fullpath.startswith, exclude):
             for path, dnames, fnames in os.walk(util.fsnative(fullpath)):
                 for filename in fnames:
                     fullfilename = os.path.join(path, filename)
                     if filter(fullfilename.startswith, exclude):
                     if fullfilename not in self._contents:
                         fullfilename = os.path.realpath(fullfilename)
                         if filter(fullfilename.startswith, exclude):
                         if fullfilename not in self._contents:
                             item = self.add_filename(fullfilename, False)
                             if item is not None:
                                 if len(added) > 20:
                                     added = []
                                     yield True
                 if added:
                     added = []
                     yield True
コード例 #2
ファイル: _pattern.py プロジェクト: silkecho/glowing-silk
    def _post(self, value, song):
        if value:
            fn = song.get("~filename", ".")
            ext = fn[fn.rfind("."):].lower()
            val_ext = value[-len(ext):].lower()
            if not ext == val_ext: value += ext.lower()
            if os.name == "nt":
                value = util.strip_win32_incompat_from_path(value)

            value = util.expanduser(value)

            # Limit each path section to 255 (bytes on linux, chars on win).
            # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems#Limits
            path, ext = os.path.splitext(value)
            path = map(util.fsnative, path.split(os.sep))
            limit = [255] * len(path)
            limit[-1] -= len(util.fsnative(ext))
            elip = lambda (p, l): (len(p) > l and p[:l-2] + "..") or p
            path = os.sep.join(map(elip, zip(path, limit)))
            value = util.fsdecode(path) + ext

            if os.sep in value and not os.path.isabs(value):
                raise ValueError("Pattern is not rooted")
        return value
コード例 #3
ファイル: quodlibet.py プロジェクト: silkecho/glowing-silk
def process_arguments():
    controls = ["next", "previous", "play", "pause", "play-pause", "stop",
                "hide-window", "show-window", "toggle-window",
                "focus", "quit", "unfilter", "refresh", "force-previous"]
    controls_opt = ["seek", "order", "repeat", "query", "volume", "filter",
                    "set-rating", "set-browser", "open-browser", "random",
                    "song-list", "queue"]

    options = util.OptionParser(
        "Quod Libet", const.VERSION,
        _("a music library and player"),

    options.add("print-playing", help=_("Print the playing song and exit"))
    options.add("start-playing", help=_("Begin playing immediately"))

    for opt, help in [
        ("next", _("Jump to next song")),
            _("Jump to previous song or restart if near the beginning")),
        ("force-previous", _("Jump to previous song")),
        ("play", _("Start playback")),
        ("pause", _("Pause playback")),
        ("play-pause", _("Toggle play/pause mode")),
        ("stop", _("Stop playback")),
        ("volume-up", _("Turn up volume")),
        ("volume-down", _("Turn down volume")),
        ("status", _("Print player status")),
        ("hide-window", _("Hide main window")),
        ("show-window", _("Show main window")),
        ("toggle-window", _("Toggle main window visibility")),
        ("focus", _("Focus the running player")),
        ("unfilter", _("Remove active browser filters")),
        ("refresh", _("Refresh and rescan library")),
        ("print-playlist", _("Print the current playlist")),
        ("print-queue", _("Print the contents of the queue")),
        ("no-plugins", _("Start without plugins")),
        ("quit", _("Exit Quod Libet")),
        ]: options.add(opt, help=help)

    for opt, help, arg in [
        ("seek", _("Seek within the playing song"), _("[+|-][HH:]MM:SS")),
        ("order", _("Set or toggle the playback order"),
        ("repeat", _("Turn repeat off, on, or toggle it"), "0|1|t"),
        ("volume", _("Set the volume"), "(+|-|)0..100"),
        ("query", _("Search your audio library"), _("query")),
        ("play-file", _("Play a file"), Q_("command|filename")),
        ("set-rating", _("Rate the playing song"), "0.0..1.0"),
        ("set-browser", _("Set the current browser"), "BrowserName"),
        ("open-browser", _("Open a new browser"), "BrowserName"),
        ("queue", _("Show or hide the queue"), "on|off|t"),
        ("song-list", _("Show or hide the main song list"), "on|off|t"),
        ("random", _("Filter on a random value"), Q_("command|tag")),
        ("filter", _("Filter on a tag value"), _("tag=value")),
        ("enqueue", _("Enqueue a file or query"), "%s|%s" % (
            Q_("command|filename"), _("query"))),
        ("enqueue-files", _("Enqueue comma-separated files"), "%s[,%s..]" % (
            _("filename"), _("filename"))),
        ("print-query", _("Print filenames of results of query to stdout"), 
        ("unqueue", _("Unqueue a file or query"), "%s|%s" % (
            Q_("command|filename"), _("query"))),
        ]: options.add(opt, help=help, arg=arg)

    options.add("sm-config-prefix", arg="dummy")
    options.add("sm-client-id", arg="prefix")
    options.add("screen", arg="dummy")

    def is_vol(str):
        if str[0] in '+-':
            if len(str) == 1: return True
            str = str[1:]
        return str.isdigit()
    def is_time(str):
        if str[0] not in "+-0123456789": return False
        elif str[0] in "+-": str = str[1:]
        parts = str.split(":")
        if len(parts) > 3: return False
        else: return not (False in [p.isdigit() for p in parts])
    def is_float(str):
        try: float(str)
        except ValueError: return False
        else: return True

    validators = {
        "order": ["0", "1", "t", "toggle", "inorder", "shuffle",
                  "weighted", "onesong"].__contains__,
        "repeat": ["0", "1", "t", "on", "off", "toggle"].__contains__,
        "volume": is_vol,
        "seek": is_time,
        "set-rating": is_float,

    opts, args = options.parse()
    for command, arg in opts.items():
        if command in controls: control(command)
        elif command in controls_opt:
            if command in validators and not validators[command](arg):
                print_e(_("Invalid argument for '%s'.") % command)
                print_e(_("Try %s --help.") % sys.argv[0])
            else: control(command + " " + arg)
        elif command == "status": print_fifo("status")
        elif command == "print-playlist": print_fifo("dump-playlist")
        elif command == "print-queue": print_fifo("dump-queue")
        elif command == "volume-up": control("volume +")
        elif command == "volume-down": control("volume -")
        elif command == "enqueue" or command == "unqueue":
                filename = URI(arg).filename
            except ValueError:
                filename = arg
            control(command + " " + filename)
        elif command == "enqueue-files":
            control(command + " " + arg)
        elif command == "play-file":
                filename = URI(arg).filename
            except ValueError:
                filename = os.path.abspath(util.expanduser(arg))
            if os.path.isdir(filename): control("add-directory " + filename)
            else: control("add-file " + filename)
        elif command == "print-playing":
            try: print_playing(args[0])
            except IndexError: print_playing()
        elif command == "print-query":
        elif command == "start-playing":
            global play
            play = True
        elif command == "no-plugins":
            global no_plugins
            no_plugins = True