コード例 #1
ファイル: test_util_trash.py プロジェクト: weblate/quodlibet
 def test_use_trash_is_true_by_default_on_posix(self):
     old_os_name = os.name
     old_sys_platform = sys.platform
         os.name = 'posix'
         sys.platform = 'linux'
         if not is_flatpak():
         os.name = old_os_name
         sys.platform = old_sys_platform
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_player_gst.py プロジェクト: LudoBike/quodlibet
        l = {"~#foo": 42, "bar": 42, "~#bla": u"42"}
        self.failUnless("~#foo" in sanitize_tags(l))
        self.failUnless("~#bar" in sanitize_tags(l))
        self.failUnless("bla" in sanitize_tags(l))

        l = {}
        l["extended-comment"] = [u"location=1", u"website=2", u"website=3"]
        l = parse_gstreamer_taglist(l)
        l = sanitize_tags(l)["website"].split("\n")
        self.failUnless("1" in l)
        self.failUnless("2" in l)
        self.failUnless("3" in l)

@skipUnless(Gst, "GStreamer missing")
@skipUnless(sys.platform == "darwin" or os.name == "nt" or is_flatpak(),
            "no control over gst")
class TGStreamerCodecs(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):

    def tearDown(self):

    def _check(self, song):
        old_threshold = Gst.debug_get_default_threshold()

        pipeline = Gst.parse_launch(
            "uridecodebin uri=%s ! fakesink" % song("~uri"))
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_player_gst.py プロジェクト: sahwar/quodlibet
        l = {"~#foo": 42, "bar": 42, "~#bla": u"42"}
        self.failUnless("~#foo" in sanitize_tags(l))
        self.failUnless("~#bar" in sanitize_tags(l))
        self.failUnless("bla" in sanitize_tags(l))

        l = {}
        l["extended-comment"] = [u"location=1", u"website=2", u"website=3"]
        l = parse_gstreamer_taglist(l)
        l = sanitize_tags(l)["website"].split("\n")
        self.failUnless("1" in l)
        self.failUnless("2" in l)
        self.failUnless("3" in l)

@skipUnless(Gst, "GStreamer missing")
@skipUnless(sys.platform == "darwin" or os.name == "nt" or is_flatpak(),
            "no control over gst")
class TGStreamerCodecs(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

    def tearDown(self):

    def _check(self, song):
        old_threshold = Gst.debug_get_default_threshold()

        pipeline = Gst.parse_launch("uridecodebin uri=%s ! fakesink" %
        bus = pipeline.get_bus()
コード例 #4
def init_test_environ():
    """This needs to be called before any test can be run.

    Before exiting the process call exit_test_environ() to clean up
    any resources created.


    # create a user dir in /tmp and set env vars
    _TEMP_DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=fsnative(u"QL-TEST-"))

    # needed for dbus/dconf
    runtime_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=fsnative(u"RUNTIME-"), dir=_TEMP_DIR)
    os.chmod(runtime_dir, 0o700)
    environ["XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"] = runtime_dir

    # force the old cache dir so that GStreamer can re-use the GstRegistry
    # cache file
    environ["XDG_CACHE_HOME"] = xdg_get_cache_home()
    # GStreamer will update the cache if the environment has changed
    # (in Gst.init()). Since it takes 0.5s here and doesn't add much,
    # disable it. If the registry cache is missing it will be created
    # despite this setting.
    environ["GST_REGISTRY_UPDATE"] = fsnative(u"no")

    # In flatpak we might get a registry from a different/old flatpak build
    # when testing new versions etc. Better always update in that case.
    if util.is_flatpak():
        del environ["GST_REGISTRY_UPDATE"]

    # set HOME and remove all XDG vars that default to it if not set
    home_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=fsnative(u"HOME-"), dir=_TEMP_DIR)
    environ["HOME"] = home_dir

    # set to new default
    environ.pop("XDG_DATA_HOME", None)
    environ.pop("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", None)

    # don't use dconf
    environ["GSETTINGS_BACKEND"] = "memory"

    # don't use dconf
    environ["GSETTINGS_BACKEND"] = "memory"

    # Force the default theme so broken themes don't affect the tests
    environ["GTK_THEME"] = "Adwaita"

    if xvfbwrapper is not None:
        _VDISPLAY = xvfbwrapper.Xvfb()

    _BUS_INFO = None
    if os.name != "nt" and sys.platform != "darwin":
        _BUS_INFO = dbus_launch_user()

    quodlibet.init(no_translations=True, no_excepthook=True)
    quodlibet.app.name = "QL Tests"

    # try to make things the same in case a different locale is active.
    # LANG for gettext, setlocale for number formatting etc.
    # Note: setlocale has to be called after Gtk.init()
        if os.name != "nt":
            environ["LANG"] = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8")
            environ["LANG"] = "en_US.utf8"
            locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "english")
    except locale.Error: