コード例 #1
class TestCliffordGroup:
    Test a sufficient set of conditions to prove that we have a full Clifford
    group for a single qubit.
    clifford = list(gates.qubit_clifford_group())
    pauli = [qutip.qeye(2), qutip.sigmax(), qutip.sigmay(), qutip.sigmaz()]

    def test_single_qubit_group_dimension_is_24(self):
        assert len(self.clifford) == 24

    def test_all_elements_different(self):
        clifford = [_remove_global_phase(gate) for gate in self.clifford]
        for i, gate in enumerate(clifford):
            for other in clifford[i + 1:]:
                # Big tolerance because we actually want to test the inverse.
                assert not np.allclose(gate.full(), other.full(), atol=1e-3)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("gate", gates.qubit_clifford_group())
    def test_gate_normalises_pauli_group(self, gate):
        Test the fundamental definition of the Clifford group, i.e. that it
        normalises the Pauli group.
        # Assert that each Clifford gate maps the set of Pauli gates back onto
        # itself (though not necessarily in order).  This condition is no
        # stronger than simply considering each (gate, Pauli) pair separately.
        pauli_gates = [_remove_global_phase(x) for x in self.pauli]
        normalised = [
            _remove_global_phase(gate * pauli * gate.dag())
            for pauli in self.pauli
        for gate in normalised:
            for i, pauli in enumerate(pauli_gates):
                if np.allclose(gate.full(), pauli.full(), atol=1e-10):
                    del pauli_gates[i]
        assert len(pauli_gates) == 0
コード例 #2
 def test_are_cliffords(self):
     for U in qubit_clifford_group():
コード例 #3
 def test_clifford_group_len(self):
     assert_(len(list(qubit_clifford_group())) == 24)