コード例 #1
    def test_issue_451(self):
        from qupulse.pulses import TablePT, SequencePT, AtomicMultiChannelPT

        gates_template = TablePT({'gate': [(0, 1), (60 * 1e3, 2, 'hold')]})
        input_variables = {'period': float(gates_template.duration), 'uptime': 0}
        marker_sequence = (TablePT({'m': [(0, 1), ('uptime', 0), ('period', 0)]}), input_variables)

        combined_template = AtomicMultiChannelPT(gates_template, marker_sequence)

        marker_sequence2 = TablePT({'m': [(0, 1), (0, 0), (gates_template.duration, 0)]})
        combined_template2 = AtomicMultiChannelPT(gates_template, marker_sequence2)
コード例 #2
 def test_regression_sequencept_with_mappingpt(self):
     t1 = TablePT({'C1': [(0, 0), (100, 0)], 'C2': [(0, 1), (100, 1)]})
     t2 = ConstantPulseTemplate(200, {'C1': 2, 'C2': 3})
     qupulse_template = SequencePulseTemplate(t1, t2)
     channel_mapping = {'C1': None, 'C2': 'C2'}
     p = MappingPT(qupulse_template, channel_mapping=channel_mapping)
     self.assertEqual(p.defined_channels, {'C2'})
コード例 #3
 def setUp(self) -> None:
     # define some building blocks
     self.sin_pt = FunctionPT('sin(omega*t)', 't_duration', channel='X')
     self.cos_pt = FunctionPT('sin(omega*t)', 't_duration', channel='Y')
     self.exp_pt = AtomicMultiChannelPT(self.sin_pt, self.cos_pt)
     self.tpt = TablePT({'X': [(0, 0), (3., 4.), ('t_duration', 2., 'linear')],
                         'Y': [(0, 1.), ('t_y', 5.), ('t_duration', 0., 'linear')]})
     self.complex_pt = RepetitionPT(self.tpt, 5) @ self.exp_pt
     self.parameters = dict(t_duration=10, omega=3.14*2/10, t_y=3.4)
コード例 #4
    def hold(name):
        """Creates a DC offset qupulse template for sequencing.

            name (str): The user defined name of the sequence.

            TablePT: The sequence with the wait pulse.
        return TablePT({name: [(0, 'offset'), ('period', 'offset')]})
コード例 #5
ファイル: templates.py プロジェクト: q4quanta/qtt
    def marker(name):
        """Creates a TTL pulse qupulse template for sequencing.

            name (str): The user defined name of the sequence.

            TablePT: The sequence with the wait pulse.
        return TablePT({name: [(0, 0), ('offset', 1),
                               ('offset+uptime', 0), ('period', 0)]})
コード例 #6
ファイル: templates.py プロジェクト: q4quanta/qtt
    def square(name):
        """ Creates a block wave qupulse template for sequencing.

            name (str): The user defined name of the sequence.

            TablePT: The template with the square wave.
        return TablePT({name: [(0, 0), ('period/4', 'amplitude'),
                               ('period*3/4', 0), ('period', 0)]})
コード例 #7
    def test_regression_template_combination(self):
        old_value = qupulse.utils.sympy.SYMPY_DURATION_ERROR_MARGIN

            qupulse.utils.sympy.SYMPY_DURATION_ERROR_MARGIN = 1e-9
            duration_in_seconds = 2e-6
            full_template = ConstantPulseTemplate(duration=duration_in_seconds * 1e9, amplitude_dict={'C1': 1.1})
            duration_in_seconds_derived = 1e-9 * full_template.duration
            marker_pulse = TablePT({'marker': [(0, 0), (duration_in_seconds_derived * 1e9, 0)]})
            full_template = AtomicMultiChannelPT(full_template, marker_pulse)
            qupulse.utils.sympy.SYMPY_DURATION_ERROR_MARGIN = old_value
コード例 #8
ファイル: templates.py プロジェクト: q4quanta/qtt
    def sawtooth(name):
        """ Creates a sawtooth qupulse template for sequencing.

            name (str): The user defined name of the sequence.

            TablePT: The sequence with the sawtooth wave.
        return TablePT({name: [(0, 0), ('period*(1-width)/2', '-amplitude', 'linear'),
                               ('period*(1-(1-width)/2)', 'amplitude', 'linear'),
                               ('period', 0, 'linear')]})
コード例 #9
ファイル: templates.py プロジェクト: QuTech-Delft/qtt
    def sawtooth(name, padding=0):
        """ Creates a sawtooth qupulse template for sequencing.

            name (str): The user defined name of the sequence.
            padding (float): Padding to add at the end of the sawtooth

            TablePT: The sequence with the sawtooth wave.
        tbl = [(0, 0), ('period*(1-width)/2', '-amplitude', 'linear'),
               ('period*(1-(1-width)/2)', 'amplitude', 'linear'),
               ('period', 0, 'linear')]
        if padding > 0:
            tbl += [(f'period+{padding}', 0, 'hold')]
        return TablePT({name: tbl})
コード例 #10
ファイル: templates.py プロジェクト: QuTech-Delft/qtt
    def rollover_marker(name):
        """Creates a TTL pulse qupulse template for sequencing that rolls over to the subsequent period.

            ---------         ----------
                     |        |
                     |        |
            <--------> uptime <--------->

            name (str): The user defined name of the sequence.

            TablePT: The sequence with the marker pulse and rollover part of the pulse.
        return TablePT({
            name: [(0, 1), ('offset + uptime - period', 0), ('offset', 1),
                   ('period', 1)]
コード例 #11
    def get_pulse_template(self) -> PulseTemplate:
        fpt = FunctionPT('sin(omega*t)',
                         measurements=[('M', 0, 't_duration')])
        tpt = TablePT(
                'Y': [(0, 'a'), ('t_duration', 2)],
                'Z': [('t_duration', 1)]
            measurements=[('N', 0, 't_duration/2')])
        mpt = MappingPT(fpt,
                        parameter_mapping={'omega': '2*pi/t_duration'},

        ampt = AtomicMultiChannelPT(mpt, tpt)
        body = ampt @ ampt
        rpt = RepetitionPT(body, 'N_rep', measurements=[('O', 0, 1)])

        forpt = ForLoopPT(rpt, 'a', '6')

        final = SequencePT(rpt, forpt)
        return final
コード例 #12
ファイル: templates.py プロジェクト: QuTech-Delft/qtt
    def skewed_sawtooth(name):
        r""" Creates a skewed sawtooth qupulse template for sequencing.
        This pulse is symmetric, has total integral zero and right at period/2 it
        has amplitude 0 and a sharp corner.

        A visual representation of the waveform is:

          A     /\              /\
               /  \            /  \
          0   /    \    /\    /    \
                    \  /  \  /
         -A          \/    \/
        T is period and A is the amplitude. Negative amplitude will produce an inverted pulse.

            name (str): The user defined name of the sequence.

            TablePT: The sequence with the skewed sawtooth wave.
                     Parameters of the pulse template are the `amplitude` and `period`.
        return TablePT({
            name: [(0, 0), ('period/6', 'amplitude', 'linear'),
                   ('period/3', '-amplitude', 'linear'),
                   ('period/2', 0, 'linear'),
                   ('period*2/3', '-amplitude', 'linear'),
                   ('period*5/6', 'amplitude', 'linear'),
                   ('period', 0, 'linear')]
コード例 #13

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from qupulse.pulses import TablePT, SequencePT, RepetitionPT
    hdawg = HDAWGRepresentation(device_serial='dev8075',

    entry_list1 = [(0, 0), (20, .2, 'hold'), (40, .3, 'linear'),
                   (80, 0, 'jump')]
    entry_list2 = [(0, 0), (20, -.2, 'hold'), (40, -.3, 'linear'),
                   (50, 0, 'jump')]
    entry_list3 = [(0, 0), (20, -.2, 'linear'), (50, -.3, 'linear'),
                   (70, 0, 'jump')]
    tpt1 = TablePT({
        0: entry_list1,
        1: entry_list2
                   measurements=[('m', 20, 30)])
    tpt2 = TablePT({0: entry_list2, 1: entry_list1})
    tpt3 = TablePT({
        0: entry_list3,
        1: entry_list2
                   measurements=[('m', 10, 50)])
    rpt = RepetitionPT(tpt1, 4)
    spt = SequencePT(tpt2, rpt)
    rpt2 = RepetitionPT(spt, 2)
    spt2 = SequencePT(rpt2, tpt3)
    p = spt2.create_program()

    ch = (0, 1)
コード例 #14
ファイル: zihdawg.py プロジェクト: qutech-lab/qupulse
def example_upload(hdawg_kwargs: dict, channels: Set[int], markers: Set[Tuple[int, int]]):  # pragma: no cover
    from qupulse.pulses import TablePT, SequencePT, RepetitionPT
    if isinstance(hdawg_kwargs, dict):
        hdawg = HDAWGRepresentation(**hdawg_kwargs)
        hdawg = hdawg_kwargs

    assert not set(channels) - set(range(8)), "Channels must be in 0..=7"
    channels = sorted(channels)

    required_channels = {*channels, *(ch for ch, _ in markers)}
    channel_group = get_group_for_channels(hdawg, required_channels)
    channel_group_channels = range(channel_group.awg_group_index * channel_group.num_channels,
                                   (channel_group.awg_group_index + 1) * channel_group.num_channels)

    # choose length based on minimal sample rate
    sample_rate = channel_group.sample_rate / 10**9
    min_t = channel_group.MIN_WAVEFORM_LEN / sample_rate
    quant_t = channel_group.WAVEFORM_LEN_QUANTUM / sample_rate

    assert min_t > 4 * quant_t, "Example not updated"

    entry_list1 = [(0, 0), (quant_t * 2, .2, 'hold'),    (min_t,  .3, 'linear'),   (min_t + 3*quant_t, 0, 'jump')]
    entry_list2 = [(0, 0), (quant_t * 3, -.2, 'hold'),   (min_t, -.3, 'linear'),  (min_t + 4*quant_t, 0, 'jump')]
    entry_list3 = [(0, 0), (quant_t * 1, -.2, 'linear'), (min_t, -.3, 'linear'), (2*min_t, 0, 'jump')]
    entry_lists = [entry_list1, entry_list2, entry_list3]

    entry_dict1 = {ch: entry_lists[:2][i % 2] for i, ch in enumerate(channels)}
    entry_dict2 = {ch: entry_lists[1::-1][i % 2] for i, ch in enumerate(channels)}
    entry_dict3 = {ch: entry_lists[2:0:-1][i % 2] for i, ch in enumerate(channels)}

    tpt1 = TablePT(entry_dict1, measurements=[('m', 20, 30)])
    tpt2 = TablePT(entry_dict2)
    tpt3 = TablePT(entry_dict3, measurements=[('m', 10, 50)])
    rpt = RepetitionPT(tpt1, 4)
    spt = SequencePT(tpt2, rpt)
    rpt2 = RepetitionPT(spt, 2)
    spt2 = SequencePT(rpt2, tpt3)
    p = spt2.create_program()

    upload_ch = tuple(ch if ch in channels else None
                      for ch in channel_group_channels)
    upload_mk = (None,) * channel_group.num_markers
    upload_vt = (lambda x: x,) * channel_group.num_channels

    channel_group.upload('pulse_test1', p, upload_ch, upload_mk, upload_vt)

    if markers:
        markers = sorted(markers)
        assert len(markers) == len(set(markers))
        channel_group_markers = tuple((ch, mk)
                                      for ch in channel_group_channels
                                      for mk in (0, 1))

        full_on = [(0, 1), (min_t, 1)]
        two_3rd = [(0, 1), (min_t*2/3, 0), (min_t, 0)]
        one_3rd = [(0, 0), (min_t*2/3, 1), (min_t, 1)]

        marker_start = TablePT({'m0': full_on, 'm1': full_on})
        marker_body = TablePT({'m0': two_3rd, 'm1': one_3rd})

        marker_test_pulse = marker_start @ RepetitionPT(marker_body, 10000)

        marker_program = marker_test_pulse.create_program()

        upload_ch = (None, ) * channel_group.num_channels
        upload_mk = tuple(f"m{mk}" if (ch, mk) in markers else None
                          for (ch, mk) in channel_group_markers)

        channel_group.upload('marker_test', marker_program, upload_ch, upload_mk, upload_vt)

        while True:
            for program in channel_group.programs:
                print(f'playing {program}')
                while not channel_group.was_current_program_finished():
                    print(f'waiting for {program} to finish')
コード例 #15
ファイル: zihdawg.py プロジェクト: zea2/qupulse
def example_upload(hdawg_kwargs: dict, channels: Set[int],
                   markers: Set[Tuple[int, int]]):
    from qupulse.pulses import TablePT, SequencePT, RepetitionPT
    if isinstance(hdawg_kwargs, dict):
        hdawg = HDAWGRepresentation(**hdawg_kwargs)
        hdawg = hdawg_kwargs

    assert not set(channels) - set(range(8)), "Channels must be in 0..=7"
    channels = sorted(channels)

    channel_tuples = [
        ct for i, ct in enumerate(hdawg.channel_tuples)
        if i * 2 in channels or i * 2 + 1 in channels
    assert channel_tuples

    # choose length based on minimal sample rate
    min_sr = min(ct.sample_rate for ct in channel_tuples) / 10**9
    min_t = channel_tuples[0].MIN_WAVEFORM_LEN / min_sr
    quant_t = channel_tuples[0].WAVEFORM_LEN_QUANTUM / min_sr

    assert min_t > 4 * quant_t, "Example not updated"

    entry_list1 = [(0, 0), (quant_t * 2, .2, 'hold'), (min_t, .3, 'linear'),
                   (min_t + 3 * quant_t, 0, 'jump')]
    entry_list2 = [(0, 0), (quant_t * 3, -.2, 'hold'), (min_t, -.3, 'linear'),
                   (min_t + 4 * quant_t, 0, 'jump')]
    entry_list3 = [(0, 0), (quant_t * 1, -.2, 'linear'),
                   (min_t, -.3, 'linear'), (2 * min_t, 0, 'jump')]
    entry_lists = [entry_list1, entry_list2, entry_list3]

    entry_dict1 = {ch: entry_lists[:2][i % 2] for i, ch in enumerate(channels)}
    entry_dict2 = {
        ch: entry_lists[1::-1][i % 2]
        for i, ch in enumerate(channels)
    entry_dict3 = {
        ch: entry_lists[2:0:-1][i % 2]
        for i, ch in enumerate(channels)

    tpt1 = TablePT(entry_dict1, measurements=[('m', 20, 30)])
    tpt2 = TablePT(entry_dict2)
    tpt3 = TablePT(entry_dict3, measurements=[('m', 10, 50)])
    rpt = RepetitionPT(tpt1, 4)
    spt = SequencePT(tpt2, rpt)
    rpt2 = RepetitionPT(spt, 2)
    spt2 = SequencePT(rpt2, tpt3)
    p = spt2.create_program()

    # use HardwareSetup for this
    for ct in channel_tuples:
        i = hdawg.channel_tuples.index(ct)
        ch = tuple(ch if ch in channels else None for ch in (2 * i, 2 * i + 1))
        mk = (None, None, None, None)
        vt = (lambda x: x, lambda x: x)
        ct.upload('pulse_test1', p, ch, mk, vt)

    for ct in channel_tuples:

    # channel_tuples[0].run_current_program()

    if markers:
        markers = sorted(markers)
        assert len(markers) == len(set(markers))

        channel_tuples = []
        for ch, m in markers:
            assert ch in range(8)
            assert m in (0, 1)
            ct = hdawg.channel_tuples[ch // 2]
            if ct not in channel_tuples:

        full_on = [(0, 1), (min_t, 1)]
        two_3rd = [(0, 1), (min_t * 2 / 3, 0), (min_t, 0)]
        one_3rd = [(0, 0), (min_t * 2 / 3, 1), (min_t, 1)]

        marker_start = TablePT({'m1': full_on, 'm2': full_on})
        marker_body = TablePT({'m1': two_3rd, 'm2': one_3rd})

        marker_test_pulse = marker_start @ RepetitionPT(marker_body, 10000)

        marker_program = marker_test_pulse.create_program()

        for ct in channel_tuples:
            i = hdawg.channel_tuples.index(ct)
            ch = (None, None)
            mk = ('m1' if (i * 2, 0) in markers else None, 'm2' if
                  (i * 2, 1) in markers else None, 'm1' if
                  (i * 2 + 1, 0) in markers else None, 'm2' if
                  (i * 2 + 1, 1) in markers else None)
            vt = (lambda x: x, lambda x: x)
            ct.upload('marker_test', marker_program, ch, mk, vt)

コード例 #16
ファイル: templates.py プロジェクト: QuTech-Delft/qtt
 def pulse_table(name, entries):
     return TablePT({name: entries})
コード例 #17
ファイル: VolatileParameters.py プロジェクト: zea2/qupulse
            playback_name = '{name}_{ch_name}'.format(name=awg_name, ch_name=ch_name)
            hardware_setup.set_channel(playback_name, PlaybackChannel(channel_pair, ch_i))
            hardware_setup.set_channel(playback_name + '_MARKER', MarkerChannel(channel_pair, ch_i))
    awg_channel = channel_pairs[0]

    ValueError('Unknown AWG')

""" Create three simple pulses and put them together to a PulseTemplate called dnp """

plus = [(0, 0), ('ta', 'va', 'hold'), ('tb', 'vb', 'linear'), ('tend', 0, 'jump')]
minus = [(0, 0), ('ta', '-va', 'hold'), ('tb', '-vb', 'linear'), ('tend', 0, 'jump')]

zero_pulse = PointPT([(0, 0), ('tend', 0)], ('X', 'Y'))
plus_pulse = TablePT(entries={'X': plus, 'Y': plus})
minus_pulse = TablePT(entries={'X': minus, 'Y': minus})

dnp = RepetitionPT(minus_pulse, 'n_minus') @ RepetitionPT(zero_pulse, 'n_zero') @ RepetitionPT(plus_pulse, 'n_plus')

""" Create a program dnp with the number of pulse repetitions as volatile parameters """

sample_rate = awg_channel.sample_rate / 10**9
n_quant = 192
t_quant = n_quant / sample_rate

dnp_prog = dnp.create_program(parameters=dict(tend=float(t_quant), ta=float(t_quant/3), tb=float(2*t_quant/3),
                                              va=0.12, vb=0.25, n_minus=3, n_zero=3, n_plus=3),
                              channel_mapping={'X': '{}_A'.format(awg_name), 'Y': '{}_B'.format(awg_name)},
                              volatile={'n_minus', 'n_zero', 'n_plus'})